: Sky Void Network

Half a month later, ten god emperors came from Xuantian Academy to meet them, and the leader was Elder Li Shi. It can be seen how much Dean Qiao Tian valued the Dao branch.

Seeing that they were safe and sound, Elder Li Shi felt relieved.

“Brother Kanli, brother Gu, it’s good that you are fine, call your disciples and go!” Elder Li Shi and the other god emperors were not polite to them, and now is not the time to be polite, the most important thing is to return to the academy.

Emperor Kanli sacrificed a large spaceship and greeted the masters of the formation to board the spaceship. Ten elders of the god emperor also stepped onto the spaceship and galloped all the way to the academy.

On the road, Emperor Kanli told Elder Li Shi and the elders of the god emperors about their encounter with the attack. These elders of the god emperors were all furious, but they also knew that the college was in an embarrassing situation. At that time, which forces were not respectful to Xuantian Academy, now that the academy has suffered heavy losses, some forces immediately stood up and wanted to replace Xuantian Academy.

Gu Xiangfei’s consciousness has always beenAfter checking, he felt that the way back would not be so easy, there must be someone to intercept them, and this time it would be a fierce battle, if they could be killed here, it would be a severe blow to Xuantian Academy.

After breaking through to the realm of a god emperor, his consciousness soared to the point where he could see anything within three million miles, which was more than several times stronger than that of an ordinary god emperor.

After leaving the range of the wilderness secret realm, these god emperor elders also let go of their spiritual sense to check. They have rich experience and know that this journey is definitely not safe. Now there are only more than 20 god emperors in the college. With the twelve god emperors staying, they will not pose any threat to Xuantian Academy. This is the best opportunity to weaken Xuantian Academy, and these forces will definitely not let it go.

After flying for two days in a row, there was no sign of attacking their spaceship. The speed of the large spaceship is a bit slow. It takes more than 20 days to fly from the wasteland to Xuantian Academy. will relax.

After another day of flying, Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt a little oppressed, as if some major crisis was about to emerge, he quickly let go of his spiritual sense to check, but found no crisis, but he felt that the crisis was getting closer, and opened the false eye to check stand up.

About 200,000 miles ahead, there are three medium-sized spaceships lined up. The muzzles of the spirit stones on the spaceships have been aimed at their spaceships. The muzzles are moving slowly with the flight of the spaceships. Obviously, they have not arrived yet. The optimal range for Lingshi Cannon bombardment.

There is a large net in front of the three spaceships, which just protects the three spaceships. This large net can allow the spiritual consciousness to pass through directly, without the spiritual consciousness discovering the scene behind the large net, “Tianxu net! Stop!” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed, and immediately shouted loudly.

The Sky Void Net is the only acquired magic weapon, the only one that can penetrate the divine consciousness, and can’t see things that are blocked by the Sky Void Net. After the Sky Void Net is sacrificed, this piece of void seems to be hidden, which is even more difficult than a natural formation. When they were discovered, they didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei had the eyes of illusion to check the Tianxu Net.

Emperor Kanli, who was piloting the spaceship, did not stop the spaceship after hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, but galloped back after turning in the air. It can be seen that Emperor Kanli was also an experienced emperor.

The god emperors on the three spaceships in the distance noticed that the spaceship of Xuantian Academy had turned around and left. Knowing that the attack had been discovered, someone immediately put away the sky net, three dazzling lights flashed, and the spirit stone cannon was activated. Three huge auras of fear came in an instant.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched three times, and three powerful cutting Daoyun cut against the three spirit stone shells.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” There were three loud noises in a row. The spirit stone shell was cut open by the magic channel rhyme of the large cutting technique, and immediately detonated. The powerful shock wave spread out and blasted on the rear half of the spaceship.

Emperor Kanli felt that the spaceship was rushing thousands of feet forward, and the pattern of the defensive formation on the spaceship flickered non-stop. Fortunately, it was not shattered by the shock wave.

“Brother Kanli, drive the spaceship first, let’s stop them.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand to open the restraint on the spaceship, and was the first to jump up. Elder Li Shi and other god emperor elders also jumped out of the spaceship. To three medium spaceships.

The god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy were all irritated by the spirit stone cannons on the three spaceships. If they came within the optimal range of the spirit stone cannons, they might all be killed by the spirit stone cannons. They dodged the bombardment of the spirit stone cannon, and then used their magical powers to smash the spirit stone shell in mid-air, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

The god emperors on the three medium-sized spaceships saw the Xuantian Academy’s spaceship fleeing. Although they immediately ordered the spirit stone cannon to bombard the Xuantian Academy’s spaceship, they did not damage the Xuantian Academy’s spaceship. Knowing that the attack failed, they saw Eleven god emperors from Xuantian Academy bombarded their spaceship, and sixteen god emperors also jumped out of the spaceship immediately, ready to fight head-on with the god emperors from Xuantian Academy.

After jumping out of the spaceship, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed his Brahman Spear. This time he wanted to start a killing spree. These forces are too insidious. Thanks to his false eyes, he discovered their ambush in advance, otherwise the consequences would definitely be heavy losses.

There are eleven god emperors in Xuantian Academy, but there are sixteen god emperors on the other side. Obviously, they do not have the advantage. Gu Xiangfei rolled up hundreds of thousands of gun lights and slammed at the rushing god emperor, and at the same time raised his hand and blasted a big fist. Shushen channel rhyme, as for whether they can stop their time with the Da Sui Yue channel rhyme, he is not sure, after all, he has faced too many god emperors.

The Divine Channel of the Great Suiyue Technique blasted out, and sixteen god emperors just entered Gu Xiangfei’s realm of god emperors, and the Houtian magic weapon in his hand also blasted out hundreds of thousands of various blade lights, trying to blast Gu Xiangfei to death in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, there was a huge aura of the divine channel, and the sixteen god emperors felt that the blade lights they blasted slowed down instantly, and there were a few god emperors with slightly lower cultivation bases, and the blade lights they blasted stopped even more. , the surrounding space became viscous, like an ordinary person stuck in a swamp, even moving half a step is an extravagant hope.

After Gu Xiangfei blasted out the Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Years Art, he sacrificed the Qiankun Cauldron to protect himself, and the blade lights of the sixteen god emperors all blasted at him. Let the bombardment blades of these god emperors stop.

“Boom!” Gu Xiangfei’s Brake Spear and several god emperors’ divine blades blasted together, “Boom! Boom!…” Four balls of blood mist exploded continuously, and the four primordial spirits left their bodies. However, they wanted to escape from here, but they were trapped by the Da Sui Yue Art Divine Channel Rhyme, unable to move an inch, and panicked for a moment. Such a situation of being slaughtered by others was not what they wanted.

Gu Xiangfei’s Qiankun Cauldron emitted a ray of light, to block all the bombardment of the god emperor’s blade, it really deserves to be an innate treasure, blocking all the bombardment of the god emperor without any damage.

He raised his hand and blasted out another punch of the Great Destruction Technique, Divine Channel Rhyme, and the Brake Spear in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights and bombarded it.

After the God Channel Rhyme of the Great Destruction Technique blasted out, the four primordial spirits were immediately turned into nothingness. The remaining twelve god emperors lost four god emperors when they saw the first contact. Surprised, this god emperor of Xuantian Academy is too powerful, the twelve god emperors all have the same idea, and they must kill this god emperor today.

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