Invitation from the Alchemy Alliance

“Special God Plastic Pill! I want it.” The cultivator at the late stage of the Heavenly God Realm exclaimed excitedly, immediately took out a hundred thousand god stones and threw them on the counter, picked up the God Plastic Pill, turned around and left, even the jade bottle no.

This day, the exclamation of the cultivators in the God Realm attracted the attention of other cultivators. When they heard that there was a special elixir, they immediately entered the elixir pavilion.

“Shopkeeper, is there really a special plastic pill? Take it out and have a look.”

“That’s right! Take it out and have a look! It’s really a top-notch plastic pill, and I want one.”

A dozen or so monks said everything they said to each other, all for the purpose of shaping the divine pill.

In order to sell the plastic pill, Gu Xiangfei naturally wouldn’t hide it. He poured out a special plastic pill and held it in his hand for everyone to watch.

“Sure enough, it’s a special plastic pill. I want one, and I want one…” These monks in the god realm, no matter in the middle or late stage, each bought one, and they can meet special medicines in the market. , itself is a very rare thing, even if you don’t need it now, you can prepare it in advance. This kind of special medicine is hard to come by. Now that you have encountered it, of course you have to buy it for later use.

Soon the monks in this city all knew that the Feixue Pill Pavilion sold special plastic god pills and special Yitian pills, which were passed on to ten and ten to hundreds, and soon a large number of monks in the heavenly realm gathered in Feixue Pill Pavilion.

In less than two days, Gu Xiangfei’s pills were snapped up. He only kept a bottle of Panlin Pill and a bottle of Yitian Pill for his own use, and the others were all sold out.

Close the store door, go to the second floor of the Danshenmeng branch, and check the task information.


“What? Super plastic pill!” Hearing Huo Qingyan’s report, the King Jilu looked at her in disbelief. How long has it been?Well, this Keqing alchemist from the Alchemy League has actually been promoted to a fourth-rank divine alchemist, and can refine a fourth-rank special pill, which is equivalent to reaching the level of a fifth-rank divine alchemist.

“Where did he go now?” The God King Jilu asked Huo Qingyan again.

“He’s in the pill pavilion of our branch, waiting to take on the task. Look…” Huo Qingyan hurriedly told the King Jilu about Gu Xiangfei’s whereabouts.

“Since he’s in our branch, I’ll see if he can be promoted to a fifth-rank alchemist. If he reaches the level of a fifth-rank alchemist, he must be allowed to join the Alchemy League, otherwise he will… Forget it, go down and watch him!” After the half-sentence of the Jilu God King, Huo Qingyan knew the consequences of Gu Xiangfei, if he didn’t join the Pill God League, he would be taken away by the Jilu God King soon, As for where to take it, it must be imprisoned in the prison of the Alchemy League and become an alchemy puppet.

After Huo Qingyan came out, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back. She knew that there was a prison in the Alchemy Alliance. As long as she was thrown into the prison, she could only be an alchemy puppet in this life, until her life energy was exhausted and her soul flew away.

She couldn’t bear to see Gu Xiangfei end up like this, so she decided to find an opportunity to persuade him, it’s best to convince him to join the Pill God League, otherwise she would be helpless.

Gu Xiangfei came to the task window and took over the task of refining Panlin Pill. Now in the Danshenmeng branch, only this kind of pill and Yushen Pill are worth 100 contribution points. There is no god grass for refining Yushen Pill, so they can only refine Pan Lin Pill to accumulate contribution points.

With the effect of refining the eleven furnaces of the special Pan Lin Dan last time, the Danshenmeng branch here has no restrictions on his refining Pan Lin Dan. In the alchemy room on the second floor, the alchemy began to be refined.

When Huo Qingyan came to the second floor, Gu Xiangfei had already entered the alchemy room to refine pills.

I asked the cultivator at the task window, and knew that Gu Xiangfei had received 100 copies of Panlin Pill’s spiritual grass to refine the elixir, so she decided to wait here for Gu Xiangfei to come out.

Gu Xiangfei is now refining Pan Lin Dan, and the speed is much faster. In less than a stick of incense, a furnace of special Pan Lin Dan is received in a jade bottle. Clean up the furnace and continue refining.

Five days later, Gu Xiangfei came out of the alchemy room to hand over the task.

One hundred copies of the spirit grass, and the forty copies of the spirit grass he left behind were also refined into pills. After handing in the task, he still had four hundred pieces of panlin pills left, and the contribution points on the jade card also increased by one point. It’s enough for him to read all the fifth-grade pill formulas, and there are still leftovers.

“Alchemist Gu, please wait a moment.” Huo Qingyan stopped him after seeing Gu Xiangfei handing over the task.

“Oh, what’s up with Deacon Huo?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect to meet Huo Qingyan here.

“Take a step, I want to talk to you about joining the Alchemy Alliance.” Huo Qingyan turned around and went to a remote corner on the second floor, where there were several tea tables and chairs for the monks to rest and wait for the pills .

After Huo Qingyan sat down, she took out the spirit tea and poured Gu Xiangfei a cup of spirit tea.

“What Deacon Huo said about joining the Pill God League, haven’t I joined now? Could there be other things?” Gu Xiangfei asked Huo Qingyan a little puzzled, he is now a guest alchemist of the Pill God League !

“I’m here to invite you to officially join the Danshen League, and remove the word Ke Qing.” After seeing Gu Xiangfei sitting down, Huo Qingyan proposed to let him join the Danshen League.

“Forget it! I think Ke Qing alchemist is very good. The main reason is that I am afraid of restraint and don’t want to stay in one place for a long time. Thank you for your kindness.” Gu Xiangfei already has a clear goal, so naturally he will not join the Alchemy League.

“Alchemist Gu, have you ever thought about it? The resources of our Pill God League are well-known in the God Realm. I dare say that no other alliance is as strong as our Pill God League. Of course, except for Xuantian College, after joining the Pill God League, even It is not impossible for you to become a Pill Sage, the Pill God League will vigorously cultivate you, provide the best resources, and push you to the seventh-rank alchemy.” Huo Qingyan thought that Gu Xiangfei could be promoted to the seventh-rank after hearing that Dan Sheng must be very excited and agreed to join the Dan God League.

“Thank you for your kindness. Actually, I don’t like alchemy very much. Alchemy is for myself as a backup.” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, it took him a long time to become a seventh-rank alchemy, and my goal is a ninth-rank alchemy. Besides, what kind of guarantee can a deacon Huo Qingyan use, even the person in charge of the Pill God League branch dare not make such a guarantee.

“You…you will regret it sooner or later if you don’t listen to the advice. You think that the Danshenmeng invited you over and over again, but you rejected them. After you think about it…” Huo Qingyan was shocked when she said this, and she also Angry that Gu Xiangfei didn’t listen to the advice, he almost said the words of the God King Jilu, gave Gu Xiangfei a hard look, turned around and left.

Could it be that the Pill God League is going to be bad for you? Gu Xiangfei quickly thought of what Huo Qingyan hadn’t finished saying, and what she meant behind it was obviously that it was impossible for the Dan Shenmeng to let him go.

He quickly thought about it, he is now a fourth-rank alchemist, and it is not important to the Danshenmeng. Once he refines a fifth-rank special pill, the Danshenmeng will definitely take action. As for killing himself, it is impossible Yes, it is possible to rob himself away, imprison him in one place, and make alchemy for them.

If I don’t help them make alchemy, I might search my soul and extract my own alchemy for reference by other alchemists.

The more Gu Xiangfei thinks about it, the more likely it is. It seems that he has to leave here as soon as possible after checking the fifth-grade pill formula, no! Now I must have been targeted. Ever since Huo Qingyan left, someone has been following me.

He is not worried about being targeted. As long as he is not dealing with him now, there are ways to escape. He is experienced in escaping.Very, besides, no one knew his original face, and he had replaced the aura of other monks with him, otherwise he would not be able to escape the pursuit of Li Yan, the God King at the auction.

Thinking of this, he went to the third floor indifferently, took out the jade tablet, opened the restraint, and began to look at the Dan Fang jade slip.


“What? He refused again? It’s okay, I get it, you go down!” After hearing Huo Qingyan’s report, the God King Jilu was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect such a good condition, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t agree. It seems that this person doesn’t want to join the Pill God League anymore, but now he is the fourth-rank god alchemist. For the Pill God League, there are so many such god alchemists, so it is not necessary for him to join the Pill God League.

The Divine King of Jilu has inspected Gu Xiangfei with his consciousness, and he clearly remembers his breath and appearance, and he is not afraid of him running away. Let’s wait until he can refine the fifth-grade super pill! To be able to refine a fifth-grade special elixir is to be a sixth-grade divine alchemist. At this time, he must not be let go, and he must be arrested first.

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