Killing God Emperor Miaozao

Although the God Emperor of Fucheng was puzzled, he couldn’t find any evidence, so he had no choice but to let it go. He buried this doubt deep in his heart, and continued to investigate when he found clues in the future.

After Gu Xiangfei’s fusion for a month, the Dao Rhyme of the Great Destruction Technique has been completely transformed into his own. The supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique has a faint tendency to be promoted to the realm of Dacheng. He estimates that after continuous use and practice, he will be promoted to the realm of Dacheng ,Just a matter of time.

After walking out of the cave, he sent a message to Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, telling him that he had left the customs and now he can return to the Five Elements Universe.

Emperor Kanli and several god emperors soon came to Gu Xiangfei’s cave, but God Emperor Miaozao was missing.

“Huh! Why hasn’t Fellow Daoist Miao come out yet? I sent him a message!” Seeing that God Emperor Miao Zao was missing from the Divine Formation, Emperor Kanli asked about God Emperor Fucheng who was with him.

“God Emperor Miaozao is cultivating. Maybe at a critical moment, he doesn’t have time to look at the communication beads!” The God Emperor Fucheng originally wanted to say that God Emperor Miaozao’s soul was damaged, but he changed it to Miao Zao. Emperor Zao is cultivating with all his heart.

He wants to explore aloneFind out the secret of God Emperor Miaozao. Anyway, now that his soul is damaged, even if he does it, God Emperor Miaozao is not his opponent. What’s more, he has long coveted God Emperor Miaozao’s attack magic weapon, the Seven Treasure Glass Cup. Might be an opportunity.

Although he wanted Gu Xiangfei’s Heavenly Dao Wheel more, he suffered from no chance, and he was not sure how to deal with the elders of Xuantian Academy, so he could only look for opportunities in the future.

“Since this is the case, then Fucheng Taoist friends will protect him here, and we will go back to the Five Elements Universe first, to deal with the old dean.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen’s words were in line with the wishes of the Fucheng God Emperor, and he immediately agreed. Anyway, Now there is no Nirvana crisis in the polar night universe, and you can leave anytime.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the elders of Xuantian Academy and the god emperor of Fucheng were all full of energy, and their souls were obviously not damaged. The target of his doubts now naturally thought of God Emperor Miaozao.

Let go of the illusory eyes, pass through God Emperor Miaozao’s cave, and see God Emperor Miaozao’s face is pale and depressed, obviously the soul is seriously damaged, it is obvious that God Emperor Miaozao sent his own animal pet to attack him of.

“Brother Kanli, wait a minute, I have something to ask God Emperor Miaozao.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched God Emperor Miaozao’s cave.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, God Emperor Miaozao’s cave was first shattered by the ban, and then the cave collapsed. God Emperor Miaozao was sitting cross-legged on the futon, using exercises to restore his soul, and the cave was bombarded. After the collapse, he quickly dodged to go outside.

“Why did Fellow Daoist Gu blow down my cave? Don’t you know that this is a taboo for practitioners?” God Emperor Miao Zao saw six or seven people outside. Although he was very angry, he didn’t dare to face so many god emperors. What’s more, his soul is seriously damaged now, any god emperor can kill him.

“Look at what this is? You can see why I want to blow up your cave. Since you want to kill me to seize the treasure, why can’t I blow down your cave.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed Jiu, whose head was smashed. A super-level peak god and monster, sternly questioned God Emperor Miaozao.

“This is a peak level nine beast, and it is difficult for me to deal with it alone.” Elder Li Shi saw that although the peak level nine spirit beast was dead, the huge aura emanating from it made these several A god emperor could tell at a glance that it was a level nine peak god monster, and it would soon break through the realm and be promoted to a holy beast. If they faced this ninth level peak god monster alone, they would be injured even if they didn’t die.

“What does this mean? Do you think this is my beast pet? If I had such a powerful beast pet, I would have already become the number one person in the Western God Territory.” God Emperor Miao Zao was plausible on the surface, denying that it was him However, he felt great pity in his heart. This ninth-level peak god monster was cultivated by him with countless efforts and treasures, and now it was killed by Gu Xiangfei. He wished to skin Gu Xiangfei and cramp it Only by burning his soul for thousands of years can he relieve the hatred in his heart, but now facing so many god emperor powerhouses, he must not admit that this is his beast pet.

“Okay, since you don’t admit it, I’ll show you another piece of evidence.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and a soul imprint appeared in his hand. With a slight pinch, the soul imprint was crushed.

“Pfft!” As the imprint of the soul was crushed, God Emperor Miao Zao felt that his already severely damaged soul was even more injured. He opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his soul became more depressed.

Gu Xiangfei saw that God Emperor Miaozao’s soul was damaged again, and it was a good opportunity to kill him. He sacrificed his Shashen Spear, rolled up a terrifying gun light, and blasted at God Emperor Miaozao.

The surrounding elders felt their souls trembling slightly under the suction force of the Braking Spear, and they were about to be drawn out by the huge suction of the Braking Spear. The emperor surrounded him to prevent him from escaping.

After God Emperor Miaozao’s soul was damaged again, he was even more horrified. Knowing that what he had done this time was exposed, he did not expect that Gu Xiangfei had stripped off the imprint of his soul, and took it out and crushed it.

He immediately took out a talisman and wanted to trigger escape, but before he activated the talisman, he felt that his soul was about to be sucked out, and a terrifying spear pierced his eyebrows, nailing his primordial spirit. When it’s over, the hand holding the talisman hangs down, waiting for another reincarnation. Fortunately, there are still many resources in his world. Even if he starts to practice again, he will soon break through to God Emperor.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and played countless complicated hand formulas, God Emperor Miao Zao was shocked, he felt that his world was about to be opened by Gu Xiangfei, and wanted to explode his soul, but unfortunately the soul was impaled by the brake gun and was absorbing his soul With the power, his primordial spirit has cut off the connection with him.

It’s only a few breaths, click! With a soft sound, the world of God Emperor Miaozao was torn apart by Gu Xiangfei. He raised his hand and rolled up all the items in his world. The brake gun trembled slightly and shattered his primordial spirit. Emperor reduced to ashes.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, several college elders, and the God Emperor Fucheng were shocked when they saw this scene. This Gu Xiangfei actually opened the world of the God Emperor. You must know that if they want to open a world of monks in the God King Realm, they must first Searching for the soul, you can only open his world after you know the restrictions of the world of monks in the realm of the gods, and the world will collapse if you are not careful, the success rate is not very high.

Now that Gu Xiangfei opened up the world of a god emperor in just a few breaths, it can be seen how deep Gu Xiangfei’s understanding of the Dao is.

They don’t know that Gu Xiangfei has regular exercises and doesn’t need formations to open the world of the god emperor. As long as the monk’s rules are assimilated by him, it will be likeIt’s as convenient as holding things in his own ring, and his complicated hand formulas are just to deceive people’s eyes and ears.

“How did Fellow Daoist Gu know that Miao Zao attacked you?” The Fucheng God Emperor saw that everything in God Emperor Miao Zao’s world was swept away by Gu Xiangfei, and the Seven Treasure Glass Cup he wanted was also taken away by Gu Xiangfei, feeling extremely disappointed in his heart , couldn’t help feeling very annoyed, but he couldn’t ask Gu Xiangfei for the Qibao glass cup, so he pretended not to know and asked about Miao Zao’s surprise attack on Gu Xiangfei.

“I went back to the cave and wanted to rest for a few days, but I accidentally found that someone had imprinted me with the soul mark, so I went outside the city to lure the person who gave me the mark of the soul to come out, and arranged a nine-level trapped killing array in advance .”

Gu Xiangfei paused when he said this, and saw several elders waiting for him to continue to explain the reason, and continued, “I just didn’t expect that the person who placed the imprint of the soul did not come, but a ninth-level peak god monster came. The trapping and killing array solved this ninth-level peak god monster, and I wanted to see whose soul was damaged, but I didn’t expect it to be God Emperor Miaozao. I thought it was a monk from the Extreme Night Universe, but I didn’t expect to It was my own people who killed me. Alas!”

Gu Xiangfei sighed when he said this, his face was sad and speechless, but he was overjoyed in his heart, this God Emperor Miaozao has a lot of good things!

“Hmph! Western God Territory, why don’t you give Xuantian College an explanation this time, I will let that old man Yifeng have a bad life in the future, and it turns out that his own people hurt his own people, what a great irony.” Deputy Tiansen After listening to Gu Xiangfei’s narration, the dean could not help being furious when he saw God Emperor Miaozao’s imprint on his soul, and went back to ask God Emperor Yifeng to settle the score.

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