Mixing the Poisonous Mist of the Great Formation

Mu Fengyang is now at the fourth level of Xianjun cultivation base. With the pills and fairy crystals that Gu Xiangfei gave him, his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, and his strength has greatly increased. Small-scale battles have accumulated a lot of experience, and they are no longer the flowers in that greenhouse.

He heard that Gu Xiangfei and his sect had all arrived in the Silent Night Sky Territory. He came to the Holy Sword Sect to look for Gu Xiangfei several times but failed to see him, so he felt a little disappointed.

Today he came to the Holy Saber Sect’s residence to look for Gu Xiangfei. The guard disciples of the Holy Saber Sect also knew that he and Gu Xiangfei were good friends. Seeing him, he smiled and said, “Elder Gu Taishang is back, this time you came just in time.”

“Brother Gu is back, that’s great, thank you fairy friend for letting me know.” Mu Fengyang excitedly saluted the guarding disciples, and then entered the residence of the Holy Sword Sect.

“Brother Gu, you’re finally back. I haven’t found you after several visits. The disciples of your sect said you’ve gone out. You’re not in a hurry, so they didn’t send you a message.” Excited and talked a lot.

“I just came back. At the boundary between Jiye Tianyu and Weiyun Tianyu, I had a confrontation with the immortal emperors of Weiyun Tianyu. Both sides didn’t get any advantage, so they withdrew.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t say that he was arrested. In the event of a serious injury, Mu Fengyang can’t help anyway, so it’s useless to tell him a fart.

“When will Big Brother Gu take me there? Now our fairyland has occupied two heavenly domains, and if we take down Weiyun Tianyu, we will have six heavenly domains in our fairyland, and I heard that the Weiyun Tianyu It is rich in resources, richer than these two heavens.” Mu Fengyang looked at Gu Xiangfei excitedly, hoping that he would agree to take him there.

“I can’t go now. There are too many immortal emperors there. I saw more than 60 of them. There must be a lot hidden in the big formation. If we go, we will die. After the integration here, let’s go again. Immortals It will be safe if there are many emperors.” Gu Xiangfei will definitely not take him there now, what are the two of them doing? Gu Xiangfei can run away if he can’t fight, but Mu Fengyang is only a fairy, and he will die if he is pure. If there is a fight, who will take care of him.

“Ah! Forget it! I don’t want to be smashed into my dantian again. With so many immortal emperors, my life may be in danger.” Mu Fengyang’s excitement immediately diminished after hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, and he also knew that he couldn’t do it now. went.

The two came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave, and Gu Xiangfei introduced Yan Yixue to him. Mu Fengyang was shocked when he saw that Yan Yixue was also an immortal emperor. Practice hard and strive to break through the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible.

Yan Yixue is very enthusiastic towards Mu Fengyang, she pours tea and entertains him with fairy fruits, but Mu Fengyang gave Gu Xiangfei a book of the Great Changing Art, and now she is also practicing the Great Changing Art, and Has entered the realm of Xiaocheng.

The two chatted for a while about what happened after parting. Mu Fengyang said goodbye and left. He was shocked by Yan Yixue’s cultivation and decided to practice hard after returning.

Gu Xiangfei also gave him a million fairy crystals and some pills, and received the favor of a drop of water, which should be repaid by a spring. Although Mu Fengyang didn’t know the value of the Great Yixing Technique, he immediately thought of giving it to Gu Xiangfei. It proves that this person is good and worth making friends with.

Mu Fengyang went back with a grateful face, and he respected Gu Xiangfei even more in his heart, and decided to repay him well in the future.

“You went to the Holy Sword Sect to look for Gu Xiangfei again?” Immortal Emperor Taihao saw his son come back with a face full of excitement, and probably guessed why he went there.

“Yes, Father, Brother Gu gave me a million immortal crystals and some pills. In addition, Brother Gu’s wife, Yan Yixue, is also in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor. Go out with Brother Gu.” After Mu Fengyang finished speaking, he turned around and entered the cave with a determined expression on his face.

Immortal Emperor Taihao did not expect such a big change since his son met Gu Xiangfei, and now Mu Fengyang’s cultivation resources are all given by Gu Xiangfei, just some pills are very rare in his Clear Sky School, Gu Xiangfei unexpectedly Give it to Mu Fengyang, he is happy that his son can make such a friend.

The three major heaven domains and the three major alliances, together with the Holy Sword Sect, have been cultivating and rectifying during this period. Some small sect disciples and casual practitioners are also working hard to cultivate. Everyone is preparing for the next battle with Weiyun Tianyu.

One month later, monks from the Immortal Realm gathered at the boundary of the Silent Night Sky Territory. The disciples of the three major sects, the three major alliances, and the Holy Sword Sect, plus some casual cultivators, were planning to bombard the Weiyun Sky Territory in batches.Defense array.

Gu Xiangfei followed the second group of immortal monks to bombard the formation. He wanted to take advantage of the gaps exposed at the moment the formation was bombarded to check how many immortal emperors were behind the defense formation and to find out the strength of Weiyun Tianyu.

The first group sent out was a group of disciples in the realm of immortal monarchs, all kinds of attacking immortal weapons, talismans and magic weapons, and countless blades blasted out, boom! With a loud bang, the immortal yuan exploded, the space shook several times in a row, causing ripples, and countless blades of light suddenly flew out of the defensive formation.

“Not good! There’s still a strangling formation here, retreat quickly.” Immediately, the immortal formation master who followed the attack shouted loudly.

The monks in the fairy world hurriedly sacrificed their armor and defensive shields to block the blade light of the strangling formation, but some monks were still bombarded to death, or their hands and feet were cut off by the blade light.

The immortal cultivators quickly picked up the severed hands and feet, retreated to the outer perimeter of the defensive formation, connected the severed hands and feet, swallowed the elixir and operated the exercises to recover.

“Interesting, this Weiyun Tianyu has a formation master! They can actually combine the defensive formation and the strangulation formation together. Once the defense formation is attacked, the strangulation formation will also be activated. Although the power is not very great, it can also make the attack large. The monks in the formation will suffer a lot.” Seeing this situation, Gu Xiangfei admired the Immortal Formation King of Weiyun Tianyu.

In the past, when bombarding the defensive formation, it was the formation king inside, who constantly used formation flags to reinforce the formation to prevent it from being shattered. This fairy formation king was able to find a new way to integrate the strangulation formation into the defense formation. He is also a rank nine Immortal Formation King.

Gu Xiangfei took a step forward and came to the front of the large defensive formation. He used regular exercises to find the regular aura of the large defensive formation and the strangling formation. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness began to build void formations, depicting countless bursting formations.

The rule method quickly found the regular breath of this mixed formation, first assimilated the regular breath of this mixed formation, and then arranged the burst pattern on the nodes, although the ninth-level immortal king arranged a mixed formation , but there are many minor loopholes that have not been supplemented and perfected.

More than a dozen void burst patterns were drawn to form a huge burst formation. Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to leave, he suddenly felt a huge poisonous mist rule coming from the mixed formation, “It’s so sinister! Fortunately, I have assimilated The poisonous mist rules, otherwise it must follow the way of this Immortal Formation King.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the king of the fairy formation would even arrange poisonous mist in the mixed formation. Once the immortal monks blasted through the mixed formation and the poisonous mist was activated, it is estimated that all the immortal monks who bombarded the formation would be killed by poison.

It’s just that there are some tiny loopholes in the mixed formation, which caused the poisonous mist to leak out from the gaps in the mixed formation, which was discovered by Gu Xiangfei, no! This poisonous mist is to poison the king of the fairy formation in the fairy world. Once a fairy king of the fairy world observes the mixed formation at close range and stays for a few breaths or a few breaths, the poisonous mist will be activated, and from the gap of the mixed formation, the poisonous mist will be activated. It leaked out and poisoned the Immortal Formation King.

“What a cunning guy, if it was the other kings of the fairy formation, they might have been poisoned to death, but it’s a pity that they met me. After breaking through this mixed formation, I will meet this king of the fairy formation.” Gu Xiangfei admired this king of the fairy formation somewhat. cunning.

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