Entering the Realm of Immortality

Gu Xiangfei thought about it for a while and felt that Yan Yixue would be relieved if he stayed. After all, the holy world has Gu Xiaoyu and the Qingyuan sage who is about to break through to the Creation Realm, and the human race has two Dao ancestors, so the holy world is still very safe.

Saying goodbye to Yan Yixue and her family, and saying goodbye to the old dean and others. With the resources given by Gu Xiangfei, the old dean has broken through to the rank seven realm, and this time he will also enter the Holy Sealing Tower. Breaking through to the rank five realm, Elder Tiansen and Dean Qiao Tian are both rank five realms.

The elders who first entered the holy world were almost in the same state. Now there are hundreds of elders in Xuantian Academy who have entered the holy world. In terms of cultivation, everyone feels the same as when they were in Xuantian Academy.

Leaving Xuanyuan City, Gu Xiangfei and Xuankong Daozu didn’t leave, they first occupied the four directions of the Xiayu Starfield, and after the seventh-rank saints who entered the Fengsheng Tower came out, they entered the Fengsheng Tower and went to the world of eternal life .

Three months later, after all the seventh-rank saints who entered the Fengsheng Pagoda came out, Gu Xiangfei and Xuankong Daozu flashed into the Fengsheng Pagoda. At first, Xuankong Daozu was worried that he would be blocked by the Fengsheng Tower. Entering the Holy Seal Tower for the second time.

With Gu Xiangfei taking the lead to enter, Daozu Xuankong and the others followed into the Fengsheng Pagoda, and found that, as Gu Xiangfei said, the Fengsheng Pagoda would not hinder the monks of the Good Fortune Realm at all.

Soon came to the tenth floor of Fengsheng Pagoda, several people saw the teleportation channel here, Huiwen Daozu said, “This is a purposeless teleportation, after we enter the world of eternal life, we will definitely separate, let’s contact again at that time ! But after everyone enters the world of eternal life, you must keep a low profile, the most important thing is to live.”

“I’ll go in first.” Daozu Maolie has an impatient personality and likes to take risks. After speaking, he stepped into the transmission channel and disappeared.

“Everyone is in contact with the Immortal Realm, and I’m going too.” After Xuankong Daozu finished speaking, he stepped into the transmission channel and disappeared.

Then several people nodded, and Gu Xiangfei was the last to enter the transmission channel. He felt that this channel was a super long-distance transmission. After half a stick of incense passed, a light came, and then a huge law of heaven and earth wrapped him up. He couldn’t even move half a step, but he didn’t feel the danger.

With a sound of “Boom!”, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes and saw a wilderness plain in front of him, the surrounding grass was full of vitality, and a small stream was flowing slowly in the distance. Everything seemed very quiet. With the huge vitality of heaven and earth, this place seems to be in the world of mortals.

Taoist Xuankong and the others didn’t know where they were teleported. After Gu Xiangfei scanned it with his spiritual sense, he found that his spiritual sense could only see tens of thousands of miles away. Since it was a purposeless teleportation, they would definitely not be together. Forget it, look for them later! Thinking of this, he didn’t look any further.

“Is this the realm of immortality?” Gu Xiangfei murmured to himself, and then performed regular exercises to assimilate the regular atmosphere here.

When the rules and exercises started to work, a message immediately appeared in my mind. The realm of immortality is divided into three realms. Each realm is divided into three steps of the avenue, three steps of the avenue of good fortune, and then three steps of the avenue of immortality, and then the realm of immortality. Three steps on the road, after breaking through the third step of immortality, become the master of one side of the world.

“It turns out that the Good Fortune Realm is the first step towards eternal life. Only by becoming the master of one world can I live forever. I must become the master of one world, and I cannot live in other people’s world, otherwise I will be a lamb to be slaughtered. “Gu Xiangfei secretly made up his mind to create his own world in the world of immortality. In his world, family members, relatives and friends can all be together, and everyone can live forever together.

The rules and exercises quickly assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here. The rules of heaven and earth in the immortal world are many times stronger than the rules of heaven and earth in the holy world. When all kinds of supernatural powers are used, they will definitely be stronger.

Trying to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth here, he found that he was indeed much stronger than the holy world, but still not as strong as the energy of chaos. This made him more confident that he was stronger than others, so he had the capital to save his life.

There must be a place of chaos in the world of eternal life. He is now going to find the land of chaos, and then enter the land of chaos to practice. In the chaotic star field in the holy world, the energy of chaos has almost been absorbed by the chaotic spirit gathering beast.Not only did he use the chaotic veins to cultivate himself, but even his family members also practiced with the chaotic veins. There were one hundred and twenty-three chaotic veins refined by the chaotic spirit-gathering beast. Before leaving, he left Gu Xiaoyu The next one hundred, after all, he has the chaotic spirit gathering beast, as long as there is a chaotic land, there will be a chaotic way.

He still has twenty-three chaotic veins on his body, which is enough for him to cultivate to the third step of the Creation Realm, but when he reaches the Immortal Realm, his cultivation resources will be gone, so he is now going to find the Land of Chaos.

After assimilating the rules of heaven and earth here, his spiritual consciousness has also become much stronger. After scanning around, he found that there is a big city millions of miles away in front of the left. This city is several times larger than the city in the holy world. The pattern is flickering, obviously the defensive array is opening.

He raised his hand to tear open the void, boom! With a sound, I didn’t expect that the void would not move at all, not even a single ripple would be brought up, and it would not be able to tear open the void.

“What a powerful and profound rule of heaven and earth.” Gu Xiangfei exclaimed.

The rule escape technique unfolded, and after a few breaths, they came to the bottom of the city. There were three large characters on the gate, Yongsheng City.

There are no guards at the gate of the city, but now that the defensive array in the city is activated, there are many monks outside, all waiting here, and it seems that they are going to enter Yongsheng City.

Gu Xiangfei also stood aside and waited, listening to these monks by the way. He had just arrived in the Immortal Realm, and he didn’t know anyone, and he would not rush to communicate with others. There are many monks like him here, all standing alone, but There were also a few monks talking together in twos and threes.

“I don’t know what to defend in this city? I haven’t heard that anyone is going to attack Yongsheng City! It’s still very safe here, unlike Baishi City, which was destroyed by the second step of the Immortal Realm Avenue.” A monk’s voice came, Gu Xiangfei was startled, there was even the second step of the Dao of Eternal Life, which is equivalent to a monk in the Mahayana stage of the cultivation world. According to his thoughts, this should be the eighth step of the Dao.

The eighth step of the avenue is to destroy a big city. At least there are hundreds of millions of monks in this city! Doesn’t the ruler of this world care?

“Baishi City is different from Yongsheng City. Their city lords don’t listen to Lord Juggernaut’s orders, but have a heart of betrayal. Lord Juggernaut will definitely not let them go, but I heard that the city lord of Baishi City has escaped and defected to Xilu University. In the world, it is estimated that Yongsheng City is afraid of the strong people from the Xilu Great World to attack, so it opened the defensive formation.”

Gu Xiangfei now somewhat understands that the two big worlds are about to go to war, but he doesn’t know what the world he is in is called, but he will soon know.

“Our Lintian Great World won’t fight with Xilu Great World, will we? If there is a fight, we will escape from the Vientiane World, or enter the Chaotic Area of ​​Vientiane. Although there are dangers, there are also opportunities.”

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. It turned out that this was the Lintian World. Now that he knew that there was a chaotic area in the Vientiane World, he decided to find someone to ask where the Vientiane World was. Then go there to practice in the land of chaos.

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