Escape from Chaos Market

He Ji was overjoyed to see Gu Xiangfei, and Lao Yixuan also greeted him with a smile. When Gu Xiangfei came here, everyone hugged each other to salute. He Ji introduced Tu Zhengxiong, the three human saints, and told him about their experiences in Chaos Ruins.

Gu Xiangfei was also very happy to see that his two friends were safe and sound. The human saints killed many divine saints in the Chaos Market, and every human saint had improved their cultivation. Now the Chaos Market is almost dominated by the Human Saints.

“I’m going to leave the Chaos Ruins, where are you going?” Gu Xiangfei told them what he meant. After living in the Chaos Ruins for a thousand years, he raised two realms, and after proving himself a fourth-turn sage, he decided to leave the Chaos Ruins.

“We decided to leave after cultivating rank five saints here. Now that we go out, I think the saints of the Protoss must be robbing and killing us. Fellow Daoist Gu must be careful if he wants to go out.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t persuade Gu Xiangfei to stay. Everyone has their own opportunity to pursue the Dao. If Gu Xiangfei wants to go out, he must feel that he has his own ideas. No one in the holy world will block other people’s Dao.

“Thank you fellow Daoist Tu for reminding me. I will pay attention to it. I will see you in the future and say goodbye.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists and turned to leave.

“Gu Daoyou is a person with a great opportunity. He can raise two realms in the chaotic market for thousands of years, which shows that his opportunity and fortune are very strong. We can’t block his avenue.” Looking at the direction of Gu Xiangfei going away, Tu Zhengxiong With a sigh, He Ji and Lao Yixuan told them that Gu Xiangfei was only a rank two saint when he came in, and now they saw that Gu Xiangfei had broken through to a rank four saint, and they all admired his opportunity and talent.

After flying away for more than a month, Gu Xiangfei came to the entrance of Chaos Ruins, and first checked the situation outside with his spiritual sense.

Saint Guansen sat cross-legged next to the fighting platform in Chaos Ruins. At this time, there were two monks fighting on the fighting platform. Yuan forces collided with each other, the space continued to explode, and layer after layer of yuan force ripples spread outward.

Gu Xiangfei flashed into the star bead, communicated with the star bead with his spiritual consciousness, and turned it into a grain of sand. Following the sand brought by the saint who entered the Chaos Ruins, it flew up and came outside the Chaos Ruins.

Although Saint Guansen was sitting cross-legged, his divine sense was observing every move at the entrance of the Chaos Ruins, and the dust flying in all directions did not escape his divine sense.

The gravel formed by the Chaos Star Bead flew up with the dust and fell to the ground, attracting the attention of Saint Guansen. His consciousness checked the gravel deliberately, but with his consciousness of a seventh-rank saint, he still couldn’t see through it. A grain of sand is formed from the Chaos Star Bead.

Finding that it was just an ordinary grain of sand, Saint Guansen came to the entrance of Chaos Ruins again with his consciousness, and continued to observe here.

Gu Xiangfei was inside the chaotic star bead, and felt a huge spiritual consciousness sweeping over the star bead. This is definitely a rank six saint, no! This is the spiritual consciousness of a rank seven saint. He has killed a rank six saint with a void strangling array, and his consciousness is not so powerful.

Knowing that there are rank seven saints outside, Gu Xiangfei is even more cautious. The gap between him and the rank seven saints is too big now, and he also knows himself. He knows that he is still not the opponent of the rank seven saints. He has strengthened the saints of the three great realms against the enemy, and that is the rhythm of courting death.

As more and more saints entered the Chaos Ruins, the gravel here also spread out. Gu Xiangfei controlled the star beads to move with the scattered gravel, and his consciousness slowly stretched out. He saw that the entrance of the Chaos Ruins was getting farther and farther away. He relaxed a little, but he didn’t move the star beads either.

Saint Guansen has been here for a thousand years. During this time, Saint Duxuan of the Protoss asked him if he had found the Saint of Human Race. After he answered that he hadn’t found it yet, the Duxuan Saint didn’t send him another message, and he didn’t tell him to leave here. It seemed that he was arranged here to prevent the human saint from entering the Chaos Market.

This made him very depressed. Although this is the Chaos Ruins, he can’t enter the Chaos Ruins, and the vitality of the world outside can’t improve his cultivation. If it can’t meet his needs, he does have Dao veins, but it is impossible to use them for cultivation.

To cultivate with the Dao veins, you must arrange the isolation formation, otherwise the vitality in the Dao veins will be dissipated, and you must also arrange the spirit gathering formation. After setting up the isolation formation, you cannot check the situation at the entrance of the Chaos Market. Depressed him to death.

The longer he stays here, the more angry he becomes. Sometimes when watching these low-level saints fight, he doesn’t ask the reason, as long as he raises his hand if he doesn’t like it, he will kill him. As a result, the saints of these races resent him deeply, but he is A rank seven saint, onlyMaybe he dared to be angry and dare not speak out, but one day he shot and killed a third-rank saint of the monster race, and now he caused disaster.

This Yaozu saint is the great-great-grandson of the Yaozu Rank 8 Saint Bata. His great-grandson’s soul card was shattered. This Yaozu Rank 8 Saint Bata was furious, and immediately chased and killed him from the Yaozu following the aura left by his great-grandson.

Gu Xiangfei has been waiting here for five days. These days, he always takes advantage of the dust brought up by the saints to fly several feet away. If he wants to escape the cover of the spiritual consciousness of this rank seven saint, it is still too far away. He has already made up his mind that even if he hides for a hundred years, he will not expose himself. Maybe there will be other opportunities to escape from here.

On the sixth day, his chance finally came. A huge aura approached from far away. He could feel this aura in the star bead, definitely no less than a rank seven saint.

When Bata came to the Chaos Market, a monster saint came to him immediately, “I have seen the Saint Bata, it was this seventh-rank saint who shot Babu to death, Babu only said one sentence, this Chaos Market is not You protoss, why don’t you let us in.”

After listening to the narration of the Yaozu saint, the Bata saint raised his hand and grabbed the Guansen saint. The powerful saint domain directly imprisoned the Guansen saint in his own domain.

Saint Guansen already knew that he was in trouble after Saint Bata came to Chaos Ruins, but he relied on the strength of the Protoss in the holy world, and did not pay attention to the eighth-rank saint of the Yaozu. Speaking of it, even the human race can’t compare to it. He doesn’t believe that the eighth-rank saint of the monster race will kill him regardless of the safety of the monster race.

Seeing that the Yaozu rank eight saint imprisoned him with his own domain without saying a word, seeing that the Yaozu saint clearly wanted to pinch him to death, the saint Guansen was shocked, and hurriedly burned his own energy, trying to break free from this The realm of the monster saint, but with his seven-turn saint’s energy, no matter how much he burns Daoji and struggles, he can’t escape the Bata eight-rank saint’s realm, boom! With a loud noise, Saint Guansen was pinched and exploded by Saint Bata, a cloud of blood mist exploded, and the primordial spirit was crushed and exploded into nothingness.

Gu Xiangfei saw that there was a fight between the eighth-rank saint and the seventh-rank saint of the Protoss, and immediately controlled the star beads to escape here. The Bata sage came here to avenge his great-great-grandson, and he didn’t care about other things. After the rank seven saint, he turned around and disappeared in a flash.

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