Refining the Exalted Sword

Gu Xiangfei took out a few formation flags and drove them into the nodes of the defensive formation, click! With a soft sound, a gap was opened in the defensive formation, and a strong divine spirit rushed towards him. Gu Xiangfei performed the regular exercises, and quickly assimilated the regular aura of this secret realm.

After his cultivation was promoted to the level of God Emperor, the rules and exercises became more and more powerful, and the speed of assimilating any rules increased several times. Almost all these rules would be assimilated by him after the rules and exercises were activated.

He took out a few formation flags, broke into the nodes, and expanded the gap of this large defensive formation to tens of feet wide. At the same time, his illusory eyes swept across the entire secret realm. Spiritual consciousness and illusory eyes have been improved even higher, and the planets in the God Realm are swept almost instantly without any mistakes. You must know that the planets in the God Realm are many times larger than the planets in the Immortal Realm, and bigger than the planets in the Realm of Cultivation I don’t know how many times.

Moreover, the world he opened up has expanded several times with the improvement of his cultivation base. Now it can almost accommodate two planets, which is much larger than the worlds of other god emperors in the later period.

Although this wilderness secret realm is very large, he can still see it through at a glance. In the central area of ​​this secret realm, there is a giant knife several feet high, which is inserted on a boulder. Cut off by the breath from the giant knife.

“Good knife!” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. This is another innate treasure. He used to use a knife before, but he only used a gun after he got the Brake Spear. As far as he is concerned, he still likes to use a knife. The knife is stronger and more imposing.

Dodging into the secret realm, the regular evasion technique unfolded, but within a few breaths, he came within a hundred feet of the giant knife. The huge and terrifying pressure emanating from the giant knife made it impossible for a single grass to grow around the giant knife for thousands of feet.

Lifting his leg and taking a step, the coercion emanating from the giant knife suddenly rose, and he bombarded him. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched, blasting away the coercive aura, and using the rules of kung fu to assimilate the coercive aura , continue to walk forward step by step.

With the operation of his regular skills, the assimilation of this aura of coercion became faster and faster, and his feet also accelerated his pace. When he was three feet away from the giant knife, he had already assimilated the aura of coercion. There is no threat either.

Sitting down cross-legged, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and using regular exercises to refine the giant knife, he was overjoyed as soon as he refined it. This giant knife is indeed a hundred and eight prohibitions, it is an innate treasure !

One month later, the giant knife made a sound from the boulder, turned into a three-foot-long ray of light, and entered his purple mansion to warm up.

Gu Xiangfei has been to the earth and has seen many ancient legends on the earth. According to the legend, the brother of the nine-generation ancestor fought against his brother for the throne. Later, his brother was defeated, and the nine-generation ancestor put his brother’s flesh and blood into the furnace Calcination.

The ancestor of the nine generations and his younger brother are all figures with supernatural powers. Their muscles and bones have long been invulnerable, and their skin and flesh are harder than gold and iron.

And the ancestor of the nine generations was also an extremely violent and cruel person. He actually put his younger brother’s flesh and blood into the stove to practice hard for more than three months, and kept beating him with a heavy hammer. When his younger brother struggled under the hammer of the raging fire, his vitality naturally also slowly retracted and transformed, and finally died in the furnace fire.

But its whole body has become a strange substance, without blood and water, and it has been forged into a strange weapon. This is the Supreme Sword, and its sharpness is no less than that of the Kunwu Sword and the Sky-Opening Axe.

Later generations also listed this weapon as one of the top ten artifacts of the God Clan, ranking fourth. After Xuanyuan unified the Central Plains, he gave this sword to the second leader, and kept it in the Dragon Clan to become the treasure of the Dragon Clan.

The advantage of Zunshen Dao is that it is invincible when it comes out, and it is beneficial and can destroy everything. It has the magic nature of self-respect. It is more suitable to add the magic channel rhyme of great destruction and big cutting, so that Zunshen Dao can exert a more powerful sword.

The weakness of Zunshen Dao is that those whose power is not high will be backlashed by it, making it difficult to control. For Gu Xiangfei, this problem is not too simple. Although his divine power is only at the peak of the god emperor in the middle stage, he has already surpassed it by a lot. At the peak state of the later stage of the god emperor, it is more than enough to control the god sword.

Respecting the divine sword, cutting iron like mud can no longer be used to describe it. When the divine sword is released, it shines brightly, lifts the sword and looks at the eight wilderness independently, and the spirit and spirit meet and live and die together.

Gu Xiangfei refined this divine sword, ecstatic in his heart,He no longer looked down on other resources in this secret realm. He waved his hand and put away the boulder. The boulder that could be inserted by the divine sword must not be ordinary. Although he didn’t know what material the boulder was made of, he also It can’t be discarded, so unfold the rule escape technique and dodge to the outside of the secret realm.

When I came to the outside of the secret realm, I found that there was no one on duty after scanning the false eyes. Even Kanli God Formation Emperor was also retreating to comprehend the Void Formation. Both the master and the god array king also realized their own array way.

Emperor Kanli God Formation can rest assured to practice the Void Formation Pattern in seclusion. He knows that Gu Xiangfei is there, so he doesn’t have to worry about anything. Moreover, there is a large defensive formation here, the Void Strangulation Formation. There is no safer place than here.

Gu Xiangfei was even more overjoyed when he saw that no one was on duty, and no one saw him enter the secret realm. It would be best if no one knew, so that no one would ask him what he got in the secret realm.

He took out a communication talisman, inspired it to Dean Qiao Tian, ​​and told him that he could send his disciples into the secret realm to search for resources.

Then he went out of the cave, went in to check the divine sword, took out the divine sword from the purple mansion, and carefully inspected the divine sword. It was three inches shorter than ordinary knives. The awn soared instantly, directly piercing through the restriction in the cave, and cut a hole about Zhang Xu wide, the front and back were transparent, and the scenery on both sides fell into the eyes.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed looking at the Zunshen Dao in his hand. With this Zunshen Dao, his strength soared instantly. He had some expectations. If he used Zunshen Dao to attack the defensive formations of the two sects, would he be able to kill him with one blow? Their defense was smashed?

One month later, Gu Xiangfei came out of the cave, and Emperor Kanli rang the barrier of the cave and was waiting for him.

“Brother Gu, has this secret realm been opened?” Emperor Kanli’s divine array had made some progress in drawing the void array in his cave for several months, so he came out to ask Gu Xiangfei.

“It’s opened. This secret realm can only be entered by cultivators in the God-Cultivating Realm. I’ve already sent a messenger to Dean Qiao Tian. They should come here soon!” Gu Xiangfei only remembered to ask him this when he saw Kanli God Formation Emperor. I’m a little speechless about the secret realm, why are you here? Since I came here in the secret realm, I have taught a few god emperors, and I have directly retreated to practice the void pattern.

“That’s good, let these magic array masters enter the secret realm for three days, and then withdraw and wait for the disciples of the academy to arrive.” Emperor Kanli gave the order, and the magic array masters in the cultivation realm cheered excitedly, Immediately enter the secret realm.

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