Five Elements Flag Formation

A huge handprint suddenly appeared in the sky, covering almost half of the Xuantian Divine Realm, “Hahaha…” The God Emperor Leian who broke through to the semi-sacred realm laughed wildly.

The Elder God Emperor, who lost most of his body, smiled happily when he saw the huge handprints falling from the sky. Their plan was successful, and then the primordial spirit left the body and wanted to escape from here. He didn’t think about the range of the bombardment, anyway, let’s escape first.

“Don’t leave when you’re here.” A voice came, and the divine emperor’s primordial spirit was imprisoned by a powerful field, and then a divine primordial hand tore open his world, and then turned him into nothingness.

When Dean Qiao Tian saw Gu Xiangfei came back, he was furious. Why did he come back at this critical moment? He quickly shouted, “Who told you to come back? Get out of here!”

“Brother Qiao Tian, ​​don’t worry, the academy will be fine.” Gu Xiangfei knew that Dean Qiao Tian scolded him for his kindness, so he couldn’t bear to let him be bombarded and killed by a strong man in the holy realm here.

Raising his hand, he unleashed the yellow flag of Wuji Xing and inserted it into the center of the formation. A barrier instantly appeared over the entire Xuantian Academy, covering the entire Xuantian Academy.

“Boom!” The terrifying giant handprint blasted over Xuantian Academy, blocked by the barrier, and the divine sword in Gu Xiangfei’s hand rolled up tens of thousands of blade lights, and with a powerful cutting dao rhyme, it blasted towards the huge Yuanli handprint.

“Bang!” The powerful cutting daoyun instantly tore apart the huge handprint, cut the handprint into pieces, and a huge energy turned into a rich aura and fell, which was dozens of times stronger than the breath of the top-grade gods. Reiki, fell in the academy.

“Great cutting technique! Good boy! I’ll be waiting for you in the holy world.” A voice came from the air, and the reverberation lingered for a long time before it dissipated away.

“Pfft!” A spear beam pinned the primordial spirit of the semi-sacred god emperor. After Gu Xiangfei shattered the huge handprint, he saw the semi-sacred emperor staring blankly at the dissipated handprint, and took the opportunity to sacrifice The sharp spear pierced his forehead.

“It’s over, how is it possible, how is it possible…” The semi-sacred god emperor did not expect that the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy could block the bombardment of the powerful saints. Their plan failed as well as succeeded. The bombardment by the strong men in the holy realm did not smash any grass or tree in Xuantian Academy, so they failed. Under the desperation, they didn’t even think of dodging Gu Xiangfei’s sharp spear that pierced his eyebrows.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to tear open the world of the semi-holy god emperor, swept away the things in his world, and turned him into nothingness with another fire.

“Brother Gu, what a powerful formation, haha…” Dean Qiao Tian saw the huge handprints falling in the air, and he was already holding the intention of dying, but he didn’t expect that the large formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei actually blocked the bombardment of the strong man in the holy realm , and also cut off the huge handprint, so that the strong man in the holy realm returned without success, and lost a handprint of Yuanli.

There was cheers in Xuantian Academy. These god emperors and disciples saw the huge handprints falling in the air. They didn’t even have a chance to hide. Everyone was shocked. They thought that Xuantian Academy was really over this time. A barrier suddenly appeared in the sky above the Tian Academy, and it actually blocked the bombardment of the strong in the holy realm, and the defensive formation was not damaged at all.

“Father, are you okay?” Gu Xiaoyu flew over from the academy, grabbed Gu Xiangfei’s arm, and checked left and right before he felt relieved.

“I’m fine. Where’s your mother?” Gu Xiangfei patted Gu Xiaoyu on the shoulder and asked.

“My mother and grandma are together. We are all fine. They asked me to come out to see what’s going on here.” Gu Xiaoyu lied. She ran out by herself. In the event of an attack by a strong man in the holy realm, now that Gu Yunjie’s Taiji diagram is available, he can block the attack of the strong man in the holy realm.

“Everyone, go back to the academy! You don’t have to worry about the bombardment by the powerful people in the holy realm. You can practice with peace of mind and break through your cultivation as soon as possible.” Dean Qiao Tian was very happy to see that Xuantian Academy hadn’t suffered any losses, and ordered everyone to go back.

These god emperor elders and disciples were overjoyed when they heard the dean’s words. They will be safe in the academy from now on, and they don’t have to worry about the bombardment of the powerful saints anymore.

“Brother Gu, come with me.” Dean Qiao Tian saw that all the disciples of the college had returned to the college, called Gu Xiangfei to stop, and the two came to the hall of the dean.

“This time the college can be saved, thanks to brother Gu. I won’t say thank you, but can this defensive formation continue to be arranged like this?” Dean Qiao Tian saw the formation flag that Gu Xiangfei took out, although it was only a mere one. Five formation flags, but they can block the bombardment of the strong in the holy realm. It can be seen that these five formation flags are definitely not mortals, at least they are acquired magic weapons, or innate treasures, and only such treasures can block the bombardment of the strong in the holy realm .

“It’s okay, let’s keep this defensive formation in the academy! After the old dean breaks through the holy realm, put this holy formationAfter killing the strong in the environment, I will take the formation flag when there is no danger. “The reason why Gu Xiangfei left the Five Elements Flag was mainly because his relatives were in the academy. This time, it was thanks to Elder Li Shi who sent him a message. Otherwise, what awaited him would be a sad news that he would regret for the rest of his life.

“Okay, then I’m relieved. What are you going to do next? Do you want to continue destroying the Fenglei Sect or come back to rest?” Dean Qiao Tian was overjoyed when he heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, and he no longer had to worry about the academy being destroyed by the Holy Land. Strong attacked, then asked him what was next.

“Destroy Fengleizong and then rest! I will send a message to the god emperor elders who are on the way, and tell them to wait for me, and they will come back soon after destroying Fengleizong.” Gu Xiangfei took out the message talisman to the god who was on the way The elders sent a message.

“Then I wish Brother Gu a successful start and return to the academy as soon as possible.” Dean Qiao Tian is also a vigorous character, without the trivial matters of those mother-in-law and mother.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the wheel of heaven again, found the elders of the god emperor who were waiting for him, and galloped in the direction of Fengleizong again.

Emperor Leiling, the suzerain of the Fenglei Sect, has been feeling uneasy since Emperor Lei’an left. He hoped that Emperor Lei’an’s plan would succeed. This is the only chance. , the Loose Cultivator Alliance can occupy the resources of Xuantian Academy, otherwise it will be destroyed!

When he saw the huge handprints falling in the air, he was overjoyed. Knowing that God Emperor Lei’an’s plan had succeeded, he immediately summoned the elders of the God Emperor of the sect, and prepared to set out to snatch the resources of Xuantian Academy.

But at this time, he received a message from Emperor Sheng Mao of the Dan Shen League. He and Du Lan from the Sanxiu Alliance were coming to Fengleizong to discuss how to allocate the resources of Xuantian Academy.

God Emperor Lei Ling cursed secretly after hearing the message, these two shameless guys were not so fast in wars, but they ran faster than anyone else in snatching resources, but this time they also contributed their efforts, and they also I had no choice but to wait for the two to come over and go to Xuantian Academy together.

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