I have typed and deleted, deleted and typed, and I don’t know how to start.

Then let’s go directly:

Although I don’t know how many book friends are still paying attention to this book. Anyway, is there anything you want to read? Depending on the situation, I will write some free extras and put them in the related works. If you are willing, just post this chapter here.

※This is not a joke. Don't accept any jokes either. This book does not tailor the plot for any reader.

The above sentence "Is there anything you want to read" specifically refers to "something that is not written/mentioned in the book, but that you are interested in and want to know about".

For example:

"I want to know Qin Jue's future arrangements"/"I want to see the daily life of Entertainment Class 1"/"Will xx and xx cooperate in the future"/"What was the first encounter between xx and xx like" etc. ←Here are the suggestions you can send to this chapter. The author looks forward to it and is happy to see it.

"I want to see Qin Jue and Cheng Zheng go out for a date and their sweet post is photographed by passers-by and posted online, sparking heated discussions and then netizens consuming CP!" ← This is a joke. The author will ignore this type of content. Please don't embarrass the author by suggesting such specific plot developments (I'm sure you won't).


The following is a lengthy explanation, you don’t need to read it:

I have always felt that it is not a good thing for the author to have too strong a sense of presence. As the saying goes, a good author should automatically and consciously cyber-death after posting an update, leaving only words. After all, readers are reading the book and paying attention to the characters. As for the plot, it's a bit rude for the author to always jump out to make a sense of presence. Readers don't need and don't need to pay for the author's personal mess.

I have also been a reader and have followed updates. I know what it feels like to stand in the perspective of a reader when an author fails to update and publishes a single chapter every three days. There is a saying that it is very disturbing. Who goes online to read this? ? ——So I would like to apologize here first. It’s my fault that I’ve been bothering you so much lately.

I was officially diagnosed a few days ago, and just like a few years ago, I have to welcome two friends, severe depression and moderate anxiety, into my home again. This time, I also like to mention the three-piece package of eating disorders/sleep disorders/executive disorders. It doesn’t matter, the visitor is a guest, so we will entertain him together first.

I don't say this to gain sympathy, just to state the past. You may have also noticed that the tone and wording of my words now do not sound like human speech, or at least they are not the same as before. Therefore, an objective fact is before you: from the last chapter to the present, I I opened the document several times, but I couldn't continue writing the main text while ensuring the quality.

Another thing that makes me panic is: I can’t tell whether I can’t write now because I’m in such a bad state and need to recover, or because I have just learned about Qin Jue, the story of this book, and this. The embryonic world has lost its passion for expression.

If it's the latter, that's terrible.

Again, everyone may not have written something, but everyone has been a reader, and no one needs to pretend to be someone else. My experience as a reader tells me that a creator’s state of mind, creative state, and understanding of what he writes are Whether the character has love and enthusiasm for the words he writes is difficult to disguise in the work.

This is especially true for creations driven by interest. Without the desire to express and the feeling of love, writing will just be pure and forced. No matter how hard you try, there will only be a few dry words and sentences. Readers who are familiar with the work will understand it at a glance. I know this is trying to make up the word count.

I don't want that.

There are many situations where a book is canceled because of poor grades, but there is a situation where the author has to stop updating the book because the author is tired of feeding himself. Don’t do that!

So I thought I was going to save myself.

After all, really, after all, my current state cannot be said to be a normal and healthy person in the human world. I believe that I can't do it smoothly just because of various factors (such as my illness, the plot currently being serialized, etc.) Write the book down instead of, I'm out of love.

This is only the second year after Qin Jue's rebirth. She still has her third, fifth, and tenth years. There are still many more days and brilliant achievements waiting for me to outline and describe them. I can't ——I don’t want to give up——I shouldn’t have fallen down lightly right here.

So back to the beginning. If you don't mind and don't force me, please help me.


Human emotions are too complex to explain in a few words, so I will omit Butter Cheese’s repeated struggles and self-questioning under the pressure of many factors such as responsibility/morality/author’s professionalism, and keep everything simple:

[About the main plot]: I know how to write, and I won’t give up. It’s just that I can’t write it now, so I’m still working hard. (I personally hope things can get back to normal in August)

[About recent updates]: First write some extra stories to moisturize your hands. The extra stories may be in the form of stories, or they may be Q\u0026A and miscellaneous talks. Because the main purpose is to recover + restore enthusiasm, so I won’t put any more pressure on myself and relax a little. Come as you wish.

[Number of words about debt]:

Although I don’t want to admit it, the accumulation of debt is indeed one of the causes of my anxiety. One of the concepts I have been instilled in me since I was a child is that “you must keep what you promise”, and because of this, I have become more and more trapped in jails. Many shackles are I set it on myself.

Just two hours before this single chapter (help?) was posted, I was debating the Bible with my relatives and friends in the private chat window. I repeatedly said no, I promised to make up for it, and my relatives and friends said, why don't you read it first? As for the overall situation, if you continue to be so entangled, I'm afraid you won't be able to write anything. It's better to throw away your reputation and everything else and let yourself take a breather. It's more important to survive now. I'm going to need cephalosporins and wine to worry about thinking about you. The debt is almost settled.

Well I think she's right.

But I’m really not that willing. What I haven’t done is just that I haven’t done it. The results are here, and there’s nothing to say, so after a bit of tangle, I decided to settle on the custom:

The current progress of the update is that it has reached 6.3 (completed). The 27-day update from 6.4 to 6.30 (2000*27=5w4) is still under the category of update. The 54,000 words will be made up later. Supplements refer to supplements to the main text, and extras are not included here.

As for July, let’s leave it at that. Everything will focus on rehabilitation. I won’t consider what I owe or don’t owe more this month. I will treat it as a pure vacation, rather than a rest-and-break holiday.


This book has almost four million words written in a eloquent way, which is probably nothing at the starting point, but if I think about it differently, "Here I go, I wrote four million words of food for my OC!", it makes me somewhat proud.

Creation is a happy thing, even happy because of pain - no matter what year or month, no matter what my state is, I still firmly believe this.

To this day, all the book friends, old and new, who are still active in the comment section and subscription list of this book, thank you very much.

Thank you for your support and companionship. I wish you good fortune, a successful career, good health and all the best.

(Although...well...to say something that may offend...this book is so confusing, how on earth did new readers get here...(.) 7(← Really confused Butter cheese.jpg

Okay, that's it, run away!

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