Chaos Nirvana Region

Gu Xiangfei killed Lin Zhongxin with great karma and supernatural powers, broke the causal relationship, and checked various items in Lin Zhongxin’s world, such as spar and dao fruit, which did not have much effect on him. He is now just looking for jade slips to check, In this way, we can understand the Nine Heavens Universe.

After he found a few map jade slips and examined them, he had a general understanding of the Nine Heavens Universe, especially when he saw the chaotic Nirvana region of the Nine Heavens Universe, he was overjoyed. Improve your cultivation.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei came to the boundary protection formation of the Ganman Starfield. His consciousness swept across the chaotic Nirvana area outside the protection formation, and felt that his consciousness had actually Nirvana. The rules in the chaotic irregularity, but found that it is impossible to assimilate the chaotic irregularity here, and there is no rule in the chaotic irregularity.

Gu Xiangfei was startled. Compared with the chaotic nirvana area in the Immortal Realm, there is a huge difference, just like the difference between a creek and the sea.

Sighing in my heart, my knowledge is still a lot worse. I feel very powerful when I see the chaotic area in the holy world. Seeing the chaotic area in the immortal world, I feel that it is much stronger than the chaotic area in the holy world. Now I see Jiutian In the chaotic area of ​​the universe, I realized that there is a more pure chaotic area. The chaotic area here can nirvana his consciousness and make his regular skills unable to assimilate. This is the real chaotic area when the universe opens up.

A protective formation can be set up here to prevent chaos from being nirvana. It can be seen that the materials needed to protect the formation are also extraordinary. At least the treasures of chaos must be used as the center of the formation to prevent chaos from being nirvana in the barbaric star field.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to break through the protective formation here. What he thought about was how to enter the chaotic nirvana area without being nirvana. Only by assimilating the chaotic irregularities here would he no longer worry about being nirvana by the chaotic area.

The rule technique is running non-stop, and at the same time, he opens the chaotic star bead to absorb the chaotic energy in the chaotic nirvana area, hoping that the star bead can help him find the rule in the irregular.

After a few cycles, Gu Xiangfei extracted a trace of the chaotic air in the chaotic nirvana area, trying to find the irregularity in this chaotic air.

After the assimilation of the chaotic air, he did not find any irregularities in the chaotic air, so he was not discouraged, and continued to extract a trace of the chaotic air for assimilation.

After the star bead was opened, a large amount of chaotic air entered into the chaotic star bead, and the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast immediately felt the incomparably pure chaotic air.

Such pure Primal Chaos Qi made it ecstatic, and immediately opened its mouth wide open.It swallowed it with its mouth, and its cultivation base gradually increased, but after a cup of tea, it broke through the realm and entered the next realm, and the chaotic energy it devoured became more rapid.

Gu Xiangfei felt that the energy of chaos absorbed by the chaotic star beads accelerated, and the energy of chaos in the boundary guard formed a large whirlpool, continuously pouring into the star beads.

The golden-winged roc was sleeping soundly on the Jianmu Dao tree, and a large amount of Chaos Qi was poured in. The Jianmu Dao Tree also began to absorb the Chaos Qi, and discharged the dross contained in the Chaos Qi like a filter.

The Jianmu Dao tree absorbed the pure energy of chaos, and quickly began to grow rapidly. The branches of the tree continued to grow bigger and thicker. Devouring the energy of chaos, a pile of chaos crystals appeared beside it.

“Crack! You stupid pig, you don’t call me when you have something good. Do you want to take it all to yourself?” The golden-winged roc raised its paw and patted the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast. Seeing that the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast was about to roar, it was too late Pressing its mouth, it spread its wings, and with a slight shock, it disappeared into the star bead instantly.

The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast was wandering in the thick atmosphere of chaos, and was suddenly slapped by the golden-winged roc, furious in its heart, and opened its mouth to attack with its sound waves, seeing that the golden-winged roc was scared away , it closed its mouth again, and rolled from the star beads to the outside.

Gu Xiangfei was assimilating the chaotic energy here. Seeing the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast coming out of the star bead’s opening, looking for something angrily, he knew it must be the golden-winged roc bullying it again.

“Master, the Chaos Qi here is so pure! It’s so good, this is the real Chaos Qi I need.” After the Chaos Gathering Beast felt the Chaos Qi, it also forgot to find the golden-winged roc , Immediately opened his mouth excitedly and devoured it.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart moved. The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast likes the energy of Chaos here, why not let it enter the Chaos Nirvana region and look for the Chaos Treasure inside, that’s right! And the golden-winged roc can also go in. Just now, I was only concerned about assimilating the chaotic and irregular rules here, so I forgot about these two guys.

After the divine sense swept into the star bead, he immediately entered the star bead and came under the Jianmu Dao tree. He immediately felt the extremely pure chaotic energy being absorbed by the Jianmu Dao tree. Now the Jianmu Dao tree has grown to several One hundred thousand feet high, it can be seen how powerful this pure chaotic energy is.

“Brother Fei, where’s that stupid pig? It has good things and wants to eat it all by itself. Do you think I should beat it?” The golden-winged roc saw Gu Xiangfei entering the star bead, and immediately flew over to complain.

“Let’s go to the chaotic nirvana area outside, where there is a purer chaotic air waiting for us, come out with me!” Gu Xiangfei took it outside the star bead regardless of whether the golden-winged roc agreed or not.

“Wow! There’s such a pure chaotic air here. It’s too bad, it’s not good, I want to go out.” As soon as the golden-winged roc came out of the star bead, it felt the extremely pure chaotic gas, and immediately yelled.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, and said to the golden-winged roc, “You take the star beads through the guard formation and enter the depths of the chaotic nirvana area. Let’s go there to absorb the purer chaotic energy. Definitely improve faster.”

The golden-winged roc couldn’t wait a long time ago. After seeing Gu Xiangfei entering the star bead, it immediately grabbed the smaller chaotic star bead, spread its wings, and with a whoosh, it passed through the guard formation of the Ganman Starfield in an instant. Did not bring a trace of space fluctuations.

“What a powerful celestial beast!” Before he could finish speaking, a figure appeared in the protective formation of the Ganman Starfield, exuding a huge aura from his body, he was clearly a monk of the Seven Great Ways.

This monk of the Seventh Path just happened to use his spiritual consciousness to sweep the golden-winged roc bird. Originally, he wanted to catch this holy beast, but he didn’t expect that it turned out to be a celestial beast, and it also ignored the boundary protection array, which shocked him even more. Yes, this celestial beast entered the chaotic nirvana area as easily as walking, and disappeared instantly.

After flying in the chaotic nirvana area for a month, the golden-winged roc felt a purer chaotic air and landed on the ground. The terrain here is thousands of feet away from other places, like a basin. Its current location is central area of ​​the basin.

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