Nine Heavens Universe

After cleaning up these foreign monks, Gu Xiangfei checked the items in their world and found that the spar they used was several times higher than the spar rules of the immortal world. It is many times richer, but it is still much worse than the air of chaos.

The crystal stones of these six outlander monks add up to more than 20 million yuan. It can be seen that these outlander monks are also poor, and the dao fruit in their world is even rarer, but the laws of heaven and earth contained in these dao fruit The Dao Fruit of the Immortal Realm is several times stronger.

Through the rules of heaven and earth contained in these items, Gu Xiangfei concluded that the star field where these monks from the outer domain are located is more powerful than the rules of the immortal world.A few planes have been raised, but this is just his guess. If you want to understand the rules of these star fields, it is best to go to those star fields to find out.

After making the decision, Gu Xiangfei stepped into the void, felt the location of the imprint of the soul, and then searched for the past.

Gu Xiangfei is no stranger to the void. He has entered the void many times. The void here in Luo Xian’s world is no different from the void in other planes. They are all the same dark and lightless, with the same void vortex, and the same void storm. .

After spending more than two years in the void with three soul marks, one soul mark disappeared. Gu Xiangfei knew that they had encountered void turbulence, or a void storm, and tore one of the outlander monks into pieces, and even the primordial spirit could not escape. come out.

With three outlander monks opening the way ahead, Gu Xiangfei easily dodged countless void storms and void turbulence according to the changing position of the imprint of the soul.

Five years later, with the disappearance of another spirit mark, Gu Xiangfei began to worry. Now there is still one spirit mark left. If this spirit mark also disappears, he will lose his way in the void. If he loses his direction, the consequences will be unimaginable. If he wants to find a way out, he can only blindly rely on luck.

Just when he hoped that the imprint of the soul would not disappear, he felt that the imprint of the soul was weakening and would collapse at any time. He hurriedly launched the rule escape technique, and at the same time changed the face of a cultivator from the outside world, and fled to the weak position of the imprint of the soul .

There were several spatial fluctuations in the void, and his imprint of the soul disappeared, and his consciousness just happened to be swept over. Three monks from the outer domain smashed the body and soul of the monk with the imprint of the soul.

Gu Xiangfei immediately felt relieved, as long as there were people in the void, Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the outlander monk whose body was smashed to pieces. He originally wanted them to lead the way, but now three outlander monks appeared, so naturally he wouldn’t bother His life.

After the three outsider monks smashed the outsider monk, they didn’t come towards Gu Xiangfei’s direction, but galloped in another direction. Gu Xiangfei let go of his soul, and continuously imprinted three soul marks on the three outsider monks, and then went far away. followed them.

These three outsider monks were obviously going to leave the void, but they just killed the monk with the imprint of the soul, because Gu Xiangfei saw a glimmer of light ahead, even if there were no three outsider monks, he would at most waste some time in the void, Finally, an exit can be found.

Withdrawing the three imprints of the soul, Gu Xiangfei’s regular evasion technique was launched, and after two breaths, he dodged and left the void.

Outside the entrance of the void is a square city. Gu Xiangfei landed outside the square city, stood in place, performed regular exercises, and assimilated the regular breath here.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei took out a jade slip. This jade slip was an item he seized. At that time, in order to keep up with the monks from the outer domain as soon as possible, he didn’t have time to check it. Now that he is here, he wants to check clearly. What star field?

I checked one after another jade slips in succession. From these jade slips, I know that this star field is the Nine Heavens Universe. There are many races in this universe. Among them, the human race is the race with the most monks here. These races have powerful ancestors. The nine outlander monks who entered Luo Xian’s world belonged to the Ganbarbarian tribe, a branch race of the Yaozu.

There is a void entrance in the star field where the barbarians are located. After the unremitting efforts of countless expedition teams, they finally found another void entrance. This is the world of Luo Xian in the world of immortality.

After the monks of the barbarian tribe discovered the entrance to the world of immortality, especially after they discovered that their cultivation level was higher than that of the monks in the world of immortality, there were continuous expedition teams entering Luo Xian’s world to plunder, but they only entered the realm of immortality. There are many void crises in the world, and if you are not careful, you may be torn apart by void storms or void turbulence, so except for some adventurous barbarian monks who form a small team to enter the world of immortality, most monks still disdain to enter the world of immortality.

After Gu Xiangfei checked these jade slips, he knew the current location and had a general understanding of the Nine Heavens Universe.

The cultivation base of the Nine Heavens Universe is divided into nine major paths. The cultivation base of the master of the Immortal Realm is equivalent to the fourth major Dao realm here, and his second stage of the Immortal Realm is equivalent to the mid-term cultivation base in the third major Dao realm.

The monks in the Nine Heavens universe are qualified to enter the Nine Layers Gate and ascend to the Nine Heavens after they have cultivated to the perfection of the Nine Heavens. Only by stepping on the Nine Heavens can they coexist with the universe and heaven.

The Nine Layers Gate is at the foot of the Nine Layers Mountain, and it will open once every tens of millions of years. The monks who are qualified to enter the Nine Layers Gate will come to the bottom of the Nine Layers Mountain in advance to wait for the Nine Layers Gate to open.

In the Nine Heavens universe, the ancestors of all races who have practiced to the perfection of the Nine-fold Dao are looking forward to the opening of the Nine-fold Gate. As long as the ancestors of these races and other monks have practiced to the perfection of the Nine-fold Way, they will come to the foot of the Nine-fold Mountain to wait for the opening of the Nine-fold Gate. Therefore, Jiuchong Mountain is also the holy place for practicing the Nine Heavens Universe.

After Gu Xiangfei checked the jade slips, he knew that there were still more than 2.1 million years before the opening of the Nine-Folded Gate. He would have to practice the Nine-Folded Path in these two million years, otherwise he would have to wait another ten million years. Only when the Ninefold Gate is opened again can one enter the Ninefold Gate.

“It turns out that this is the ultimate end of the Dao. Thanks to coming to the Nine Heavens Universe, otherwise we would never know the Nine Heavens Universe in the Immortal Realm. As for this void passage, it is probably a passage left by the Dao of Heaven for monks in the Eternal Life Realm to pursue the Dao. The Taoists of the Immortal Realm dare not enter this passage, wasting the meaning of this passage in vain.”

“Hey! That barbarian, follow meGo to the border to protect the formation. Gu Xiangfei was awakened by a voice, turned around and saw a barbarian monk from the Fourth Great Way, staring at him with contempt in his eyes.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know where the boundary guards were. It happened that he wanted to get acquainted with the barbarian’s star field. He cupped his fists and saluted the monk of the fourth major way, with a humble expression on his face, which made the monk of the fourth major way very satisfied.

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