The Tall Giant

The old dean is now in the rank-five holy world, and the realm halo behind him is solid. Obviously, he has been in the rank-five realm for a long time. It’s just that the old dean rarely comes out. Why did he argue with people on the street today?

“Old Dean, what’s the matter?” Gu Xiangfei stepped in front of the old dean, and saw that the other party was also a rank five saint of the human race, exuding an icy aura, obviously practicing ice attribute exercises.

“Oh! Elder Gu is here. In fact, it’s nothing wrong. This fellow Tianyu said that he found an extremely cold place in the holy world, which has the aura of ice attribute Dao fruit. He saw that I am also practicing ice attribute exercises. , I want to go there with me to find the ice-attributed fruit, I don’t need the ice-attributed fruit to prove the way now, why take the risk! He promised me again, as long as he goes with him, he will tell me a secret , to be able to break through the realm quickly, I asked him to talk first, and he let me go to tell me, so the stalemate came to an end.” The old dean now has a lot of cultivation resources, and it is difficult to arouse his interest in things that are not very important.

“How about this! Fellow Daoist Tianyu, how about I go with you? It happens that I also need an ice-attribute Dao Fruit.” Gu Xiangfei thought that Yan Yixue had an ice-attribute Dao Fruit. soul surgery.

“You…you are not practicing ice-attribute exercises, you can’t get in even if you go! I saw many saints were frozen to death by the icy breath. Only by practicing ice-attribute exercises can you have a slight chance to enter that planet. domain.” Tianyu Saint had no choice but to tell Gu Xiangfei about the situation there, everyone is a human race, why bother to die in vain!

“How do you look now? Can you go in?” Gu Xiangfei’s aura instantly turned into ice attributeBreath, a huge ice-attribute breath emanated, and the surrounding air condensed into ice flowers, which fell on the bluestone slab on the ground crackling, making a ding-ding-dong-dong sound.

“What a powerful ice-attribute breath! You can go, you can go.” Saint Tianyu was shocked at first, and then screamed again and again.

“Okay, then let’s go! Old dean, go get busy! I’ll go with Fellow Daoist Tianyu.” After Gu Xiangfei bid farewell to the old dean, he turned around and followed the Tianyu saint out of Xuanyuan City.

“Take my spaceship, do you have a map jade slip?” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel. The Heavenly Dao Wheel has absorbed the Qi of Chaos for thousands of years, and has been promoted to a Chaos Treasure, which is hundreds of times faster than the Innate Magic Treasure.

“Yes.” Saint Tianyu quickly took out a jade slip and handed it to him, and then got on the Heavenly Dao Wheel.

A flash of light flashed, and the Heavenly Dao Wheel instantly disappeared in place. Saint Tianyu was shocked again. This Elder Gu is so powerful, he must be a rank seven saint!

On the jade slip of the map given by Tianyu Saint, it marked the star field with the ice attribute Dao fruit, called the Wanhan Star Field, and it took half a year to fly to the Xiayu Star Field. In more than a year, he might break through the rank six realm.

But with Gu Xiangfei’s Heavenly Dao Wheel, they came to Wanhan Starfield in just five days.

“What a powerful flying magic weapon!” After feeling the extremely cold breath, Tianyu Saint realized that he had arrived in the Ten Thousand Cold Starfield. He couldn’t help admiring. Gu Xiangfei’s flying magic weapon is simply too powerful! At this speed, it only took five days for them to reach the Wanhan Starfield.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel. Saint Tianyu took the lead, and the two arrived at the entrance of Wanhan Starfield one after the other.

Thousands of saints of various races gathered here, each of them exuding an icy aura, obviously all practicing ice-attribute exercises, and dozens of saints practicing fire-attribute exercises, exuding a powerful fire-attribute aura , It is estimated that they are all brought here to help by practicing ice attribute exercises.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t enter rashly. First, he used the rules and techniques to assimilate the ice attribute rules here. He had assimilated the ice attribute rules when he was in the fairy world, and now he assimilated the ice-cold breath here, only to find the ice-cold breath of the fairy world and the ice-cold breath of the holy world. It’s a world of difference, and I feel like I’m seeing the big witch.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei said to Saint Tianyu, “Let’s go! Let’s go in, and you follow me.”

When Tianyu Saint arrived here, he had long wanted to enter the Wanhan Starfield to operate the ice attribute Dao Fruit, but he saw that Gu Xiangfei did not move, so he did not dare to enter rashly. After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, he immediately followed behind, the two of them one behind the other Enter the Ten Thousand Cold Starfield.

The saints standing at the entrance of the Wanhan Starfield saw that someone was about to enter, and immediately gave way to a path. Obviously, they wanted them to explore the path first, and then follow them in after they found that there was no danger.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and created a protective shield to wrap Saint Tianyu and him. After the two entered the Wanhan Starfield, they saw many frozen saints standing here. Made a helpless struggle.

Saint Yu Tianyu followed behind Gu Xiangfei, and he didn’t feel the erosion of the cold breath at all. Seeing Gu Xiangfei walking forward leisurely, he was even more amazed at Gu Xiangfei’s strength. He must be a rank eight saint!

After Gu Xiangfei’s consciousness swept over, he could see the entire Ten Thousand Cold Starfield. He quickly found the Ice Attribute Dao Fruit Tree. There were a total of nine Ice Attribute Dao Fruit Trees, and each tree had nine white Dao Fruits, which were already mature.

“I’ll take you there. It’s too slow to walk like this.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, without waiting for Saint Tianyu to speak, he raised his hand and rolled him up, and stepped out to the side of the ice attribute Dao fruit tree.

Saint Tianyu was shocked again, such a powerful evasion technique, such a powerful consciousness, he knew that even though he practiced the ice attribute technique, his consciousness would be frozen in the Ten Thousand Cold Starfield, and the sea of ​​consciousness would be damaged. It even froze the sea of ​​consciousness.

“There are nine Dao fruits here, let’s put them all away!” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei took out a few jade boxes, picked off five Dao fruits, put a restraint on them and threw them into the star beads.

Saint Tianyu was overjoyed. He originally thought that one dao fruit would be enough. Now that Gu Xiangfei left him four dao fruits, he quickly thanked him and raised his hand to put these four dao fruits into a jade box.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to put away the dao fruit tree either. Yan Yixue was the only one in the family who had the ice spirit root attribute, and five dao fruits were enough for her to prove the supernatural power of the great ice soul technique.

“Gu Daoyou, this is the secret map jade slip I found. It may be connected to another realm. I guess it may also be the holy realm. The rules of heaven and earth are stronger than the holy realm. I saw the holy realm there at the entrance. People don’t have realm halos, but they are tall, more than three feet tall, and they can smash the void by raising their hands. I didn’t dare to go in, for fear of being caught by them.” Tianyu Saint took out a jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, and then Tell what you saw.

“Oh? A three-foot-tall giant? Have you seen them fight?” Gu Xiangfei was startled. Could it be that there is the Immortal Realm?

“I saw two giants fighting, the void was shattered by them, the blade of the void blasted on them, at most there was a white mark, and there was no bloodshot. I was thinking of going in to find resources. Seeing that I was so scared that I left the place immediately.”

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