Dragon Clan and Wing Clan

Looking at the Wandu Sacred Way that had turned into nothingness, and there was no more monk of the Wandu Holy Way here, Gu Xiangfei finally felt relieved this time. Xuanyuan City will never be threatened by the poisonous fog again.

“Hey! Fellow Taoists are also here to find Wandu Shengdao to do a task? Where is their Taoist sect?” A voice came, and then a figure landed a few feet away from him, with nine realm halos behind him, obviously a nine Turn saint.

“Friend Daoist’s fast movement is from the Wing Clan, right? I don’t know where they went? I’m looking for the Daomen of the Wandu Sacred Way, and ask them to do one thing for me.” Gu Xiangfei’s heart moved, the Wing Clan What mission did the saint find Wandu Shengdao? Is it to deal with the human race?

“I belong to the Yi clan. Could it be that the Daomen of the Wandu Sacred Way has moved away? How can I contact them? This Daomen is mysterious, and they will often evacuate from the Daomen at the slightest sign of disturbance. Let me say goodbye!” The saint of the Yi clan said a few words Saying that, he clasped his fist at Gu Xiangfei, turned around and disappeared in a flash, the speed was astonishingly fast.

“Sure enough, you are worthy of the Yi Clan. You are good at body skills, but you are as fast as my spiritual sense.” When Gu Xiangfei saw that he was a Yi Clan, he instantly assimilated his regular aura, and issued a mark of divine sense. Attached to his feet, when he heard that he came to find Wandu Shengdao to do a task, he immediately attached this imprint of divine consciousness to the boots under his feet, and slowly penetrated into the regular breath in his body.

After seeing the saint of the Wing Clan leave, Gu Xiangfei also left in a flash. His regular escapism unfolded, and within a few breaths he could feel the position of the imprint of his spiritual consciousness.

He wants to find out whether this Yi clan saint is looking for Wandu Shengdao for a mission, and whether it is harmful to the human race. Since he has encountered it, he cannot let it go. Since he broke through to rank nine saint now, he feels that he is much stronger. When it came to trouble, he became much more courageous, and now he can almost walk sideways in the holy world.

“Patriarch, the Daomen of Wandu Sacred Way has moved away, and we can’t contact them now, what should we do? If we can’t, let’s go to the Taoist ancestors of the human race? Ask them to come forward to deal with the Dragon Clan, or our family will be ruined.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback when he heard the words of the saint of the Yi clan through the imprint of his spiritual consciousness. It turned out that the Yi clan and the Dragon clan had met, and he didn’t know why they were bothered. The Saint of the Wing Clan said something later, and left in a flash.

When Gu Xiangfei returned to Xuanyuan City, Daozu Xuankong and the others were waiting for him. When Gu Xiangfei went out, they all saw him and knew that he had discovered the saint of Wandu Sacred Way. Fuchu.

“Wandu Shengdao has disappeared in the holy world, you don’t have to worry anymore, but it seems that the Winged Clan and the Dragon Clan are facing each other, I guess they will ask us Human Clan to help, then you can figure it out! I Go back and prepare to prove the realm of nine revolutions.”

“Okay! Brother Gu did a good job! This time we humans don’t have to worry about the poisonous fog. I have never been afraid of anyone. This poison is hard to guard against. It is really a headache.” Taoist Maolie clapped Thighs, smiling all over his face, he hates these guys who use poison the most, they are sinister and vicious, although he is not afraid of poisonous fog in his current state, but rejecting these poisonous fogs from his heart always feels a little shadowy, and his strength will also be weak when facing the enemy. Big discount.

“That’s right. This time, Brother Yougu made a move. I knew that the Daoist Dao of Wandu must be finished. This Daoist sect should have disappeared in the holy world long ago. They have destroyed many star fields. Some planets are still poisonous planets. It’s all their masterpieces.” Daozu Fengming was also overjoyed, he had visited these poisonous planets, and almost died.

“The Wing Clan and the Dragon Clan are facing each other. It must be that the Dragon Clan wants to snatch the Transformation Dao Fruit of the Wing Clan. The Transformation Dao Fruit is about to mature, and the Wing Clan can’t beat the Dragon Clan. We have to ask for help. These Transformation Dao Fruits It is useless to our human race, except for the Dragon Race and the Winged Race who need the Transformation Dao Fruit, other races will not need the Transformation Dao Fruit.” Huiwen Daozu knew very well about some things in the holy world, and he heard Gu Xiangfei talking about the Dragon Race About the Heyi Clan, I guessed it roughly.

“Would it be possible to transform into a human form after being consumed? Then other races also have the Transformation Fruit! Why do you want to grab the Transformation Fruit from the Wing Clan?” Gu Xiangfei was a little puzzled. Don’t know much about things.”It’s not a human-shaped Dao fruit. This kind of Dao fruit is a treasure of the Yi clan. There was also a tree before the Dragon clan. It’s just that the transformed Dao fruit tree of the Dragon clan withered for some reason. Some descendants of the Dragon clan are born with defects. Either four-claw or three-claw, so they have to use the transformation of the Dao fruit to become a five-claw dragon, and only when they make up for their shortcomings can they enter a higher realm.” Daozu Huiwen saw that Gu Xiangfei didn’t know these dragon secrets, and gave him Explains why the dragon clan needs the fruit of transformation.

“Oh, it turns out that’s the case. Why do the Yi clan need the Transformation Dao Fruit? Could it be that they also have flaws?” Gu Xiangfei is the first to hear about the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan will definitely spare no effort if they want their offspring to grow up. There is no reason to speak in the world, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.

“The wing tribe is different from the dragon tribe. They will have extra limbs when they are born. For example, after some wing tribes are born, they will have three wings and five legs, or one wing and three legs, which affects their Speed ​​and cultivation, so they will take the Transformation Dao Fruit, remove the excess, make up for the missing, and achieve perfection in short.” Huiwen Daozu said again about the Wing Clan.

Only then did Gu Xiangfei understand why the Dragon and Wing Clans wanted to snatch and protect the Transformation Dao Fruit. There was only one Transformation Dao Fruit tree in the entire holy world, and both the Dragon and Wing Clan wanted it. The Wing Clan might not have enough for themselves, so naturally they would not If you sell it to the Dragon Clan, if the Dragon Clan can’t buy it, they will naturally snatch it.

These matters are none of his business, and Gu Xiangfei was about to leave when a message came from the Eye of Chaos that the Winged Saint had entered the area of ​​Xuanyuan City.

“It’s so fast! The saints of the Yi clan are here, go and receive them! Let’s see what they can come up with? I’ll go first.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei stood up and left the city lord’s mansion.

This Yi clan is really good at speed. He returned to Xuanyuan City by tearing open the void. The saints of this Yi clan came to Xuanyuan City to ask for help after discussing. The speed is only slower than him, but a stick of incense. time.

“Yi Clan rushes, I have seen all the Taoist ancestors.” The Yi clan nine-turn saint rushed to the city lord’s mansion of Xuanyuan City and bowed to Xuankong Daozu and several other Taoist ancestors.

“Fellow Daoist Jichong, why are you here?” Although Daozu Xuankong knew what the saint of the Yi clan was here for, he still pretended not to know and asked the saint of the Yi clan Jichong.

“The patriarch of our Yi clan wants to ask Dao ancestors to help protect the transformation fruit, because the dragon clan wants to snatch the transformation fruit of our wing clan. This is a small gift from our wing clan. There will be a lot of thanks.” Ji Chong Saint took out a ring and handed it to Taoist Xuankong.

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