A post-apocalyptic boss aspires to dominate the entertainment industry

Chapter 18 The Lost Dream (please vote for recommendation)

Qin Jue twitched his lips: "I thought my dad would give me a call after I left for a whole night and half a day."

"He didn't hit him, did he?" the policewoman asked.

Qin Jue nodded: "I was even more angry. I only came back to apply for a new ID card and didn't do anything else."

"How did you go from the station to the police station and back?"

"They're all taxis."

Officer Li calculated the time in his mind and found that it was indeed correct.

He suddenly asked: "What conflict did you have with your father on your birthday?"

Qin Jue pursed his lips: "It's nothing."

"Classmate Qin, you must answer the question head-on. What conflict did you have, and how did you and the director meet?" Officer Li said seriously.

...Qin Jue sighed.

"Domestic violence," she whispered. "Ever since my family went bankrupt and my father was an alcoholic, he has been beating me."

"On my birthday, he tore up my admission letter. We had a little argument, and he hit me again, and I ran out."

The policewoman gently covered her hand with her hand: "Then, where did you run to?"

"I have a boxing gym that I go to."

Qin Jue's voice was still low: "There are a lot of gangsters on the street over there at night, and they sometimes fight with them. Director Jiang invited me to be a guest star just because he saw me fighting."

Out of sight of Qin Jue, the policewoman nodded to Officer Li. She had just seen Qin Jue fighting with another person in the behind-the-scenes video.

"Why did you fight? After being abused by your father, you also wanted to use violence to vent your anger?" the policewoman asked again.

"There must be a reason for this." Qin Jue raised his eyes to look at her, then looked away, "And... my mother said that it would be too embarrassing for people to know that the bruises on my body were caused by my father. , not good, so she asked me to tell the teacher that I was fighting with someone else when asked. As time went by, I actually started fighting."

The policewoman's delicate eyebrows furrowed: "Your mother knows about your father's domestic violence? Are both of you victims of domestic violence?"

She asked in detail because this type of behavior affects the credit reporting system and also involves property and other issues.

In contemporary society with strict credit systems and strict laws and regulations, even if a person dies, his illegal behavior will not be forgiven.

"No. My dad won't do anything to my mom."

Qin Jue said in a muffled voice, "My mother often travels on business. When she is away, my father will beat me. My mother... knows about this, but she will come over and apply medicine on me, which is quite good."

How good is this? The word "Chuan" between the policewoman's eyebrows deepened, and Officer Li used his eyes to indicate to her to control her emotions.

"Okay, so you left Liancheng on the night of the 19th, traveled back and forth between Liancheng and Shencheng on the 21st, and have been filming in Shencheng since then, right?"

"Yes." Qin Jue nodded, "I finished filming yesterday and stayed an extra night. I planned to come back after receiving my pay today, but I got a call on the way."

She was silent for a few seconds before finally speaking: "Although I don't have a good relationship with my dad, it's really impossible for him to suddenly drive out. I don't think it was an accident, or at least there were other reasons."

"We will continue to investigate this." Officer Li said, "That Lurei 37 is your family's private car. It is very rare for electric vehicles to explode, and the equipment inside is also damaged in the explosion. There is no way to query the video and other information. This is very strange.”

"What? Wait, didn't the system call the police when my dad had an accident?" Qin Jue seemed to have just remembered this problem.

"No. We speculate that the system in the car failed before the accident. Judging from the surveillance, your father broke through the fence when turning. That mountain road is indeed an accident-prone place, but there are very few Lurie series cars. There was a security breach.”

"But this is not something you have to worry about. Our people's police will do our best to restore the truth." Officer Li said.

"Classmate Qin." The policewoman seized the opportunity and interjected, "Do you have any evidence to prove your father's domestic violence? Audio recordings, photos, videos, or scars are all fine."

Qin Jue was stunned for a moment: "There are injuries, but I have been injured on the set these past few days while filming, and they have been covered together..."

As she spoke, she half turned around and pulled up her clothes.

The policewoman couldn't help but want to hold her forehead. This child was too honest. At this time, she could identify him directly with a little thought.

"Then you go back and think about it, do you have any evidence?" The policewoman looked at her bruised and purple body, feeling a little distressed, and whispered, "You don't need to let your mother know."

Many families will prevent victims of domestic violence from telling their stories because of the mentality that family scandals should not be publicized.

"...Well, I'll give it a try." Qin Jue didn't say much, "Thank you."

Her questioning ended here. Officer Li took her to sign the body recognition form and the autopsy permission form. Two more police officers drove her home. Qin Jingsheng's body was left at the police station and transported to the police station after forensic examination. Funeral home freezing.

"Classmate Qin, do you need one of us to stay with you?" The person driving this time was a young police officer.

Qin Jue shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm waiting for my mother to come back at home." She took a breath and said.

"Okay, if you have any trouble, just call the police. We are on duty 24 hours a day. If you have any clues, you can tell us at any time."


Qin Jue watched the police car drive away.

She was alone at home, and the house was empty.

After sitting quietly on the sofa for a few minutes, Qin Jue got up and searched in the living room. She didn't lie when she answered the question. Qin Jingsheng did tear up her admission notice on her birthday.

Of course Qin Jingsheng would not sweep the floor by himself. In his words, what does it mean for a grown man to do such trivial things. They bought two sweeping robots at home, which have built-in vacuum functions. They will automatically go downstairs every week and dump the garbage into the garbage storage bin in front of the unit. However, after Qin Jingsheng passed away, no one opened the door, so naturally he did not go out.

Qin Jue opened their garbage bin and found a few conspicuous fragments inside.

She shook the dust off and pieced together the general contents.

Admission notice from Beijing University of the Arts.

Oh, she remembered.

When she was nineteen years old, she was admitted to the Music Department of Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in composition and composition technology theory.

Jiang Qiuyue has never been stingy about spending money on education. Qin Jue's junior high school went to a well-known aristocratic private school in Liancheng, while her high school went to an international school with more expensive tuition. There were only more than a hundred people in each grade, and the number of students in each class was small. If they are over thirty, they will not take the college entrance examination. From the second year of high school, they will be divided into classes according to their intended country and prepare for TOEFL, IELTS, GRE and other exams.

Qin Jue was promoted by Jiang Qiuyue. She kept a distance from everyone in school and had few friends. However, she would become more popular at art festivals or performances because she was always the one who was pushed to perform.

In international high schools, the relationship between classmates is not very good, because you don't know when the person you just met will go abroad to study first, and there is no time to deepen the relationship with each other. It's even more embarrassing when there is a performance party. Everyone is preparing to apply for an offer. Even if they have time, they would rather go out with friends or rest by themselves. Every time the teacher can't organize anyone, he habitually takes Qin Jue, an honest person, there. .

Because Qin Jue's music theory and performance skills were pretty good since he was in elementary school. From middle school to high school, he was either in charge of copying and copying music in a choir or an arranger in a Western orchestra. He was a very instrumental person.

After living like this for too long, she finally found some interests other than fighting. After submitting her application to a foreign university in the second semester of her sophomore year of high school, while waiting for the offer, she taught herself the relevant theoretical knowledge and passed the exam. As for the written examination and online interview, since there were no college entrance examination results, the additional general examination grading process was longer, so the admission notice arrived a little later.

Qin Jue looked at it for a while, then threw the debris and dust back into the garbage bin, opened the door and let the two sweeping robots go out to clean up after him.


"I'm fine." Qin Jue smiled, "I just feel it's not suitable anymore."

The dream before the end of the world was too far away, and she didn't even think of it earlier, so there was no need to force her current self to cater to the ideal of the past.

What's more, whether you devote your energy to a career you love is not determined by an acceptance letter. As long as she is willing, she can continue learning anytime and anywhere.

Sen Ran responded obediently and said nothing more.

Qin Jue waited for a while and saw the two sweeping robots coming back one after another. The one who entered the door later turned around, knocked on the door twice, and closed the door. The electronic screen at the top showed a =V=. Flashed.

Robots are so humane, but people are not. She smiled softly.

After setting them to sleep, Qin Jue walked into the study and found the spare machine in the drawer, which was associated with the call records of Qin Jingsheng's mobile phone.

She called the police station and told them that related records showed that Qin Jingsheng received a call from out of town on the day of the incident, but she did not know what the content was.

The plainclothes guy answered the phone. He wrote down the call time and duration, and told Qin Jue not to worry. They would get to the bottom of it.

"Trouble." Qin Jue's tone was a little heavy, with a hint of fatigue at the end.

"Classmate Qin, please have a good rest first. We will also send someone to pick you up from your mother's side, so don't worry."

"Okay, thank you."

Qin Jue hung up the phone and smacked his lips. He felt that his line skills were very good. Maybe he was really suitable to be an actor or a voice actor.

She laughed at herself, knowing that sooner or later the police would find out about the MLM organization and restore the "truth", so she stopped wasting her energy and returned to the bedroom to quickly fall asleep.

On the bedside table, next to the electronic clock, Qin Jue's mobile phone screen faintly showed the shape of a slowly flowing ouroboros, like a dynamic image that keeps spinning when the page is loading.

In the huge system space, rows of characters flowed up and down, shining with bright green light. Mori Ran was entrenched in the complicated flow of information. Wherever he stared with a pair of lantern-like snake eyes, the information there would immediately be rearranged and combined, from garbled codes to clear and precise data.

Qin Jue's soul strength was her "electricity". Sen Ran transformed into a virtual girl, leaning against her snake, her palm-sized face full of seriousness that didn't match her appearance.

She can no longer be lazy. In the next few days, she will completely digest the spicy chicken system!

Thanks to [book friend 140909232710602] for the recommendation vote (bow

This chapter and the previous chapter were actually written together. After I finished writing, I found that the word count of 6,000 seemed too bloated, so I wrote them separately_(:з」∠)_

That’s right, the work has been signed, and I can guarantee that there will be 3,000+ daily updates for 30 consecutive days. Now you can invest in reading points for free, and if you don’t make money, you won’t make money. Friends——(Wave your hands vigorously

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