Abolish the Generalissimo

The Beidu army didn’t kill many people this time. They mainly robbed and wanted everything. They wanted to evacuate Zhenbei City.

Since Gu Xiangfei entered the Void Refining Stage, he didn’t want to get involved in the wars of these mortals at all. He felt that it was a bit of a waste of value to fight these people, and it was also a bit of a bully.

“Xiaoyu, Xiaohai, you two go to town Beicheng, arrest the Generalissimo of Beidu, and force the Beidu army to surrender, kill one and respect a hundred, you know? Kill a few Beidu masters, and the rest will naturally surrender.” Gu Xiangfei Call the two of them over and teach them some experience. Gu Xiangyu has the experience of an adventure team. It should not be difficult to deal with these Beidu people, not to mention that they are all in the late stage of foundation establishment. It is difficult to kill Wusheng, but killing a few Wushen Still very easy.

When the two of them heard that they were asked to kill Beidu people, they were very excited, and immediately agreed, and said something to Gu Xiangfei, you wait for the news of our meritorious deeds! Step on the flying sword and go to Zhenbei City.

After Gu Xiangfei saw them leaving, he didn’t think about these things anymore. Yan Yixue kept saying that her stomach hurts a little these days. Gu Xiangfei was afraid that she would give birth suddenly, so she kept paying attention to her body. The midwives in the village had already made reservations in advance. Moreover, the old lady gave the midwife a deposit of five gold coins, and asked her not to leave the village within one month, and wait at home for Yan Yixue to give birth.

The midwife fully agreed, not to mention anything else, they are all from Gujia Village, even if they don’t give money, it’s right, not to mention that the old lady gave five gold coins at once, which is enough for her family to live for more than a year.

Ever since Yan Yixue said that she had a stomachache, the old lady and the second aunt stopped practicing, and talked with her every day, talking about Gu Xiangfei and his brothers when they were young.

Yan Yixue saw her mother-in-law and second aunt talking with her every day, and her husband followed her all the time, and felt that she was very happy and happy now.

“Second brother, should we kill people first? Or should we arrest their marshal first?” Gu Xianghai and Gu Xiangyu came to the outside of Zhenbei City, and saw soldiers and herdsmen from Beidu transporting supplies outside the city, a scene in full swing .

“Kill people first, and now we don’t know where the generalissimo of Beidu is? Once we kill people, we can find out who is in command, so we can find the generalissimo of Beidu.” Gu Xiangyu decided to find the generalissimo of Beidu by luring snakes out of their holes.

The two sacrificed swords and spears, Gu Xiangyu used the sword, Gu Xianghai used the spear, and the two entered the delivery team.

“Puff… Puff…” The sword light flew, and the shadows of the guns overlapped. Those soldiers and herdsmen in the northern capital were suddenly attacked by them, and a large number of them died quickly. The earth was dyed red.

“Enemy attack! Quickly report to the Generalissimo.” Some soldiers died when they saw a few breaths. Knowing that two martial arts masters were coming, they hurriedly reported to the Generalissimo and sent martial arts masters to meet the enemy. These soldiers would die if they went up. cannon fodder.

“Stop!” Four martial arts masters came out of Zhenbei City and saw Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai chasing and killing their soldiers and herdsmen. Hundreds of people had died on the ground, and their blood flowed into streams.

Xiaoyu and Xiaohai ignored their shouts at all, and continued to chase and kill those soldiers and herdsmen. As long as they were caught up by them, they were basically killed, and some people were missing arms and legs, lying on the ground and screaming.

Seeing that the two of them ignored them, the four Beidu masters hurriedly took out their weapons to intercept them. These four Beidu people were all at the level of Martial Gods. Seeing that they were young Dongdu people with the level of martial arts at the level of Martial Emperors, they looked down upon them in their hearts. , with a slight thought of underestimating the enemy.

Gu Xiangyu saw a man from Beidu with a mace in his hand, waving a mace and rushing over majesticly.

After all, Gu Xiangyu had experienced life-and-death fights, and he didn’t care about the aura of this northerner at all. In his hand, he slashed at the mace with a big knife.

“Crack!” A sound, “Plop!” The mace was cut off by the big knife and fell to the ground. Gu Xiangyu cut off half of the Beidu man’s body with a single knife. Light, the secret path is not good, and he was beheaded here before he jumped out of the way.

Gu Xianghai’s opponent was using a scimitar, the scimitar was shining brightly, and it danced imperceptibly, as if trying to tear him apart. He hastily waved the spear in his hand to block the attack of the scimitar, and it was clanging for a while. , sparks splashed.

Gu Xianghai had never experienced fighting before, so he was a little flustered at first, blockingAfter a wave of scimitar attacks, with some experience, Gu Xiangyu sent him a voice transmission, “Check with your spiritual sense, you will find his attack position, and then shoot quickly, trying to pierce his head with one shot.”

The scimitar warrior saw his companion being beheaded and was furious. He thought of killing this young man to avenge his companion.

The scimitar in his hand tightened, and he rushed over again. Gu Xianghai checked with his divine sense, and sure enough, his movements were too slow. With a flick of the spear in his hand, under the urging of his true essence, a spear light several feet long shot out, piercing through the scimitar. The warrior’s head, the warrior dropped the scimitar, and instinctively wanted to grab the spear piercing his head with his hand, but just as he raised his hand, it fell down again, plop! He fell to the ground with a sound.

The other two warriors, seeing that the two people who came with them were beheaded, put away their contempt for a long time, swung their scimitars and Tie Shuo to kill Gu Xiangyu and the others.

Gu Xianghai, who had gained experience, shot like a dragon this time, with the spear glowing everywhere, piercing several big holes in the bodies of the two strong warriors. land.

Put away the three weapons, and look at the surrounding Beidu people who have run away without a trace, and the gates of Zhenbei City have been closed by them.

The two looked at each other, flew directly onto the city wall, and killed them from the city wall. The soldiers on the city were shocked by the two being able to jump on the city wall, until the screams of the murdered people came, these soldiers With a cry, all scattered and fled for their lives.

The Grand Marshal of Beidu this time is called Ge Si Nuo, who is in the early stage of Martial Saint. This raid on Zhenbei City was his plan. account.

The first order he issued in the marshal’s tent was to immediately evacuate Zhenbei City. Now it is mainly to move supplies, and we will talk about the massacre of the city later.

“Report… to the Generalissimo, all the martial arts masters sent were killed, and two people are massacring our soldiers and herdsmen on the city wall.” A soldier came to the Generalissimo’s tent to report the situation of the battle.

“What?” Gus patted the table, picked up his scimitar, and walked out of the marshal’s tent.

As soon as Gu Sinuo got out of the marshal’s tent, Gu Xiangyu and his brothers came here. When they saw a middle-aged man in his fifties coming out of a big tent with a machete in his hand, he guessed that this was from Beidu. Generalissimo.

The two of them didn’t speak, and they rushed towards Gus with big swords and long spears. Seeing the bravery of these two young people, Gus felt admiration in his heart. Dongdu people are not afraid of death, and they dared to fight with him. Field Marshal vs.

The sword flashed, and the shadow of the gun filled the air. The three of them fought. The surrounding soldiers and herdsmen hid far away, fearing that they would be hurt by the sword.

“I use the wind blade technique, you use the ground trap technique, it’s not easy to kill him in the end, it’s best to catch him alive.” Gu Xiangyu sent a voice transmission to Xiaohai.

The spiritual weapon, the big knife, slashed at Gus Nuo’s head with the light of the sword, and the light of the long spear pierced his heart. Gus Nuo’s scimitar, the light of the scimitar, hit the sword and gun, and the light of the sword and the light of the spear were smashed into pieces one after another. .

Just as Gus Nuo was about to pursue the victory, he suddenly found that the ground under his feet was sinking, and his calf had already reached the ground. Just as he was about to raise his leg and jump up, a cold wind swept across his right arm, and then his left arm was also swept by the cold wind .

He saw the scimitar in his hand fall to the ground, and there was his own arm on the handle of the scimitar. Why are his arms so long? As soon as I thought of this, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked down and saw that my arm had been chopped off.

“Ah…” The screams echoed throughout the square. Gus did not expect that he would lose to these two young people. His worst plan was to kill one of them even if he was injured. There are also cultivators who are stronger than martial arts, and suddenly feel that their two legs have been cut off, Gus! He fell to the ground with a sound, and he knew that he had lost completely.

Gu Xiangyu raised his hand to seal Gusino’s wound so that he would not bleed to death. Gu Xianghai grabbed Gusno’s neck, lifted it up and slapped him several times in a row. The blood mixed with his teeth fell to the ground, and he raised his hand on his dantian. With a slap, his martial arts were abolished.

“Now I order all Beidu soldiers to lay down their weapons, or you will kill your Generalissimo.” The big knife in Gu Xiangyu’s hand lay across Gesno’s neck, and blood immediately flowed down his neck.

The soldiers saw that the generalissimo had been captured alive, and his limbs had been chopped off. Now if they don’t put down their weapons, the generalissimo’s head will be moved immediately.

Gu Xianghai stood aside with a spear in hand, scanned with his divine sense, and saw a few magicians and commanders. These people would not surrender. Only by killing them first can these soldiers be restrained.

With a flick of the spear in his hand, several spear lights flashed, and several magicians were stabbed in the head and fell to the ground before they could offer their magic wands. Raising his hand and waving, several wind blades cut off the heads of several commanders.

The soldiers in the northern capital saw this young man with their own eyes. Killing these magicians and leaders was as easy as killing chickens. They were so frightened that they hurriedly put down their weapons and stood aside obediently.

There are 30,000 Beidu soldiers and countless herdsmen in the entire town of Beidu. Weapons are piled up in the square. Some soldiers wanted to secretly hide a dagger, but Xiaohai picked it up and threw it on the weapon pile.

Gu Xiangyu raised his hand and shot a few fireballs. The weapons piled up in the square ignited a big fire. After half a day, these weapons turned into molten iron and poured on the square.

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