A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 251 What happened that night...

Chapter 251 What happened that night

Time goes back to after the gambling game is over.

After saying goodbye to Shotaro Zuo, Jon, who was in a good mood, took Pietro and Wanda to a famous hotel in the city center.

"Anything you want to eat today, I'll treat you." He smiled and generously pushed the menu to the two brothers and sisters.

Pietro took it, glanced at the dishes on it, and said, "Wouldn't it be a little unethical for you to do this? Didn't you say that the hat man is your friend?"

"Of course he is my friend, but..." Jon twitched his lips, "Those memories are T2 level. Just buying his house is considered the price of friendship."

"Ha, dirty lord." Pietro curled his lips disdainfully.

Then he ordered a lot of high-calorie food

——The ‘super speed’ will speed up the metabolism in his body. If it is not supplemented in time, he will feel dizzy.

Compared with her brother, the little witch seemed much more well-behaved. She blinked and deliberately defended Jon: "I didn't feel any negative emotions from Brother Shotaro. Obviously, he approved of this transaction."

"Don't talk about trading, it's too crude."

Hearing this, Jon waved his hand, "This is an exchange of favors."

What an exchange of favors.

Haven't you been fooled yet?

Three black lines appeared above Pietro's head.

Think for a moment.

He seemed to suddenly remember something and asked: "By the way, how did you do it just now? Did you cheat?"

"What do you mean?" Jon couldn't react at the moment.

"It was when you were in the casino. To be honest, did you use some shady means?"

Pietro stared at Jon's face carefully, as if looking for answers in the other person's expression.

Jon suddenly said: "Oh, this is what you are talking about."

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, "Honestly, in the first game, I used a few tricks, but in the second game, I relied solely on my strength to win the Kaga Taizo."

Pietro opened his mouth, "Then have you ever thought that if you lose the second game, you won't have any chips in your hand."

Jon shrugged, "If that's the case, just go ahead and fight that old gambler."

He looked at Pietro and Wanda, "Do you still need me to teach you such a simple truth?"

Brother and sister:

Good guy, you really don’t take the souls of ordinary citizens seriously.

Jon seemed to see what they were thinking and said with a smile: "Since they are adults, they must be responsible for their own actions. When they win money in the casino and spend their money outside, why doesn't anyone say they are pitiful?

In the final analysis, it is the greed that can never be satisfied that kills them.

all in all.

Betting on dogs does not deserve sympathy. "

If you lose the second bet, just flip the table over.

As for those souls, save them if you can, and pull them down if you can’t.

‘The crumbs of the world’ plays with one word, truth!

Such remarks had an indelible impact on the hearts of two teenagers, Pietro and Wanda.

At first it sounds like a jerk.

But think about it carefully.


It seems to make some sense.

Jon looked at them and smiled: "Okay, things haven't reached that situation yet.

Kaga Taizo was arrested, and the souls of those gamblers, no, those innocent citizens were freed.

We also got an extra memory.

It's really gratifying, gratifying and congratulatory. "

Speaking of memory, Wanda found ‘money·money’ from the small bag, her face full of doubts, “By the way, how do you use this thing?”

Jon suddenly became energetic, "Didn't I make a driver for you? Insert the memory into your belt, shout 'HEN SHI', and you can use the power in it."


"Very confident?"

The two foreign children's tongues were not very flexible, and they could not unlock the correct way to open the knight's transformation after practicing for a long time.

Jon smacked his lips, "Well, as long as it makes sense."

The brother and sister seem to understand each other.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the ears of the three of them, "Sorry, I overheard your conversation."

Turn around and look.

But they saw a beautiful woman with a curvy figure and a pure and charming appearance, looking at them with a blushing face.

Jon didn't let down his guard just because the other person was good-looking, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"I'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself." The beautiful woman took a deep breath, "My name is Togawa Kochun, and I am the gold medal reporter of Fengdu Daily."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice quietly, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Kamen Rider who defeated the weirdo at the exhibition center?"


Jon was speechless.

The one who fought against the 'doped body' at the convention and exhibition center was Shotaro Zuo. What does he have to do with me, Mr. Qiao?

He waved his hand, "Sorry, you got the wrong person."

Unexpectedly, Togawa Kochun didn't buy it, "No need to deny it, I know it's you!"

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, I also know something about the general memories circulating on the market. I know that someone has been secretly selling such dangerous things in Fengdu recently. As a reporter, I have been secretly investigating. "


The classic scene is here!

Jon looked at Togawa Xiaochun up and down, shook his head and said: "As an ordinary citizen, I must advise you that some things are not suitable to be put on the surface. For the safety of yourself and your family, you should not do this. It’s better to intervene.”

Togawa Kochun shook his head, "My conscience and professional ethics don't allow me to do this!"

The look in his eyes confirmed that he would not survive three episodes.

Jon scratched his eyebrows helplessly and began to carefully recall everything about 'Togawa Kochun' in his mind.

After thinking for a long time, I still found nothing.


It should be an unknown passerby.

He must have said in his heart, "What you want to do is your own business. Please don't bring others with you. Also, I am not the Kamen Rider fighting at the entrance of the Convention and Exhibition Center. You have mistaken the person."

Togawa Kochun blinked, "I understand, identity is the secret of every hero~"

Jon: (=ω=;)

I thought this would end here.

Unexpectedly, Togawa Xiaochun actually stuck to Qiaoen like a dog-skin plaster.

Jon was a little bored.

After finishing the meal, they quickly left the hotel with brother and sister Pietro and Wanda.

When Togawa Kochun saw him, he stopped caring about eating and hurried to follow.

The three of them, Jon, were walking in front, and Togawa Kotsubaki was chasing after them like a stalker.

After walking three streets in a row, Jon couldn't bear it anymore and turned back suddenly, "Hey, woman, what do you want to do?"

Little stars twinkled in Togawa Kochun's eyes, "I just want the people of Fengdu to better know the heroes who protect them!"

"I told you, I'm not a hero," Jon said angrily.

boom! ! ! ! !

Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred one street away.

Togawa Kochun was startled and fell to the ground.

The three of them looked at each other and ran towards the place where the explosion occurred.

Brothers and sisters Pietro and Wanda simply want to save people because of their kindness.

The slightly unscrupulous Qiao Mou smelled the breath of the 'doped body' weirdo.

After the three people left, Togawa Kochun got up from the ground without realizing it, his eyes bursting with astonishing brilliance.

She subconsciously clenched her fists and said with great excitement: "It's true!"

Let’s put aside the delighted reporter lady for now, but when Jon and the others arrived at the scene of the accident, they discovered that the place where the explosion occurred turned out to be a bank.

Pietro pointed to a certain place with sharp eyes, "There is someone there!"

Looking in the direction he pointed, Jon spotted the bomber - a flaming creature carrying large and small packages.

There is no doubt that it was a 'doped body' monster transformed into a monster after using an illegal memory!

"Now that you've met, just leave your memory." Jon smiled and took out the drive like magic.

Just as he was about to pretend to try his transformation, Pietro unexpectedly rushed out.

Sorry, if you have superpowers, you can do whatever you want~


Back to business.

Although Pietro's speed is unmatched, he lacks in strength.

Moreover, his 'divine speed' is not like the 'divine speed force'. If he is not restrained, he himself will be injured by the force of the recoil.

The blasting monster only felt the evil wind rising around him. Without any time to think, he activated the power of his memory and formed a red force field visible to the naked eye around him.

"Not good!" Pietro had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, the Explosion Monster roared, "Explosion!"

Art is an explosion!

The indiscriminate blast impact directly blew Pietro away.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Jon jumped into the air and caught this reckless boy.

Even so, Pietro was still seriously injured.

Jon had no choice but to spend a pure life force for him.

"Don't think that you are invincible just because you have superpowers." Jon said earnestly: "Can you use your brain more before taking action?"

"Ahem." Pietro was speechless.

Wanda looked at her brother worriedly and asked Jon, "Is he okay?"

"You can't die." Jon said casually.

Patting the non-existent dust on his body, he straightened his back and said, "Look carefully and study hard. This is the correct way to fight against the 'doped body' monster."

With that said, he directly inserted two memories into the drive.

【Magam(Lava)! 】

【T-Rex (Tyrannosaurus)! 】

A mysterious voice suddenly sounded, and Jon snapped his fingers.


[Kamen Rider J——Magam T-Rex (Lava Tyrannosaurus)! 】

There is a saying, although this kind of transformation method is second-rate and explosive, if you accept this setting, you will definitely be addicted to this feeling.

With the blessing of the knight's power, Jon felt that his whole body was full of strength.

But what he didn't know was that in the distance, a mobile phone quietly turned on the video recording function.

"Are you a Kamen Rider!?"

Seeing Jon after his transformation, the blaster seemed a little guilty.

It was obvious that he had heard urban legends about Kamen Riders before.

"Although I don't know if it's the one you mentioned, but yes, I am the Kamen Rider -" Jon deliberately prolonged his tone, "J!"

It may be very naive for elementary school students.


It's just right for adults.

Jon suddenly wanted to design a stage line for himself.

Think for a moment.

He stared at the blaster and raised his fingers, "Face your judgment, face me!"

The 'doped body' weirdo didn't dare to talk back, so he directly activated the blasting force field.

Jon quickly rushed forward and interrupted the enemy's spellcasting with a flying kick.

Then without saying anything, there was a burst of punches and kicks.

emphasize again.

Although his ability has been weakened countless times, his skills are engraved in his bones.

Not to mention the fighting skills such as 'Six Styles' and 'Liu Shuiyan Shattering Fist', the 'Ripple' and 'Spin' alone are enough for this weirdo to drink a pot.

Jon's punches were as fast as lightning.

‘Ola Ola Ola Ola! ’

Every punch comes with the burning damage of lava

——It belongs to those who have cultivated both magic and martial arts.

After three to five minutes, the blaster couldn't hold on any longer and fell heavily to the ground.

Jon crouched down.

Extract new memories from the opponent's body.


In just one day, two memories were harvested.

Moreover, the newly purchased 'Explosion' is obviously focused on defense. It can form an explosive protective force field around the body, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

"This memory is very suitable for 'Quicksilver'." Jon thought to himself.

After releasing the transformed form, he came to Pietro, who had suffered a lot due to his recklessness, "Don't say I don't take care of you, keep this memory well, and don't be so impulsive in the future."

Pietro was silent.


So angry!

At this moment, Togawa Kochun ran over from a distance holding a mobile phone.

"I knew it!" She was extremely excited, "I knew you were the hero who silently protected this city!"

Me, protect the city?

Reporter sister, there may be some mistakes in your guess.

Jon looked at the other party and said angrily: "As for the scene you just recorded, I will not force you to delete it. However, please do not send it out."

"I understand, it needs to be kept secret." Togawa Xiaochun gave a thumbs up, "My purpose is to let the people of Fengdu know their heroes better, not to cause trouble to the heroes."

After a pause, she changed the subject, "But..."

"But what?" Jon asked.

"However, if the wind is so strong, there will always be someone like that guy. How should we ask you for help then?" Togawa Kochun said worriedly.

Jon thought about it carefully.

‘Adultant’ monster=new memory=increased transformation form

If we can accept more related commissions, then the memory must not be like running water, rushing in.

Rolling his eyes, Jon said: "What you said makes sense. Well, I have a friend. Don't look at me like that. I really have a friend. In short, his name is Zuo Shotaro, and he runs a Narumi restaurant. Detective agency.

Although I cannot disclose my detailed address and specific situation, people who are troubled can contact me through him. "

"Just think of it as an advertisement for our good brother." Jon thought to himself.

Brother and sister Pietro and Wanda looked at each other.

What kind of sin did the man in the hat (Brother Shotaro) do to meet such a person? !

"Narumi Detective Agency?" Togawa Kochun silently repeated the name, then nodded, "Okay, I understand, I'll go back and finish the manuscript now!

Tomorrow morning, I must let all the people of Fengdu know the heroic deeds of Kamen Rider-sama! "

Jon scratched his eyebrows very humbly, "There's no need to be like this, I'm just a hero out of interest."

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