At the foot of Mount Hua, in a small town with a population of less than a thousand.

There is an inn inside.

Luo Wei stretched out a big lazy waist in the room, closed the diary in his hand, and said to himself: "In this way, everyone thinks that I have left the realm of Mount Hua." "

Ever since crossing into this world seven days ago and obtaining the diary system, Rowe has been preparing for this day.

What is written in the diary is true, not a single lie.

The main thing is a sincerity.

But sometimes, sincerity can also deceive.

For example, Luo Wei said that he left from the Huashan Sect, and everyone thought that he would leave the realm of the Huashan Sect, and the farther he went, the better.

But in fact, Luo Wei did not leave the realm of the Huashan Sect.

Instead, he found an inconspicuous town in the realm of Huashan and snailed up.

After all, this is the martial arts world, it is very dangerous, and it is common to kill people without saying a word when walking in the rivers and lakes.

Don't look at Luo Wei's predecessor, it has been more than half a year since he entered the Huashan Sect.

But in the past half a year, Luo Wei's predecessor has not learned any powerful martial arts.

There is only one Huashan sword technique and one basic internal skill.

Moreover, these two martial arts have not yet been practiced, looking at the entire rivers and lakes, even a third-rate master can not be regarded as a non-stream.

If you want to break into the rivers and lakes with such kung fu, you are undoubtedly seeking your own death.

Therefore, for the sake of his own safety, Luo Wei did not leave the realm of the Huashan Sect.

The Huashan faction of this world is because it integrates many characters from the martial arts world, and the masters are like clouds, and the strength is not like words.

Huashan is hundreds of miles in radius, and under the protection of the Huashan faction, it can be said that it lives and works in peace and contentment.

What Jiangyang thief, flower thief and other characters, basically will not run to this realm.

Therefore, Luo Wei stayed in the realm of the Huashan Sect, as long as he did not show the limelight, he was absolutely safe.

And Ning Zhongze of the Huashan Sect, Yue Lingshan, Gao Yanan and others even if they really obtained a copy of their diary as Luo Wei guessed, they would never have imagined that Luo Wei was hiding in a small town of the Huashan Sect.

This wave, it is dark under the lights.

This tactic sometimes works very well.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he was really discovered by Ning Zhongze and others.

With their personalities, they will not force confessions on themselves.

This point, compared to Zhu Yuyan, Wanwen, Invitation Yue, Yunmeng Fairy, who is a guy whose life is like grass, I don't know how many times better.

This is the real reason why Luo Wei dares to stay in the Huashan Realm.

Of course, the iron also needs to be hard by itself.

If you want to live well in this chaotic martial arts world, you also have to look at your own martial arts.

The only thing Rowe can count on now is the diary's reward.

I hope the diary can give me a better reward.

Rowe looked at the diary on the table and asked himself, "I've finished writing the diary, when will the reward arrive." "

The next second, a mechanical voice sounded in Rowe's mind.

[Detected that the host exceeded the first diary, and specially rewarded the host Tiangang for the thirty-six changes of the dead and resurrected].

[The host can only use it once a day to bring the dead back to life and resurrect a person].

[This reward cannot be accumulated, do not use today, forfeit tomorrow].


Luo Wei couldn't help but gasp, everyone was stupid.

Good guys, good guys, good guys.

Back to life, the reward for writing a diary is actually coming back to life, which is completely beyond Rowe's expectations.

It's not that the reward is bad, it's too good.

Luo Wei originally thought that he had written his first diary, at most he would obtain a martial art, or one or more pills.

The result was unexpected, and it turned out to be brought back to life.

This is also too....

Without waiting for Luo Wei to sigh, a golden light flew out from the diary in front of Luo Wei, hitting Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Luo Wei suddenly obtained the magic of resurrecting the dead.

At the same time, Luo Wei also understood how to use this immortal art, and the conditions for using the immortal art.

Yes, the use of this fairy art is conditional.

Can only be used once a day and cannot be accumulated.

Even if you don't use it today, you can only use it once tomorrow, and there will be no such thing that if you don't use it today, you can use it twice tomorrow.

There is no such good thing.

It is also worth mentioning that although resurrection can resurrect people, it requires a medium.

For example, if Rowe wants to resurrect a dead person, he must have the bones of this dead person.

It doesn't matter how many bones there are.

Even a tooth, a finger bone, or even a handful of ashes will do.

It doesn't matter how many years you have died.

Even if you have been dead for thousands of years, you can still be resurrected as long as you have bones.

But if there are no bones and no ashes, even if they die the day before yesterday, there is no way to resurrect.

In addition, Rowe can also cast a resurrection of the dead on his own body.

If he is killed, as long as the ability to bring back the dead has not been used, he can use it on his own body.

That is, Rowe has a chance to be resurrected once a day.

But if you are killed twice in a day, you may actually die.

This reward you have to say well, that's really good, once a day free resurrection opportunity who doesn't want ah.

But if you want to say whether it is useful or not, for now, it seems to be of little use.

At least Luo Wei is still the weak chicken who is not in the flow, and no one can beat it except ordinary people.

This reward made Rowe happy and have some toothache at the same time.

At the same time, because of Luo Wei's diary, a storm has been set off on the rivers and lakes that no one can see.

Xiuyu Valley, inside the Shifting Flower Palace.

Yueyue and Mercy Xing sat opposite each other, and on a stone table, there were two diaries.

One is the Invitation Moon Quest, and the other is the Mercy Star Copy.

"Sister, do you say that what is recorded in this diary is true, and our world is really a world where many novels are fused together?" Mercy Star asked curiously.

Yueyue said expressionlessly: "Nonsense. "

Mercy Star said: "Sister doesn't believe it? "

"Do you believe it?"

"I didn't believe it originally, but then I believed it again."

"Why?" Yueyue asked.

Mercy Star grabbed his copy of his diary, and with a real breath, he instantly smashed the copy of his diary to smithereens, and the cracked paper flew like a butterfly and fell to the ground.

But the next second, the pieces disappeared.

In front of Mercy Xing, another copy of the diary appeared, a copy of the diary in perfect condition.

Yueyue was shocked.

Mercy Star said: "When the diary appeared, I did experiments, whether it was throwing it away, burning it, blisters, or slashing with a knife and an axe, and in the end, the diary would appear intact in front of me. "

"This is not a martial art, it can be done."

Yueyue grabbed a copy of her diary and tried it, and sure enough, as Mercy Xing said, even if she tore it to shreds, the diary would eventually appear intact in front of her.


For a while, a smile cracked at the corner of Yueyue's mouth, a terrifying smile.


Jiangnan Qixingtang, Murong family.

Murong Qiudi looked at the diary in front of him and seemed to be smiling, "You actually juxtaposed me with Chilian Fairy, Shi Guanyin, Yunmeng Fairy, Zhu Yuyan, Wanwen and others, and called me a female devil." "

"It doesn't make sense, my reputation in the rivers and lakes should be very good."

"Unless, this traverser knows that I am the master of Tianzun."

"In this way, this traverser does know a lot of secrets."

"If I can master these secrets, can I use these secrets to strengthen the Tianzun Organization."

"It seems that this traverser must be found."

"But where are you?"

Murong Qiudi rubbed his temples, the Kyushu continent is vast and the population is as large as cattle's hair, and it is not an easy thing to find a hidden traverser.

"Anyway, let's start with the Huashan faction first."

"As long as I find a disciple of the Huashan Sect who is familiar with Luo Wei and draw a portrait of Luo Wei, with my power, it is not impossible to find him."

"To think that if you hide and become a rich man, you can live your life in peace, naïve!"


Sun and Moon God Sect, Back Mountain.

Ren Yingying's eyes flickered, and there was also a diary on the table.

"This person calls himself a traverser, and thinks that this world is a world composed of many martial arts novels, then he must have read these novels."

"So are I, and my father, also characters in the novel?"

"If so, does he know the exact whereabouts of my father?"

"Perhaps, I should find Uncle Xiang and ask him to inquire where this Luo Wei's disciple is."

"Huashan faction, it's time to take a trip."


In the capital, inside a restaurant.

Gao Yanan looked at the diary on the table, and then at Chu Liuxiang, Hu Tiehua, and Ji Bingyan, who were sitting opposite him and were drinking, and asked seriously: "You really didn't see this diary in front of me." "

Hu Tiehua said: "Yanan, you have asked this sentence three times, what diary do you have in front of you except for the wine glass. "

"Did you drink too much?"

Gao Yanan understood something, this diary can only be seen by himself, it is so amazing.

Doesn't that mean that the things mentioned above are likely to be true.

He chased Hu Tiehua, the king bastard, for eight years, and still had no result. This dog man has not accepted himself for eight years, and he is too messy.

There are eight years in life.

And this guy promised to marry himself, and it was too irresponsible to wake up without saying goodbye.

Thinking of this, Gao Yanan's eyes suddenly showed a murderous aura.

Otherwise, kill this dog man here yourself.

Hu Tiehua saw Gao Yanan's eyes, and immediately felt bad, didn't care about drinking, got up and ran, "I suddenly remembered, old bedbugs, ice geese, I still have business, go first." "

Before the words fell, Hu Tiehua had already performed light skills and rushed out of the restaurant.

Chu Liuxiang looked confused and looked at Ji Bingyan.

What's going on with this guy, why is something suddenly wrong?

At this moment, Gao Yanan stood up with a brush, and his eyes swept sharply over Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan.

Then, turn around and go.

Chu Liuxiang picked up the wine glass and quickly reminded: "Yanan, you are going in the wrong direction, Lao Tie is going to the west." "

A few seconds later, Gao Yanan's slightly angry roar came.

"I will let him die, the old lady has something to do, and she will return to Huashan first."

Chu Liuxiang: ......

Ji Bingyan: ......

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