A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 145 The third stage ends, with undercurrents surging

Five kilometers away from the end of "STAGE 3".

"It's all because of those dinosaurs that we no longer have the lead!"

Jero spurred his horse forward with a look of annoyance on his face.

Johnny looked back and consoled him: "Calm down, Jero, as long as we maintain the current speed, we will still be the winners of the third stage."

Diego said nothing, concentrating on driving the fast horse.

As for Jon

Jon didn't take the contestants hanging behind him seriously at all.

the other side.

"STAGE 3" ends in Karn City.

"Dear spectators, the contestants are sprinting down the Rocky Mountains!"

“As we get closer to the end, the sight becomes more and more incredible. Human beings are attracted to each other like magnets!

“The race, which was originally 510 kilometers long and was expected to take seven days to complete, took only five days, and all the powerful runners gathered together in the Rocky Mountains near the finish line!”

"Let's take a look at the heroes running with the Rocky Mountains at their backs."

"First of all, the one in the leading position is the competitor from the Kingdom of Naples, the section champion of the first and second stages, Gerald Zeppelin!"

"Next, Johnny Joestar and Diego Brando are running neck and neck!"

"Jon Joestar takes the fourth spot."

"Indian player Sunao and 'Invincible Lucky Star' Poklock, who run only on their legs, are competing for fifth position."

"Ted Khan, Gao Qiu, Papa Yaka, and Arizona's legendary cowboy Mandy Tim followed closely behind!"

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

The voice of the commentary rang clearly in the ears of every audience member.

People cheered and the scene was extremely lively.


Getting closer.

The end is near!

Jero looked across the lake and stared directly at the city of Karn not far away.

As long as you reach that place, you can once again become the winner of the interval and receive a one-hour "time bonus"!


He came back to his senses and looked at Lake Kahn in front of him, and his heart moved.

Pulling out the map he carried with him, Jero made an instant decision.

"Johnny, Jon! This lake looks big, but in fact it's only less than two meters deep. Follow me and I'll take you a shortcut!"

Normally, if you want to reach Kahn City, you can either choose the mountain road that is closer to the left, or the dirt road that is farther to the right.

It would be better for Jieluo to find another way to create a waterway.

Diego was a little reluctant.

They were leading now, and if the conditions on the waterway were not as easy as Gerold Zeppelin expected, the lead would be gone.

Another thing is that he doesn't want to get his clothes wet.

Johnny was actually reluctant.

It's just that Qiao Bao is a good person (praising) and will not refute Jello's face in front of Diego. He nodded stiffly and said: "Okay! I will follow you, run as much as you like, Jello!"

Upon hearing this, Jero felt confident and urged his beloved horse 'Valkyrie' to dive into the lake.

Johnny followed.

Although Diego was extremely reluctant, for the sake of being in the same group as Jero and the others, he had no choice but to hold his nose and get into the water.

The three of them swam forward.

Although the speed has slowed down a lot, the destination is getting closer and closer.

Jero was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Hey, Johnny, Jon, what I said is right, it's true that we can take the water route."

Halfway through his words, his expression froze.

At this time, Johnny and Diego also noticed something unusual.

Jon, who was supposed to follow them, did not go into the water, but honestly chose to go far away.

Three people: (_)

After working on it for a long time, the one with the least team spirit is you!


never mind.

Say no more.

Saying too much hurts feelings.

Jero and the others came to their senses and returned their attention to the game in front of them.

Jon, who was running on a flat dirt road, looked at the three people in the water and felt happy in his heart.

This feeling is like going to a relative's house during vacation and seeing your cousin crazily doing homework, and you smiled slightly and took out your phone to play games in front of him.

The taste is incredible~

Just thinking wildly.

A gust of wind came from behind.

In the blink of an eye, I caught up with Jon, the paddle monster.

"Hey, hello." Poklock greeted with a smile, "Long time no see, how are you doing lately?"

The attitude is very casual and friendly.

Jon smiled back, "It's not bad. Apart from being blown up by the killer and bitten by the dinosaur, there's nothing major."

Poklock was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Hahahaha, you are so funny. I haven't heard such a classic joke in a long time."

Obviously, Ouhuang Benhuang's race schedule went extremely smoothly. Not to mention the killer and the dinosaur, Jon even suspected that he didn't do anything, just lying on the horse's back, and the yellow gelding that seemed to be in trouble was going like this all the way. Carrying him here.

"Poklock, what are you doing? Speed ​​up!" The weird substitute lying on Poklock's back said in a deep voice: "Now is your chance to overtake and become the number one. Come on, you are the best. !”

Hearing this, Poklock was greatly encouraged. He grabbed the horse's belly and flew past Jon.

Ou Huang turned around and said, "Jon Joestar, see you at the finish line."

Jon blinked.

A shot of chicken blood, you work so hard, your substitute is really cost-effective.

Pursing his lips, he asked: "Poklock, your substitute is very good, do you want to see mine?"

Poklock, who was about to accelerate, suddenly paused.

"You" he looked at Jon in surprise, "can you see 'HEY YA!'?"

‘HEY YA! ’, the substitute that Poklock obtained due to his “luck” has no abilities of its own. Its only function is to whisper in the ear of the original body, provide advice, and encourage the spirit. The guidance of the avatar seems to open the way to lucky events for the main body, but in fact, strong luck comes from Poklock, ‘HEY YA! ’ I really can only talk.

A smirk appeared on Jon's lips, "Isn't it obvious? By the way, do you want to see my substitute?"

Ah this

To be fair, Poklock was very curious about other people's substitutes.

However, compared to that less important thing, it is obviously more important to win the regional championship.

He turned his head and said, "Next time, definitely next time!"


My friend, this is not something to be said casually.

Jon became more energetic and drove the 'Jueying' to line up with Poklock again.

In the lake, Jero accidentally caught sight of this scene and was stunned for a moment. After he understood what was going on, he wiped his eyes in an exaggerated manner, "Asshole Jon, you should have said it earlier to stop other competitors! "

Jonny \u0026 Diego:? ? ?

To be honest, Jon doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do something like that.

However, because Jero was so moved, the two of them looked at each other and decided to swallow their words.

‘Wow! ’

The fierce horse comes out of the water.

‘Valkyrie’, ‘Silver Bullet’, and ‘Slow Dancer’ carry their respective masters and rush towards the finish line.

I thought the three of them would win first, second and third place easily.

Unexpectedly, Sand Man suddenly jumped down from the cliff on the left, blocking the three of them.

Jie Luo was so angry that his teeth itched.

You've taken off your pants, are you showing me this?

Ahem, correct me

——I’m already in the water, you fucking cut off my butt?

That kind of thing.

Don’t do that kind of thing!

Unfortunately, although swimming across the lake was the shortest route, the resistance in the water also greatly reduced the physical strength of the three horses. Even if Zero wanted to speed up, he couldn't compete with Sunao on a short track.

Johnny guessed Jello's thoughts and patted his beloved horse, "Man, I can only bear with you for the time being."

The old horse with reed hair rushed forward in a very humane way, blocking Jero in front of him.

Jero quickly reacted, "Johnny!"

"You try to keep the horse's strength as strong as possible. The last three hundred meters are the time to see the truth!" Johnny said without looking back.

Similar tactics were used at the last moment of "STAGE 1".

For short-distance sprint races, the ‘Wind Pressure Shield Running Method’ is the most suitable for group operations.

Diego, a professional rider, sees what Jonny is trying to do.

The thing about the "saint's body" flashed through his mind. Even though he was unwilling to do so, in order to have a good relationship with Johnny and the others, he could only drive his horse forward and block the wind for Johnny.

"Listen carefully, I will persist until the last 300 meters! Johnny Joestar, you are responsible for the distance from the last 300 meters to the last 100 meters. Jello Zibelin, the last 100 meters is up to you. It’s my own!”

Neither Jero nor Johnny expected that Diego would take the initiative to help them.

Sunao, who was in the lead, looked back and felt a sudden chill in his heart.

The cunning foreigners actually teamed up to plot against me, a simple native Indian.

You are too babies (despicable)!

Although he was anxious, Sunao really had no good solution and could only rush forward.

The 'Wind Pressure Anti-Shield Running Method' has a remarkable effect.

In the last three hundred meters, Jero and Johnny sprinted at the same time, immediately closing the distance between them and Sunao.

Waiting for the last 100 meters, Jero's eyes flashed, "Valkyrie, now!"

‘Xilulu! ’

After getting some rest, the chestnut-haired horse neighed, raised its hooves and began to charge.

Sandao could only watch helplessly as one person and one horse surpassed him, and he sighed helplessly in his heart.

"Crossing the line! Perfect teamwork! Gerard Zeppelin became the section winner for the third time!"

"Not only did he receive a bonus of 10,000 US dollars, but he also received a one-hour "time bonus". It was amazing. Gerold Zeppelin and his teammates were simply unstoppable! "

"Sunao unfortunately came in second place."

"Johnny Joestar is third!"

"Diego Brando, who joined Jero and the others at some point, is fourth."

Just after the top four of the third stage were announced, two more fast horses came rushing towards them.

"Jon Joestar, crossed the line, great! He still hasn't fallen out of the top five."

"Everyone's favorite 'Lucky Boy' Poklock won sixth place, but he didn't look too happy."

After crossing the finish line, Jon didn't stop and rode directly to catch up with Jero and others.

Jero laughed loudly, "Jon, I really have you. If you hadn't held back that evil black boy, we would have lost this game."


Jon was so clever that he immediately understood what Jero was talking about. He waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter."

Jero was moved and said, "Jon, you are really my good brother. I have decided that when I get married, you will be my first best man!"

Hearing this, Johnny and Diego sighed at the same time.

Poor Jero was being manipulated by someone.

Although this description may not be appropriate, at this time Jero is like a silly boy who fell in love with the daughter of a wealthy family, which is heartbreaking and funny at the same time.

They both looked at Jon.

Bah, scumbag


do it again.

Bah, scumbag!

Karn City.

"Oh, there were a few moments." Fannie Valentine put down the telescope and smiled softly, "But your good luck ends here."

"Mr. President, will I still take action this time?" Dr. Ferdinand asked from the side.

"Doctor, you are one of my best right-hand men." President Valentine said softly.

After a pause, he spoke apologetically, "Actually, you, a scholar, shouldn't have done these vulgar things yourself. However, my professionals haven't arrived here yet, so I can only trouble you one more time." .”

Dr. Ferdinand leaned forward and saluted, "It's all for this country, Mr. President."

Fannie Valentine nodded, “Of course, all this is for the country.

For eternal prosperity and happiness, the 'Saint's Left Arm' in Johnny Joestar's body is necessary. "

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. President, the person you want to see has arrived."

Fannie Valentine straightened up and said to Dr. Ferdinand, "That's it, doctor, Johnny Joestar and the others will be left to you."

Then, he added, "But don't worry, I will send more people to you."

Dr. Ferdinand had no objection, "Then I will go back and prepare."

After saying that, he took the initiative to leave the office.

When I opened the door, I happened to bump into a man with green braids.

That man, Ferdinand, was no stranger.

It was the Indian who had just finished second in the third stage, Sand Man!

The sweaty Sand Man did not pay attention to Dr. Ferdinand.

Entering the office, he met the eyes of the country's nominal leader, President Fannie Valentine, in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"You must be unwilling to lose." Fannie Valentine rolled his eyes and looked at the native man up and down.

Being swept by the 'hour hand' and the 'Mobius strip', Sandao instinctively felt a trace of emotion called "awe".

Fannie Valentine stood up and said straight to the point: "Let me just say it straight, you are an outstanding talent. I appreciate you very much. If you work for me, you can make appropriate demands."

There was silence for a while.

Sand Man took a deep breath and spoke word by word, "I need land, to be precise, land in Arizona."

The damn native Indians want to split the sacred United States of America! ?

The president was instinctively unhappy.

But remembering that his assassins couldn't get there at once, Dr. Ferdinand really needed help.

He smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you help me kill a few people.

I think you must be familiar with Jonny Joestar and the others. "

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