Dragon Gate Pass, Dragon Gate Inn.

Hehe, he knew that this comprehensive martial arts world would make a little moth from time to time.

But Rowe is used to it.

When Huang Rong asked what happened to the Longmen Inn, he had skillfully taken out the diary and began to complain.

[Today, just today, we finally came to the Dragon Gate Pass of Daming. 】

[As long as we leave the dragon gate and walk for a while, we can enter the realm of the Great Song]

[But when Rong'er told me that there was a Dragon Gate Inn in Longmen Pass, I knew that this comprehensive martial arts world also stitched the new Dragon Gate Inn in]

[But I'm used to it]

[As long as it is something related to martial arts, everything can be stitched]

[One more Dragon Gate Inn is actually nothing]

[But strangely there are two hostesses in the Dragon Gate Inn, one gold-encrusted with jade and one jade]

[According to my impression, in the plot of the New Dragon Gate Inn, it seems that there is only a gold-encrusted jade hostess]

[This Yulinglong should not be the role of the New Dragon Gate Inn]

[If I'm not mistaken, this Yulinglong should be the character of the God of Wealth Inn]

[Unlike the Dragon Gate Inn, the God of Wealth Inn is based on another movie, although it is also in the desert, but it is actually a den for selling stolen goods]

【Every year, Fortuna Inn holds a regular auction meeting】

[And the things at the auction are basically all stolen goods]

[That's why this place will be called the God of Wealth Inn, but now that the God of Wealth Inn is gone, Yu Linglong, the owner of the God of Wealth Inn, has become the second boss of the Dragon Gate Inn]

[How to say this feeling, as if the host of the Shaolin faction has become the deputy head of the Wudang faction]

[It's too weird, right]

When Huang Rong saw this, he couldn't help but suddenly realize, no wonder Luo Wei's expression was so strange when he heard that the owner of the Dragon Gate Inn had two people.

So she said: "Listening to you say this, I seem to remember that there is also an auction meeting in the Dragon Gate Inn. "

When Luo Wei heard this, he jumped his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?" "

Huang Rong said: "I'm sure that when I came from the Great Song Dynasty, I once stayed at the Longmen Inn for a day, and I heard people living in the inn mention that the Longmen Inn would have a small auction every month. "

"Every year there is a big auction."

"But I was in a hurry to find you, so I didn't stay, didn't participate in the auction, and left directly."

Rowe snorted and continued to complain in the diary.

[Rong'er told me just now, there is also an auction house in the Longmen Inn, a small one once a month, and a large one once a year]

[The second owner of the Dragon Gate Inn is Yu Linglong]

[So I strongly suspect that the Dragon Gate Inn and the God of Wealth Inn have become one]

[If that's the case, then I'd like to see what this auction house looks like.]

[Before crossing in my last life, I had not seen the auction of the Eight Classics]

[Now I finally encountered an auction, naturally I want to take a look]

[So, I plan to stay at the Dragon Gate Inn for a few days and walk around the auction house after participating in the auction]

[I hope this auction house will not disappoint me]

[Let's write here in today's diary, if you encounter anything interesting, I am sharing it with you]

Writing this, Rowe closed his diary and prepared to claim today's reward.

There was no explosive point on the road a few days ago, so all Luo Wei received was a year of pure internal strength.

Under the impetus of these internal forces, Luo Wei now has thirty years of internal strength, and the divine training is incomparable.

This is already the standard for first-class masters.

In addition, Luo Wei learned the great method of teleportation, devouring the seven limits of heaven and earth, and other martial arts.

Even without using spells, he could instantly kill first-class masters and beat innate grandmasters.

To put it bluntly, if the current Luo Wei goes to the rivers and lakes, he can definitely be famous.

[After detecting the host update today's diary, the reward will be issued now]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a white jade Guanyin]

In the next second, I saw a white jade Guanyin of nearly forty centimeters and without the slightest flaw on his body appear in Luo Wei's hand out of thin air.

The Rowe people are stupid.

He originally thought that after he had the bursting point of the God of Wealth Inn and the Dragon Gate Inn, he would obtain a spell.

As a result, it turned out to be Bai Yu Guanyin.

This thing can neither increase internal strength nor increase strength, what use does it have?

Just when Luo Wei couldn't help but want to complain, Huang Rong suddenly said: "This is... Baiyu Guanyin, it's so beautiful... "

This life immediately attracted Azhu, Blue Phoenix and Lin Shiyin.

The three couldn't help but come together.

Luo Wei rolled his eyes and placed the white jade Guanyin on the table for everyone to see.

Lin Shiyin asked, "Where did this thing come from?" "

Ah Zhu seemed to have thought of something, and said playfully: "Gongzi, this won't be the reward you just received." "

Luo Wei nodded and said helplessly: "You guessed right, this is really the reward I just received." "

Lin Shiyin said: "I thought your reward was only internal strength and spells, but I didn't expect this. "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I also thought that my reward was internal strength, spells and martial arts, and this is the first time I have obtained a White Jade Guanyin, could it be because I mentioned the God of Wealth Inn in the diary just now. "

Lan Phoenix asked in surprise, "What does this God of Wealth Inn have to do with it?" "

Luo Wei said: "In the plot of the God of Wealth Inn, there is the existence of this white jade Guanyin, which was originally a collection of a wealthy merchant, but it was later taken away and auctioned at the God of Wealth Inn. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Just now I mentioned the God of Wealth Inn, but I got the white jade Guanyin as a reward."

"If it's a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence."

Huang Rong circled around the white jade Guanyin and asked, "Brother Wei, what do you plan to do with this white jade Guanyin?" "

Rowe said, "If any of you want it, I'll give it to you." "

Huang Rong shook her head, "Although Baiyu Guanyin is beautiful, it is useless for me to want it. "

Lin Shiyin, Azhu and Blue Phoenix all had the same idea.

Although the white jade Guanyin is beautiful, it is of little use.

Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "Anyway, we are almost at the Dragon Gate Inn, since everyone does not want it, let's auction it at the Dragon Gate Inn." "

All the women thought about it and all agreed.

Instead of keeping this thing that could neither be eaten nor used, it was better to sell it for money.

At least money can buy a lot of practical things.


At noon that day, Luo Wei and his party arrived at the Dragon Gate Inn.

Different from the Dragon Gate Inn in Luo Wei's impression, this Dragon Gate Inn in the comprehensive martial arts world is more and more gorgeous, but the only thing that has not changed is the banner with the four big characters of the Dragon Gate Inn.

Still flying and grinning in the fierce wind of the desert.

When the carriage entered the courtyard of the Longmen Inn, a junior of the inn stepped forward, and the guide, Reim, parked the carriage in the stable.

Luo Wei, Huang Rong, Lin Shiyin, A Zhu, and Lan Phoenix got off the bus at one time, and entered the Longmen Inn under the stunned eyes of the shop Xiao Er, as well as the eyes full of amazement and envy.

As for Reim, he naturally stayed to watch over the carriage.

The interior decoration of the Dragon Gate Inn is very gorgeous, and it seems that a lot of effort has been put into it.

The entire inn was not two floors as Rowe remembered, but four floors.

Two more layers than the original.

Probably because there are many guests from the south and north, if two floors are not enough at all, so this is reinforced to the fourth floor.

As soon as several of them entered the door, a tall, thin man tanned by the scorching sun walked up.

“.. How many guest officers, sharpened or staying? "


Luo Wei was just about to answer when he heard a coquettish voice suddenly come from upstairs.

The man named Kuroko looked up and saw a charming woman wearing a long dress and some healthy bronzed skin standing on the stairs to the fourth floor.

The woman glanced at Kuroko condescendingly, waved her hand and said, "You go and get busy first, I will personally entertain these people." "

Saying that, she jumped down the seven or eight meters high stairs and simply landed neatly on the table in front of Luo Wei.

The body twisted, and he sat down on the table with a plop.

Then he rolled over from the table and came to Luo Wei's face, and the breath he exhaled was about to spray on Rowe's face.

Two people are called one close.

As soon as Luo Wei lowered his head, he could see the mound in the woman's chest.

Seeing this, Huang Rong couldn't help but step forward and squeezed into the middle of Luo Wei and the woman, forcing the woman to retreat.

"Gold inlaid jade, you still don't want to face."

Hearing the name of gold inlaid jade, Luo Wei knew that the woman in front of him was the proprietress of the Dragon Gate Inn.

Jin Jianyu sneered, glanced Huang Rong up and down, and said with disdain: "The smelly (Mo Nuo good) little girl film, the body has not yet matured, just learn to compete with the old lady, are you an opponent?" "

Huang Rong was angry, "I want you to take care of it, you woman of wind and fleas." "

The gold-encrusted jade was scolded by someone for a wind horse flea and was not angry, but giggled and looked contemptuous.

"Sure enough, it's a little girl, I don't understand anything, men, don't you like women like me, Luo Gongzi, are you right?"

Saying that, he also gave Luo Weifei a wink.

As soon as Luo Wei heard it, he knew that Jin Yu was also a person with a copy of his diary.

Otherwise, it is impossible to break your name in one fell swoop.

Huang Rong was anxious when she heard this, and said viciously: "Brother Vigo is not the kind of person you say, right, Brother Vigo." "

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Rong'er is right. "

Jin Yiyu snorted coldly, "The mouth is not right, the old lady has seen more men than she eats rice, she really knows the virtues of men too well." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "As soon as I heard this, I understood that Boss Jin absolutely did not understand men. "

The gold inlaid jade snorted, and said unconvinced: "Then tell me, if a man doesn't like a woman with a flea wind, what kind of woman does he like?" "

Luo Wei said lightly: "This is a long story, but it can basically be summarized into a few points. "

Jin inlaid jade asked curiously, "What are the points?" "。

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