That's right, the song Qin Jue chose was "Particles" sung by Earth's female singer Yu Zhen.

When practicing arranging, she consciously absorbed music that was different from Blue Star's popular style. The characteristic of "Particles" is that although it is rap music, the overall beat, including the selected instrumental materials, has a cold and ethereal sense of loneliness. Most raps use fast lyrics to comment on current events or vent emotions. This cosmic song has a cool and atmospheric style, forming a wonderful and strong contrast.

In the initial hook paragraph, Qin Jue's voice was slightly hoarse, but his articulation and intonation sounded extremely ethereal.

Immediately after the end of this section, the solemn melody was cleverly connected and entered the rap section, and the lyrics also changed back to a common theme - love.

"You show up in a strange place,

"Automatically become the focus of strangers.

"And I noticed when I showed up,

“You blush silently and your face starts to burn.

"I couldn't help but look at you,

"You're too focused on me when you're looking at me.

"We might as well create chaos;

“Get away from the crowd and explore outside.”

Qin Jue emphasized the vowels in the words, and his intonation dropped at the end of the sentence, just at the end of the rhythm.

This passage is written from a first-person perspective and instantly depicts the scene of two people meeting for the first time in front of the audience. It is clearly talking about love at first sight, but it does not express these four words clearly.

“Dear devil, so dangerous and so beautiful.

“The pupils reach the end of the hair, and no ink is needed to draw the night sky.

"Buy for you, buy clothes, buy bags, buy land, buy diamonds, buy shoes, never mind,

"Injured, traumatized, suffered, vilified, and still, for you, fearless.


“I’ve traveled through countless galaxies.


"Most of the time I'm alone,


"I never thought anyone could stop me."

The pauses in this section are very interesting, and at the same time, the appearance of "Galaxy" brings back the feeling of loneliness that comes from the hook section. Particles form people one by one, but the cold laws of physics write a devotional love. The "you" in the lyrics is the only person that the singer can stop for and sacrifice for.

Qin Jue's lips opened and closed quickly against the microphone, and he sang the next two lines quickly, then moved on to the next hook, and repeated this until he came to the end.

"I don't care whether I can go to heaven after death.

"Sing loudly while you're drunk next to me.

"I'll get drunk with you and sleep with you.

"I stand in the way of the will of the gods for you,

"Sing religiously like a believer."

The last melody fell, Qin Jue left the microphone, raised his chin slightly, but drooped his eyelids, his expression cold and cold, as if a god was looking down at all living beings from the indifferent universe, but there was a hint of tiredness hidden in his eyes inadvertently. , one can tell at a glance that this "god" is extremely obsessed with a certain insignificant human being, but is struggling to chase him/her.

She paused for a few seconds, then coughed twice and returned to normal.


Qin absolutely smiled at the camera.

【good? ? ? Is that okay if you tell me this? ? 】

[Redefining "Okay\

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