: A Huge Rock

Gu Xiangfei came out of the star beads, ready to do a big job, and now he has been promoted to the third-level array master. Although there are still some other formation patterns that are not very ideal, but the third-level void strangling formation patterns he portrayed are already extremely proficient Already, I think it shouldn’t be a big problem to deal with monks in the Heavenly God Realm.

Ok! Why is there a lot less people coming out this time? After checking with the false eye, Gu Xiangfei didn’t see a monk within two hundred miles. He walked forward and checked. Shi, did not see any monks fighting, a scene of peace.

Since there was no fight, he was happy and relaxed, and went directly to the exchange office.

When I arrived at the exchange office, I saw a few monks queuing up to exchange for the sacred stone. Everything was the same as before, and they were all queuing up two meters away in an orderly manner.

There are no monks queuing up behind him now, so he checks with his false eyes from time to time, and if any monks come over, he will exchange them for small rogue stones, and if there are no monks behind him, he decides to exchange them with a few larger rogue stones. Expose the number of his god stones.

The number of monks queuing up was gradually decreasing, and his illusory eyes did not stop checking to see if there were any monks coming behind him, so as to change the exchange of gangsters at any time.

As soon as the monks in front left the exchange office, Gu Xiangfei took out three egg-sized rocks, and some small rocks he got, and put them on the teleportation array.

Now that there are no monks coming behind him for the time being, the time is not so urgent and much easier than when he exchanged it last time. He is not so anxious in his heart, and he also feels that the time for exchanging the god stone this time is also short.

This time he exchanged more than 50,000 sacred stones, which is the most he has exchanged for the sacred stones. He put away the sacred stones and was overjoyed. He decided to exchange them every day, and practice after accumulating 500,000 sacred stones. In the realm, tens of thousands of divine stones were not enough. After arriving in the divine realm, he found that he needed more and more divine stones.

The deacon of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce found that he had received three egg-sized rogue stones today, and he was overjoyed. It seems that after the rectification of the Dunku God Realm, not only the number and size of the rogue stones have also increased, it may be that the Ku God Realm was too chaotic before. , causing some monks to dare not come to exchange. Now that it is safe inside, more monks come to exchange for the sacred stone. He decided to pay attention to the Dry God Realm from time to time, and deal with it in time when he found any mistakes.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to check the situation underground while walking.What’s more, now his spiritual sense is enough to find the underground gangster, and he doesn’t even need to use the eyes of illusion to find the gangster.

He has no interest in digging some small pieces of boulders at all, and he is looking for egg-sized boulders, or bigger boulders to dig out.

The rules of heaven and earth in Dry God Realm, even the consciousness of some monks in the true god realm, can only see about four meters underground, and monks in the heavenly god realm cannot see five meters underground. It can be seen that the rules of heaven and earth here are all powerful.

Gu Xiangfei assimilated the heaven and earth rules of the Dry God Realm. The rogue stones here are almost in his pocket. He can dig out egg-sized rogue stones or even larger rogue stones at any time.

Ok! There is a boulder the size of an egg at a depth of four meters, and another boulder the size of an egg at a depth of five meters. There are two boulders worth digging out here.

He took out a small shovel and began to dig. After he advanced to the late stage of the False God, he can now dig about one meter deep with a shovel. Other monks, even the monks of the Heavenly God Realm, can’t dig so deep with a shovel. The main reason is that he has already assimilated The rules of heaven and earth here, with the aura of rules here when digging, are naturally much stronger than other monks.

After digging out a boulder the size of an egg, he continued to dig out the second boulder. When he was about to come out, he thought that since he had dug so deep, he might as well see if there were any boulders in the ground.

Let go of his spiritual consciousness and look underground, and found that when his spiritual consciousness reached its limit, there were seven rocks the size of apples.

After calculating the depth, he decided to dig it out. First, he used his false eyes to look around. He didn’t find any monks within two hundred miles. He turned around and prepared to dig underground rocks. He accidentally saw a place about 20 meters underground with his false eyes. There were hundreds of boulders that were bigger than a washbasin, stacked on top of each other layer by layer. He was overjoyed, so he simply checked with his illusory eyes. The further down he went, the more boulders there were, and they were all bucket-sized. There are tens of thousands of rocks, and this is the biggest rock he saw when he came to Dry God Realm.

Now that he found it, he couldn’t let it go. He immediately turned into a digger, and the shovel kept flying. He dug out pieces of rock and put them into the ring. At the same time, his false eyes kept checking for monks. for immediate response.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours later, Gu Xiangfei jumped up, came outside the big pit, and quickly filled the big pit. It took only half a stick of incense to restore the big pit to its original state.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and held two sacred stones in his hands, and exercised his energy to recover his strength. This time he dug out more than 2,000 pieces of boulders the size of a bucket, more than 600 pieces larger than a washbasin, and 70 pieces the size of an apple. piece.

The geology here also gave him a new understanding. After five meters down, it becomes more and more difficult to dig. He can only dig half a meter deep at a time. After digging to ten meters, he can only dig One foot deep, even if his regular skills are working, he can’t dig any deeper. When he digs to a depth of 20 meters, he can only dig a few inches at a time. Fortunately, those rocks are all about 20 meters deep. Otherwise, he would have to dig for a few days to dig out these gangsters, and he would definitely be discovered by other monks passing by.

It is impossible for him to exchange these large pieces of rogue stones. Although the various rules contained in these large pieces of rogue stones are somewhat mottled, he feels that the regular aura of these rogue stones has an ancient atmosphere, and it is estimated that there are at least tens of millions. The breath of rules from years ago.

After regaining his physical strength, he turned into another monk, and went to exchange three egg-sized hooligan stones for more than 40,000 divine stones. The goal will be reached soon.

He looked at the egg-sized rogue stones in the ring and there were thirty-four pieces. These rogue stones were secretly dug out by himself when he was with the lunatic, and his cultivation base was low, so he never dared to exchange them. The gangsters he exchanged were the gangsters he got by killing the monks who wanted to kill him.

He exchanged the god stone once every morning, and in the afternoon he changed to another monk to exchange the god stone. He never showed his true face, and even the monitoring formation did not know his true face. Stone, just take out a piece of bucket-sized boulder, it can shock the entire Yulin Chamber of Commerce.

He has been exchanging for five consecutive days, each time exchanging two or three egg-sized mangul stones, and now he still has ten egg-sized mangul stones in his ring, and the rest have been exchanged for god stones. His number of god stones is more than 400,000 He decided to exchange all the egg-sized gangster stones for god stones, and then retreat to the peak of the late stage of the virtual god.

During this period of time, it was relatively stable, and there were no more robbery and fights. Gu Xiangfei knew that there must have been robbery and fights, but he didn’t see it.

I came to the exchange office again and exchanged three egg-sized gangsters. After putting away the sacred stones, I turned around and left the exchange office. A monk who had just come to exchange the sacred stones saw him and shouted, “Fellow Daoist Lin, you Where did you go? I heard that you fell, it turned out to be fake, just wait for me, I will come out soon.”

Gu Xiangfei knew his current appearance as soon as he heard it. He was an acquaintance of this monk. Naturally, he would not wait for him to come out. He didn’t know how to answer other people’s questions, so he immediately flew into the distance, and decided not to show up in this appearance in the future.

After the monk exchanged the god stone, he came out and found that his friend had disappeared. He agreed to let him wait and left without saying hello. He felt a little uncomfortable and couldn’t help complaining, “What is this friend Lin doing Ghost? No wonder some people say he has fallen.”

“What did you say? The fallen monk is alive again?” A sturdy monk asked after hearing his words.

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