Refining the Heaven-Swallowing Pot Heart

After Gu Xiangfei made his decision, he immediately found Emperor Kanli, “Brother Kanli, I need to recover for a few days, and my spiritual consciousness is a bit too worn out.”

Emperor Kanli immediately agreed. He saw that almost all the flags refined by Gu Xiangfei had reached the level of top-grade artifacts, so he naturally knew how hard Gu Xiangfei had worked in refining the flags.

“Brother Gu, just go and restore it. Let’s lay out the base of the formation first, and wait for Brother Gu to come out and set up the center of the formation. This large formation in the realm will be completed.”

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice a cave, nodded to Emperor Kanli, and entered the cave. After unlocking the cave’s restriction, he dodged into the star bead.

Now the spirit energy in the star bead is as thick as rain and fog, and the few Dao fruit trees are even more verdant and full of vitality. After a few hundred years, it will mature and be able to refine elixir.

The golden-winged roc is still sleeping on the Jianmu tree. Now it has found a good place to accept the inheritance and cultivate with great concentration. Jianmu is originally the tree of the universe’s open source time. Practicing on the Jianmu tree can not only help It senses supernatural powers, and it can also keep it awake at all times, so as not to be lost.

Gu Xiangfei ignored it, grabbed the stele and sat cross-legged under the Jianmu tree, spewed a mouthful of blood, and began to refine the stele.

The regularity technique is in operation, first find the regular aura of this stone tablet, and then draw out a trace of refinement.

In the secret realm of the Immortal Realm, he failed to refine this stele by all means. Now in the God Realm, his cultivation base is many times stronger than when he was in the Immortal Realm. Now he started to refine the stele. Immediately found that this stone tablet has one hundred and eight restrictions, and this stone tablet also has the imprint of his master’s soul.

Carefully peel off the imprint of the spirit and soul, find a jade box to put the imprint of the spirit and soul on it, then mark it with a restraint and throw it aside.

Next to a large defensive formation in the Eastern Divine Region, the ancestor of the Lian family sacrificed a large pot. Just as he was about to bombard the large formation, the large pot suddenly stagnated in the air and fell to the ground.

Patriarch Lian was startled, someone was refining the heart of his Heaven Swallowing Pot, and after refining a restriction, this Swallowing Heaven Pot was out of his control, he was shocked, if someone refined it His sky-swallowing pot heart, then he, the sky-swallowing sage, is not worthy of the name, and he will neverThe title of Swallowing Saint.

“Who is it? Who is refining my Heaven Swallowing Pot Heart?” The ancestor Lian couldn’t help but roared.

After yelling for a while, he began to let go of his soul, looking for the imprint of the soul left on the heart of Tuntian Hu, and after another half a sound, his complexion changed drastically, and he didn’t find where the imprint of his soul was. With the imprint of his saint’s soul, he can find traces even in the world of the god emperor.

Now, although his cultivation base is stronger than that of a god emperor, his soul is many times stronger than that of a god emperor. Otherwise, he would not be able to take away a monk in the god emperor realm.

At this moment, he was a little scared. If his heart of swallowing the pot was refined by other saints, then he would run as far as he could.

He grabbed the Heaven-Tuning Pot and found that another restriction had been refined. Such a fast refining speed made him more and more convinced that the Heaven-Tuning Pot’s heart was refined by other saints. In this way, even if other saints refined his Tianshen Pot Heart, they would not be able to get his Tianshun Pot, and at most he would not use the Tianshen Pot, but it would be a bit slow to collect star cores that way.

Every planet has a star core, and if he collects all 999 star cores, he can re-refine the heart of the swallowing pot, perfect his own magic weapon, and become a heaven-swallowing saint again, standing on the top of the holy world.

Without the help of the Tianhu, it would not be so easy for the Tiantian Saint to bombard the defensive formation, but fortunately, he is a strong man in the holy realm, and the defensive formation of the God Realm was still shattered by him after being bombarded by him for five consecutive days. Then he was going to bomb the monks on this planet, but when he bombarded the defensive formation, the monks on this planet would have already run away, which saved him a lot of trouble. The nuclei are collected.

In the past half a month in the outside world, Gu Xiangfei came out of the star bead. He had already refined the heart of the swallowing pot. Now he knew that this stone tablet turned out to be the heart of the swallowing pot. Next, it is also an innate treasure.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He wanted to get this sky-swallowing pot. Even if he couldn’t swallow the sky, he could still hold a planet.

These innate treasures are indeed in the hands of the strong in the holy realm. The few innate treasures I got are probably after the fall of the power. After countless years of destruction, the world of these powers is broken, and other items are turned into pieces Scum, but innate treasures will break through the shackles of this world after they are shattered in the mighty world, turning into ordinary items and wandering in every corner of the universe, waiting for those who have the opportunity.

There are also some innate treasures that, by chance, produce extremely high spiritual intelligence. They become monks alone, practice their own way, attack the status of saints, and occupy a place in the holy world.

Emperor Kanli saw that Gu Xiangfei had left the customs and told him good news, “Brother Gu has left the customs. Now I guess it will be difficult for the ancestor of the Lian family to attack here. When he bombarded the Eastern God Realm, the big pot Suddenly out of his control, he can no longer use the big pot to bombard the defensive formation, his attack speed has slowed down, and we have enough time to set up the boundary formation.”

Gu Xiangfei heard the news about Emperor Kanli, and immediately knew that he had refined the heart of the Tuntian pot. The ancestor of the Lian family would definitely not be able to control the Tuntian pot, let alone dare to use it. Pot, this Tian Swallowing Pot will escape from his control and come to him.

“That’s great, let’s quickly set up a large formation in the realm! Maybe when he comes over, we can use the large formation to trap him, and then bombard and kill this holy man.” Gu Xiangfei is now looking forward to his coming. How could he get the Heaven Swallowing Pot if he didn’t come here? Once he was allowed to escape, it would be difficult for him to find him.

“Now the foundation of the formation is almost ready, Brother Gu, let’s set up the center of the formation! At that time, we will activate the large formation of the realm and test the strength of the formation of the realm.” Emperor Kanli heard Gu Xiangfei’s words , My heart became hot. If I can use the defensive formation to kill this strong man in the holy realm, it will be a blessing that has been passed down through the ages. The reputation of Xuantian College in the Five Elements Universe will be even greater. The God Emperor of the latter will also become famous, and will gain both fame and fortune at that time.

Gu Xiangfei placed the Zhenshen Arrow, the Houtian magic weapon in the formation heart, and this arrow points to the outside of the boundary formation. Once someone bombards the formation, the Zhenshen Arrow, which is the Houtian magic weapon as the formation heart, will send out countless arrows straight into the bombardment Sea of ​​Consciousness, the arrow energy emitted by the Acquired Magical Treasure is many times stronger than Gu Xiangfei’s Spiritual Consciousness Thorn.

After more than a year of setting up, the large formation of the realm was finally completed. Now the monks in the Eastern God Realm, except for those who did not die, almost all ran to the Central God Realm, even the god emperors of the Eastern God Realm came. Seven or eight, these God Emperor was wounded, apparently after a battle with the ancestor of the Lian clan, the reason why they escaped was that the ancestor of the Lian clan did not use the Tianhu when they fought against them, otherwise they would not even have a chance to escape .

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