The Old Dean’s Surprise

The news that Yuheng Taoist Ancestor of the Great Injury Realm was killed by a small monk quickly spread to the Giant Screen Starfield in the Great Injury Realm. This is the central star field of the Great Injury Realm. There are fifteen Taoist ancestors in the Great Injury Realm. Now that one Taoist ancestor fell, the other Taoist ancestors were a little shocked, and hurried over to check the place where Yuheng Taoist ancestor fell.

Fourteen Dao ancestors came and nine Dao ancestors came. First, check the Dao Rhyme of the Great Thunder Technique left here. Moreover, he is still a peak monk in the late stage of the Good Fortune Realm, even surpassing the Good Fortune Realm.

Soon the Taoist ancestors discovered the large formation here, and they immediately understood that it was the monks from the opposite realm. After Yuheng Daozu fell, they originally wanted to avenge him, but now they know the strength of the monks in the opposite realm. These Dao ancestors no longer open their mouths to avenge the Dao ancestors of the universe. If they are killed by monks in the opposite realm, it is not worthwhile.

After Gu Xiangfei returned to Xuanyuan City, he came to the city lord’s mansion. Taoist Xuankong and several other Taoist ancestors were drinking holy tea. After Gu Xiangfei came in, he raised his hand, and a washbasin-sized Daoist appeared in the air in front of everyone. fruit.

“Brothers, please try this kind of Dao fruit, I guarantee that you have never eaten it before.”

After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he sat aside, and a washbasin-sized Dao fruit was also placed on his table.

“This is the Dao Fruit? Such a big Dao Fruit, are you sure it’s not a fruit?” Daozu Maolie saw the Dao Fruit in front of him and grabbed it in surprise.

“Well, this is indeed a Dao fruit, and the vitality contained in it is still very strong.” Fengming Daozu had already taken out a knife to cut open the Dao fruit, gnawed and swallowed it.

After hearing Daoist Fengming’s words, several people took out their knives and cut open the Dao fruit. For a moment, the hall was filled with the strong aura emanating from the Dao fruit.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and swiped, cut open the Dao fruit, took a bite and swallowed it. It tasted good, and the vitality contained in it was also very strong.

“Where did Brother Gu bring back the Dao Fruit? I feel that my cultivation has improved a bit.” Hui Wen asked Gu Xiangfei after eating the whole Dao Fruit and feeling the power in his body.

“I went to the Great Injury Realm, and the things there are just one word, big! Look at these items.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, took out a pile of ore the size of a millstone, and a pile of jade boxes the size of a cabinet, There is also a pile of jade slips.

“My… my God! Is this an ore? Is this a jade box? Is this a jade slip?” Daozu Xuankong looked at the pile of items in front of him, and was shocked to distinguish them one by one.

The other Daoist ancestors were also shocked. Are the items in the Great Injury World so big?

“The items there are not only big, but the monks there are even bigger. The shortest one is more than one foot high, and the tallest is three or four feet high. I stand in front of them like a baby, but their strength is average. I killed them. A Taoist ancestor, got the items in his world, and brought them back for everyone to see.” Gu Xiangfei told them what he had seen and heard about the Great Injury World.

“The world is so big, there are no surprises. The items and monks in this world of great injuries are so big. I guess the rules of heaven and earth there are a few more rules than those in the holy world, and the extra rules may be the ones they grew up with. The reason.” Huiwen Daozu had a profound experience and knowledge, and quickly guessed the reason, and Gu Xiangfei also had to admire his guess, which is also the reason for the great injury.

After scanning these jade slips with spiritual consciousness, I found that the exercises inside were not suitable for the cultivation of saints in the holy world. Everyone shared some ores and Dao fruits. After opening the jade box, there were also some top-level Dao fruits and ores. It was useless, so I gave them a few more jade boxes.

“Brother Gu doesn’t know about the Dragon Clan and the Wing Clan! This year, the Wing Clan harvested the Transformation Dao Fruit, and the Dragon Clan didn’t dare to snatch it. In the end, they bought dozens of Transformation Dao Fruits at a high price. Here, each of us has three top-grade Dao veins and some top-grade Dao fruits, and this one is reserved for Brother Gu.” Taoist Xuankong took out a ring and handed it to him, Gu Xiangfei didn’t want it at first, but Thinking of giving it to the old dean and the elders of Xuantian Academy, he thanked him and took the ring from Taoist Xuankong.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei accepting the ring, several Taoist ancestors felt relieved a lot, with smiles on their faces, they were afraid that Gu Xiangfei would not want the ring, how could they ask Gu Xiangfei for help in the future, everyone wanted to go to the world of immortality, Gu Xiangfei followed, When they arrived in the world of immortality, they also had a powerful helper.

After bidding farewell to Daozu Xuankong and the others, Gu Xiangfei returned to the forbidden area, came outside the old headmaster’s cave, and rang the ban on the cave.

“Elder Gu is back? Things to doHow about it? “When the old dean saw Gu Xiangfei, he was overjoyed. This is the pride of their Xuantian Academy. Gu Xiangfei’s current strength is that when several Taoist ancestors saw him, they also called him brother and brother, and they were very respectful. This made the old dean feel full of pride. full.

“It’s done. Fellow Daoist Tianyu is back. Here’s a ring. The old dean will share it with the elders in the academy!” Gu Xiangfei took out a ring and handed it to the old dean. More than two hundred elders have come to the Holy Realm. Although the heaven and earth are full of vitality and suitable for them to cultivate, their resources are pitifully few.

Gu Xiangfei is now a nine-turn sage, and these items are of no use to him, so he simply gave them to the old dean. After all, when he was in Xuantian Academy, the academy took good care of him, and his family members also took care of him in the academy. Well looked after.

“Okay, then I won’t be polite. Thank you Elder Gu for taking care of the academy. I will distribute these resources with them.” The old dean took the ring very happily and thanked Gu Xiangfei. But when he arrived in the Holy Realm, Gu Xiangfei took good care of him, and Gu Xiangfei respected him even though his cultivation base was so high, which made him very relieved.

After Gu Xiangfei bid farewell to the old dean, he came to Kanli Saint’s cave. He has been practicing since he entered the holy world. He rarely chatted with Kanli, and Kanli was also working hard. Yuancheng, but there are not many opportunities to meet each other.

“Brother Gu, are you so free today?” Kanli is now a rank-three saint, and he is also very happy to see Gu Xiangfei coming to him.

“Brother Kanli, it’s been a long time. I’m finally relaxed now. I was busy practicing before, so I didn’t have time to chat with my brother. I still hope my brother Haihan.” Gu Xiangfei and Kanli spent the longest time together. The two also talked a lot.

“Well, what are you talking about? When everyone arrives in the holy world, it’s not bad if they can get together. Otherwise, the holy world is so big that finding someone is really as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.” Kan Li’s face darkened, pretending to be unhappy Turning around and entering the cave, Gu Xiangfei followed behind.

“There are some cultivation resources here. I will give some of them to the old dean. He will definitely distribute them to you. I will give these resources to my brother and several other elders. We have worked together for so long, so I will give you some more.” Gu Xiangfei He took out a ring and handed it to Kanli.

Kanli was also not polite to him, and after taking the ring and scanning it with his spiritual sense, he was shocked. There were 30 top-grade Dao veins, more than 2 billion crystals, 20 innate magic weapons, hundreds of bottles of various elixirs, and thousands of Dao fruits. There are also a pile of jade slips and jade boxes.

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