A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 697 The Southern Continent War: A loving father and a filial son


Endless light falls from the sky like a sharp sword.

Breaking through the thick clouds.

A roar faintly resounded in everyone's heart.

Not long after, the blazing sun rose, returning warmth to this ancient land.

Klein looked up.

Thoughtful in mind.

Although Amon did not take action himself.


Adam is better.

"This is the power of the dual-sequence true gods." He took a long breath, and the desire in his heart became more urgent.

Sequence 3 is too weak.

Klein retracted his gaze and whispered: "Let's do it step by step. First, we must end this war."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lynne poked her head out of the button, a look of horror on her little face.

"It's so scary. The sun god and all that. It's really scary."

She is an elf who has recovered from the dark ages. She has personally experienced the "ancient sun god" sweeping across the world, fighting wildly in the wilderness, and the rise of Long Aotian.

Adam's predecessor made all the ancient gods cry for father and mother. As a follower of the Elf King, Lynn naturally had a deep shadow on the 'sun'.

Klein was quite amused and deliberately frightened her: "My relationship with the Sun God is very good. If you have any bad thoughts about me... Humph!"

"Don't dare, don't dare, absolutely don't dare." Lynn shook her head like a rattle, "I told you, I just had a premonition that something good would happen around you, so I followed you."

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt aggrieved: "Who would have thought that Guang and you have suffered for such a long time, wuwu."

Six-armed girl sobbing·jpg

‘The God of Luck’ is no longer lucky.

No matter what you think, Klein Moretti, it's all your fault!

Klein just wanted to tease Lynn and didn't want to make her cry.

Also, what's going on with this tone?

It makes me look like a scumbag who failed a girl...

"OK OK."

He comforted softly: "I'm joking with you a little, but actually I'm not familiar with the Sun God at all."

With a slight cough, he deliberately changed the topic, "Dear God of Luck, the beautiful Miss Lynn, let me use your super intuition to judge, what should I do next to achieve the greatest degree of good luck? "

Lynne has a great personality.

Hearing what Klein said, he really stopped crying.

She blinked her eyes, looked at Klein seriously, and then shook her head with a strange expression, "Sorry, I can't see anything from you, but just based on feeling... you seem to be a bit unlucky."

Hearing this, three black lines appeared above Klein's head.

No matter how hard things get, sister--

Feeling bored, he shrugged and said nothing.

Lynn laughed dryly and seemed to want to say something else.

Suddenly, a vague warning flashed through her, and she retracted Klein's button.

"Huh?" Klein felt something.

But he saw Amon come back, showing a relaxed smile and saying to Klein: "How is it? I am very efficient in doing things, right?"

"High, high, high! Brother Meng is high and hard!" Klein did not hesitate to praise him.

He rubbed his hands and looked at Amon expectantly.

Amon had no intention of joking and threw a cross necklace over casually.

"Take it, don't lose it. I found that you have a habit of throwing things around. This is a bad habit and you need to change it."

This is what I said...

Hard to argue with.

Klein smiled awkwardly.

The 'Black Iron Cross' returned to his side, and he truly felt the intimacy of blood connection.

Long time no see, another me!

Amon left just as quickly as he came.

With a bang, it turned into a bunch of flames and disappeared between heaven and earth, as if he just came to say hello to Klein and play a role as a courier.

He left in a hurry, not even having time to exchange a few words.

Klein guessed that brothers Amon and Adam must have gotten into trouble with the "Lord of Storms" and couldn't get away for a while...

But the question arises again, what if Amon is not here and the ‘Lord of Mysteries’ guy is causing trouble in secret?

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

He has been subconsciously induced to step into a pit many times.

"It's hard to do." Klein shook his head, with a wry smile on his lips.

However, after experiencing so many things, his mentality has long been tempered and hardened than steel. I quickly put this matter behind me.

Don't be anxious.

Don't worry too much.

Having had previous experience, if the 'Lord of Mysteries' dares to come and provoke him again, he will fish out that specific projection from the long river of history.

Rubbing the uneven surface of the black iron cross, Klein said in the tone of an old friend reuniting: "Welcome back, Sherlock."

The black iron cross trembled slightly, as if in response to Klein's words.

There is no need to see outsiders, everyone is one of our own.

Klein began to actively absorb the spirituality stored in the ‘Black Iron Cross’ to repair himself.

With the external energy source, his recovery speed is completely different from before, and he can almost repair the damage all over his body visibly.

Sherlock, best friend!

Klein was extremely happy.

Lynn poked her little head and looked at this scene curiously, seeming a little hard to understand.

In any case, at the cost of a favor, Klein finally recovered from his injury in a very short time.

"Then, the next step..."

Touching his chin, Klein looked thoughtful.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and decided not to attack rashly, but to rendezvous with the main force first.

"I don't know what the situation is now. Now that the Red Scorpion has been solved by the Rose School of Thought led by Sharon, and the weather effects have been eliminated by Adam, no matter how you think about it, we should have an absolute advantage." Klein thought to himself. .

He reached out and forced Lynn's little head back into the button.

Holding his cane, an illusory door appeared in front of him. He walked into it and disappeared instantly.

the other side.

Azik looked at the wreckage all over the ground, a trace of unbearability flashing across his face.

Obviously, he didn't know how many times he had seen similar scenery.

But this time, his heart was shaken.

"Mr. Azik, these are necessary sacrifices... Being unable to give them up means that nothing can be done. From the day the 'Artificial Death Sect' defected from the Spiritual Religion, this was the destined ending." See Azik There was something wrong with Ke's expression, and Queen Shia spoke softly from the side.

Azik smiled, "Yeah, I know."

Queen Shia was stunned for a moment.


What an honor it was to be the Archon of Death.

The mountains of corpses and seas of blood he has seen must be ten, hundred, or even thousands of times more than what he sees now!

He made a mistake and did such a shameful thing.

It seems that it is not Mr. Azik who is deeply affected by the battlefield, but himself.

Queen Shia turned the 'pale ring' slightly awkwardly.

Azik said softly: "Thank you for your concern, Miss Shia, but..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression froze.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Azik's face showed an unprecedented serious look.

Queen Shia swore that she had never felt such a chill in this gentle gentleman.

Bone-chilling cold.

The coldness from the depths of the soul.

Almost swallowing her whole!

If it weren't for the protection of the 'Pale Ring', Queen Shia felt that she would have been frozen by the cold death air emanating from Azik unconsciously.

Fortunately, Azik was aware of it and restrained his external spirituality in time.

He lowered the brim of his hat so that no one could see his expression clearly, and silently said to Queen Shia, "Something happened suddenly. Please excuse me for being with you temporarily."

After saying that, without giving the other party time to react, he left this place through the underworld.

Queen Shia opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

In short, Mr. Azik must have his reasons for leaving rashly.

All he could do was stabilize the situation and wait for his return.

The words are divided into two parts.

Azik reappeared from the underworld, silently, and followed his bloodline to an unknown dense forest.

There was deathly silence in the forest.

All the trees withered and all the insects were extinct.

Only a unique stroller was parked safely in the middle.

Azik chuckled, "Your aesthetics are still the same as before."

In the stroller, the green-faced and fanged Salinger, who looked like an evil ghost, buzzed: "Azik, my child, you don't seem surprised."

When things came to a close, Azik was no longer as nervous as before. He looked directly at his father, whose appearance had changed drastically. He could not connect with the cold and cruel Emperor in his memory, who had no trace of human emotion.

Shaking his head, he said: "Haitel is not that powerful and can recreate the 'artificial god of death', but..."

"It's just that the devouring evolution is very similar to the witch's witchcraft, right?" Salinger naturally continued, "Sometimes in order to achieve your goal, you have to go against your will, even if you are not so willing."

At this time, Azik was really surprised.

"God of Death", "Emperor of Hades", "Eternal Sleeper"

Salinger, who holds many titles, would actually say such a thing?

"Oh, I have become different from before." Salinger spread his hands.

What was clearly a cute move turned into something eerie and scary on his part.

The God of Death, who was no longer in glory, sighed: "It is no longer my time. If you want to survive, you must make changes."

Hearing this, Azik remained silent.

Salinger stared at his most beloved and valued child, and chuckled: "You gave up resurrecting me. To be honest, I don't blame you. A long time will change everything, Azik, not just me. , you are no longer the same as before."

Azik remained silent.

Salinger didn't care and just extended an invitation: "Come back to me, child, and we can recreate the glory of the Balam Empire."

Azik couldn't help it and smiled.

This laughter seemed somewhat harsh in the empty environment.

Salinger's expression suddenly turned cold.

"What?" He asked word for word: "You don't believe it?"

"So, do you believe it?" Azik asked.

Salinger was speechless.

After a long time, he hesitated and said: "There will always be... a way..."

Azik didn't know what to say.

Even you yourself don’t believe that the Balam Empire will return, so why bother dragging me into the water.

not to mention.

I don't want to go into the water yet.

He shook his head and refused very gracefully: "I'm sorry, father, I am now a member of the Church of the Fool and live as an angel serving Mr. Fool. I can't leave with you."

"Fool...Fool...hehe." Salinger was quite disdainful.

But He did not dare to burst this illusory bubble.

Fools are not to be feared.

The scary thing is the one behind the Fool.

Plus his own secret mission...

Salinger felt that it would be safe to leave a way out at least.

Of course Azik didn't know the thoughts in his heart.

Invitation failed.

Azik didn't want to stay here any longer, so he took off his hat and said goodbye: "Take care, we will be enemies when we meet again."

"Leave? Azik, do you think I asked you to come here to reminisce?" Salinger stopped pretending and gave a cold expression.

He said he understood, but did he really have no resentment at all in his heart?

Only a ghost can believe it!

As Azik is the biggest backer of Salinger's resurrection, this behavior is tantamount to a shameful betrayal!

It's just that the force is stronger than the person, and now is not the time for the attack.

But then again.

Acting, it’s true and false.

It is difficult to distinguish between nine points of truth and one point of falsehood.

Along with his words, strange spiritual fires rose around him.

In this deserted wilderness where no one is paying attention, He, the great God of Death, His Majesty the Underworld Emperor of the Bailang Empire, will go all out to perform a show of loving father and filial piety.

"Is that really the case?" Azik was not surprised by Salinger's attitude.

He was prepared before coming.

It's just that before I fell out, I still had a little bit of luck in my heart.

"You are right in what you said. Times have changed." Azik took off his hat. "In this case, you cannot look at me with the same eyes as before."

you hate me?

Coincidentally, I hate you too.

I'm still the same person I was back then, just with a little more humanity.

You are not the same person you were then.

Infinite death energy rises.

Azik completely lost his usual gentleness.

Salinger felt very sad when he saw it.

He is just a disobedient and rebellious child, and now that he has a new boss, he is riding on his head.

If the power of death is still in his hands, he can suppress the opponent with just one thought!

The war is about to break out.

Neither father nor son stopped.

It's just that the power of death versus the power of death is just like the ghost system fighting the ghost system. It can't be said whether to restrain or be restrained. It all depends on personal operation.

In terms of operation, Salinger is definitely better than Azik.

However, Azik's advantage is that it has plug-ins.

As soon as Killer Queen·The Third Bomb was launched, no matter how many advantages Salinger had created before, they would all be erased by the reverse flow of time. Unless he reaches the level of Sequence 0 and can ignore special laws, Azik cannot be killed.

Sallinger admitted that He was sour.

Xindao Xingkong Evil God is really generous, even willing to give special abilities of this level.

But at the same time, I have a little more expectation for the future.

This thigh is really worth a thousand dollars!

Azik was struggling with Salinger and didn't notice anything strange happening to the coalition forces.

The Klein people who had just rushed back to the main force were stunned.

He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

After repeatedly confirming that he was not hallucinating, Klein raised a wry smile, pretended that nothing happened, turned around and walked back.

The original witch is also laughing.

He held a translucent spiritual worm between his fingers.

With a gentle squeeze, a bloody hole immediately burst out in Klein's chest.

"Littering is not a good habit, Klein Moretti."

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