Luo Wei could see that Huang Rong was very proud of the place where she grew up.

There is also a feeling for peach blossoms that is difficult to give up.

He thought for a while and said, "If you want to see the peach blossoms, it's very simple, I can open up a space for you in the villa of the carriage, and then use the art of landscape transfer to create a peach blossom island." "

"The peach blossom island created by this transfiguration technique will never wither. "

Huang Rong was stunned at first, and then clapped her hands, "Okay, okay, let's build a peach blossom island on the carriage that will never wither." "

However, Rovy's size Ruyi has been used today.

If you want to build a peach blossom island in the carriage villa, you can only wait for tomorrow.

In a short time, the ship was already on the island.

Huang Rong'an couldn't bear the feeling of returning home, jumped off the boat and jumped to the island.

She almost couldn't wait to shout, "Dad, Dad, Rong'er is back!"

She beckoned to Rowe, signaled for Rowe to follow, and ran forward. Luo Wei saw her turn around in the middle of the flowers, and disappeared in an instant.

However, Rowe did not hurry to follow.

Because Luo Wei, who had seen the plot, naturally knew that Huang Yaoshi had plucked big trees on this peach blossom island and arranged a large array to prevent outsiders from entering.

If people from different formations enter it, they will quickly lose their way.

In the original plot, Guo Jing entered Peach Blossom Island for the first time, lost his way, and then met Zhou Botong, an old urchin who had been trapped on Peach Blossom Island for decades.

Not only did he become a sworn brother with Zhou Botong, but he also learned the Nine Yin True Sutra from Zhou Botong.

It can be described as Hong Fu Qi Tian.

But if Rowe wanted to replicate this situation, it would be impossible.

Because Luo Wei had already asked Huang Rong before landing on Peach Blossom Island, in this comprehensive martial arts world, Wang Chongyang was still alive, and he was also a true peerless master.

Huang Yaoshi was just a top grandmaster, inferior to Wang Chongyang.

Therefore, he naturally did not dare to imprison Zhou Botong on Peach Blossom Island.

Therefore, there is no person Zhou Botong on Peach Blossom Island.

Some are just Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong, and a few dumb servants.

Fortunately, Luo Wei knew the art of setting up formations and studied formations, so he took Azhu and Lin Shiyin and several women through the layers of formations, and soon arrived at the center of Peach Blossom Island and found Huang Rong who came in first.

When Huang Rong saw Luo Wei, he pounced directly, "Brother Wei, daddy, daddy is gone." "

She had just circled around Peach Blossom Island, but she never found any trace of Huang Yaoshi, and she was flustered for a while.

Luo Wei soothed Huang Rong and asked, "By the way, when you left Peach Blossom Island to look for me, did you leave a letter or note for your father?" "

Huang Rong couldn't help but be stunned, when she knew that Luo Wei could come back to life, she wanted to find Luo Wei to resurrect her mother and give her father a big surprise.

I really forgot to leave a letter and note for my father.

Luo Wei saw Huang Rong's face, and he was a little stunned, "You suddenly ran away from home, I guess Senior Huang must have gone out of the island to find you.~." "

"Rest assured, with the strength of Senior Huang, there will be no threat. "

"When he can't find you, he will naturally return to Peach Blossom Island. "

"When the time comes, you can give him a big surprise. "

Huang Rong also thought about it, her father is a top grandmaster, as long as he does not encounter a peerless powerhouse, there are few people in the world who are his father's opponents, and there is naturally no problem with safety.

One day, when my father comes back and suddenly sees his resurrected mother, he must be very happy.

Thinking of this, Huang Rong suddenly smiled very happily.

She almost couldn't wait to pull Rowe to find her mother.

Luo Wei was also not polite, beckoned several women to follow, followed Huang Rong to act together, shuttled around Peach Blossom Island for a while, and suddenly a white flower bush appeared in front of him, overlapping, like a small lake made of white flowers under the moonlight, and there was a piece of white flowers rising high.

Huang Rong took Luo Wei to the raised high place, which turned out to be a stone tomb, and the tombstone in front of the grave was engraved with eleven big characters "Peach Blossom Island heroine Feng's Buried Incense House".

Obviously, this is the place where Huang Rong's mother is buried.

Seeing her mother's grave, Huang Rong began to pick up the grave without saying a word, and it was necessary to resurrect her mother.

Seeing this, Luo Wei took out the Shennong ruler and broke the sea.

The seven limits of devouring the heaven and destroying the earth are really overkill, just listening to the boom, Feng Yu's grave was punched out of a hole by Luo Wei.

The women entered the grave along the cave and soon found Huang Rong's mother.

"Brother Vigo, please. "

Luo Wei nodded, cast a resurrection technique, and a light full of life force protruded from his fingertips, hitting Feng Yu's bones.

Then turned around and left, Azhu, Lin Shiyin and several women also retreated at one time.

After a while, Feng Yu's bones grew organs, flesh and blood, and the whole person was resurrected.

Seeing this, Huang Rong glanced around and found that Luo Wei had gone out, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then she took off her coat and put it on her mother Feng Yu's body.

After a while, Feng Yu, who had been dead for many years, opened his eyes and saw a strange and somewhat familiar girl in front of him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because no matter how you look at it, this girl has some similarities with her daughter.

It's like when my daughter grows up.

"Girl, are you..."

Huang Rong heard her mother's familiar voice, and no longer froze, pounced on it, and shouted with teary eyes.

"Mom, I'm Rong'er. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Feng Yu was first stunned, and then suddenly startled, "Rong'er, you are Rong'er." "

In her impression, Huang Rong was just a few years old, and now she was so old in the blink of an eye.

What the hell is going on here.


On the other hand, Rowe's group standing outside the grave heard the crying coming from the grave and did not smile at each other.

Luo Wei even made a joke lightly, "If I hadn't known the reason, just listening to the crying from the tomb, I would have thought it was haunted." "

Azhu almost burst out laughing, quickly took a few deep breaths, and said strangely: "Gongzi, this kind of joke can't be laughed." "

Lin Shiyin and Blue Phoenix thought deeply.

Rowe smiled and was noncommittal.

Lin Shiyin said: "Seeing Sister Rong's family reunion today, I suddenly want to see my cousin. "

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, Lin Shiyin also has a cousin, I don't know, could it be that this is also a change in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

He asked curiously, "Who is your cousin?"

Lin Shiyin smiled slightly and said, "Guess what. "

Luo Wei smiled bitterly and said: "There are many people with the surname Lin in the world, where do I know who your cousin is, it will not be Lin Daiyu." "

"Who is Lin Daiyu?" Lin Shiyin asked angrily, "Shouldn't it be another beauty that you have in mind?" "

"It's a beauty, but I don't dare to think about this beauty." Rowe shook his head.

"Why?" asked Lin Shiyin.

"Because Lin Daiyu's personality is not very pleasant, at least I don't like this Lin Daiyu very much. "

Although most of the people who have seen the dream of the Red Mansion have a lot of experience about Lin Shiyin's life and experience, they like this Lin Daiyu.

But I don't know why, Luo Wei is not cold to Lin Daiyu.

“.. By the way, you still haven't told me who your cousin is?"

Lin Shiyin said: "She is the founder of the ancient tomb school. "

"You mean, Lin Chaoying!!" Luo Wei was really taken aback this time, "Lin Chaoying is actually your cousin. "

Lin Shiyin nodded.

Lin Chaoying, Lin Shiyin, these are also stitched together.

Wait, since Murong Fu and Murong Qiudi can be sewn into a family, then Lin Chaoying and Lin Shiyin are cousins, it doesn't seem to be an outrageous thing.

Anyway, both of them have the surname Lin.

"Okay, when we're done with this, let's go see your cousin by the way." "

Lin Shiyin smiled slightly and agreed.

After a while, Huang Rong helped Feng Yu out of the grave, Feng Yu had already known the truth of the matter from Huang Rong's mouth, and the moment he saw Luo Wei, he wanted to kneel and salute.

If it weren't for Rowe, she would never have seen her daughter again in her life.

This kind of kindness is simply unrewarding.

Seeing this, Luo Wei hurriedly stepped forward and helped Feng Yu, who was about to kneel, "Never do, you are Rong'er's mother, your elder, you can't give this gift." "

Feng Yu couldn't kneel, and after being helped up by Luo Wei, a smile appeared on his face and said: "Where is the benefactor, if it were not for the benefactor, I would still be just a dry bone." "Gongzi gave me a new life, and this kneeling is a matter of course." "

Luo Wei shook his head, insisting on not letting Feng Yu kneel.

Huang Rong was also persuading on the side.

Feng Yu was helpless, so he had to dismiss this idea and thanked Luo Wei again.

For this word of thanks, Luo Wei did not shirk, and accepted it all, anyway, it was just a few words.

Everyone chatted while walking, and returned to the center of Peach Blossom Island.

Feng Yu walked into Huang Yaoshi's room with Huang Rong's help, and found that the furnishings in the room were exactly the same as when he died, there was no change, and there were no mixed feelings in his heart.

She knew that all this was a quality that Huang Yaoshi deliberately retained.

In order not to forget yourself.

Feng Yu was even more emotional.

"By the way, what about your father, why didn't I see him. For a long time, Feng Yu, who came back to his senses, asked.

Huang Rong was embarrassed to tell Feng Yu that when he went to find Luo Wei, he forgot to tell his father, so his father should look for me all over the world.

Feng Yu couldn't help but cry and laugh, stretched out a finger and nodded Huang Rong's eyebrows.

"You, you, you're such a daredevil. "

Huang Rong, who was originally shrewd, smirked at this time, and his heart missed his mother's favor, and now all this has been achieved, thanks to Brother Vigo.

This made Huang Rong more and more grateful to Luo Wei.

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