Bombard Dechang Tu

Gu XiangFei opened his eyes, and after scanning his spiritual sense, he found that it was already midnight. After a nap, his whole body felt refreshed. It seemed that it was good for monks to take a nap once in a while, and now it was time to do things after waking up.

After leaving the cave, he unfolded the regular escape technique, came to the foot of a mountain, raised his hand to break through the defensive formation, dodged to the top of the peak, quickly found the position of the fairy vein, took out the formation flag and arranged a dragging formation, Then it was triggered, “Boom!” With a loud noise, two high-grade immortal spirit veins were pulled out, thrown into the ring, and fled away in a flash.

The disciples, deacons, and peak masters on and off the mountain were startled by the loud noise. They hurried out to check and found that the fairy veins had been taken away. They were all shocked, and hurriedly searched everywhere for the traces of the disciples.

Gu Xiangfei had already arrived at another mountain peak, and similarly pulled out two high-grade immortal spirit veins, which shocked the entire mountain again.

Of the thirty-two peaks of Tianyuanzong, he took away the fairy veins of nine peaks in one night. The nine peaks were in chaos, and they searched around. I also checked clearly, but I just don’t know who did it.

Gu Xiangfei has already returned to the cave he snatched, lying on the bed and using his spiritual sense to check the harvest of the night.

The next morning, the ban on his cave was rang. After checking with his spiritual sense, he opened the ban. A young monk stood at the entrance of the cave, “Senior brother Xin, the suzerain asked the disciples of the mountain to gather in the square outside the hall. Inform the other brothers.”

The young cultivator turned around and left without waiting for Gu Xiangfei to speak after finishing speaking, obviously in a hurry to inform others.

After scanning with his divine sense, Gu Xiangfei found that many disciples had gathered in the square outside the main hall. After thinking about it, he decided to listen to their plans. He didn’t know anyone else, so he just didn’t need to speak.

After arriving at the square, he stood at the end and listened to the other disciples.

“Last night, the fairy veins of nine mountain peaks were taken away, and the sect was trapped by a trapping and killing array. We can’t get out now.”

“I only found out today, too. I just heard from Deacon Lu that the suzerain sent King Jizhen to check it out. King Jizhen is the king of the eighth-level formation. I think he should be able to break through this trapped killing formation!”

“Not necessarily. I heard that the Trapped Killing Formation is a ninth-level formation, and the king of the auspicious formation is only an eighth-level formation. We can’t break the ninth-level formation at all. We have to make plans early, or we will be trapped here to death.”

Gu Xiangfei heard the words of these disciples, and then looked at their appearances. How awkward they looked, he felt that he had entered another race. Since he was another race, he would be exterminated. He began to draw the void pattern and build the void strangle formation.

The suzerain De Changtu soon appeared on the square. He looked at the disciples in front of him and said, “Two things happened last night. I think everyone knows. In order to prove your innocence, the disciples who left the mountain last night Everyone stand up.”

Some of the disciples of the Zongzhu Peak stood up, and some disciples began to hesitate whether to stand up, but they thought that when they went out, the disciples of the guardian peak had recorded it, so they had to stand up obediently and wait for punishment.

The suzerain De Changtu saw that hundreds of disciples from his mountain had left last night, which was several times more than other mountains, and he was furious. It seemed that he was too relaxed with them and did not practice well in the cave. Running around what?

“Sovereign, I want to report someone. He also went out last night, but he didn’t stand up. He is Sintep.” A monk with a high nose and deep eyes pointed at Gu Xiangfei, and said it almost in a roaring voice. It seemed that he There is hatred with Sinterp!

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, and thought, this is Xin Tepu’s enemy! Otherwise, they would not frame him.

“Sect Master, I would like to ask, what is the crime of framing the same sect?” Gu Xiangfei stood up and asked, and at the same time continued to draw the void pattern with his divine sense. If the pattern hadn’t been finished, he would have crushed him with a punch.

Hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, the monk’s face changed drastically, and he turned pale instantly. He was lost in hatred and felt that this was a good opportunity to take revenge on Sinterp. He didn’t expect that there was a record from the disciples of the guardian peak.

“Sovereign, I can prove that Ji Mingtao did not frame Sinterp. I have a record of him leaving the mountain.” A peak guard stood up and testified for the monk named Ji Mingtao, while the disciples next to him had expressions Once changed, this is perjury! Once they are found out, they will all be unlucky. Just as they were about to stand up and accuse the disciple of the guardian, he gave him a stare and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

The uncle of this peak guard disciple is the elder of the sect. Once he offends him, he will not have a good life in the future. His actions have offended him just now, and now he has to make up for it, so he changed his mind and immediately stood up Said, “I can also testify.”

Ji Mingtao originally thought that he was too reckless this time, but he didn’t expect that there would be a disciple of the guardian of the peak who also had a grudge against Sintop, and even testified for him. People have the final say, and now there is the senior brother who protects the peak to testify, you still want to deny it, so be honest!”

Gu Xiangfei finished drawing the last pattern of the Void Strangling Formation, looked up at Ji Mingtao and several disciples who guarded the peak, and said, “Very good, Tianyuanzong is worthy of being the great sect of Shengyuan Tianyu, this dog-eat-dog tactic, It will also appear here, especially to frame the same sect, which makes it impossible for Sinterp to refute.”

When he said this, he suddenly said to Ji Mingtao, “Let me explain to you.” He raised his hand and sent out a few wind blades, “Pfft…” Ji Mingtao’s limbs were cut off by him, and he collapsed on the ground.

“Stop! How dare you harm your fellow disciples?. “Dechangtu was furious, and just about to raise his hand to grab Gu Xiangfei, he heard Gu Xiangfei say, “Dechangtu, I want you to know the truth before you die, lest you go on the road with regrets in a daze. “After speaking, he raised his hand and waved, and the void strangle formation was activated instantly.

Countless void blades suddenly blasted towards the disciples outside the hall. These disciples had no idea that a void strangle formation had been set up here, and they were instantly blasted into pieces by the void blades. Some elders had just sacrificed their armor and shields , was surrounded by countless void blades, and screams came after a few breaths. In less than a stick of incense, more than 10,000 mountain disciples, except for a few disciples protecting the peak and the suzerain Dechangtu, were all killed. Void blades blasted and killed, and there were corpse fragments and armor shield fragments everywhere.

“You… who are you?” De Changtu was stunned by the scene in front of him. This is the Void Strangling Formation! It is ironic to say that someone has set up a void strangle formation outside his mountain peak.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched Dechangtu, and at the same time, the Immortal Emperor’s Domain crushed him.

Dechangtu felt a terrifying coercion rushing towards him, and then saw a huge fist bombarding him. He hurriedly raised his hand to hit the opponent’s fist, but found that the space was surrounded by a sticky atmosphere, making him Even the strength of raising the hand is very slow.

“Boom!” De Changtu’s limbs and dantian were shattered, and he fell to the ground. The powerful force in his body has not disappeared, which kept him from passing out for the time being.

“Let’s talk! Why do you want to frame Xintep?” Gu Xiangfei stretched out his immortal hand, grabbed Ji Mingtao and a few disciples who protected the peak, and used it on the ground, click! Click! With a few crisp sounds, the legs of these peak guard disciples were shattered into pieces, and Ji Mingtao’s spine was shattered, like a puddle of meat on the ground.

“Simple snatched my Taoist partner, Lisi, but he didn’t cherish it, and let Lisi fall. I wanted to kill him for revenge, but his cultivation level was higher than mine. I never had a chance. I saw this opportunity today. I couldn’t help but want to frame him, but I didn’t expect the disciples of the peak guards to help, so this is solid evidence that he didn’t stand up.” Ji Mingtao passed out as soon as he finished speaking.

“I can’t understand Sinterpu’s arrogant and domineering appearance. I just want to disgust him. Even if he is fine this time, there will be a next time.” He has a high level of cultivation and likes to pretend to be aggressive. Unknowingly, he has been hated by others, and he has taken the blame for him by transforming into him.

When De Changtu heard these words, he didn’t know how to punish these disciples. He didn’t expect that there were intrigues everywhere in his mountain peak, so what can he do now that he knows? It’s better to die with confusion.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice Xinghe, hoo! With a bang, these people were turned into ashes. Thinking that something like this might happen to the Holy Sword Sect, it seems that after I go back, I will also arrange a few hidden monitoring formations, so as not to wrong the good people in time.

With a wave of his hand, he put away these rings, took out the formation flag and set up a dragging formation, boom! With a loud noise, two high-grade immortal spirit veins were pulled out, and they left the suzerain hall in a flash.

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