The past of Xuantian Academy

Gu Xiangfei smiled and said, “Ninth-rank Divine Alchemy is not enough, at least one batch of Star Emperor Pills must be refined to advance to the ninth-rank Divine Alchemy.”

God King Qihe cupped his fists to Gu Xiangfei and said, “Thank you Lord Pill, you will use my place in Qihe in the future, just send me a message, if I don’t come, I will never be able to advance to the Godly Realm.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what the King of Qihe meant, that he intended to befriend him! It seems that this Qihe God King is not like Li Yan and Jilu, he only wants to catch him, but doesn’t want to be friends with him.

Since King Qihe intends to make friends, Gu Xiangfei is also happy to have another friend who will soon be in the realm of gods, and then takes out a jade bottle and hands it to King Qihe, saying, “This is the healing elixir I refined, and there is only one furnace. The spirit fruit of the elixir, so I refined a batch of elixir and gave it to Brother Qi to use it during the tribulation.”

When Qi He heard Gu Xiangfei call him Brother Qi, he happily took the jade bottle and opened it, exclaiming, “Special Pleasure Star Pill.” Four special Yuexing pills.

“Thank you, Lord Pill.” Qihe Divine King is now relieved. It seems that whether it is an ordinary person or a monk, it is relative. You treat me well, and I treat you well. If you want to make friends, the other party is willing to be with He made friends, otherwise he wouldn’t have given him Yue Xing Pill. This kind of special Yue Xing Pill, even a million god stones, monks rushed to buy each.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, Brother Qi can just call me by my name.” Gu Xiangfei’s appearance has not changed now, and he still doesn’t want to let the King of Qihe know his appearance. After all, the two have just made friends. , but his cultivation base is low now, and he doesn’t want to take the risk of letting the King of Qihe know his true face. As time goes by, he will naturally let the King of Qihe know.

“Okay, brother Gu, you and I can just call each other by name. I don’t care about cultivation when making friends. I think it’s worth making friends. Even if he’s a cultivator in the False God Realm, as long as I have the right temper, I will make friends with him. Haha…” King Qihe burst into laughter after speaking, this time he was betting right.

Gu Xiangfei took out the spirit tea, and the two chatted while drinking, talking about his coming to the Central God Realm and his plan to join Xuantian Academy.

“Xuantian Academy recruits monks who are specialized in the four major skills of alchemy, equipment, formation, and talisman. Other skills such as spirit planter, beast master, poison master, astrology fortune teller, spirit wine master, spirit tea master… as long as He has a skill, and he will be recruited after passing the assessment. He recruits disciples every 100 years, and with Gu’s alchemy level, he will definitely pass the assessment. I’m here to congratulate you in advance.” After finishing speaking, the King of Qihe cupped his fists and saluted Gu Xiangfei in congratulations .

“Thank you, brother Qi, for telling me, but I want to use the formation method to assess. I don’t want others to know my alchemy way, so as not to cause trouble.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists in return to the Qihe God King.

“Oh! Brother Gu is still a magician? The most important thing in Xuantian Academy is not alchemy, but formation and talisman. If Gu can know formation, it would be the best.”

“Oh, there is such a thing? I thought it was the way of pills? After all, you need a lot of pills when you practice.” Gu Xiangfei was a little confused. Monks can’t do without pills in cultivation and fighting. Why is Xuantian Academy the most What is more important is the way of array and the way of talisman?

“Xuantian Academy has three ninth-level divine alchemy emperors, and the eighth-level divine alchemy kings below have more than a dozen people, and the seventh-level divine alchemy kings have hundreds of people, but now there is only one ninth-level divine formation emperor, and eighth-level divine formation kings. There are only two of them, and there are only two kings of the seventh-level divine array.” Having said this, the Divine King Qihe took a sip of the divine tea from his teacup, then continued after a while.

“Originally there were four divine formation emperors, but three of them fell at once in a secret realm. The eighth-level divine formation king and the seventh-level divine formation king almost lost all of them. They were all trapped and killed by the formation of the secret realm. For tens of thousands of years, the god formation of Xuantian AcademyThe king has only been promoted to a few seventh-level magic array kings. ”

Gu Xiangfei was shocked, what kind of formation is this? Even the emperor of Shenzhen was trapped and killed.

“Xuantian Academy has many secret realms, and these secret realms must be opened by the magic formation master before other monks can enter, and the secret realms owned by Xuantian Academy are protected by relatively complicated ancient formations. Mixed with ancient poison, if you are not careful, it will trigger the poisonous way. The detoxification pill refined by the god alchemy emperor can’t resist the erosion of this ancient poison. The emperor of Xuantian Academy is trapped by the poison Kill.” The King Qihe said here, with a lingering fear expression on his face, obviously he had seen such a situation at that time.

“So powerful?” Gu Xiangfei became more and more interested the more he listened. If he breaks through the formations of these secret realms by himself, then after sneaking in, there will be great gains.

“That’s why Xuantian Academy’s recruitment of disciples of the Divine Formation Master is the most important thing. I don’t know what level of Divine Formation Master Gu is? As long as he reaches the fifth level of the Divine Formation Master, he will definitely pass the examination.” The King of Qihe felt Gu Xiangfei’s formation. , It is not bad to have the level of a third-level magician master. After all, it is great for a monk to have one skill to the eighth-rank alchemy king. If he has two skills at the same time, there must be one skill whose level is not very high.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, took out a formation flag, and quickly arranged a six-level defensive formation, and then a seven-level strangling formation, which took only a stick of incense.

“This… This is a sixth-level defensive formation, a seventh-level strangling formation.” Qihe God King was shocked when he saw the formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei. The strangling formation is enough to strangle him in the large formation.

No, he is not the seventh-level god formation king, he must be the eighth-level god formation king, or the ninth-level god formation emperor. According to his speed, he can arrange the seventh-level strangling formation. The Divine King also felt a cold sweat on his back. If Gu Xiangfei wanted to kill him, there was no way out after he entered this room.

“Haha…” King Qihe woke up suddenly, then he was overjoyed, and then laughed again. Gu Xiangfei proved that he was too wise to make friends, and being able to make friends with an eighth-rank god alchemy king was enough for him to brag. It’s been a while, and now this eighth-rank divine alchemy king, and possibly a ninth-level divine formation emperor, made him even more delighted. Now that Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation base is not high, he is really lucky to be able to make friends with him. Once Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation base After being promoted, he probably won’t even be able to meet people, let alone make friends.

Gu Xiangfei smiled slightly, and raised his hand to put away the formation flag, which made Qihe God King believe that his guess was right. Gu Xiangfei must be a ninth-level god formation emperor. You have to be very careful when setting up the formation, otherwise when collecting the formation flags, if you collect the formation flags in the wrong order, you may be strangled by the formation you set up.

“Brother Gu’s formation method, I admire you.” King Qihe clasped his fists again, and now he really admires Gu Xiangfei. He can cultivate two kinds of skills to the peak. Isn’t this a genius?

“Brother Qi is over the top. I am the same as you. When making friends, you don’t depend on your cultivation and background. If you get along well, you are friends. Don’t be polite in the future.” Gu Xiangfei returned a salute. Trouble, simply tell him that he doesn’t like being so polite.

“Okay, I won’t be polite in the future. It’s just that I really admire my brother’s skills. I can’t help it! There are some cultivation resources in this ring. Don’t be disgusted with me. The main reason is that my cultivation base is too low. Please hurry up.” Improve your cultivation, only when you become stronger can you protect yourself, so I won’t bother you, brother, hurry up and practice!” God King Qihe handed him a ring, turned around and left without waiting for Gu Xiangfei to thank him.

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he was overjoyed. In the ring, there was a middle-grade divine vein, one million divine stones, and some divine fruits above level seven. The investment of the Qihe Divine King was a bit big! But it can also be seen that King Qihe really wants to make friends with him.

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