Destroy the Ten Thousand Swords School

Mu Fengyang was guarding the Wandao Sect’s gate, and within less than a stick of incense, he saw the Wandao Sect’s protective formation shake a few times, and the protective formation turned into a trapping and killing formation. Dao Zong was trapped in the formation.

The eldest brother is really powerful. He actually changed the ninth-level guarding formation into a trapping and killing formation. This time, the Wandaozong is about to die. He suddenly remembered that the Yuqingtian Jiuyuan Taoist Palace was also trapped and destroyed by the trapping and killing formation. Yes, could it be that the Jiuyuan Dao Palace was also destroyed by the eldest brother?

The more Mu Fengyang thought about it, the more certain he became that Jiuyuan Taoist Palace was destroyed by Gu Xiangfei.

When Mu Fengyang was thinking wildly, Gu Xiangfei’s voice came, “Come in!”

Mu Fengyang immediately flew into the Wandao Sect, and the scene in front of him almost frightened him to death. Tens of thousands of disciples of the Wandao Sect were all beheaded, and there were mutilated corpses everywhere.

“For those who are not of my race, their hearts must be different. The only way to rest assured is to kill these foreign monks. Don’t be stunned, and quickly search for resources.” Gu Xiangfei’s voice came again.

Mu Fengyang raised his hand and shot a few fireballs, turning these corpses into ashes. He felt uncomfortable looking at these foreign monks.

Two days later, the two came to an undamaged mountain peak, Wan Daozong was raided by them, and now there are only two of them in the entire sect, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, a fairy vein fell into the mountain hall, and took out An isolation formation was set up in the formation flag, so that the fairy energy would not leak out, and the two sat cross-legged on the futon and began to practice.

The news of Wan Dao Zong being wiped out did not spread until half a year later. When the disciples of Wan Dao Zong went out to practice, they found that the sect was trapped in the killing array. They quickly sent messages to their fellow disciples and found the communication beads There was no reply to the message talisman, so I realized that something was wrong, and immediately went to the other three sects for help.

The monks from the three major sects came to the outside of the Wandao Zongmen. Seeing the trapping formation here, they knew that the Wandaozong had been wiped out. They immediately sent a message to the sect heading to the Immortal Realm to report the Wandaozong’s news.

The four major sects that were confronting the Immortal Realm were all startled when they heard the news that Wan Dao Zong had been wiped out. It was a fire in the backyard. Although their own sect was temporarily safe, no one would say anything.

The suzerain of the Wandao Sect has been killed, and now the master is a late-stage monk of the Xianjun. Hearing that the Wandao Zong was destroyed, the late-stage monk of the Xianjun was also very decisive. He immediately disbanded the Wandao Zong and joined another In the three major sects.

The three major sects are naturally willing to accept these disciples of the Wandao Sect, and they will enter each mountain peak of the sect as outer disciples.

After the masters of the three major sects arranged for the disciples of the Wandao Sect, they decided to withdraw from the Immortal World after discussing it. They really couldn’t afford it here, and the sect was facing a crisis in the future, so we should retreat quickly!

As soon as the sects of the Shengyuan Tianyu retreated, they were known by the sects of the three major heavens, and immediately began to chase after them. After the monks of the three major heavens entered the Shengyuan Tianyu, they found that the rules of heaven and earth here are higher than those of the fairy world After reaching a level, he was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly mobilized all the immortal emperors and emperors of the sect to chase and kill them all the way.

Gu Xiangfei’s current cultivation base has been promoted to the third level of the Immortal Emperor, and it is constantly falling, and the realm is constantly improving. He is not relieved until he uses the immortal spirit veins of Shengyuan Tianyu to practice and his cultivation base no longer falls. Yes, knowing that the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu have been reached.

Mu Fengyang is the same as Gu Xiangfei. After he fell from the late stage of the fairy king to the early stage of the fairy king, he began to cultivate according to the rules of the fairy world to the late stage of the fairy king, and then practiced with the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu, and then fell to the early stage of the fairy king. After repeating it several times, I found that if I used the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu to practice again, I would not fall into the realm, so I felt relieved and continued to practice with the rules of Shengyuan Tianyu.

A year later, Gu Xiangfei was promoted to the fourth floor of the Immortal Emperor. He felt that the current fourth floor of the Immortal Emperor was perfectly comparable to the Immortal Emperor in the fairy world, and they had used up more than half of the fairy veins.

Gu Xiangfei stopped his cultivation and took out the Great Shape Changing Technique given to him by Mu Fengyang. He was going to practice this supernatural power first. With the Great Shape Changing Technique, it would be easier to do things in the future. When running away, if he couldn’t escape, he could transform into Any item, this supernatural power is simply the best supernatural power for escaping.The Great Changing Shape Art is much easier to practice than other supernatural powers. He has regular exercises, and he can use different regular breaths at any time to change into another person’s breath. Even if he is hunted down by someone, he can also change into another person’s breath Breath, so that those who chased him could not find his breath, now he was practicing to change his voice and appearance, the regular breath could be omitted.

After practicing, I discovered that the Great Changing Shape Technique is to cultivate the bones of the whole body so that they can change the shape arbitrarily, and transform into any person or object according to their own wishes.

He has practiced the body exercise formula, and the bones of the whole body can be changed at will, and the practice of the Great Changing Shape Technique is even more simple and easy to understand.

Five months later, Gu Xiangfei raised his legs and walked out of the mountain hall, came outside the Ten Thousand Knife Sect, and transformed into a monk from Shengyuan Tianyu, a big man with a high nose and deep eyes, fair skin, and a bushy beard, and his aura also changed.

Came to a city called Sharonda, there are a lot of monks in this city, it is obviously a city of cultivating immortals, but the monks here are very low in cultivation level, the Luoxian realm is considered the highest cultivation level, and the other monks are in the Xuanxian realm And to the fairyland.

There is no charge to enter the city, and there are no monks guarding the gate of the city. Gu Xiangfei entered the city and wandered around in the city. He mainly came to experiment with his great shape-changing technique.

When I arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion, I scanned it with my spiritual sense, and found the City Lord’s appearance. After turning around and leaving, I found a remote place to run the Great Shape Changing Technique, which instantly changed the City Lord’s appearance, and then walked towards the City Lord’s Mansion swaggeringly.

When the guards of the Sharonda City Lord’s Mansion saw the City Lord’s return, they immediately bowed to salute. Gu Xiangfei didn’t speak. He didn’t know the City Lord’s accent, so he didn’t dare to speak. He directly raised his legs and entered the mansion.

After entering the City Lord’s Mansion, he wandered around inside and changed a few other people in the City Lord’s Mansion. After finding that no one recognized him, he was overjoyed and left the City Lord’s Mansion, planning to go to some sects in Shengyuan Tianyu , looking for the resource fairy spirit vein.

He took out the jade slip of the map and saw the locations of the other three major sects in Shengyuan Tianyu. The closest sect to him is Tianyuanzong, which takes about five days. This Tianyuanzong is also one of the four major sects attacking the fairy world .

It’s you, Gu Xiangfei put away the jade slips, sacrificed the spaceship, and galloped in the direction of Tianyuanzong.

After entering the Shengyuan Tianyu, the three major heavens of the fairy world have steadily advanced thousands of miles and destroyed countless small and medium-sized sect gangs in the Shengyuan Tianyu, but they have not obtained many resources. After occupying a medium-sized sect, they decided to In the future, we will be stationed here and expand forward.

The three major sects of Shengyuan Tianyu said they were retreating, but in fact they were fleeing. After they boarded the spaceship and returned to their respective sects’ camps, they activated the protective array and counted the losses this time.

Tianyuanzong lost more than 30 immortal kings and more than a dozen immortal kings this time, all of whom were middle and high-level monks in the sect. Dao Zong is the same.

After counting the losses, Dechang Tu, the suzerain of Tianyuan Sect, sighed, and said to the deputy suzerain and elders of the sect, “This time, we shouldn’t listen to Lin Basa and Ba Renda, otherwise our sect’s loss would not be so great. Da, it’s all right now. The monks from the fairy world have rushed in. According to their speed, they will attack soon. I’m afraid it won’t work just relying on our sect’s large formation. Do you have any good solutions? You can suggest them .”

“Sovereign, just got the news that the monks in the fairy world have stopped chasing and killing here. They have started to set up a station. It seems that they are going to stay in our Tianyu for a long time.” An elder of foreign affairs told the news that just came. Suzerain De Changtu and other elders.

“Well! They want to settle here with us and slowly erode our Tianyu. Hurry up and send a message to Lin Basa and the others, otherwise our Shengyuan Tianyu will be finished.” After listening to the report of the foreign affairs elders, the suzerain De Changtu said, He immediately understood the intentions of the monks in the fairy world, and he wanted to discuss with Lin Basa and Barinda quickly how to deal with the monks in the fairy world.

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