: Sky Locking Canopy Spirit

Perhaps sensing the arrival of a stranger, the child opened his eyes and saw Gu Xiangfei and Garuda, with a frightened expression on his face, but it hasn’t recovered yet, and it can’t run away even if it wants to. There was no way to activate the sky lock, but he just looked at the man and the beast in front of him with wide eyes.

“You recognize me as master, how about I help you recover your spirit body?” Gu Xiangfei wanted to subdue this artifact spirit, and offered it a conditional exchange, let’s see how it reacts.

“I have a master, and I won’t recognize you as master.” Although Qi Ling was afraid, she still rejected Gu Xiangfei’s conditional exchange.

“Brother Fei, shall I swallow it? When I break through to the Creation Realm, I will shatter this sky lock in a few strokes, so it won’t trap us.” The sharp white teeth are about to stretch out the long beak and swallow this weapon spirit.

“No, I…I…” Qi Ling didn’t expect that this golden-winged roc would want to swallow him. He finally gave birth to a spirit body and a spiritual wisdom. Now he will be swallowed by this guy and turned into Nothing, and begged for mercy, but it just refused to bring up the matter of admitting the Lord.

When the long beak of the golden-winged roc reached out to its head, the weapon spirit was so frightened that it burst into tears and said repeatedly, “I am willing to recognize the master, I am willing to recognize the master.”

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to stop the golden-winged roc’s long beak, “Wait a minute.”

The golden-winged roc showed a sly look, retracted its long beak in satisfaction, and said in its heart, just because you are so small and want to resist, I can’t scare you to death.

“Brother Fei, my whole body is completely destroyed right now, and I can’t even move. It’s useless if I want to recognize the Lord!” Qi Ling immediately changed his name to Gu Xiangfei as Brother Fei, which is what it calls golden-winged rocs, Some people followed suit and shouted like this.

“You don’t have to worry about this, I will find a way to restore your spirit body.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he saw that Qi Ling was frightened by the golden-winged roc to recognize his master. It is his, and he no longer has to worry about being caught by the original owner of Qi Ling, and can practice here with peace of mind.

You must know that in this chaotic star field, there are countlessMaybe you can find some treasures of heaven and earth, and treasures of chaos, otherwise the master of the weapon spirit would not use the sky lock to cover this chaotic star field and take it as his own.

It is very simple to recognize the master, but the original soul imprint of this artifact spirit must be stripped off first. Gu Xiangfei sat down cross-legged, and operated the regular exercises to assimilate the regular breath of this artifact spirit, and then searched for the soul imprint on this artifact spirit.

Qi Ling felt that a huge aura had entered his body. This aura was exactly the same as his own aura. He felt that he was already growing. If he had such a powerful aura, he would soon be able to return to his heyday. He was shocked. This What kind of exercises did the new owner practice? It was able to merge with his own breath.

Gu Xiangfei quickly found the soul brand. The strength of this soul brand made Gu Xiangfei feel that the original owner must be a strong person in the Good Fortune Realm, and even surpassed the Good Fortune Realm. Although he has never seen a good fortune. Although I didn’t know a lot about Taoist ancestors in the communication with Xuankong sage, he was no longer the novice in the holy world.

Thanks also to Qi Ling’s spiritual body being fragmented, the soul imprint was broken by a few strands. Otherwise, if he wanted to peel off this soul imprint, he really couldn’t do it with his current attainments in formation.

Even so, it took him three years to carefully peel off this soul brand. In the past three years, while peeling off this soul brand, he deduced the array, for fear of touching this soul brand. The original owner of the spirit discovers that a single thought can destroy the spirit.

Qi Ling felt that the soul imprint in his body was being stripped out bit by bit. There was no forced stripping, nor did it touch the restriction of the original owner’s soul imprint.

It was also worried that the original owner would find out that someone was peeling off the soul imprint and destroy it in a fit of rage. This would not do any harm to Gu Xiangfei, but he would be doomed. After finally giving birth to a spirit body, it didn’t want to die.

After the soul brand was stripped out, Gu Xiangfei took out a piece of ore, left the soul brand on the ore, and put it in a jade box. He didn’t even dare to put a restriction on it, for fear of being discovered by the owner of the soul brand. , he was going to throw the jade box on the meteorite after going out, let it wander in the void!

After the soul imprint was stripped out, Qi Ling felt that his whole body was relaxed now, and now he was free. The original master treated it neither badly nor badly, and only remembered it when he used it. He usually practiced in the master’s world , He hadn’t even been in his purple mansion for warming up.

“Okay, now open your mind.” Gu Xiangfei stripped off the original soul imprint of Qi Ling, and he was in a good mood, but he still wanted to let Qi Ling recognize its master. If it could betray its original master, it could betray itself. Can’t control it.

Raising his hand and playing countless complicated hand formulas, a soul seal formed in the void, fell into Qi Ling’s body, and soon merged with Qi Ling. This Qi Ling is different from the golden-winged roc bird. The bird was soaked in his blood essence when the egg was born, and it was integrated with him long after it was born, and it was regarded as a part of his life, so he was most at ease with the Garuda roc.

Qi Ling saw a soul seal falling into its body, but couldn’t feel that its own soul was restricted. It thought that Gu Xiangfei’s soul seal was just a name, and it looked scary, but its soul didn’t feel controlled by others. , It is far from the original master’s soul seal, it can escape from Gu Xiangfei’s control at any time, he is overjoyed, but pretends to be very obedient, thinking about recovering the spirit body first, and then decides whether to escape.

Gu Xiangfei’s Soul Dao Seal was created by him using regular exercises. Unless there is a second person who also practiced regular exercises and has so many regular auras like him, his Soul Dao Seal cannot be stripped out, and What he made was the Dao seal of the soul, not the brand of the soul. Although the difference between the Dao seal and the brand is one letter, the Dao seal is the mark formed by his Dao. , There are also many subtle differences, after all, every monk has a different thinking constitution.

The golden-winged roc is now flying freely in the chaotic star field, looking for the natural treasures here. Its talent is powerful, and some top chaotic treasures cannot escape its sharp perception, and it is caught by it from time to time. received it in the world.

“Tell me, how did you break your spirit body? What was the cultivation level of the original owner?” Gu Xiangfei only had time to ask about the origin of the spirit after he received the spirit.

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