Array Dao Assessment

Gu Xiangfei reckoned that after entering the Xuantian Academy, these divine alchemists who passed the examination would either be used by the divine alchemy king, or be thrown into a corner. Let’s go on their own! Unless there is a chance to be promoted to the seventh-rank Alchemy King, it is possible to be valued by Xuantian Academy, otherwise this will be the case in this life.

The third assessment time is seven days, because it needs to form a new alchemy formula and refine it into a pill, so the time is a bit longer, but according to Gu Xiangfei’s calculation, it is estimated that after the assessment is over, there are not many alchemists who can refine it. Bring out the elixir.

The onlookers in the square are all sitting cross-legged on the futons to practice now, and even the dozen or so god emperors of Xuantian Academy on the platform are also sitting cross-legged on the futons, waiting for the alchemists to pass the final test. assessment.

There are tens of millions of monks, including monks of all races. When these monks practice, they emit a breath of rules. Gu Xiangfei is overjoyed. Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime. He immediately sat cross-legged on the futon, and performed regular exercises to capture the rules of these monks. The breath is assimilated.

The monks of all ethnic groups in the square are basically monks below the realm of the gods. Their regular aura was quickly captured by his regular exercises and assimilated into a part of his own rules.

These tens of millions of monks don’t have tens of millions of regular auras. Basically, the monks’ regular auras of each race are almost the same, and he assimilates quickly.

Two days later, the regular aura of tens of millions of monks on the square was assimilated by him, and then he began to capture the regular aura of the god emperors on the platform. The regular aura emitted by these god emperors was hundreds of times stronger than the monks on the square. More than that, it made it easier for him to capture the regular breath of these god emperors.

Each of the more than a dozen god emperors has a different regular aura, and one of the god emperors exudes a poisonous way of regular aura, which is obviously a poisonous way of cultivation.

It was the first time that Gu Xiangfei found out that there was a cultivator who practiced the Poison Dao Kung Fu, so he paid special attention to this God Emperor who practiced the Poison Dao Kung Fu, and assimilated his Poison Dao rules, and one more poison rule was added to his many rules , even if you encounter highly poisonous things in the future, there are ways to deal with them.

After assimilating the regular atmosphere of these monks, Gu Xiangfei felt that the harvest this time was really great. Even if he meets these monks in the future, he doesn’t have to worry about not being able to figure out their details when fighting.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly came up with an idea. Now that he has assimilated their regular aura, can he open up the world opened up by these monks in the Divine Sovereign Realm?

This idea quickly rose in his mind, and he felt more and more possible. Now he wants to find a monk in the realm of the gods to experiment.

He found a cultivator in the Divine Sovereign Realm, and just about to use the rules of that cultivator in the Divine Sovereign Realm, suddenly a burst of cool breath came from the star bead, which made him wake up immediately. He was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

If the world of the cultivators of the Divine Sovereign Realm is opened here, it will definitely cause panic among the cultivators of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Those god emperors will find him immediately, and they will definitely take him away to search for his soul, and all his secrets will be exposed.

Consciousness swept across the starsInside the bead, he found that the cool breath that passed to him was actually emitted by Jianmu Daoshu. It seemed that this kind of heaven-reaching treasure could foresee the crisis and stop his reckless behavior in time.

Seven days passed in a flash, and the white-haired old man stood up and announced, “It’s time.”

Some alchemists who were thinking hard were interrupted and left the platform with disappointed expressions on their faces.

This time, the formation screen displayed faster, but it took only a few breaths to complete the signing result, and the number of the alchemist who passed the examination was displayed on the screen.

Sure enough, as Gu Xiangfei expected, the monks who passed the assessment did not even exceed ten alchemists, and only seven alchemists passed the assessment and were recruited as disciples by Xuantian Academy.

Out of the tens of thousands of divine alchemists, only seven divine alchemists passed the assessment. The cultivators who didn’t know the situation thought that Xuantian Academy’s assessment was too difficult, and they wanted to take part in the assessment next time.

Some divine alchemists carefully recalled the rules of Xuantian Academy for recruiting alchemy disciples. They felt that they had been cheated, but even if they knew it, they dared not say it. The dozen or so divine emperors on the platform were all there. Big is the last word.

“The following is the assessment of the Dao of Artifacts. Please enter the stage with the jade badge for the artifact masters participating in the assessment.” The white-haired old man announced the start of the Dao of Artifacts assessment in a loud voice.

There were not many artifact masters participating in the Dao of Artifacts assessment, only a mere 3,000 monks. These monks quickly came to the platform and found their own places to stand. There was obviously a lot of space on the platform.

A Divine Formation King of Xuantian Academy took out a formation flag and lowered it down. The platform began to descend from all sides and shrink back, leaving just enough space for the more than 3,000 monks to unfold.

As the platform continued to shrink, the monks on the square also came to watch, getting closer to watching the assessment of the artifact masters.

“The first assessment, ore purification.” The white-haired old man announced the first item of the refining assessment after seeing that the artifact masters stood still.

More than 3,000 pieces of ore were distributed by the deacons of Xuantian Academy.

“This is a fifth-level stellar stone. It is as difficult to melt as a sixth-level ore, not to mention that it needs to be purified, which is a bit difficult!” A monk who recognized the fifth-level stellar stone couldn’t help but said.

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself that refiners are not valued even more in Xuantian Academy. Some monks in the state of gods have their own acquired magic weapons, let alone monks in the state of gods, there is no need for refiners to refine artifacts for them.

Only the Artifact Emperor can help them repair the acquired magic weapon. Except for the Artifact Emperor, even the Artifact King will not be valued by Xuantian Academy, let alone these mid-level Artifact Masters. Even after passing the assessment, they can only help the Artifact King.

Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help feeling sad for these artifact masters and alchemists. These people traveled hundreds of millions of miles to Xuantian Academy to participate in the assessment. In the end, not only did they serve Xuantian Academy for nothing, but they also had to spend their own time and divine stones. Even if they pass the assessment, they will not be vigorously cultivated by Xuantian Academy, let alone the monks who have not passed the assessment. It seems that they might as well join the Pill God League or other alliances.

The purification time of the fifth-level star shining stone is one stick of incense, and soon the stick of incense burns out, and the white-haired old man announces that the first assessment is over.

The Artifact Masters who passed the assessment began to be displayed on the formation screen, and the Artifact Masters who failed the assessment left the platform with disappointment on their faces.

More than 3,000 divine weapon masters have eliminated more than 2,000 divine weapon masters. This elimination rate is much higher than that of divine alchemists.

“The second assessment, each person uses twenty pieces of ore to form a new artifact, and those who refine the top-grade artifact pass the assessment and join Xuantian Academy.” The white-haired old man announced the second assessment, which is the last assessment.

Gu Xiangfei guessed that the white-haired old man saw few people who saw the artifact master assessment, even if he could refine some high-grade artifacts, it would not make much money, so there was no need for these artifact masters to enter the third assessment and directly enter the last one Examined.

Twenty pieces of intermediate ore were quickly distributed to the artifact masters by the deacons of Xuantian Academy. After waiting for the artifact masters to pass the assessment, the monks in the square sat cross-legged on the futons to practice again.

This time it took three days to refine a new artifact, which was four days less than alchemy. The main reason was that refining artifacts was much easier than alchemy, so the time given was less.

Gu Xiangfei ran the rule technique again, and assimilated the previously assimilated rules again, and had a better understanding of the rule aura of these monks, especially the rule aura of the god emperor. The rules are more important, assimilated at least ten times, and it will not end until he can no longer catch his other poisonous rules.

Three days passed faster. This time, there were twelve artifact masters who refined the top-grade artifacts. Although the attack effects of the top-grade artifacts they refined were not very satisfactory, they could use ordinary intermediate-level artifacts. Refining ore to produce a top-grade artifact can be considered a genius in refining.

After the refining assessment was over, the twelve artifact masters received a jade card for passing the assessment of Xuantian Academy with excited faces, which meant that they had joined Xuantian Academy.

“The formation test will be held next. Please enter the array master who will participate in the formation test with the registration jade card.” The white-haired old man announced the start of the formation test loudly, with a slightly excited tone.

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