Divine Array Master

After flying thousands of miles away, Gu Xiangfei stopped. He almost died in the first battle just now. This is how powerful he was in the early stages of the True God Realm. There is a big difference in the realm, and the difference is so big.

There may be monks in the Heavenly God Realm here in the Dry God Realm. If they meet them, they will definitely be finished. The improvement of cultivation base is slow, and there is no way for the time being, but as long as the array can reach the third-level magician, there is no need to worry about the gods.

Thinking of this, he turned the star bead into a grain of sand, directly entered the star bead, took out the ring of the true god monk, and checked the restrictions on the ring.

The restriction on this ring was entered by a second-level magician. The soul of the monk in the True God Realm is still there, so the restriction on this ring is much more difficult to break.

Fortunately, he has regular exercises. As long as there are rules, he can find any item. The premise is that the aura he needs is sufficient. Without the support of aura, no matter how hard he works, it will be in vain.

The rule technique started to work, and quickly found the rule aura on the ring, followed this aura to find the rules of the restriction, and then tried to enter step by step.


Thousands of miles away from the star beads, there is a soul possessed by a weed. This soul can hardly see its true face, it is translucent, and it is already weak. There is neither a soul tree nor a tree here. The soul stone can let him live.

“I didn’t expect that False God ant to be a Divine Formation Master, and he also has the spiritual sense to attack the method. This time he was too careless. He should be killed directly. It is useless to regret it now. Find a chance to see if you can seize it.” Yuanshen was attached to the weeds, muttering to himself.

There was nothing around, let alone a monk, he didn’t even have any teeth.

Suddenly he felt his primordial spirit tense up, and then, boom! With a single click, the primordial spirit deflated like a deflated ball, and soon turned into a jujube-like primordial spirit. This primordial spirit knew that his ring restriction was broken, so the divine soul was damaged and became more transparent. Even weaker and weaker, a wave of spiritual energy surged over, and this primordial spirit was nirvana.

Gu Xiangfei opened the restriction on this ring. There are more than five thousand pieces of sacred stones, three jujube-sized jujube-sized jujube stones, two jade slips, a flying artifact, some low-level divine grass, and a divine spear. A few clothes, it seems that this monk came to Dry God Realm voluntarily.

Picking up the jade slips to check, one is the map jade slip, the other is the kung fu jade slip, the kung fu is also a rubbish kung fu, Gu Xiangfei crushed it, the map jade slip can be kept, and can be used in the future, this true god Cultivator Jing looks like a casual cultivator, and he doesn’t have any tokens such as the Jade Card of the Zongmen on him.

It happened that there were no god stones to use, so you brought them here. Gu Xiangfei smiled secretly, first used the god stones to set up a spirit-gathering formation, then sat cross-legged on the futon, and while the second-level restriction had just been broken, he deduced the second-level god formation patterns.

Cultivation has no sun and moon, and the deduction is even more indefinite. Gu Xiangfei is immersed in the deduction of formations. He deduced one formation pattern after another, and then practiced depicting. After countless failures, he completed a formation pattern, and then continued to describe this formation. The pattern will not be completed until a hundred times without mistakes, and then continue to draw the next pattern. Each pattern consists of hundreds of patterns. The higher the pattern, the more complex the pattern, and The higher the level of the law, the more formations there will be.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but suddenly there was a click! With a soft sound, Gu Xiangfei saw that the god stones of the gathering spirit array were used up. Since the god stones were used up, he went out to exchange for the god stones. Now he has been promoted to the second-level magic formation master, not to mention that all the second-level magic formations can be arranged. Not much.

Stand up and feel your cultivation. It is already in the middle and late stage of False God, which is equivalent to the sixth level of False God.

After I got out of the star beads, I checked that there was no change outside, and went directly to the exchange office. As I walked, I checked the ground, where there were rogue stones, and how big they were. Remember their locations, and come and dig them up when I have time.

“Fellow daoist, are you going to the exchange office too?” A monk rushed over from the side, fearing that Gu Xiangfei might suspect him of robbery, so he asked from afar, and kept a certain distance from him, obviously also to guard against Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei is very satisfied with this monk’s carefulness. Everyone here is untrustworthy, just like a lunatic. In the end, it wasn’t just for the sake of money, it wasn’t because he was prepared and was swallowed up to the bone.

“Yes, fellow daoists also go to the exchange office?” Gu Xiangfei asked back.

“They’re all going in this direction. They must be going to the exchange office. Let’s go together. There will be someone to take care of us on the way.” The monk said as he walked towards Gu Xiangfei.

When the monk was asking questions, Gu Xiangfei was already drawing void formations. Now when he saw the monk approaching, he said, “No, I don’t intend to be with others. Please leave!”

The monk was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to say such a thing. Generally, monks who travel alone would agree to such a suggestion from him.

“Forget it, fellow Taoists in front, please stay.” The monk looked forward and shouted loudly, running past Gu Xiangfei, and when he passed by Gu Xiangfei, he suddenly sacrificed a long knife, and the blade’s light soared and slammed towards Gu Xiang fly.

Gu Xiangfei immediately activated the void strangle formation, and at the same time retreated thousands of feet. When the monk called out to the monk in front, he knew that this guy wanted to attack him. Seeing hundreds of miles away, the monk’s words were just trying to divert his attention and take the opportunity to attack him. Unfortunately, the monk didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei had a clear understanding of the surrounding situation.

“Master of the Divine Array?”The monk exclaimed, and hurriedly sacrificed his shield. At the same time, the long knife in his hand turned into a blade net, blasting towards the void blade light, hoping to block the wave of void blade light, and then fled quickly. Unfortunately, he miscalculated again. The blade light was not a wave at all, but blasted continuously around his body, first cutting off his defenseless legs, then smashing his shield, and finally the void blade light cut him into pieces, Yuan The gods were swept across by several void blades and turned into nothingness.

He raised his hand and shattered the void pattern, put away the monk’s ring, and reduced the corpse to ashes with a torch. The whole process was as smooth as flowing water, and his peers knew that this kind of thing had been done many times after seeing it.

This cultivator’s cultivation base is at the peak of the late stage of the virtual god. It is easy and simple for Gu Xiangfei to kill him. He has killed him in the real god state, let alone a peak of the late stage of the virtual god.

Erase the prohibition on the ring, and saw that there are only dozens of god stones inside, and no gangster stones. It seems that he is also a pauper, and there is nothing in the ring, but his divine long knife was smashed, which made Gu Xiangfei secretly scream. It’s a pity.

Pack up and continue on your way, continue to go underground to check the location of the gangster.

Transformed into the appearance of a monk just now, and his aura has also increased to the peak of the late stage of the False God. This time he wants to exchange some more gangsters. Anyway, he looks like someone else now, and he is not afraid of being hunted down.

When I came to the exchange office, I saw more than a dozen monks queuing up to exchange the sacred stone. He stood two meters away from the back of the line. The monks who came here had to line up according to this distance. Gu Xiangfei often exchanged money and naturally knew why.

This exchange office can only trade with one monk at a time, and there can only be one monk within two meters. If the monks behind follow closely, they will be blocked by a formation when they enter within two meters. The second time will be bombarded by the formation, so many monks dare not follow so closely, and some monks will increase the distance for safety, reaching about three meters.

Exchange of God’s Stone is very fast, and many monks will leave quickly after exchange, unless there are companions who will wait to go together.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the monks in front of him had left, and there was no monk following him, so he immediately took out two egg-sized rocks and three jujube-sized rocks and placed them on the teleportation array.

There are two monks walking towards here in the distance. Gu Xiangfei calculated their walking speed, and he should not see the god stone he exchanged. It may be that he exchanged a lot this time, and the transaction can be completed in a few breaths. , This time it took ten breaths to complete the transaction.

The two monks in the distance were getting closer and closer, and there were still five or six breaths before they would arrive at the exchange office. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help becoming anxious, and cursed at the monks at the exchange office in his heart, “Damn it, can you hurry up.”

The two monks were both in the late stage of the False God. They talked and laughed as they walked. Gu Xiangfei felt that this moment was too long, as if he had spent half his life, and finally a storage bag appeared on the teleportation array.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, put the sacred stone into the ring, and then put down the storage bag. The two monks also stood behind him, still talking, not paying attention to his transaction process at all.

Gu Xiangfei turned around and left here, and there was a strand of sweat on his back. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise the two monks would definitely follow him immediately, and attack him immediately once they left the range of the exchange office.

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