Constant Wisdom Universe

Gu Xiangfei smiled slightly. His goal has been achieved. The deterrent power of these immortal emperors really shocked the suzerains of the three major heavenly realms, and they will definitely follow them to the Silent Night Heavenly Realm.

“These are all members of our Holy Saber Sect. We are going to the Silent Night Sky Territory. We passed by here, and we are here to invite you to participate.” Gu Xiangfei asked again.

“Invited by King Guzhen, we must go. We will call the disciples of the sect immediately and set off immediately.” Immortal Emperor Taihao and Taide Taiqing, the three immortal emperors looked at each other and immediately decided to follow. Becoming a fool, the three major alliances have all gone to Silent Night to grab resources, and their disciples have also followed, but there are more disciples left behind.

Soon the disciples of the three major sects, except for those left behind, almost all dispatched. There were more than one million disciples, and there were hundreds of large spaceships alone. The golden scales of the sun are blooming, and the sound of horns fills the sky in the autumn scenery.

Gu Xiangfei asked them to take the lead, and they followed behind. The reason was that he had never been to the Silent Night Sky Territory, and it happened that they had all been there. If they encountered a strong enemy, just wait for them to go there.

The suzerains of the three major sects knew that there was danger in the Silent Night Sky Territory, so they didn’t care about it. At most, they would hold their ground first when encountering a strong enemy, and wait for Gu Xiangfei and the others to come over.

With such a large-scale attack, many rogue cultivators also gathered here. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. This guy will definitely flatten the Silent Night Sky Domain, and he will not take the opportunity to grab some resources. There will be such opportunities there in the future.

Along the way, monks from casual cultivators and small sects continued to join in. These casual cultivators followed around the periphery of the large army, forming a protective umbrella, tightly wrapping the spaceships of the three major sects and the Holy Sword Sect.

After entering the Silent Night Heaven, there are more fairy monks here. Seeing such a huge lineup, they all joined in. This team now has more than five million monks, and can easily destroy any one in the Silent Night Heaven. Da Zongmen.

Encountered a strong enemy ahead, there was no need for the three major sects to attack, these casual cultivators rushed forward, the powerful opponent was surrounded by several high-cultivation monks, and then the Immortal Emperor shot and easily wiped out, the rest of the Silent Night Sky Territory The monks who have been killed by casual monks have long been killed.

Bomb all the way to the center of Jiye Tianyu, where there is a big alliance composed of more than 3 million Jiye Tianyu sect disciples and casual cultivators, called the Guardian Alliance, and a large defensive formation is arranged around it. A big formation, otherwise you won’t be able to enter the Silent Night Sky Territory at all.

The three major sects, the Holy Sword Sect, and the three major alliances also stopped, and the immortal formation kings began to deploy a defensive formation. There were dozens of immortal emperors in front of the formation to protect them, preventing the opponent from taking the opportunity to bombard them. The Guardian Alliance sent eight immortal emperors to prevent the formation of the immortal kings, but dozens of immortal emperors killed three of them, and the remaining immortal emperors retreated.

In the main hall of the Alliance of Protectors, the leader of the alliance is the leader of the first sect of the Jiye Tianyu, the Great Yan Sect, Immortal Emperor Yanlong. He is now sitting on the main seat, looking at the immortal emperors of the alliance below.

“Let’s talk about how to deal with the attacks of the monks in the fairy world. I guess they will attack soon. We have to resist them, otherwise the Silent Night Sky Domain will be over.”

“Leader, we only have forty-three immortal emperors, and we lost three immortal emperors just now, and now there are only forty immortal emperors left. How can we deal with more than one hundred immortal emperors in the immortal world? They will fight two against one soon. To kill us immortal emperors, it is best to strengthen the formation now, and they will naturally retreat after they cannot break through the formation.” An immortal emperor next to him analyzed the current situation and gave his own opinion.

“Hmph! It’s all the bastards in Shengyuan Tianyu, why do you have to provoke the fairy world? It’s all right now, they have been bombed and killed. We are out of luck now, why don’t we go and talk to them? “Another immortal emperor stood up, first scolded several immortal emperors in Shengyuan Tianyu, and then proposed to negotiate peace.

“It’s impossible to talk about peace. They are so powerful now, how much we have to pay to make them retreat. Besides, their intention is to destroy our Silent Night Heaven Realm. It seems that we can only go to other heaven realms to ask for help.” Immortal Emperor Yanlong had already seen the intention of the Immortal Realm. In fact, he also had a way out. At that time, he could escape from the Moyun Tianyu adjacent to them. Similarly, they are also the three major heavenly domains cut out by Da Neng, but the resources of Shengyuan Tianyu of these three major heavenly domains are relatively scarce.

“Is the lord going to Weiyun Tianyu to ask someone to help? Of our three major heavens, only Weiyun Tianyu has rich resources, and there are many immortal emperors. Once our Silent Night Tianyu is destroyed, Weiyun Tianyu will definitely be attacked by the fairy world I think they will help.” Hearing what Immortal Emperor Yanlong said, the previous Immortal Emperor gained confidence, and believed that Weiyun Tianyu would definitely help.

“Okay, who will be sent to invite people now? Let’s discuss it.” Immortal Emperor Yanlong looked at the immortal emperor below, and gestured to an immortal emperor with his eyes.

“I think it is most appropriate to send Immortal Emperor Wenkefeng to go. He can speak well, and he can hit the key points directly. He can tell the crisis of Jiye Tianyu, and can also make Weiyun Tianyu feel that the crisis is imminent. This trip is none other than him. .” An immortal emperor stood up and suggested that the immortal emperor Wen Kefeng, who had talked a lot just now, invite someone.

Immediately, the immortal emperor’s words were unanimously approved by all the immortal emperors present. They all praised Immortal Emperor Wen Kefeng for his wit and wit in handling affairs, for being able to draw inferences from one instance and present the current situation.

This Wen Kefeng was flattered by all the immortal emperors, and immediatelyImmediately agreed, turned around and left the hall, sacrificed the spaceship and galloped away to Weiyun Tianyu.

“Hmph! A group of idiots. I just took the opportunity to leave here and ask someone to help. You think it’s so easy and you didn’t pay the price. Who will help? I find a place to hide and let you wait!” Wen Kefeng The Immortal Emperor was on the spaceship, scolded those Immortal Emperors, and disappeared.

The defensive formation of the Immortal Realm was completed, and it was far away from the defensive formation of the Jiye Tianyu. After discussion, these immortal emperors planned to attack the Jiye Tianyu tomorrow.

The Holy Sword Sect is now in charge of Wei Tianyun, and he is the leader in everything that needs to be discussed. The immortal emperors of the three sects heard that Gu Xiangfei was his uncle, and they dared not look down on him. They made friends with him one after another, and got along well. , Discuss with Wei Tianyun if you have anything to do.

The next day, more than a hundred immortal emperors and hundreds of disciples began to bombard the defense formation of Jiye Tianyu. Gu Xiangfei did not participate. The immortal emperors adapt to the rules of heaven and earth here, and didn’t even think about breaking through the defensive formation of the Jiye Tianyu. Yuan, but there is still an adaptation stage.

The bombardment of the defensive formation of the Silent Night Sky Domain this time happened to exercise their adaptability.

“Boom!” Countless immortals bombarded the defensive formation, the space continued to shatter, causing ripples, countless fine lines appeared in the void, and the defensive formation of the Silent Night Sky Territory wobbled, almost collapsing, and was thrown again. The Immortal Formation King of Silent Night Tianyu protected it with formation flags.

Seeing the continuous shaking of the defensive formation, the monks in the fairy world even urged the attacking fairy weapon in their hands with immortal energy. Countless blades blasted out and hit the defensive formation. This space continued to shatter, and cracks appeared in the void. , The void blade light blasted out, and the monks in the fairy world had been prepared for a long time, and they sacrificed their shields to block the void blade light. After the void cracks healed, they began to bombard the defensive formation of the Silent Night Sky Territory.

After bombarding for five days in a row, the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Sovereign of the Holy Saber Sect have adapted to the rules of heaven and earth here. Tomorrow, they are going to smash through the defensive formation of the Silent Night Heaven Domain in one fell swoop and enter the Silent Night Heaven Domain.

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