Killing the Immortal Emperor

“Not long after we separated, three immortal emperors came to look for Chu Liangchuan. After they found me, they didn’t care about Chu Liangchuan’s life or death. They just asked where his ring was? I didn’t know who got it…” Chen Hepeng told Gu Xiangfei what happened.

After listening to Chen Hepeng’s words, Gu Xiangfei immediately understood that the three immortal emperors were looking for the Great Suiyue Technique and Suiyueguo. Three immortal emperors came out at once. This sect must not be a small sect. They lost two immortals. God, I will definitely come here again, maybe I am already on the way now.

“There is going to be a big battle here soon, captain, you leave here quickly, you can’t help, lest you lose your life in vain, we will meet again in the future if we are destined, I will go first.” Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, before Chen Hepeng said goodbye to him, Dodge into the domain city.

Chen Hepeng knew that Gu Xiangfei would not lie to him, and originally wanted to say goodbye to Gu Xiangfei, but Gu Xiangfei had already gone away, so he saluted Gu Xiangfei’s back, turned around and left.

Gu Xiangfei directly entered the domain city, came to the city wall, took out the formation flag and continued to break in. Soon the monks in the city discovered his movements, and someone immediately reported to the Immortal Emperors of the three major alliances.

The immortal emperors of the three major alliances were shocked when they heard that someone had set up formations in Yucheng, and immediately came out of the station. The immortal emperors of the three major alliances joined and flew over to the city wall.

These immortal emperors had just arrived at the city wall, suddenly! “Boom!” A continuous sound sounded, and the defensive array of the entire domain city was activated to defend the domain city.

“Ninth-level defensive formation? This man is the king of the ninth-level formation.” Among the three major alliances, Immortal Emperor Tairen of the Danhui Alliance exclaimed.

“What? Ninth-level defensive formation? Ninth-level formation king? Brother Tai, what you said is true?” Immortal Emperor Taihe of the Tianhe Alliance was also taken aback, and hurriedly asked Immortal Emperor Tairen.

“So the monks who set up the defensive formation are helping us to control the city?” Immortal Tai Nong of the Land King Alliance was overjoyed. They had always wanted to set up a ninth-level defensive formation, but unfortunately they did not find the ninth-level formation king. The highest formation king in the city is only an eighth-level formation king.

“That’s right. It’s a level nine defensive formation. He’s still arranging the formation. Let’s not disturb him. We’ll invite him after the arrangement is complete.” Immortal Emperor Tairen raised his hand to stop the other two from going to say hello to the Immortal Emperor.

An hour later, “Boom!” There was another continuous sound, “Nine-level trapping and killing array!” Immortal Emperor Tairen became excited. With these two arrays, more than a dozen immortal emperors came There is no need to worry about the destruction of the domain city, as long as there is enough fairy spirit energy to support it, no one will be able to blast away the defensive formation.

“May I ask what the name of the immortal friend is? Why did you arrange these two large formations?” Immortal Emperor Tairen saw Gu Xiangfei falling from mid-air, and hurried over to ask. Immortal Emperor Taihe and Immortal Tainong also flew over in a hurry.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei. The reason why I set up a large formation is to deal with the powerful enemies who are about to attack. I don’t know who killed those two immortal emperors? And can you tell me which sect they belong to?” Gu Xiangfei thought Use Yucheng to kill a group of invading enemies first, and then go to destroy their sects. He has destroyed several sects and has rich experience.

“It turned out to be King Guzhen. I am Immortal Emperor Tairen of the Danhui Alliance. These two are Immortal Emperor Tainong of the Alliance of Earth Kings and Immortal Emperor Taihe of the Alliance of Tianhe. The two immortal emperors we killed came from Yuqing Tianyu Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, this sect is very powerful in Yuqingtian, the sect has millions of disciples, the emperor has thirty-nine, but there are still thirty-seven now, I heard that they are in the God Realm There are also sects.” Immortal Emperor Tairen introduced the other two immortal emperors to Gu Xiangfei, and then explained the origins of those two immortal emperors clearly.

“Jiuyuan Taoist Palace! Very good, I understand, thank you Immortal Emperor Tairen for letting me know, boom…” As soon as Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, Yucheng’s defensive formation was bombarded.

“Here we come, just kill a group first.” Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness swept across, there were eighteen immortal emperors outside Yucheng, with a hundred thousand disciples of the sects of the realm of immortal kings, immortal kings, and Luo immortals. The defensive formation of Yucheng is being bombarded.

“Not good! There is a nine-level trapped killing formation here, go back quickly!” A formation king of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace saw the trappedThe killing formation was activated, and countless blade lights bombarded over, and immediately shouted loudly.

“Boom…” Countless space blades bombarded these sect disciples, killing and wounding them instantly. Countless dao primordial spirits flew out of their bodies in horror and wanted to escape, but were bombarded and killed by space blades again.

More than 30,000 of the 100,000 disciples of the sect were bombarded and killed in an instant. Most of the immortal kings escaped, and the disciples of the immortal king and Luoxian realm suffered the most.

All the immortal emperors of the three major alliances rushed over, there were twelve immortal emperors in total, seeing that the trapped killing formation killed so many sect disciples in one go, they were shocked at first, then overjoyed, and their confidence was greatly increased. The ninth-level formation king is indeed powerful.

The formation king of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace immediately took out the formation flag, and drove it into the ground continuously, blocking the space blade light that bombarded it.

The leader of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace this time is Immortal Emperor Taixu. He saw that he lost so many sect disciples in one bombardment of the domain city formation. He was shocked and immediately adjusted the sect disciples. Look for the nodes of the large formation, and after finding the nodes, King Peng, you will lead all the immortal emperors to bombard the nodes of the defensive formation, smashing the defensive formation in one fell swoop, and destroying the entire domain city.”

King Peng Zhen is the ninth-level formation king of the sect. At the initial stage of the immortal monarch, after receiving the order of Emperor Taixu, under the protection of two immortal emperors of the sect, he immediately went to the bottom of the city wall to find the nodes to defend the large formation.

“My fellow immortals, just take care of the formation here, and I’ll collect some interest first.” Gu Xiangfei flew to the bottom of the city wall after speaking, and the immortal long knife in his hand skyrocketed under the impetus of the immortal essence, and at the same time, the immortal The emperor’s domain unfolded, and the sky curtain knife formed a large knife net, blasting towards the three immortal emperors and formation kings of Jiuyuan Dao Palace.

The two immortal emperors of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace hurriedly protected King Peng Zhen. At the same time, the Immortal Emperor’s domain expanded, and the half-moon halberd in his hand exploded with the glow of Gu Xiangfei’s saber.

“Boom!” The three celestial bodies clashed together, and the three retreated a hundred feet at the same time. Gu Xiangfei was bombarded by two celestial bodies, and the celestial bodies in his body couldn’t stop rolling, and he retreated a thousand feet.

Adjusting the breath of the immortal essence that was rolling in the body, after a few breaths, the sword light in his hand soared ten thousand zhang, merged with a ray of great destruction, and then slammed at the two immortal emperors, and at the same time he raised his hand and punched the formation king, attracting the two An immortal emperor to protect the ninth-level formation king.

The two immortal emperors of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace were blown back a hundred feet by Gu Xiangfei, and they were shocked. This immortal emperor’s mid-stage immortal essence was able to blow them back a hundred feet. Although he was not injured, the immortal essence in his body was not bad I was tumbling, and I hurriedly exercised my energy to adjust my breath.

After a few breaths, I saw that Gu Xiangfei bombarded them again, without any trace of injury, and immediately knew that this immortal emperor was still an immortal emperor who practiced body exercises, and his body could withstand the bombardment of two immortal emperors, so he must have cultivated to the point of Dacheng realm.

“Boom!” The three immortals exploded together again, Gu Xiangfei was blown back thousands of feet, and the immortals in his body rolled up, and the benefits of practicing body exercises are now revealed, without any lingering, and the blade light in his hand skyrocketed again, joining a The aura of the Great Destruction Technique blasted towards the two immortal emperors.

After the two immortal emperors of the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace were sent back hundreds of feet for the second time, they felt that not only the immortal essence was rolling in their bodies, but also there was a ray of destruction in their bodies, which was destroying their meridians. The two were shocked, what is this? thing? It can actually destroy meridians.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei blasting towards them again, the two ignored the meridians, and hurriedly adjusted the half-moon halberd in Xianyuan’s hand. Most of it was lost, and the immortal essence was gradually destroyed. The two of them were taken aback, and a thought suddenly popped up in their hearts, “Great Destruction Technique.”

With a sound of “Boom!”, the two immortal emperors of Jiuyuan Dao Palace were instantly smashed to pieces, and the primordial spirit was swept away by the aura of destruction and turned into nothingness.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the rings of the two immortal emperors, raised his hand and punched King Peng Zhen.

The first bombardment of King Pengzhen was intercepted and ordered by two immortal emperors. He was still waiting for the two immortal emperors to kill the immortal emperor, and continued to search for the nodes of the grand formation, so he did not leave here. After being killed, he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to.

With a sound of “Boom!”, King Peng Zhen was shattered, even the primordial spirit was shattered, putting away King Peng Zhen’s ring, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched the four immortal emperors flying towards him, and then Dodge into the domain city.

Immortal Emperor Taixu of Jiuyuan Dao Palace saw that Gu Xiangfei killed the two immortal emperors of the sect, and also killed the ninth-level formation king of the sect, he was furious, and immediately ordered the four immortal emperors to kill Gu Xiangfei .

“The king of the Gu formation is mighty! Hahaha…” Immortal Emperor Tairen saw that Gu Xiangfei beheaded two immortal emperors and a ninth-level formation king from Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, and then entered Yucheng unscathed. Cheers.

“The king of the Gu formation is mighty…” The other twelve immortal emperors also shouted loudly. They were also shocked by Gu Xiangfei’s methods. One immortal emperor fought two immortal emperors and killed them, and killed a ninth-level formation Wang, the defensive formation of this domain city is safer.

“I collected some interest first, all the immortal friends don’t have to do this, Gu is ashamed.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists to all the immortal emperors, and borrowed their place to resist Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. It is rare that these immortal emperors did not capture him and hand him over to Jiuyuan Yuandao Palace, Gu Xiangfei should thank you.

He didn’t know that these immortal emperors also wanted to capture him and hand him over to the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. It was only later that they saw that he was a ninth-level formation king, and these immortal emperors changed their minds.

No matter what, everyone is doing it for profit. It can be said that it doesn’t matter whether they are using each other or fighting against each other. Anyway, for the time being, everyone gets along pretty well.

After Immortal Emperor Taixu saw Gu Xiangfei fleeing into the domain city, he was furious. Now that there is no King Peng Zhen, if the domain city were to attack forcefully, the loss would definitely be huge.It may not be possible to blast through this large defensive formation.

Immortal Emperor Taixu can only report the situation here to Suzerain Immortal Emperor Taixuan, and ask for instructions on what to do next. Should they send the formation king, or should they return to the sect?

Immortal Emperor Taixuan, the owner of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, was furious after receiving the communication talisman, and immediately sent Huang Zongdao, the last ninth-level formation king of the sect, to Yucheng to break the formation. It was impossible for them to retreat. The face of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace cannot be lost.

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