Rules of Jiuchongshan Avenue

In ten years, even a small retreat of a monk is not considered. In the human resident, Gu Xiangfei exchanged his cultivation experience with a group of ancestors, and benefited a lot from it. There are many things that are not understood. Their communication is suddenly connected.

Gu Xiangfei feels that in these ten years, he has practiced alone for thousands of years, and he has realized various supernatural powers and avenues. The rules are many times more. As expected, he complied with a sentence said on the earth, live to be old, learn to be old .

“Old Ancestor, the Nine Layers Gate is about to open.” A report woke up the ancestors who were immersed in the Dao of Comprehension. All the ancestors jumped up and immediately stepped out of the cave.

When he came outside the cave, he saw that the Nine Layers Mountain in front of him was covered by clouds of mist. Through communicating with the ancestors, Gu Xiangfei knew that this was the prelude to the opening of the Nine Layers Gate.

The ancestor Yuantian raised his hand and put away his cave, and the other ancestors also put away their own caves. The monks of the Nine Great Paths who were stationed here also gathered here. Once we enter the Nine Layers Gate, we will reach the sky in one step.

Even if you can’t enter the Nine Layers Gate, it can be regarded as gaining knowledge and experience, and the next time you enter the Nine Layers Gate, it will be much smoother. The ancestors here, except for Gu Xiangfei, almost everyone has participated in stepping on the road once. Jiuchongtian, but they failed to set foot on Jiuchongtian, and they were blasted down Jiuchong Mountain by the rules of Tiandao, which proved that their strength was not recognized by Tiandao, and they were not allowed to enter Jiuchongmen.

The monks from all races of the Nine Heavens Universe gathered here. The Nine Layers Gate was about to open, and the most exciting moment was coming. Tens of thousands of Nine Great Way monks and hundreds of thousands of Eight Great Way monks gathered here soon.

As one of the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Universe, the human race occupied the position closest to entering the Jiuchong Mountain, which naturally aroused the jealousy of other races. They wished they could wipe out the human monks now and take their position as their own.

“Fellow daoists, there is still some time before the opening of the Nine Layers Gate. For those who have entered the Nine Layers Mountain this time, let’s make arrangements now. Those monks who need to practice the supernatural powers of the Great Thunderbolt to smash the Nine Layers Mountain Only by following the rules of the avenue can you step onto the first heaven.”

“As for the second level, monks who need to practice the supernatural power of the large cutting technique, the third level needs monks who practice the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, the fourth level needs monks who practice the supernatural power of the large space technique, and the fifth level…” The Yuantian Patriarch transmitted to the dozen or so Patriarchs the magical powers needed to set foot on each heaven.

Gu Xiangfei secretly thought in his heart, it turns out that to set foot on the Nine Heavens, one needs to practice the Nine Heaven-Opening Divine Abilities, in order to smash these Dao rules one by one. According to the rules of the Nine Heavens, the speed of stepping onto the Nine Heavens will be much slower. If monks of other races break the rules of the Avenue first, then they can enter the Nine Heavens first.

Under the rules of heaven in Jiuchong Mountain, only human races, monster races, barbarian races, and bear races can only be together. These races cannot be mixed. Once the monster race mixes with the bear race, they will be blasted by the rules Jiuchongshan.

Moreover, the Yaozu smashed the rules of the Dao, so only the monks of the Yaozu can enter. If other races follow in, they will also be blasted down the Nine Layers Mountain by the Dao of Heaven.

So Tanga Buddha’s plan is to unite these races to kill the cultivators outside the Jiuchong Gate of Jiuchongtian. In other positions, they cannot unite at all.

Now that Gu Xiangfei knows the rules of stepping into the Nine Heavens, he has confidence in his heart. He happens to be practicing the Nine Heaven-Opening Divine Ability. Prepared for going to the Nine Heavens.

After understanding the functions of the Nine Heaven-Opening Divine Abilities, he immediately operated the regular exercises to assimilate the regular aura emitted by the ancestors of other races, so as to find their weaknesses during the war, and blast and kill the ancestors of these races in Jiuzhong on the hill.

The rules of the tens of thousands of Nine Great Dao monks, even if Gu Xiangfei has cultivated to the late stage of the Nine Great Dao and assimilated the regular aura of a monk, it took him more than two hours to fully absorb the regular aura of the ancestors of these races. assimilation.

Looking up at Jiuchong Mountain, it was completely covered by thick fog. He used his spiritual sense to look inside the thick fog, wanting to see the true face of Jiuchong Mountain, and found that his divine sense had just stretched over, and suddenly the sea of ​​consciousness hurt, and his spiritual sense was blocked. The dense fog dissipated instantly.

Gu Xiangfei was shocked, he knew how powerful his divine sense was, he could sweep unscrupulously even in the chaotic nirvana area, but now he was nirvana by the dense fog of Jiuchong Mountain, he immediately raised his hand and grabbed a dao fruit and swallowed it , operating the regular exercises to restore the nirvana’s sea of ​​consciousness.

“Everyone, don’t use your spiritual sense to examine the dense fog. These dense fogs will nirvanify the sea of ​​consciousness.” The sound transmission of the ancestor Yuantian has only now been sent out. The sea is nirvana.

After a few cycles, Gu Xiangfei’s sea of ​​consciousness recovered, and he immediately operated the regular exercises to extract a trace of thick fog for assimilation.

This sliver of thick fog contains a huge avenue rule, this kind of avenue rule is a rule of the avenue that he has never seen before. The Jianmu Dao tree in the Zifu suddenly trembled at this moment, and the next moment this trace of avenue rule was replaced by Jianmu Dao. The tree absorbs it, and then the Jianmu Dao tree emits tens of thousands of suctions, absorbing the rules of the road in the dense fog instantly.

Gu Xiangfei was shocked, and quickly looked around. Seeing that many ancestors did not find that the Jianmu Taoist tree absorbed the rules of the avenue in the dense fog, he immediately understood that the Jianmu Taoist tree absorbed the rules of the avenue, not the dense fog.fog.

His heart suddenly relaxed. What he was worried about was that the ancestors of all races discovered Jianmu Dao Tree, this kind of treasure of chaos when the universe was opened up. Once discovered, he would become the target of public criticism. His ancestors will definitely surround and kill him.

After Jianmu Daoshu absorbed the avenue rules in the dense fog, he fed back the purer avenue rules. Gu Xiangfei quickly absorbed and refined these avenue rules, and his cultivation reached the peak of the late stage of the Jiuyi Avenue in an instant, and then stepped into the Jiuyi Avenue The realm of Dzogchen.

“It’s such a powerful Dao rule. If you practice under this kind of Dao rule, it will take so long to cultivate to the realm of the Nine Great Dao.” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself.

Patriarch Yuantian and other patriarchs of the human race felt Gu Xiangfei’s aura of the Great Dao rising suddenly, breaking through to the Great Perfection realm of the Nine Great Dao. Consummation, this is really a big surprise for the human monks. The human monks have set foot on the Nine Heavens, and now they have more chances of winning.

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