Departing from the Endless Sea

The director of the Wanyu Business League decided to cooperate with Xuantian College. It is said that the God Formation Emperor of Xuantian College not only bombarded and killed the holy powerhouse with the formation, but also wiped out a large number of monks and god emperors of the Yulin Business League. Shao Qianyue was seriously injured and fled.

Xuantang wanted Xuantian Academy’s Divine Formation Emperor to set up a large trapping formation on the sea, trapping and killing the ninth-level peak sea wolf king in one fell swoop.

After the election of Xuantang was decided, he didn’t make a speech like Shao Qianyue, the leader of the Yulin Business League. He would discuss everything with the elders in the business alliance, so that these elders felt that they had a lot of face, and they supported Xuantang’s decision-making more strongly.

Xuanxuan Hall gathered together the god emperor elders of its own business alliance. Now there are sixteen god emperor elders in the business alliance. The god emperor elders of Yulin Business League are much stronger.

“Now the sea monsters of the Endless Sea have formed a hostile force with our business alliance. I decided to join forces with the God Formation Emperor of Xuantian Academy to set up a trapping and killing array on the surface of the Endless Sea, trapping and killing the ninth-level peak sea monsters in one fell swoop. Wolf King, do you have anything to add?” Xuantang calmly told the God Emperor elders about his plan.

“This method is not bad, but I am afraid that Xuantian Academy’s God Formation Emperor is not easy to invite. How much price do we have to pay? And what if we fail? Xuantian Academy doesn’t care, anyway, they don’t need to go to the endless sea. The days to come will be difficult.” The elder Lincheng Shendi in the business alliance raised a few questions. He is known as a military adviser in the business alliance. He has considered many things in the business alliance. His right-hand man is very trustworthy.

“I decided to go to the dean of Xuantian Academy first, and listen to their conditions. Elder Lincheng will go with me, and there will be a place of relaxation in case of trouble. Do you have anything else to mention?”

The elders of the gods and emperors have long been furious when the sea monsters attacked the giant spaceship. Now the leader of the alliance is uniting with the Xuantian Academy to trap and kill the sea monsters. Naturally, they agree very much. If they don’t kill the sea monsters, their money will be cut off. How will the business alliance continue to develop in the future.

Dean Tiansen of Xuantian College received a report from the guard disciples that the leader of the Wanyu Business League came to discuss something, and asked his deacons to invite them in, and then sent a message to Gu Xiangfei, telling him that the leader of the Wanyu Business League was visiting, and let him Come to the hall to discuss.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei arranged for the array masters of the Array Dao branch, he received a message from Dean Tiansen. After reading the message, he guessed that the talks between the Wanyu Business Alliance and the Sea Monster Beast might have collapsed because the Sea Monster Beast attacked The story of the giant spaceship has long spread throughout the Five Elements universe.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the main hall of Xuantian Academy, he saw two god emperors sitting on chairs drinking tea.

“This is Gu Xiangfei, the vice president of our Xuantian College, and also the elder of our Xuantian College’s Zhendao branch, brother Gu, this is the leader of the Wanyu Business Alliance and the elder of Lincheng.” Dean Tiansen saw Gu Xiangfei coming in , Let me introduce to the director of the Wanyu Business League, Xuantang, and the others.

“Two fellow Taoists have worked hard.” Gu Xiangfei greeted them with a monk’s salute.

Xuantang, the director of the Wanyu Business League, and the elders of Lincheng saw that Gu Xiangfei was a late-stage god, but he was the vice president of Xuantian College.It was the elder of the Zhendao branch again, guessing that he might be the emperor of Shenzhen, but he didn’t dare to underestimate him, so he stood up and saluted quickly.

After the two parties saw the ceremony, they sat down again.

The director of the Wanyu Business Alliance, Xuantang, said, “We are here this time to cooperate with Xuantian Academy to destroy the sea monsters in the endless sea. These sea monsters attacked our spaceships of the business alliance, and almost all the monks of the human race were killed. , Our business alliance has talked with them a few times, but these sea monster elves are not our human race, and they don’t understand the world at all, they only know that interests come first.”

Xuantang didn’t hide anything, and explained his purpose of coming, hoping that Xuantian Academy would help them because everyone is a human race.

Dean Tiansen pondered for a while and said, “Then how do you guys cooperate? How do you destroy the sea monsters? There must be a plan!”

“We can give one-third of the profits of the business alliance to Xuantian Academy every year. In addition, I plan to set up a trap and kill formation on the endless sea. The materials will be provided by our business alliance. Please ask the academy’s God Formation Emperor to do it. The sea is trapping and killing the big formation.” Xuantang opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts. He also knew that he could not hide anything when he cooperated with Xuantian Academy, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. It would be better to speak frankly, so as to show his sincerity.

“Brother Gu, what do you think?” Dean Tiansen didn’t know if Gu Xiangfei could arrange a trapping formation on the surface of the sea. The boundless sea has a sky-and-earth rule, and the height of the sea is only a hundred feet away from the forbidden sky. , I don’t know if it can run a large array.

“No problem, I’m only responsible for arranging the big formation. As for where to set up the big formation? How to lure the sea monsters out? It’s the way of your business alliance.” Gu Xiangfei has already assimilated the rules of the endless sea. As for the rules of forbidden air, It doesn’t affect his arrangement of void strangulation patterns at all.

“Great, as long as we can set up a trapping and killing array on the sea, we will have a way to lure sea monsters out.” Xuantang and the elders of Lincheng were overjoyed to hear that Gu Xiangfei could arrange a trapping and killing array on the sea. The most worrying thing is that the array flag cannot be placed on the sea. Now that Gu Xiangfei agrees, they can implement the next plan.

“Okay, brother Gu, you can arrange the branch of the array, and then go to help Fellow Daoist Ren, how can we say that we are all human races, how can we be threatened by sea monsters?” Dean Tiansen heard that Gu Xiangfei could arrange void strangle formations , I can rest assured that the beautiful words are all for the sake of the human race.

Gu Xiangfei handed over the Array Dao branch to a Deacon of the Godly Realm, and asked him to temporarily manage these Divine Array Masters. Now these Divine Array Masters are studying the Array Dao, it’s no big deal, and it’s easy to manage.

“Elder Gu, please!” Elder Xuantang and Elder Lincheng came to a giant spaceship. There were already some monks from the Godly Realm and Godly King Realm from the Wanyu Business Alliance, waiting for the director of the alliance to come back. A huge spaceship, with three god emperors taking the lead, and some monks in the state of gods and gods followed.

Gu Xiangfei followed Xuantang and the others to the deck of the giant spaceship. The spaceship started to lift off with a slight shock and flew towards the endless sea. The other four giant spaceships followed far behind.

“Elder Gu, our plan is that this spaceship will go to the center of the Endless Sea first, and then set up a large formation. After the formation is completed, the next four spaceships will come together, posing for a decisive battle with the sea monster. After the sea monsters come out, you activate a large formation to trap them, and you don’t need to worry about the rest, we will deal with these sea monsters by ourselves.” Xuantang told Gu Xiangfei about his plan, so that he could have a clear idea, and everyone It’s a cooperative relationship, and this time it’s going to destroy the sea monster, so there’s nothing to hide.

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