Exterminate the sea monster

“Hahaha…” The Sea Wolf King laughed wildly as soon as he came out of the sea.

When Gu Xiangfei saw that they were right in the center of the void strangulation formation, he also laughed loudly, “Haha…Since you group of reckless things dare to come out, then don’t go back. Die to me! Monsters!” Falling, it triggered the void serial strangulation array.

After the Void Serial Strangling Formation was activated, millions of void blades blasted out, forming a huge network of blade blades, wrapping these sea monks in an instant, and the void blades continuously cut the flesh of the sea monks. The body, the stumps and the broken arms kept falling, not waiting to fall on the sea surface, but being caught by another person.The void blade light cut into pieces.

“Ah… not good, the despicable and shameless human monks actually set up a big formation, waiting for us…” A ninth-level sea monster was cut off like a seaweed by countless void blades before finishing his sentence. As soon as the god came out, he was shattered by the back and forth void blade lights.

The ninth-level peak sea monster, the sea wolf king, saw that a void strangle formation had been set up in the sky above the endless sea. He was shocked, and quickly sacrificed a sky fork, dancing back and forth, to resist the bombardment of the void blade.

Gu Xiangfei jumped up from the deck and came to the outside of the strangling formations in the void. His consciousness turned into a sharp thorn and blasted into the sea of ​​consciousness of the sea wolf king, the peak sea monster of level nine.

Although the sea wolf king’s support sky fork blocked most of the void blades, there were still some void blades cutting his body, but after a few breaths, he was already bloody and bloody, and suddenly felt a burst of consciousness coming from the sea of ​​consciousness. In severe pain, the Tiancha in his hand lost the control of his consciousness, fell down, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of purple blood.

not good! The Sea Wolf King knew that his sea of ​​consciousness had been attacked, and was just about to use his consciousness to call back Tuo Tiancha, when several void blades slashed across, his two arms were smashed, and then his two legs were also smashed, half of his body He was also shattered, and a terrifying breath came. A long spear pierced his wolf head and pinned his soul. The spear absorbed the power of the soul, and saw a hand tear open his world, and all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth that had been stored for millions of years were swept away, and felt his blood flow like a spring, and then a flame appeared in the On him, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn’t know anything.

Gu Xiangfei snatched the sea wolf king’s world and released his blood. Then he raised his hand and turned him into ashes with a fire. Then he returned to the deck of the spaceship and shouted, “Fire!”

“Boom…” The spirit stone cannons on the five giant spaceships blasted into the void strangle formation at the same time. Millions of sea monsters had already been strangled by the void serial strangle formation, and more than half of them were strangled. For a large piece of ashes.

“Kill!” Xuan Xuantang was shocked when he saw that the void serial strangle formation was so powerful, and he was even more shocked when he saw that Gu Xiangfei killed the sea monster sea wolf king at the peak of level nine, and even tore apart his world The ninth-level peak sea monster is equivalent to a monk at the peak of a god emperor, and even stronger than a monk at the peak of a god emperor.

A cultivator at the peak of the god emperor is at a disadvantage against a peak nine-level sea monster, let alone bombarding this nine-level peak sea monster. This elder Gu is simply too heaven-defying. To kill the sea monster at the peak of the ninth level, although there is a formation that traps the sea wolf king, it is not something that a monk in the godly realm can kill.

The monks of the Wanyu Business Alliance, seeing the leader coming to attack the sea monsters in the endless sea, are ready to fall. They know that the world of sea monsters is in the endless sea, but since the leader has decided, they have no choice but to Followed, and they saw that the elders of the god emperor in the business alliance had come, since the elders of the god emperor dared to come, why were they worried.

Now I see that the Divine Formation Emperor invited by the business alliance arranged a void strangle formation on the sea, killing more than half of the sea monsters at once, and some ninth-level sea monsters were blasted to pieces, let alone those The low-level sea monsters were all cut into pieces and scattered on the sea. They were overjoyed. This was a one-sided massacre. It seemed that they must have won a big victory this time.

But then they were even more shocked. The Elder Gu of Xuantian College not only killed the Sea Wolf King, but also tore apart his world, and let the spirit stone bombard the remaining sea monsters. They had almost nothing to do , I came here to collect the body blood of sea monsters, these are good materials for refining weapons and symbols.

The reason why Gu Xiangfei let Lingshi bombard the remaining sea monsters is because he saw that the serial strangling array in the void was at the end of its strength, and the strangling array in the void used the divine aura in the void to form a void blade light. Now the gods on the endless sea The aura was almost completely absorbed by the void formation pattern, and the follow-up was powerless. The main reason was that his void serial strangulation formation was too large and needed a lot of divine aura, so he used spirit stones to bombard and kill the remaining sea monsters, so as not to let them ran away.

But for half a day, the body fragments and blood of the sea monster were no longer seen on the sea. These things were collected by the monks of the Wanyu Business Alliance. They opened the business building and naturally knew how many god stones these things could sell. Everyone was overjoyed, originally they came here to risk their lives, but they didn’t expect to make a fortune when they came to Endless Sea.

“Elder Gu, thank you!” Xuantang brought more than a dozen god emperors to the deck and saluted and thanked Elder Gu. These god emperor elders were also shocked by Gu Xiangfei’s strength.

“Leader Ren, you don’t have to be polite. Now that I’m done here, I’m going back to the academy.” Gu Xiangfei saw that these god emperors saluted him and thanked him, and he quickly returned the salute, ready to leave.

“Elder Gu, wait a minute. There must be treasure houses and other things in the caves of these sea monsters. Why don’t we go down and search for them? It’s our kindness.” Xuantang asked Gu Xiangfei to search for the treasure houses of sea monsters. In order to repay Gu Xiangfei’s kindness, the second is to worry that these treasure houses are dangerous, and they don’t have a god formation emperor here, some formations cannot be broken, and they cannot be broken by force, mainly in the sea, once some treasures are watered by sea water, If it loses its effect, it will be a bit of a loss.

“Oh, you can go and have a look at this. Anyway, sea monsters don’t need these things anymore. It’s a waste of resources to stay here. Why don’t we get them back?” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard that there was a treasure house. He liked it the most.Search the treasure house, besides, the sea monster’s treasure house is older than the Yulin Merchant League’s treasure house, and there may be some top-level treasures in it.

“Okay, Elder Gu, please follow me.” Xuantang brought a dozen or so god emperors to the center of the Endless Sea, and plunged into the sea, followed by Gu Xiangfei.

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