– Running for Desperately

After Gu Xiangfei killed the split Linbao, he put away the star dew fruit tree and left here.

On the territory of the seventh-level gods and monsters, after finding a way to hunt and kill these seven-level gods and monsters, Gu Xiangfei killed nine seven-level gods and monsters in succession, and obtained a large number of gods and gods. Grass and fruit trees, as well as some high-grade ores .

Now that the seventh-level divine fruit tree is basically enough for him to refine the seventh-rank elixir, he decided to go to the territory of the eighth-level god and monster beast, and if he finds that the situation is not good, he should flee immediately.

This time, he turned the star bead into a leaf and drifted with the wind to the depths of the inner circle of the ruins. His consciousness slowly stretched out to check the surrounding situation.

“Pleasant Fruit!” Gu Xiangfei almost screamed out. This is the main medicine for refining the eighth-grade elixir, Zunhuang Pill.

The consciousness stretched out slowly, and a hundred meters away was an eighth-level god monster, which looked like an antelope, and was practicing on the ground. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t recognize what it was, but its aura was very powerful, stronger than that of a seventh-level god. The monster’s aura was several times stronger.

Gu Xiangfei calculated that the eighth-level god monster would need at most one breath to get under the Yueshen fruit tree. If he wanted to put away this Yueshen fruit tree, he had to think carefully.

I began to carefully depict the pattern of void strangulation. I slowed down the speed when drawing the pattern. Usually, half a stick of incense can complete the pattern of void strangulation. It took an hour to complete it. I was worried about the time of drawing the pattern , causing spatial fluctuations, and was alerted by the eighth-level gods and monsters.

Then the Void Strangling Formation was activated suddenly, and the eighth-level god monster felt the space fluctuation as soon as it was activated in the Void Strangling Formation. God fruit tree.

“Boom!” The void strangle formation was bumped, and countless void blades were instantly activated, covering the eighth-level god monsters, like a net of void blade lights, cutting the eighth-level god monsters in a loop.

“OhWoo…” The eighth-level god monster screamed continuously, and within two breaths, under the net array of void blades, the complete body of the eighth-level god monster could no longer be seen, and all of them were shattered into pieces. end.

Gu Xiangfei just came out of the star bead at this time, raised his hand and put away the Yueshen fruit tree, and then flew away from here. He felt a space fluctuation in the distance, and there must be other eighth-level gods and monsters coming to check.

He was only three breaths away when an eighth-level god monster appeared here. Seeing the scene here, it roared angrily and flew towards the direction where Gu Xiangfei was escaping.

Gu Xiangfei felt the spatial fluctuations coming out from behind, knowing that the eighth-level gods and monsters were chasing and killing him, he frantically launched the rule escape technique and flew to the outside.

This eighth-level god monster locked onto Gu Xiangfei’s breath, let go of its speed and rushed towards it.

On Gu Xiangfei’s escape route, many monks were looking for resources in the ruins. These monks suddenly felt space fluctuations. Just as they were about to sacrifice their shield defenses, they saw a figure flashing in front of them. They couldn’t see it until they took a breath. The figure, and then another powerful spatial fluctuation came out from behind, and even the monks in the realm of the gods were frightened and ran away in a hurry.

An eighth-level god monster roared past exuding a huge aura. The monks and god monsters around were shocked by this huge aura, and fled here one after another, looking at the direction that the eighth-level god monster was flying , obviously chasing and killing the monk in front.

“Good guy, did you rob the family property of the god monster, or did you kill the child of this eighth-level god monster, and chased him so crazily? I really admire this fellow Taoist. The eighth-level god monster even Can’t keep up with him.”

“This fellow daoist’s escapism is so powerful that even the eighth-level gods and monsters can’t catch up with him.”

“Looking at the situation of this eighth-level god monster, it is going to be hunted to the ends of the earth, and it will not let him go until death! Fellow Daoist, I hope you can escape.”

These monks looked at their backs and talked a lot. Some admired, admired, and prayed.

Gu Xiangfei is suffering and can’t tell now, he doesn’t even have time to sacrifice the spaceship, the spatial fluctuations behind him are getting closer, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger, he knows that the eighth-level gods and monsters are crazily chasing him, he is even more Bringing the rule escape technique to the extreme, the whole person is like a phantom, passing by with a single stroke.

Soon he escaped from the ruins, and the eighth-level god monster also chased out of the ruins, Gu Xiangfei did not run to Fangshi, because those monks in Fangshi couldn’t resist the eighth-level god monster at all, and even killed those monk’s life.

He looked for a direction and flew away. It seemed that the eighth-level gods and monsters behind him would not give up on him. Now it depends on the stamina of one person and one beast. What an accident, Gu Xiangfei has little hope.

After flying away for two days, I don’t know how many mountains and mountains, how many plains and deserts we have crossed. Gu Xiangfei’s rule escape technique, as he became more and more familiar with the rules of the world here and assimilated more and more, his rules The escape technique is gradually improving, and the distance from the eighth-level gods and monsters is gradually widening.

After flying away for five months, Gu Xiangfei completed assimilating all the rules of heaven and earth here. The rules of escape suddenly improved, and he was instantly separated from the eighth-level gods and monsters by thousands of miles.

The eighth-level god monster did not expect that the human monk it was chasing and killing would suddenly increase in speed and leave him far away. The god monster stopped and roared again and again, raised its claws and smashed the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees, obviously venting its fury.

Gu Xiangfei only now understands that the rules of heaven and earth here before have only assimilated a general idea, and the rules of some subtleties have not been assimilated at all. , until now all assimilation is suddenly completed.

The rules of heaven and earth here are all under his control. His cultivation base is still low now. If his cultivation base improves, he can use the rule escape technique to instantly appear at the position he wants to reach.

“I’ve been chasing and killing Lao Tzu for more than half a year, now it’s my turn.” After Gu Xiangfei assimilated all the rules here, his spiritual consciousness suddenly increased several times, and he was shrouded by his spiritual consciousness within a hundred thousand miles. As his cultivation level increases, his spiritual consciousness will also increase.

After sweeping his consciousness, he saw that the eighth-level god monster was venting his anger. He entered the star bead, turned the star bead into a grain of sand, and drifted to the vicinity of the eighth-level god monster beast with the wind, and began to depict the void. Strangling pattern, now the eighth-level god monster is venting, the space fluctuations are already chaotic, and his void strangling pattern is quickly completed.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly came out of the star bead, raised his hand to activate the void strangle formation, and stabbed with his spiritual sense, ruthlessly inserting it into the mind of the eighth-level god monster.

“Roar…” The eighth-level god and monster jumped up in pain, and fell to the ground with a “boom!”, and a huge pit several feet deep was smashed into the ground.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and immediately sent out several deadly stabs of spiritual consciousness, blasting into the minds of the eighth-level gods and monsters, and took advantage of the situation to twist them.

The eighth-level god monster, the severe pain in his mind had just been healed by the Yaoyuan, and it was relieved for a while, and suddenly he was blasted into his mind by several attacks of divine consciousness, and immediately roared in pain, and slammed his head indiscriminately. The ground, the surrounding rocks and trees.

After a few breaths, the brain of this eighth-level god monster was stabbed to pieces by the divine consciousness, like a hill, boom! With a sound, he fell to the ground, breathless, dead.

“This divine sense attack is powerful! It seems that you need to practice more. In the future, this will be a method of sneak attack and insidiousness. However, the eighth-level god monsterThe material is also good. “Gu Xiangfei came in front of the eighth-level god and monster, raised his hand and put it into the ring, ready to use it when refining weapons in the future.

He doesn’t know where this place is now, nor does he know which domain of the God Realm it belongs to. After scanning his consciousness, he didn’t see a single monk. Somewhere, simply practice spiritual attack here.

He took out the formation flag and set up a defensive formation, then took out a pile of divine stones, set up a spirit gathering formation, then sat down cross-legged, performed regular exercises, mobilized the consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, and practiced the attack with the consciousness.

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