A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 205 Sir, times have changed

The clay figurine still has some anger.

Not letting him run away is too much!

Kibutsujimu gritted his teeth and simply walked out of the room without doing anything else.

Naru Nu saw this and quickly followed with her lute in her arms.

Come outside.

The figures of the master and the servant disappeared instantly.

The next second, they found Hei Shimo and Yue Yue who were hiding in the city and were planning to make long-term plans.

"Master Wuhan?"

Although Hei Shimo has an arrogant personality, he attaches great importance to hierarchy.

When he saw the Ghost King, he quickly knelt down on one knee.

The newly promoted Shangxian Gui Yue and Yue Yue follow suit.

Ghost Dance Tsujimu said in a deep voice: "Okay, there is no need to be polite.

Now, we need to work together to overcome the current difficulties. "

Hei Shimo was silent for a while and said: "Why do mere humans need to take action yourself, Lord Wuhan?"

Oniitsuji Muzan sneered, "A mere human?

Hei Shimo, I ask you, why were you injured by a mere human being. "

Hearing this, Hei Shimo was immediately speechless.

Those exploding fire charms were not a threat in his eyes.

The golden arc, which is like the condensed sky of the sun, is nothing as long as you dodge it carefully.

It's just that those black rods that can emit light beams are really weird and hard to guard against. Thousands of beams of light converged in one place, and even though he was nearly immortal, he could only flee in confusion.

The proud Hei Shimo couldn't accept it at all.

After thousands of years of hard training in swordsmanship, he was unable to overcome the strange and obscene skills.

Absolutely ridiculous!

The "one of the upper strings" was deflated.

Naturally, Zhuo Yue, the ‘Shangxian No. 5’, did not dare to speak.

Demon Dance Tsujimu glanced at his three remaining subordinates and said word by word: "The situation is unfavorable, the Demon Slayer Corps is no longer what it used to be."

After a pause, he continued, "However, we are not without a chance of winning."


Listen to this.

Lord Ghost King already has a plan?

Heishimou, Narunu, and Gogaku all looked at Onimu Tsuji Mukai.

Tsuji Muzan smiled slightly, "Capture the dragon first."

Zhuo Yue blinked and said bravely: "You mean, behead those 'pillars'?"


Subordinates are stupid.

It's easy to get upset as a boss.

Kibutsuji Muzan stared at Gogake coldly, "I mean, concentrate our efforts and eliminate Jon Joestar who is in charge of the command."

'Jon Joestar'

What a strange name.

Zhu Yue didn't dare to speak casually anymore.

Naruto pondered for a moment and said timidly: "Master Wuhan, the enemy is also proficient in space spells."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Oniitsuji Muzan with a wave of his hand, "Of course I know this, but have you noticed that your vampire technique is actually effective, but it will be overridden by a stronger effect later.

So, all you need to do is act as eyes and ears and interfere with Jon Joestar at the right time, can you do that? "

Can it be done?

Naruto was afraid that if she said she couldn't do it, she would be killed by Mutsuji Kibutsuji with a single palm.

He nodded quickly, "Okay."

In order to show her loyalty, the moment she finished speaking, she opened countless fist-sized eyeballs.

The eyeballs scattered and floated away slowly.

Tsuji Mumei was very satisfied with Naru's mobility.

Then, he looked at Hei Shimo and Yue Yue, "You two help me behead the exorcist from the other side of the sea."

Hehe, don't be surprised, that guy is an enemy that you and I, master and servant, need to work together to defeat. "

Because Hei Shimo and Zhuo Yue had never faced Jon directly, he specifically emphasized: "If the aura of the sun on those Demon Slayers is like the remaining fire in a lamp, then the aura of the sun on Jon's body is like a fire that burns the sky. Do you understand?"


in short.

That guy is stronger than you, Master Wuhan.

Hei Shimo and Huang Yue had solemn expressions on their faces.

Oniwu Tsujimu smiled faintly, "Now that I understand everything.

So, let's get started. "

Was walking.

Tanjiro in the crowd sniffed.

This taste.

So rich.

There are many terrible evil spirits gathered together!

boom! ! ! ! !

This thought just came to mind.

A ray of lightning comes from far to near!

Zenitsu, who was also in the crowd, instantly recognized the power of this sword.

Breath of Thunder·Four Types·Far Thunder!


Zhuo Yue rushed out with a sword.

His speed was so fast that most people couldn't see him at all.

However, this 'most people' does not include those demon slayer captains.

Purgatory Xingjulang, who was closest to Yu Yue, took the initiative to intercept.

At this moment, another sword light struck.

The sword flashed silently.

The sword power of Zhuo Yue is completely two extremes.

——Except for the master swordsman Heishimou, no one can make the luck of the sword so light and easy.

Jon smiled.

An arrogant and arrogant guy like Hei Shimo actually started to cooperate with Zhuo Yue?


With a thought, dozens of transparent filaments appeared from behind him.

Hei Shimo, who made a sneak attack, instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

Twisting around in the air, he dispersed all the accumulated energy.

Breath of the Moon·Two Types·Zhuhua Nongyue!

One light and one dark.

The dark ones are countless times more dangerous than the bright ones!

By the time the pillars noticed Hei Shimo, the cold light was already less than three inches away from Jon's neck.


Suddenly, there were shouts.

Jon didn't move, silently applying BUFF to himself.


Sparks flew everywhere.


Hei Shimo was dumbfounded.

The six eyes were so wide that they almost took up the entire face.

It's exactly what Lord Wuhan said.

The exorcist from across the sea has unfathomable strength!

Hei Shimo couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of his previous arrogance, but soon, this trace of shame was suppressed in his heart.

He has completed the task assigned by Lord Wuhan.

Next, it's not his job anymore


The silver bottle exploded.

The sound of the pipa is rapid.

Narume's blood ghost technique was activated at the right time, successfully cutting off the connection between the Demon Slayer Squad and Jon.

She is very smart.

Knowing that his abilities might be ineffective against Jon.

Therefore, this time she set her target on those Demon Slayers and the nine Demon Slayer captains.

After all this was done, Naru Nu seemed to have been drained of all her strength.

Master Wuhan, the next step is up to you.

"Lord Wuhan!" "Lord Wuhan!" "Lord Wuhan!"

In the thousands of calls from the hearts of Hei Shimo, Ming Nu and Yu Yue.

The Ghost King makes a grand appearance.

He was surrounded by black smoke that seemed to have turned into substance, and nine pipe whips with plasma and bone spurs protruded from his body.

At first glance.

It's actually slightly similar to Jon's transparent filaments.


Oniwu Tsujimu screamed and roared.

The killing intent has reached its peak in thousands of years.

Even to Jiguo Enichi, he had never shown such a gesture.




As long as he eliminates the troublesome exorcists, he can escape from Infinite City and use time and lifespan to defeat those damn Demon Slayers.

have to say.

Tsuji Muzan's thoughts are very simple.

The word "Gou" runs through life.

The idea is extremely simple.

It’s just difficult to implement.

Muzan Kibutsuji, like Diavolo, another boss known as the arrogant boss, was stubborn when he shouldn't be brave, and became brave when he shouldn't be brave.

As a straight man, Jon doesn't want to be poked.

——He has always poked others.

Transparent filaments arrived in an instant and wrapped around his body before Kibutsuji Muzan launched his attack.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan was shocked.

not good!

Jon Joestar had an ambush.

Fell into a trap.

It was like sacrificing three mobs and finally summoning a supermodel monster. As soon as the monster declared an attack, the opponent threw out a 'sacred protective shield' expressionlessly.

It feels like grass!

Oniitsuji Mukai struggled hard.

Struggle again.

Still struggling.


It's useless.

At this time, the effect of Naru's vampire magic disappeared.

The Demon Slayers and Nine Pillars returned to the battlefield.

In an instant, countless eyes focused on Qiaoen and Kibutsuji Muzan.

Jon raised his lips.

Come on, family members, today I will show you the traditional art of "Tearing up Japs with Hands".

One pull, one tug.

The self-proclaimed "infinitely close to perfect creature" Tsuji Muzan was torn in half!

I got up.

He was instantly killed.

What's there to say?

The scene was deathly silent.

Both the Demon Slayers and Black Death Mou were stunned and speechless.


The one that was ripped open.

Is it really the true ghost of the King of Demons, Onimai Tsuji Muzan?

How does it look.

So what about untrue?

Two ‘click’ sounds.

The two parts of Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan's body fell to the ground.

But he did not die.


It was just a cut in half, how could it kill him.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The broken bodies merged quickly.

Not only that.

Onibutsuji Mumei actually voluntarily gave up his human form and transformed into a form like a wriggling mass of flesh in front of everyone.



At this time, Demon Dance Tsuji Muzan is closer to the title of "King of Demons" than ever before.


Under the great mental shock, many Demon Slayers even dropped their portable ultraviolet flashlights and Nichirin swords.

Jon said loudly: "Don't be afraid, just listen to my command."

He took a deep breath, "Fire!"

It seems like it has become an instinct to light the charm with ripples and then throw it out.

The Demon Slayers obeyed orders mechanically.

For a while.

Fire symbols fill the sky.

Hei Shimou and Zhou Yue are not just spectators.

The battle begins, and the two ghosts attack the Demon Slayer Team's battle formation with swords.

Purgatory Anjuro and the others have been impatient for a long time.

Do you have two ghosts?

We don't count the Mingming Island Xingming here, but we have eight demon slayer captains.

Two versus eight.

The results can be imagined.

Although Hei Shimo has studied swordsmanship for thousands of years, he has always been a shady evil ghost.

Face eight ripple masters.

It can only be suppressed everywhere.

Not to mention Zhuoyue.

The traitor of Breath of Thunder has only that much strength.

After turning into a ghost, he gave himself a level of DEBUFF that would never go away, giving him a cannon fodder life.

Poor Naru-nu was sitting in the back, so busy.

Her vampire magic was weakened by stronger laws, and its effectiveness and effectiveness were greatly reduced.

Whenever Hei Shimo and Gou Yue were in danger, Naru Nu had to resist the urge to vomit blood and use the vampire technique to save the two ghosts.

Just like this, Yu Yue had one of his arms cut off by Yu Zhuan Tianyuan.

Hei Shimo was also blind in three of his six eyes.

Frontal battlefield.

Muzan, who has transformed into his second form, is even more pitiful.

Abandoning the human form and manifesting the true form of an evil ghost with five brains and seven hearts sounds awesome.

But in fact, this gave the Demon Slayers a chance.

After all, even if it's such a big target, even if it's a blind attempt, there's always the 'Great Mercy and Great Compassion's Salvation Talisman' that can hit it.

Kibutsuji Mukan didn't want to be beaten in vain. Whenever he wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, Jon would pull him back with transparent filaments.

That scene was very much like a 23-0-4 support, carefully raising a group of 0-0-27 ADCs.

Feeling anxious and angry, Onimusuji Muzan discovered that as time passed, those trembling Demon Slayers were no longer afraid of him.

If you think about it, it’s not impossible to understand.

——If it were me doing output without pressure under the cover of the boss, I wouldn’t be afraid.

Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan felt sad in his heart.

More to beat less

What a bully!

"No!!!! Master Wuhan, save me!!!!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came into my ears.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan slightly distracted his attention.

However, he saw Ao Yue being held by Muichiro Tokiro with a knife on his neck, and he was about to die before his eyes.

"Sir Wuhan, please help me! Please help me!"

With tears running down his nose and tears running down his nose, Yu Yue tried to attract the attention of Oni Wu Tsuji Mumei by shouting.

Onibutsuji Mukai noticed it.

But the problem is, he himself is too busy.

"Useless things!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muhan cursed in his heart, ignored Guoyue, and patiently thought about how to escape.

Muichiro Tokitoru and Giyu Tomioka are both the type of people who are ruthless and don't say much.

He was silent, raising the knife and lowering it.

Zhuo Yue's head suddenly rolled away.

What a coincidence.

The head that rolled out was kicked by Heishimou who was dodging the attack. It drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell directly into the Demon Slayer formation.

With only one breath left, Zhu Yue saw the person he least wanted to see in his life.

"You" he opened his mouth, "you are!"

"We meet again, senior brother." Shanyi's eyes suddenly turned red.

They all say, ‘It’s not that I won’t retaliate, it’s because the time has not yet come’.

He thought he had no chance to take revenge personally.

Unexpectedly, God actually gave him such a big surprise.

Take a deep breath.

Zenitsu gently pushed the flashlight switch.

Zhuo Yue panicked and begged for mercy: "Zhan Yi! Shan Yi, listen to me. After all, we came from the same school. Now I have realized my mistake. You must help me. You must help me!"

It was okay not to say this, but as soon as he said this, Zenitsu's eyes suddenly became dangerous, "Because of you, grandpa committed suicide to apologize."

Zhuo Yue was speechless.

Zenitsu pinched the corner of his clothes and tremblingly but firmly illuminated Yue's head with ultraviolet light.

Every inch of fly ash.

It's all about grandpa.

Although he didn't kill it with his own hands.

But I have eliminated the traitors in our school.

Grandpa, it’s time for you to rest in peace.

Strange to say.

Zenitsu turned on the flashlight as if it was a signal.

The other Demon Slayers saw this and followed suit.

The treatment enjoyed by Hei Shimo was finally enjoyed by Oni Samurai Muzan.


It’s also an upgraded version of pro, max, and Galaxy!

Lord Wuhan, times have changed.

Get up and sunbathe!

One second, he was bothered by those exploding fire symbols, and the next second, his whole body was bathed in ultraviolet light that was comparable to poison.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan expressed his concern.

However, it was somewhere where the Demon Slayers couldn't notice.

The proliferating balls of white flesh penetrated into the ground as if they were alive.

Jon's eyes flashed.


Having suffered a lot, I can't let you continue to evolve.

Sorry though.

But, please just disappear into modern technology!

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