Human Race Cuts Dao Ancestor

While guessing, a flying sword suddenly stopped in the main hall of the city lord’s mansion. Xuankong Daozu’s divine sense swept over the flying sword and said, “What a despicable and shameless villain.”

Huiwen Daozu and several others also used their spiritual sense to scan the content of Feijian’s biography, “Human Race Daozu Hanhui attacked Xuantian Daozu of the Monster Race, beheaded him in his dojo, and occupied the dojo of the Yaozu.”

“Sure enough, he is a despicable villain. In order to prevent himself from being bombarded by the Dao of Heaven, he even resorted to this method. It seems that we still underestimated him. At the beginning, he did not care about the life and death of the human race for himself, and now he is not being bombarded by the Dao of Heaven for himself. , He unexpectedly attacked the Taoist ancestor of the demon clan, a person like him is not worthy of living in the holy world.” Huiwen Daozu was furious, and sharply reprimanded Daozu Hanhui.

“Why are you still talking about this? Let’s go and kill him. Otherwise, what will happen to brother Qingyuan when he breaks through to the Good Fortune Realm?” Daozu Maolie stood up, and Daozu Fengming also stood up.

“Okay! This kind of selfish person should be killed and cleaned up early.” Daozu Xuankong also stood up, and Daozu Huiwen laughed, “How can I be missing from killing this kind of scum.”

The four Taoist ancestors of the human race tore open the void together, and instantly landed in the sky above the dojo of Xuantian Taoist ancestor of the monster race. Four huge auras rushed over and surrounded Hanhui Taoist ancestor who was recovering from his injuries.

“All fellow Taoists came at the right time. I have already blasted and killed Xuantian Taoist Ancestor of the Monster Race. This is me nowThe dojo of the human race. “Hanhui Daozu came out of the cultivation hall. He thought that these four Daozu came to grab the territory, and he despised them in his heart. If he didn’t come when killing people, he would grab the territory very quickly.

“It’s a shame for the human race to have such a selfish person like you. We are here to kill you, so die!” Daozu Maolie didn’t talk nonsense with him at all, and raised his hand to blast a huge magical power of origin.

Daozu Hanhui didn’t expect that these four people came to kill him, and he was shocked. He was injured and hadn’t healed, but now facing the four Daozu, how could he dare to fight? A Boundary Breaker Talisman, boom! The Boundary Breaking Talisman was shattered, and three huge fields of Yuanli blocked the penetration of the Boundary Breaking Talisman.

Boom! There was a loud bang, and two huge sources of energy blasted together. This space was stabilized by three huge fields, and there was no shattering. Sure enough, the supernatural power of surgery is powerful, but compared with the supernatural power used by Brother Gu, his Yuanli is much worse. It may also be that his injury is not healed, so the supernatural power of the big cutting technique is greatly reduced.

Daozu Hanhui was also blown back by Yuanli. He knew that today’s situation was extremely critical and he might be killed here. He raised his hand and took out a Daoguo to swallow, and began to burn all Yuanli in his body, even if Daoji was affected. If he is damaged, he must fight desperately, and then escape.

Boom! There was a loud bang, this time it was Daozu Xuankong and Daozu Hanhui’s great cutting technique supernatural powers clashing together, the huge cutting Daoyun directly cut through Daozu Xuankong’s vitality, and the remaining momentum attacked him.

“Not good!” Daozu Xuankong didn’t expect Daozu Hanhui’s great cutting technique to be so powerful that he actually cut his own Yuanli supernatural power. Although his Yuanli blocked most of the cutting Dao rhyme, the remaining cutting Dao The rhyme is enough to chop him up.

“Boom!” There was another loud noise, and the cutting dao rhyme blasting towards Taoist Xuankong was shattered by a magical power of Yuanli, so Taoist Xuankong kept his body from being smashed.

Huiwen Daozu blasted out a magical power of Yuanli in time, smashing the rhyme of the divine channel of the Great Cutting Technique, saving Daozu Xuankong from the crisis.

“Boom! Boom!” Two huge Yuanli supernatural powers shattered the cutting Daoyun, and then hit Hanhui Daozu’s body, directly smashing his body. He burned all Yuanli, and the Daoist foundation has been seriously damaged , the weak primordial spirit came out of the body, and before he had time to escape, the three huge domains had already imprisoned his primordial spirit.

“It’s such a powerful cutting supernatural power. It really deserves to be the supernatural power of opening the sky. If the four of us hadn’t come together today, not only would we have suffered heavy losses, but we would have let him escape, leaving future troubles.” Taoist Xuankong saw Maolie Daozu general Hanhui Daozu’s primordial spirit was sealed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the danger just now, he couldn’t help admiring Hanhui Daozu’s supernatural powers.

“This kind of supernatural power is not something that one or two of us can deal with. Looking at his weak primordial spirit, I guess he is burning his primordial energy to fight to the death, trying to kill a passage to escape. Fortunately, brother Maolie and Feng Brother Ming shattered his body in time, otherwise he would really have escaped.” Daozu Huiwen was also shocked by Daozu Hanhui’s supernatural power of cutting, and people who practice this kind of supernatural power to open the sky are more powerful than monks of the same level. It is more than several times stronger.

“Let’s go! Let Xiao Yu’s niece tear open his world and see what good things he has. These old Taoist ancestors have rich heritage, maybe we can make a fortune.” Maolie Daozu grabbed the soul of Hanhui Daozu, If it wasn’t for the things in his world, he would have been killed long ago.

Gu Xiaoyu is now at the level of the ninth rank. When she reached the eighth rank, she did not prove the Great Karma Technique. When she cultivated to the seventh rank state, she felt that the supernatural power that came with the chaotic body fit her physique.

Many saints in the holy world will prove the Tao according to their own physique. Cultivators with wood spirit roots can prove wood supernatural powers, and monks with golden spirit roots can prove gold system supernatural powers. Taller and more suitable for me.

“Niece Xiaoyu, please do me a favor, open up the world of the primordial spirit, and we will share the things in the world equally.” Daozu Maolie held the primordial spirit of Daozu Hanhui in his hand, and looked at Gu Xiaoyu with a smile on his face. This girl was amazing, she was born with a chaotic Taoist body, her cultivation speed was fast, and her supernatural powers were so powerful that they were all shocked.

“Okay, whose soul is this?” Gu Xiaoyu likes to share resources the most, and she provides the cultivation resources of her family.

“This is the primordial spirit of Daozu Hanhui of the human race. The four of us caught him and almost injured brother Xuankong and let him escape.” Daozu Maolie imprisoned Daozu Hanhui’s primordial spirit in mid-air , told Gu Xiaoyu about the difficulty of catching him.

“Ah! It turned out to be the scum of this human race.” Gu Xiaoyu had also heard of Hanhui Daozu. The gods bombarded and killed the human god emperor in the lower realm, and never stopped them, and also killed another human ancestor Dao because of it.

Gu Xiaoyu raised her hand and grabbed Daozu Hanhui’s world. She tore apart Daozu Hanhui’s world. She swept away all kinds of objects piled up in his world with her hand. , dissipated into the void.

As the primordial spirit of Daozu Hanhui of the human race was destroyed, bursts of mournful sounds suddenly appeared in the air of the holy world, and quickly spread throughout the holy world.

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