Conquering the Divine Dao

“Refining the divine way is considered a great way in the holy world. No wonder they rose so fast. It turned out that they used the soul of the saint to cultivate. Elder Jin, I think this matter should be reported to the Holy Master!” Yuanhe Saint next to him saw The primordial spirit who practiced the divine way spoke out his own suggestion.

“I know about this, and I will inform Daozu.” A figure appeared in the hall, with a majestic whole body, exuding a huge aura, with nine halos behind him, it was the Holy Star Palace Saint Fu Zhong. saint.

Gu Xiangfei and Kita Miyano were shocked by this huge aura fluctuation and landed in the corner of the main hall. Gu Xiangfei was horrified. The aura of this ninth-rank saint is so powerful. He hasn’t targeted anyone yet. He, just this huge aura can overwhelm him. It seems that this road is really one step at a time, and the saints in each turn are very different.

Saint Fu Zhong waved his hands and looked at Gu Xiangfei and said, “This is Fellow Daoist Gu! Welcome to Saint Star Palace as a guest, I know everything about you, yes, yes.”

“I have seen the Holy Master, I think every monk in the holy world will help when encountering such a situation. I just did what I should do, which is nothing.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted. The Holy Master instantly had a good impression. A rank nine saint could completely ignore him and a rank four saint. The gap between the two was too great.

“Well said, Kitamiyano, take Fellow Daoist Gu to visit the Sacred Star Palace!” Sage Fu Zhong praised Gu Xiangfei.

“Yes, Holy Master.” Bei Gongye was overjoyed when he heard the Holy Master call his name. It is not easy for the Holy Master to know his name. There are tens of millions of disciples in the Holy Star Palace. How could the Holy Master know? Knowing the names of these disciples, the Holy Master is still talking to him in a pleasant manner, which makes him extremely excited.

Gu Xiangfei followed Bei Gongye out of the main hall and came to the sect of the Holy Star Palace. The world here is full of vitality. It is estimated that dozens of Dao veins are buried underground. Otherwise, how could there be such a strong vitality in such a large space.

Sage Fu Zhong acted resolutely, and immediately sent a message to Daozu to inform him of the situation of using the saint’s soul to practice the divine way. This time, the five Daozu reacted very quickly.The other Taoist ancestors had to shirk and discuss anything raised by the former human Taoist ancestors. Now after the report of this situation, the other Taoist ancestors immediately agreed to clear the Taoism of refining the gods.

There are monks from all races in the Taoist sect of Refining the Divine Dao, unlike the Saint Star Palace, which is an exclusive Taoist gate for human races, and no other races are included in it. Apart from the human monks, the Saint Star Palace will not include other races in the Taoist gate.

The monks in the Dao of Refining Gods are basically Taoist sects composed of unruly people of other races. Of course, there are also many monks from the human race in this Taoist sect. For any Taoist sect, in recent years, the strength of using the soul to practice the divine way has greatly increased, and it has surpassed many Taoist sects in the holy world. If Kitamyano hadn’t discovered the use of the soul to practice the divine way, after another thousand years, it is estimated that it will be the holy one. The first gate of the world.

After the Dao Dao Extermination Order of the Five Dao Patriarchs was issued, the entire holy world was in an uproar. Many saints who practiced casually organized themselves and went to the Taoist gate of refining the Dao.

Gu Xiangfei wandered around the Sacred Star Palace for a few days and saw the grandeur of the Daomen in the Sacred World, but he did not practice here. What he needs now is the Qi of Primal Chaos. His regular kung fu works, and after absorbing the energy and refining it into energy, the energy is quickly repelled by the Taoist in the body, as if he disdains to be with the energy and cannot be fused together at all.

Feeling the strong vitality of the Holy Star Palace, but unable to improve his cultivation, Gu Xiangfei was very depressed, so he had to wander around the Holy Star Palace for a few days to get a general idea of ​​the Taoism in the Holy Realm and what kind of Taoism it is to practice the divine way.

Bei Miyano accompanied Gu Xiangfei in the Holy Star Palace, explaining some Taoist affairs to him from time to time. Of course, he would not tell him about the privacy of the Holy Star Palace. Gu Xiangfei did not have the habit of inquiring about other people’s privacy, and the two of them got along fairly well.

Five days later, Bei Gongye received a message from Elder Jin that the Holy Star Palace was going to conquest the Sacred Way, and it happened that he caught the soul of the Saint who had turned four in the Sacred Way. A large number of casual cultivators and so many saints went to destroy the way of refining the gods, and it was not too easy. Of course, this credit must be obtained by Kita Miyano.

Gu Xiangfei followed Bei Miyano to the flying magic weapon of the Saint Star Palace. The seven-rank saints he had seen in the Jin elder hall were all there, and there were two more eight-rank saints. It will break through to a ninth-rank saint, and this time to go to the conquest of refining the divine way may be an opportunity to break through to a ninth-rank saint.

Kitamyano brought Gu Xiangfei to an area of ​​the flying magic weapon. There were about two thousand saints here, most of whom were rank five and rank six saints, and there were only twelve rank four saints plus Bei Miyano and Gu Xiangfei.

This flying magic weapon is very big, it is a pseudo-innate flying magic weapon, and it is considered a good flying magic weapon in the holy world. These five or six-rank saints saw Bei Miyano and Gu Xiangfei nodding, and they said hello, and did not speak to them at all. the meaning of.

Bei Gongye smiled awkwardly at Gu Xiangfei and said, “Gu Daoyou, let’s sit here!”

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t care about the attitude of these rank five or six saints. There is a big gap in the holy world. These rank five and six saints look down on them, and Gu Xiangfei also looks down on them. He can instantly kill any rank five Saints, if the rank six saints are not careful, they may be killed by his sneak attack. Now only the rank seven and above saints can threaten him.

“Okay, let’s sit together, Friends of Beigong Daoist!” Gu Xiangfei has a good sense of Bei Gongye, he is a saint with a heart of justice. Don’t worry, he will leave when he is practicing the divine way. The holy world is so big, whether he can see him in the future is still a question.

The fourth-rank saints of the Saint Star Palace are quite polite to Kitamiya, but none of these fourth-rank saints like to talk a lot. Basically, they practice cross-legged when they arrive here, and they practice hard.

Gu Xiangfei also sat down cross-legged and practiced with his eyes closed. Bei Gongye’s face was a little unswerving, and he secretly wondered that the brothers in the Taoist sect looked down on others. I can’t do it, and I don’t know what these senior brothers are proud of.

Although Gu Xiangfei was cultivating with his eyes closed on the surface, he was using spatial fluctuations to listen to what these rank five or six sages were talking about. This was after his enlightenment to the big space, and no trace of spatial fluctuations could escape his senses.

The topics of these fifth- and sixth-rank sages are very complicated. He only listens to the ones that are useful to him, and filters out the ones he doesn’t want to hear.

“I heard that it was Kitamyano who discovered that when he was going to conquer the Shinto Dao this time, he used the primordial soul of a sage to practice. He also captured the primordial soul of a rank-four saint and dedicated it to the Holy Master.”

“Senior Brother Lu, will we still go to that place after the Dao of refining is eliminated?” Gu Xiangfei heard the message from a rank five saint to a rank six saint. He didn’t know where that place was? But he was able to ask through sound transmission, and if he didn’t say it clearly, there must be some secret. He immediately performed the regular exercises and assimilated the breath of these two saints.

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