First place in the second round

Deduced the formula, looked at the hourglass timer, there is less than half of the time, that is, less than an hour, Gu Xiangfei carefully felt the regular breath of these ten fairy grasses, and found that there were no mistakes Finally, the alchemy furnace was sacrificed.

With a gesture of raising his hand, Xinghe came out of the Purple Mansion and went directly under the alchemy furnace. Gu Xiangfei communicated with Xinghe with his spiritual consciousness, and the flames began to bake the alchemy furnace, and then threw it into the fairy grass to dissolve the liquid, purify, throw away the slag, fuse, inject Ling, Fen Dan, La Dan, all in one go.

“When…” Nine snow-white special-grade Yunqing pills with a halo of pills fell into the jade bottle. Gu Xiangfei stamped his serial number and the name of the pill on the jade bottle, and wrote a line of small characters below, putting On the small teleportation array on the wooden table, the jade bottle was teleported away instantly.

Gu Xiangfei looked up at these elixir masters. Some elixir masters were still contemplating, some elixir masters had already started refining pills, and some elixir masters had a puff of black smoke coming out of their alchemy furnaces, which obviously failed in alchemy.

The hourglass timer kept streaming down the sand, and it didn’t stop because the elixir masters failed in alchemy or thought about making up the alchemy formula.

“When the time comes, those elixir masters who did not form the formula or refine the elixir will be counted as failures. Please leave the platform.” Immortal Emperor Tai Nong waited until the last grain of sand fell, and announced the result.

The elixir masters who didn’t make up the pill formula and were refining the pill put away the pill furnace, regardless of whether the fairy grass in the pill furnace could refine the pill, and hurriedly left the platform.

In the second round, more than 10,000 elixir masters were eliminated, and the remaining elixir masters were less than 6,000. These people are waiting for the results. Whether they can stay on the platform depends on the results of the selection process.

The number of elixir masters on the platform was reduced by more than half. Bei Hanyi finally saw Gu Xiangfei, and couldn’t help saying, “It really is him, not another person with the same name and surname.”

“The Gu Xiangfei mentioned by Deacon Bei is the alchemist standing on the platform?” Immortal Emperor Tai Nong heard Bei Hanyi’s words, followed his gaze, and looked at Gu Xiangfei on the platform.

“Yes, the leader. He is Gu Xiangfei. I knew he would not go down, and he might be the first in the first round.” Bei Hanyi has blind trust in Gu Xiangfei, which is a kind of belief from the bottom of his heart.

“Hmm! Do you think it’s possible to invite him to our Alchemy Alliance?” Immortal Emperor Tai Nong believed what Bei Hanyi said, and he had a new idea in his heart.

“After the alchemy competition is over, I’ll meet him and ask him what he means!” Bei Hanyi didn’t know how Gu Xiangfei joined the Holy Sword Sect, and Li Jingtian and his younger brother Bei Hanfeng, they all ascended to the fairy world , why haven’t I seen them all the time, they supposedly knewAfter the alchemy competition, he should also come to watch it. He has participated in many alchemy competitions, just to know their whereabouts, but unfortunately he never saw them show up.

“Okay, you can talk to him when the time comes! I’m going to announce the results of the second round.” Hearing Bei Hanyi say this, Immortal Emperor Tai Nong could only wait for the alchemy competition.

“The second round of the Alchemy Competition is over, and now the results come out by themselves, please leave the platform for the losers.” Immortal Emperor Tai Nong immediately announced the results of the second round of the Alchemy Competition after seeing that the testing array had stopped the selection.


, Elixir is useless, eliminated.


, Elixir is useless, eliminated.


Many elixir masters were eliminated in the second round. Although they refined the elixirs, they were all useless elixirs, which wasted both fairy grass and time, so it’s better not to practice.

There are fewer and fewer elixir masters left on the platform. There are twelve elixir masters in the Holy Sword Sect, and now there are three left, including Gu Xiangfei and Lin Yefeng, and a sixth-rank elixir master named Mu Shaohua.


, the elixir is weak, advanced.

Finally, a usable elixir appeared, and there was an uproar both on and off the stage. Although it was not very useful, it was considered a promotion.

“I’ve advanced.” Mu Shaohua waved his hand excitedly. During this period of time, he listened to Gu Xiangfei’s explanation of alchemy, and then he went back to refine the elixir. He asked Gu Xiangfei in detail about what he didn’t understand and where there was a problem. , so his alchemy improved very quickly.


, the elixir is available, advance.

Lin Yefeng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the elixir he had refined could be used. He was able to pass two rounds, and the results were not bad. This time, Gu Xiangfei participated in the alchemy competition, and he never thought that he could get more With a high ranking, Gu Xiangfei must be the number one. His pressure has been reduced a lot, and he has refined a usable elixir under his relaxed mood.


, the medicinal pill is more useful, and it is promoted.


, the medicinal pill is more useful, and it is promoted.


, the elixir is powerful and advanced.

“It’s this again

, the elixir he refined is powerful, is it really that Gu Xiangfei? But I don’t know what kind of elixir he concocted. With ten stalks of fairy grass, he can concoct a powerful elixir. I can’t compare to him! “Qiu Zhongliang sighed, and had to admit that compared with this number,

, is still much worse.

“Now the results are out, the first place is the number

The elixir master, what powerful elixir did he refine? Let’s take a look now. “Immortal Emperor Tai Nong waved his hand, and took out a bottle of pills from the formation detection array. There were three words written on the jade bottle, Yunqing Dan, and there was a line of small characters below, which was taken by monks below the fairyland. A elixir raises a small realm.

Immortal Emperor Tai Nong raised his hand and crushed the jade bottle. Nine snow-white special pills floated in the air with a halo of pills.

“Superior elixir!”

“It’s really a special medicine.”

“It turns out that this is a special elixir.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen a special elixir.”

The cultivators on and off the platform were discussing and looking up at the nine special pills floating in the air, wishing they could grab one.

“The name of this elixir is Yunqing Dan. For monks below the immortal realm, every elixir they take can increase a small realm. Is there any monk willing to come up and try it?” As soon as Immortal Emperor Tai Nong’s words fell, the stage Immediately, the millions of monks became a sensation.

“One elixir improves a small realm? My God, there are dozens of pots of such elixir, and it won’t be promoted from Earth Immortal to Supreme Immortal soon? Is this true?”

“If it’s such a pill, I’ll buy a few bottles for every 10,000 immortal crystals.”

“Ten thousand celestial crystals, you think it’s too cheap! It’s worth at least 30,000 celestial crystals. Don’t you know how difficult it is to raise a small realm?”

While the monks in the audience were discussing, a few monks below the immortal came to the stage to test the medicine.

Immortal Emperor Tai Nong waved his hand, and a few pills fell into the mouths of these monks. The special-grade pills melted in their mouths without a trace of medicine residue. The monks immediately sat cross-legged on the platform, using their kung fu to absorb the power of the medicine. .

After a few breaths, the breath of several monks rose suddenly, breaking through a small realm, and after stabilizing their cultivation base, these monks jumped up, “Good medicine, it really is a good medicine, not only break through the realm, And the foundation is still very stable, there is no sign of instability, if there is such a pill, I am willing to pay 50,000 immortal crystals to buy a few bottles.”

“I am willing too, I am more willing…” Several other monks who had taken Yunqing Dan shouted loudly.

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