The Origin of the Mist Beast

Soon a deacon came to report the results, “Report to the dean, twenty-three disciples of the college were attacked, including nine disciples of the Heavenly God Realm, eight disciples of the Modeling God Realm, and six disciples of the Educating God Realm. They may be from other realms.” The cultivation base of the disciples is high, and the fog beasts dare not sneak attack, so none of the disciples who are above the level of the gods are attacked.”

After listening to the deacon’s report, Dean Qiao Tian sighed, “Fortunately, the array masters of the Zhendao branch discovered the attack of the fog monsters in advance, otherwise the disciples of the college will suffer a lot. The breeding rate of these fog monsters is very fast. It devoured the monk’s body again, and it was like a human elixir. If it is not discovered, the academy will be dominated by these fog monsters in a few months.”

Emperor Kanli God Formation and Gu Xiangfei were also shocked when they heard Dean Qiao Tian’s words. There must be some omissions when these fog monsters come out of the void. I don’t know where they will appear in the future, but now Xuantian Academy has With the golden-winged roc, the natural enemy of the fog beast, they no longer worry about the safety of the academy, and as for other places, they can ask for blessings!

For the safety of Xuantian Academy, Gu Xiangfei simply asked Golden-winged Roc to look for the missing fog beast in the academy. As for the request of Golden-winged Roc to enter the star bead, Gu Xiangfei refused without even thinking about it. .

There are his parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, second uncle and second aunt in the Dongfu on the side of the Zhendao branch. An accident with any of them is not the result he wants.

The golden-winged roc sings and hovers over the college every day, and then runs to talk to Xiaoyu or Gu Yunjie. Its powerful talent ignores any restrictions, and almost all restrictions are like a flash of air in front of it.

Xiaoyu is better, the more Gold-winged Dapeng talked with her, the happier he was, and he could get a few pills, but Gu Yunjie was annoyed by it, every time he found Gu Yunjie, he always said the same words, “Boss Gu, your pill Give me two pills! Why are you so stingy, you are not as generous as sister Xiao Yu.”

Gu Yunjie doesn’t know how to make alchemy, but he just wants to cultivate. He is not as talented as Xiao Yu, and he only has a simple understanding of the pill array. It’s finished, thanks to Xiao Yu’s advancement to the ninth level of the god alchemy emperor, and he has refined a lot of elixirs for him, otherwise he would be useless, although he used very few elixirs.

Fortunately, within a few days, my father took the golden-winged roc to the northern God Realm, otherwise his elixir would be eaten up by it again.

Gu Xiangfei received the communication talisman from Master Wei Tianyun, Gu Yunhao and Lin Ziyu ascended to the God Realm, and Jiaojiao and his younger brother Gu Xiangyu also ascended to the God Realm, and now they are all converting their gods in the Holy Sword Sect.

Someone in the family has ascended to the God Realm, Gu Xiangfei must take them over to rest assured, the God Realm is not safe now, several big forces have united and embezzled many small sects and alliances, Xuantian Academy has lost some territory .

Arriving at the boundary teleportation array, the deacon guarding the teleportation array saw that the vice president was going to use the teleportation array, so he quickly opened the restriction and invited him to enter the teleportation array.

This boundary teleportation array was re-established after it was smashed by the strong in the holy realm, but it will not be opened under normal circumstances, so as not to be teleported by other powerful god emperors, which means that Xuantian Academy will be defeated .

A ray of light flashed, and Gu Xiangfei disappeared on the teleportation array. After seeing him being teleported away, the deacon immediately closed the teleportation array. Even though the other monks wanted to teleport over, they couldn’t find the teleportation array to connect with, so they had to give up.

Gu Xiang flew out of the teleportation array, came to the window of the teleportation array in the northern God Realm, took out a ring and handed it to the monk at the window, “Give me a jade token for teleportation to Hongyan City.”

After the cultivator’s spiritual sense at the window scanned it, he was overjoyed. There are one hundred thousand top-grade divine stones in the ring! This is a low-grade divine stone worth millions, and he quickly took out a teleportation jade token and handed it to him, “Senior, please.”

Gu Xiangfei now has tens of billions of high-grade sacred stones in his ring, and he lost all of the low-grade sacred stones. He didn’t take this few sacred stones seriously. The main reason is that he also forgot to send the jade token, whether it was a low-grade sacred stone or a high-grade sacred stone.

After receiving the teleportation jade token, Gu Xiangfei turned around and came to the teleportation formation in the domain. There were many monks waiting for teleportation here. A group of ten people teleported. Gu Xiangfei followed the monks and waited in line for the teleportation. Sending the array, I heard someone shout, “Get out of the way! I want to use the teleportation array.”

A breath of the peak of the divine state crushed over, and the surrounding monks retreated one after another, and some monks with low cultivation levels even spurted blood and passed out on the ground.

Gu Xiangfei stretched out his divine origin and grabbed the neck of the cultivator at the peak of the divine realm. Before the cultivator begged for mercy, he raised his hand and swung the cultivator at the peak of the divine realm, like a bow and arrow shot, straight into the sky.

“Ah! It turned out to be Lord God Emperor, thank you Lord God Emperor for saving me.” Many monks beside the teleportation formation hurriedly bowed and saluted to express their thanks.

“No, hurry up and send it!” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and many monks felt a soft force supporting them, and immediately straightened their bodies. The fainted monk on the ground was instantly healed by a huge breath of divine essence The wounded bodies opened their eyes one after another and stood up quickly.up.

The monk next to him told them what had happened, and these monks bowed and saluted again, all of them bursting with gratitude.

“Get out of the way! Someone fell from the sky.” While everyone was thanking, a monk suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, and the cultivator at the peak of the divine realm didn’t even make a scream before his body was smashed to pieces. The bluestone slabs on the ground were smashed, and a human-shaped deep pit appeared.

The moment Gu Xiangfei grabbed his neck, he had already imprisoned the meridians of his whole body, and even the sea of ​​consciousness was sealed. If he fell from a height of thousands of feet, even though he was a monk, his body was stronger than that of ordinary people, but this monk in the state of gods He is not a body-refining cultivator, so he naturally cannot bear the gravity of falling freely.

His primordial spirit flew out of his body, and he was about to flee in panic, but Gu Xiangfei grabbed his hand, tore apart his world, swept away the things in his world, and turned his primordial spirit into nothingness with another fire. Reincarnation can’t even be done.

The monks around looked at Gu Xiangfei in astonishment, secretly thinking in their hearts, this God Emperor is too powerful, and this monk of the Godly Realm was torn apart by him. This is the world of the peak monks of the Godly Realm. That was so easy to tear.

A ray of light flashed, and Gu Xiangfei disappeared on the teleportation array. The monks teleporting with him all felt that their faces were radiant. Being able to teleport with this powerful God Emperor, this honor is enough to brag about for many years.

Just a few breaths after Gu Xiangfei teleported away, a huge aura came to the side of the teleportation array in an instant, and a figure appeared with this huge aura, before showing his face, he shouted angrily, “Who killed it?” lost my son?”

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