: Flowers and Leaves Never See

Gu Xiangfei continued to use the rules of escapism one after another, and fled quickly in the underworld. It was the first time he saw two nine-rank saints fighting. After leaving the underworld, it’s better for him to hide far away, so as not to be affected by their power.

The world of the underworld is vast, and the vitality of heaven and earth is widely distributed. There are strong and weak. Gu Xiangfei specially looks for places where the vitality of heaven and earth is thin. , to maintain their vitality cycle, ghosts will not come to places without the vitality of heaven and earth.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei stopped. The vitality of the world here was thin, and he felt that this place was the safest. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that the fog here was much thinner, and the black-gray land could be seen clearly.

Gu Xiangfei let out a sigh of relief and dodged into the star bead. This month, he continued to cast the regular escape technique. The Dao Yuan in his body was a bit too much, and he needed to absorb the Chaos Dao Vein to recover Dao Yuan.

“Brother Fei, what’s the situation outside? Why did you escape here again?” Golden-winged Dapeng saw him sitting cross-legged to practice, and thought he was being hunted down again.

“We are now in the Underworld. I saw two rank nine saints fighting. In order not to be affected, I ran away quickly. When I recover, you come out with me, look for opportunities in the Underworld, and prove the Great Reincarnation Technique.” Gu Xiangfei looked Seeing that the golden-winged roc was absorbing the vitality of the chaotic dao veins on the Jianmu Dao tree, he felt a little uncomfortable, and let him go out to feel the regular atmosphere of the underworld, and he couldn’t let him be so relaxed.

“What the hell is the underworld?” Gold-winged Dapeng muttered, seeing that Gu Xiangfei was practicing, he didn’t bother him, and closed his eyes to feel the rules of the road on the Jianmu Dao tree.

The Jianmu Dao tree can communicate the power of heaven and earth, and contains the rules of the Dao. The talent of the golden-winged roc makes it known that it is a tree of the most precious tree of heaven and earth. When practicing on the Jianmu Dao tree, one can perceive the clear rules of the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Ten days later, Gu Xiangfei stood up, his Dao Yuan in his body had recovered to its peak, and he called the golden-winged roc to follow him out of the star beads.

“What the hell kind of place is this? I can’t feel a trace of the vitality of the world. I want to go back.” As soon as the golden-winged roc came out, he felt the vitality of the heaven and the earth here, and immediately shouted to go back. Not only was there no light here, but it looked gloomy. It’s terrifying, and the vitality of the world is thin, so there is no comfort in the star beads.

“Look here to see if there is any place suitable for proving the Great Reincarnation Technique? And the Yin and the Underworld should also have top-level resources, otherwise how could there be a ninth-rank saint appearing.” Naturally, Gu Xiangfei would not let him go back. I am suffering here. Yes, you are very comfortable in the star bead, and now you want to go back after you come out. If you don’t find some good things, how can you go back.

The golden-winged roc saw that Gu Xiangfei was determined not to let him go back, so he could only use his talent and find resources first!

Spreading its wings, with a slight shock, it disappeared in front of Gu Xiangfei in an instant. Its talent is powerful, even in the world of the underworld, its speed is extremely fast.

The golden-winged roc’s wings are tens of millions of miles away after a few vibrations, and it quickly finds a place with strong vitality in the world.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is unbelievably strong. Feeling the strong vitality of heaven and earth, the golden-winged roc constantly spreads its wings and flies rapidly. Why do you have to go to a place where energy is thin?

A thick mist appeared in front of it, blocking its sight. The golden-winged roc opened its mouth and spewed out a flame. This flame was like a overwhelming wave, passing through layers of mist in an instant, turning the mist into nothingness, revealing the A rolling bloody river.

This long blood-colored river continuously exudes thick mist, and will soon wrap up the place that was burned into nothingness by the flames. However, the golden-winged roc saw dozens of snow-white and blood-red flowers on both sides of the blood-colored river.

The golden-winged roc didn’t know what kind of flower it was, and why there was fog in the blood river, preventing the flowers on both sides of the blood river from meeting.

The blood river looks hundreds of feet wide, and the blood-red river is surging. The golden-winged roc feels the terrifying incineration atmosphere contained in this long blood-colored river. It estimates that if it is about to fall, it will definitely be wiped out by this long blood-colored river. It’s very dangerous here, but the flowers on both sides of the blood river may be good things, let’s ask Brother Fei to see them!

Gold-winged roc thought of thisHe immediately turned around and left Blood River, spread his wings, and quickly flew towards Gu Xiangfei’s position.

Gu Xiangfei saw the golden-winged roc flying away, and knew that it would come to him after finding the resources. He wasn’t worried that the golden-winged roc would be in danger. Wouldn’t it be impossible to escape if he couldn’t beat it? If the golden-winged roc wants to escape, it is estimated that the ninth-rank sage will not be able to keep it.

He has already assimilated the aura of the rules of the underworld. The rules of heaven and earth here have a dark and gloomy rule more than the rules of the holy world. For a powerful saint, he can ignore this dark and gloomy rule, but he just ignores it, so he must not be able to practice here.

“Brother Fei, I saw a blood river. There are two kinds of flowers on both sides of this blood river, one is snow-white and the other is blood-red. I think these two kinds of flowers may be treasures. Shall we go get them back?” Gu Xiangfei was feeling According to the rules of heaven and earth here, the golden-winged roc came back, and brought news of the Bianhua.

“That must be the Bianhua, let’s go there now.” When Gu Xiangfei heard that he had found the Bianhua, he was overjoyed in his heart. Even if he didn’t practice the little curse technique in the future, he couldn’t make it cheaper for others. Maybe he could use the Bianhua to exchange for some resources. To the back of the Garuda roc.

The golden-winged roc turned around and flew to the location of the blood river. The world of the underworld was covered with black-gray mist, and it was extremely difficult to find a location. Fortunately, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was strong there, and the golden-winged roc felt the strong vitality of the heavens and the earth. fly.

Two days later, the golden-winged roc came to the Blood River again. It opened its mouth and spewed out a flame, burning away the dense mist on the Blood River, exposing the flowers on both sides of the river.

“It really is the Bianhua, the flowers and leaves will never be seen. It turns out that it is separated by the mist of the blood river. This kind of curse power will definitely be absorbed by the Bianhua. If you understand the Bianhua and practice the curse technique, it is indeed a treasure of cultivation.” Looking at the dozens of snow-white flowers on both sides of the bank With the blood-red flowers, Gu Xiangfei talked to himself about the purpose of the Bana flowers, as if he was talking to the golden-winged roc, regardless of whether it could understand or not.

After a few breaths, the mist of the blood river blocked the meeting of the flowers on the other side again. Just as the golden-winged roc was about to spew flames again, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to stop it, “Your flames are not good, look at mine.” Raised his hand and waved , Xinghe came out of the Purple Mansion, a flame like a small starry sky jumped happily, and then the fire suddenly rose, and the fog on the blood river instantly turned into nothingness, and the surging blood river was burned, and the crackling sound was endless.

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