A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 216 The Power of Faith

(Because the plot direction of the original work is still unknown, the following are all second creations. Any similarities are purely coincidental)

I don't have a name.

No family or friends either.

Because I am the will of this planet.

i am supreme


Ever since I was born, I have longed to be looked up to.

Those who serve me will be rewarded.

And those who offend me will also be destroyed.

The days passed.

Time flies.

A brand new creature has appeared on this planet.

they call themselves


In the beginning, humans were afraid of thunder and lightning, floods and fires.

They offer me tribute.

And I protect them.

But later

Steam, steel and gunpowder made them no longer afraid of nature.

Don't be afraid of me anymore!

Instead, these humble bugs began to challenge nature.

Countless forests were destroyed.

Countless species were wiped out.

Human beings have become the masters of this planet.

Gradually, they forgot about me and the "god" who had always protected them.

I'm quite angry.

So I decided to destroy humanity.


Plague and famine began.

It's funny to say that.

The technologies that humans are proud of are completely inadequate in the face of my power.

However, some powerful individuals among them give me a lot of headaches.


Not a headache either.

I just feel a little troubled.

No one can defeat me.

Because I am the will of this planet.

I am unstoppable!

Until one day, that man appeared.

Things have changed.

He is just like me.

no name.

Looks very similar to humans.

I got into a big fight with him and his buddies from other planets.


--I lost.

He had to be forced to leave the earth and be sealed to a strange planet.

They can't kill me.


I know they can't kill me.

However, they can seal me endlessly.

Forcing me to leave the beautiful planet where I was born and raised, I was imprisoned alone in this cold, desolate, run-down place for countless years.

I hate!

Anger, unwillingness and resentment made me lose myself.

It's human.

Humans are to blame for everything.

They are a stubborn disease of the earth and despicable traitors!

But it's okay.

Although I have left the earth, I still have a trace of strength within me.

Through the ancient and primitive method of "sacrifice", I have established contact with some people on earth.

During my interactions with them, I easily changed their minds.

Make a sacrifice.

Offer sacrifices to me.

Sacrifice to your "god"!

I hid in the back of the desolate place, curling up and waiting for my strength to be restored, while making a 'communicator' that could affect the real world.

Occasionally, some people will appear that interest me, and I will use my power to influence them and accelerate the pace of human destruction.

Everything went very smoothly.

The beings I personally selected as machines for the destruction of humanity are becoming increasingly powerful,


Soon humanity will be destroyed.

My great revenge will also be avenged!

Until then, they will pray to me.

And I, just like in ancient times, will respond to their prayers again, thereby escaping from this barren and barren planet and returning to my beloved mother body.

Who would have thought that alien creatures would invade my beloved earth.

I was quite angry, but there was nothing I could do about it.

At this moment, I discovered a special existence.

An opponent that scares me.

I learned from those believers that the guy’s name was Jon Joestar.

His power is completely different from the humans I know.

In other words, is he really human?

I can't figure it out.

But I knew what I had to do.

The "game" begins.

This is both a trial and a practical exercise.

I want to know who will win compared to that guy's strength?

As a result, the puppet (Orochi) used as a trump card was simply killed.

The chess pieces I laid out (Sykes) were easily crushed.

how so?

Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to me!

I endured it.

I want to find the next opportunity to take action.

Unexpectedly, my enemy actually found me!

He looked directly at me, with no trace of fear in his eyes.

Jon Joestar, he asked me with a joking smile, what is the purpose?

I do not speak.

Because I know now is not the time to speak.

I'm going to hide.

won't be discovered by anyone


what happened!

Why do I feel like someone is calling me?

To put it bluntly, creatures like Saitama have completely broken through the boundaries of human beings.

In space, he could actually hold his breath without being affected.

Jon is different.

No matter what the harsh environment, he can survive 10,000 times more tenaciously than a tardigrade.

"Hey, hey, is anyone home?"

Jon stomps his feet on the moon's surface.

Saitama gestured with sign language.

"What do you want to do? Didn't you agree to have a spar?"

——The unique impatience of bald men.

Jon smiled and said through the message: "Don't worry, there is another weirdo here."


Speaking of weirdos, I’m not tired anymore.

It's rare for Saitama to become serious.

alien weirdo

It should be better than the Earth Monster.

Back to business.

Jon could vaguely feel the location of the "god".

But he didn't expect that the other party would be so stubborn.

"God" eh.

After all, you are a being who claims to be a ‘god’.

You really don’t have any shame at all, right?

As a last resort, he could only ask Little D to use time and space authority to lock the opponent's position.

call out!

All of a sudden.

Countless transparent filaments penetrated into the void.


There was a violent tremor on the moon's surface!

Saitama looked confused.

What happened?

In sight.

A big hand, as dry as tree bark, stretched out from the horizon.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strange face without a face, with facial features and blood vessels connected together.


It’s coming!

Saitama gestured in sign language, "Weird?"

Jon nodded.

Now that you know it's a weirdo, it's easier to handle.

Saitama's eyes narrowed.

But the god inexplicably felt a tremor that he had never felt before.


Am I afraid?


Absolutely impossible!

Even though I was forcibly removed from my home planet, I didn't feel any tremors.

This human being.

Why does he scare me?

The "gods" were so frightened that they became angry.

He stretched out his big hand, and hundreds of dark black light beads gathered in his palm!

Because of the change in the trajectory of fate, the "gods" ignored Saitama, the real demon king, and turned their attention to Jon, the passerby.

But now, everything is back on track.

"You go first? I go first?" Saitama gestured in sign language.

Jon: Please~


Then I went on without any hesitation.

Saitama stepped hard.

boom! ! ! ! !

A deep crater hundreds of meters in diameter instantly exploded on the moon's surface.

For a moment, his speed even exceeded the speed of sound.

No matter what kind of monster you are.

Punch me!

"Kami" looked at Saitama.

Physical attack?


I am a high god


There was no sound in the vacuum, but the air waves generated by the force blew up countless sand and stones.

Under Saitama's "Must-Kill Series: Serious Punch", half of the "god"'s body directly turned into nothingness!

Ah this.

The "gods" were dumbfounded.

Since the birth of the intellect, He has not suffered any injury.

Who would have thought.

The immortal golden body was actually broken into an ordinary earthling.



How could an ordinary earthling harm me?

"Kami" looked at Saitama seriously.

His whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

No no no.

This is absolutely impossible!

Why did He feel a touch of kindness in this ridiculous human being?

The same bloodline.


He also carries the will of the earth!

Am I abandoned?

Just thinking about it.

Saitama smiled that silly smile.

not dead?


I can throw two more punches.

Must-Kill Series: Serious Continuous Punches!




Saitama's fist seems to have magical power.

No matter if you are a god or a demon, you dare to appear in my attack range.

There is only one word for your fate


The "god" silently endured the attack.

For a moment, he forgot to fight back.

Jon's eyelids jumped.

Be good.

The bald devil is indeed the bald devil.


After receiving countless punches, the "god" finally reacted, used his mind to communicate, and said to the two of them: "Stop! You humble beings, do you know who I am?"

I am the high God;

I am the master of everything! "

Hold it and step on it to make it full.


What he received was a serious punch from Saitama.

As expected, the "god's" head exploded.

The bald devil scratched his face.

What a weak master.

Listen, is this human language?

Jon couldn't help but observe 0.1 seconds of silence for "God".


I’ve watched enough dramas, and I can’t be idle.

Go ahead, little D, it’s your turn to perform.

The lanky substitute flew out very obediently.

Accurately wrapping the remaining body of the god with thin threads.

After being repeatedly tortured by Saitama, the god is not dead yet.


Well, that's normal too.

After all, it is the incarnation of the will of the planet.

As long as the Earth doesn't explode, it is immortal.

Even Saitama, the demon king who goes against common sense, is no exception.

Like cubes of tofu, the transparent filaments penetrated into the remains of the "god" without any hindrance.

Not much to say, just start stealing.

"Kami" is indeed a god.

It has its own power system.

Jon calls his power system the ‘power of faith’.

The specific method is to gather people's faith and will to strengthen themselves and enter the extraordinary realm.

From this perspective, He is indeed a god, but a weak god trapped on the earth with only partial power.

All in all, Jon gained a lot.

In addition to forcibly modifying the trajectory of his destiny, he also gained a brand new way to become stronger.

‘Solicit believers’

I guess I have some followers.


For example, hasn’t Sister Luna always played the role of a conductor on the Love Train very well?

There are also those evil ghosts who are reincarnated in hell in "Demon Slayer World". When they wash away their sins and board the train of love, they are also their own believers.


This is not enough.

You have to think of a way.

Qiao Wen was a little distracted.

And the frontal battlefield.

"Kami" and Saitama are still fighting.

To be precise, it was Saitama who was being beaten while the "god" was being beaten.

But the "god" is immortal, and Saitama has nothing to do with him.


Saitama's face felt relieved, as if he had put on brand new underwear for the New Year.

In the past, he was empty because he could always kill his enemies with one punch.

Now he has a sandbag that won't be killed no matter how hard he hits it, which makes him very happy.

What a miserable god.

Really, what a miserable god.

Not only was his ability stolen by others, his own existence was also used as a sandbag for venting.


A black hole opened up, and a man wearing strange armor jumped out of it.

It was the explosion of the number one S-class hero.

As soon as Blast appeared, he saw Chang Wei beating Laifu.

No, it was Saitama who was hitting the god, so scared that he dropped his sunglasses.

"Holy shit!" he said subconsciously.

Are all people on Earth so fierce now?


Wait a moment.

With a rich sense of combat, he quickly discovered the difference in Saitama.

"Planet Will"

There is actually a trace of planetary will in that Earthling with not very thick hair.


Isn't the true incarnation of the will of the planet the "god" who has been beaten violently?

How can one planet have two wills?

Strange! Strange! Strange!

But what's even weirder is the one who has never made a move.

The power of time and space!

As both controllers of the 'power of time and space', Blast clearly felt the 'power of time and space' in the other party, which was an existence countless times stronger than himself!

"Who are you?" Jon said, pretending not to know.

"I am Blast, the number one S-class hero." Blast also introduced himself through voice transmission, "But now it seems that you should be the first one."

Jon doesn't care whether he is first or not.

He gave Blast a friendly nod.

Blast looked at the god who was treated as a sandbag by Saitama, and then at the mysterious Jon, and suddenly felt that his worries were unnecessary.

"I said, which planet did you come from?"

He was as friendly as if he had met someone of the same kind.

"A place far, far away, separated by countless time and space." Jon said half truthfully.

Saying this means not saying it yet.

Explosion tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he asked: "By the way, do you want to join the League of Universe Heroes? There are many interesting guys like you there."

‘Union of Space Heroes’? !

To be honest, Jon doesn't know the plot after the "Hungry Wolf Chapter", so he also knows little about the League of Space Heroes.

But the name sounds like it's very powerful.


There's something going on!

Jon nodded and said: "Okay, but I have agreed beforehand that I will not stay in this world forever. Ahem, plane."


He is indeed a more powerful time traveler than himself!

Blast swallowed secretly.

At this moment, a piece of flesh and blood flew over and quickly turned into nothing.

The god hurriedly sent a message: "Stop, stop quickly, I admit defeat!"

Although Saitama couldn't kill him completely.

But every time he hits him, his power will be reduced, allowing him to weaken indefinitely.

In the end, he became inferior to even the meanest people on earth.

This result is unacceptable to "gods"!

Saitama was also honest, he really stopped when he said he would stop.


What he was thinking about was not kindness and humility.

Rather, I feel that it is a pity that such a good toy breaks down all of a sudden.

Saitama stretched comfortably.

Entered sage mode.

Today, there will be no fighting.

Plain and simple is the truth~

"Hey, don't you want to fight?"

Jon also wants to try his best to see if he can defeat Saitama, the real hero.

Saitama looked at Jon and gestured: "If you want, I can accompany you."

Jon thought for a moment.

never mind.

Anyway, I won’t leave for now, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

He has more important things than fighting Saitama in a 1V1 real man battle.

That is to try the power of faith obtained from "God"

(End of this volume)

(PS·I will open a copy of the Chinese comic tomorrow)

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