Return to the Northern God Realm

For three consecutive days, Gu Xiangfei would accompany Xiaoyu to play in the small square of the college every day. When he went back tonight, Gu Xiangfei held Xiaoyu in his arms and said, “I won’t play in the square tomorrow. I’ll take you to the Northern Divine Realm to pick up Big Brother and go there Play for a few days, okay?”

“Ah! Brother has ascended to God Realm? I’m going to pick him up.” Xiao Yu likes these two brothers very much. Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunhao also dote on this beautiful little sister. I often ask grandma and brothers about their childhood.

The next day, Gu Xiangfei let Xiaoyu enter the star bead, and he said that sitting in the boundary teleportation array would affect Xiaoyu’s sea of ​​consciousness, after all, she was too young.

After Xiaoyu entered the star bead, she was stunned by the scene inside. Many god fruit trees were covered with fruits. She ran over to look at these fruits, with a greedy expression in her eyes. Unfortunately, they are not yet ripe and cannot be eaten. , and saw a tree in the center of the star bead, and on the tree was a big bird with golden feathers, sharp giant claws, and a long beak with a hook, which looked very majestic.

Xiaoyu was startled by this big bird, and ran away quickly. The golden-winged roc felt that someone had entered the star bead, and opened his eyes to see a little girl. This little girl had the aura of Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue on her body. Guess it is Gu Xiangfei’s child.

“Little sister, what are you doing here?” The golden-winged roc flew over and landed in front of Xiaoyu. It was several feet taller than Xiaoyu, and it was inconvenient to speak. It began to change its body again and instantly became the same as Xiaoyu. same height.

Xiaoyu was terrified by its appearance, and was about to cry when she saw that the Garuda had shrunk again, being as tall as her.Immediately cheered up, grabbed Garuda by the neck and said, “Bad big bird, if you dare to scare me, I will eat you when you go out.”

The golden-winged roc was not very big at first, and its wisdom was equivalent to that of a six- or seven-year-old child. It happened to be about the same as Xiaoyu. How could the golden-winged roc be grabbed by the neck by a little girl?

Just as it was about to flap its wings, it found that it could not move. A huge aura suppressed it so that it could not move the beast energy in its body. It was shocked in its heart, this is the aura of chaos!

The golden-winged roc didn’t expect that this little girl had the energy of chaos on her body. No wonder she could suppress it with breath. Could it be that she is a body of chaos?

Although the golden-winged roc can’t move the beast energy in its body, it can turn its mind. After realizing that this is the body of chaos, it immediately absorbs a trace of chaos breath from Xiao Yu according to its own inheritance, guides this trace of chaos breath, It shattered the transverse bone in the throat, and after the transverse bone was shattered, it could speak like a human from then on.

The golden-winged roc is different from other monsters. It is difficult to grow up after it is born. It needs countless supplies of natural materials and earthly treasures to grow, and it likes to devour the flesh and blood of dragons. How can a body as young as a bee be able to grow up? Devouring the flesh and blood of dragons? He was slapped to death by the Dragon Clan long ago.

But it was lucky, it met Gu Xiangfei as its owner, and Gu Xiangfei happened to own the Jianmu Dao Tree, and the treasures it needed to grow up were not as powerful as the Jianmu Dao Tree, and it was absorbing Jianmu Dao Tree every day. The breath it emits is equivalent to being watered by heaven and earth treasures every day.

From birth to now, he has absorbed tens of thousands of years of natural materials and earth treasures in the star bead. After so many years of absorbing the breath of Jianmu, it has finally grown up.

The difference between it and other monsters is that other monsters can take Transformation Pills or Transformation Fruits to transform into human bodies, and can open their mouths to speak human words. Transformation Pills or Transformation Fruits have no effect on Garuda Roc. For any effect, the transverse bone in its throat cannot be melted by ordinary transformed fruits and transformed pills. It must require the energy of chaos to smash its transverse bones. , are hundreds of times more difficult than other monsters. Heavenly Dao doesn’t want it to grow up, and will always set up various difficulties for it to hinder its growth.

However, once this kind of heaven-defying beast grows up, its supernatural power will become stronger and stronger. Destroying the world is a trivial matter. The most terrifying thing is that it can affect the rules of the heaven. will all disappear.

Every universe has its own rules, Garuda can destroy these rules at will, it cannot re-establish the rules, but it can turn a universe into chaos again.

The chaotic atmosphere in the universe is the most precious cultivation resource. The chaotic atmosphere can allow practitioners to quickly step into the highest state of the holy realm and enter the qualifications for the battle for fruit status. Only after winning the fruit status can they become the master of eternal life.

In order to obtain a trace of chaotic energy, many strong people in the holy realm will desperately snatch it. Even if they die, they will not back down. No strong person in the holy realm will stand still on the road they are advancing. Stopping means losing the road With a heart, he will always live in the world of the strong, and his life and death will be controlled by others.

The biggest function of the golden-winged roc is that after it grows up, it destroys a universe for its master, turns this universe into chaos again, and allows the master to practice in the land of chaos. After the master obtains the fruit status, it also becomes the master’s fruit status The next little god gets a small fruit status, reaches the realm of immortal beasts, and enjoys the joy of eternal life.

Now the golden-winged roc uses the chaotic air emitted by the light rain to smash its transverse bones, and the avenue it advances has broken through another layer. Naturally, it is overjoyed.

“Little sister, please let go of me. I am familiar with this place. We can play together.” The wisdom of the golden-winged roc is about the same as that of Xiaoyu. They were all sleeping and practicing on the Jianmu Dao tree, or they would be dragged out by Gu Xiangfei to fight and escape for their lives.

During this period of time, Gu Xiangfei didn’t need him to fight and escape, and he rarely went out, so he was already boring. Now he suddenly has a child, and his playfulness has grown, and he also wants to play with Xiao Yu.

As soon as Xiao Yu heard that Garuda could talk to her and wanted to play with her, she immediately let go of Garuda’s neck.

“What’s your name? My name is Xiao Yu.”

“My name is Garuda Dapeng, I’ll take you to see the inside of the star bead!”

A little girl, a roc, a person and a beast wandered around inside the star bead. The golden-winged roc also told Xiaoyu a lot about the effects of the god fruit, and Xiaoyu also told some children outside the golden-winged roc to play with it. One person and one beast quickly became familiar with the game, and Garuda’s language became more and more fluent.

Gu Xiangfei took the boundary to teleport to the Northern God Realm, came to Qingshan City in the Qingjin God Realm in the Northern God Realm, and then teleported to Hongyan City, which is the closest city to the Holy Sword Sect.

Leaving Hongyan City, Gu Xiangfei wanted Xiao Yu to come out, his spiritual consciousness swept through the star bead, and saw that Xiao Yu was having fun with the golden-winged roc, sitting on the back of the golden-winged roc, clutching its golden feathers , flying around in the star beads, Xiaoyu giggled from time to time, it seemed that this person and beast were very familiar, Gu Xiangfei was a little surprised, Xiaoyu was able to play with the golden-winged roc, it seemed to be playing Also very happy.

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