She collapsed on the ground, looking straight at one place.

After nearly half a minute, his eyes moved and gradually regained focus.

Qin Jue stood up little by little, dragged a lame leg, crawled somewhere on his knees, carefully grabbed something, and held it in his arms.

It was the "schoolbag" she had thrown out before.

There is nothing wrong with that position. What a terrifying spatial memory!

Qin Jue didn't give Tang Ting more time to be surprised. She held her schoolbag and raised her upper body halfway, but her back was hunched and trembling slightly.

She suddenly threw herself to the ground, held her hands on the ground, and retched violently.

It was a strong nausea that surged from the depths of her stomach. She was vomiting painfully and convulsing. The panic in her expression did not occupy a large proportion, but her eyes were more confused and confused.

This is the most common and logical situation.

Just like when a person is suddenly slapped while walking on the street, the first reaction of most people is not to fight back, not to be angry, not to be afraid, but to be confused - why me?

Where did I offend you? Why are you doing this to me?

Qin Jue pressed one hand on the ground and the other hand tightly on the "schoolbag". He was twitching and vomiting, saliva dripping from his lips, and he was in a miserable state.

This is school violence.

This is malice in its purest form.

There is no reason, no reason, relying on ignorance and arrogance to easily inflict harm on innocent and weak people.

Qin Jue flinched and looked up, moving slowly from left to right.

This is looking at people...

Both the interviewer and the audience painted a picture of what she saw.

It was the person who was in the bathroom originally.

But when she was violently bullied, no one came to help her.

Instead, there were looks of disgust and maybe pointing hands as she fell to the ground and vomited.

Qin Jue's body shrank even smaller.

She lowered her head, trembling shoulders, and when she stood up on the ground, one of her legs was kicked and she fell again. Just hearing the sound made people feel the pain.

She stood up again with all her strength, maintained her balance, and limped away.

Then, Qin Jue walked to the center of the open space. She took out the "key", opened the "door", and tiptoed back to her room like a panicked little animal.

She put down her schoolbag, slowly squatted on the ground, and hugged herself tightly.

After a while, she kept this position and lay down on her side, squirming inward little by little, her eyes closed, her face pale and trembling.

——She curled up and hid under the bed.

The scene is breathtakingly real.

The corner of the interviewer's mouth on He Xu's right twitched fiercely. She recalled the news. Children who had suffered school violence were so scared that they hid under the bed when they returned home. No matter how much their parents persuaded them, they did not dare to come out or go to school.

The atmosphere in the entire venue was horribly depressing, with only the faint sound of camera equipment.

Then Qin Jue opened his eyes, got up, put his hands back on his chest and armpits, and slowly walked forward with his head lowered.

Oh, this is a transition.

Everyone was stunned.

Not long after, Qin Jue stopped limping slightly and looked at the ground, trembling desperately and not daring to raise his head.

She "saw" the familiar pair of shoes.

The hearts of the audience were severely plucked. Is this young man going to be bullied again?


Qin Jue fell backwards to the ground, his body constantly twisting from the "kicking", and finally he could only curl up and hold his head with his hands.

After a few seconds, she stood up again, lowered her head and walked forward slowly.

Oh my god, do you want to do it again?

The only female interviewer covered the lower half of her face with her hands.

Sure enough, Qin Jue fell to the ground again. This time her hands were separated, and "fist" was poured on her face crazily.

A few seconds later, she stood up again...

Some people in the audience could no longer stand it and looked away in discomfort.

He was bullied again and again like this. When did it end? When will it end?

But...that's what real school violence is.

Those who are bullied never know when this hellish day will end.

Qin Jue fell to the ground.

Fall to the ground again.

The last time, the zipper of her "school uniform" slipped down during the beating, and her neck and shirt were stained with blood.

She collapsed on the ground in a large shape, her eyes looking straight at the ceiling camera, even blinking seemed stagnant.

After a while, Qin Jue stood up again.

This time, her expression changed. She was no longer confused, no longer afraid, and even the physical nausea was gone.

She dusted herself off indifferently, picked up her schoolbag and put it on her back.

After walking to the edge of the clearing and turning around, everyone cheered up.

This is a new transition.

What is he going to do? Will he find the courage to resist? Or should I seek help from a teacher?

On "this day", Qin Jue's hands were hanging by his sides, and he didn't seem to be carrying a schoolbag.

She pushed open the "door", moved sideways a little bit, then suddenly took a small step back, hurriedly squatted down, and picked something up on the ground.

"It's in the classroom."

Tang Ting said softly.

I turned sideways because the desks and chairs in the classroom were densely packed and there were piles of books on the desks, so I could only turn my body sideways. He knelt down to pick up and pick up, and it was obvious that he accidentally touched something belonging to his classmate. Judging from his gestures, he should be picking up pens one by one. He put them into the pencil case, picked them up and handed them over, nodding apologetically.

She completed this series of actions and then walked carefully sideways. As she moved forward, she slowly changed from sideways to facing forward.

Experienced people immediately knew that they were walking to the back of the class.

Poor students and gangsters usually stay in the back row, so there are naturally no books on the table, so there is no need to walk sideways.

Sure enough, he came to find the "person" who bullied him.

The audience and the interviewer were all focused, waiting for Qin Jue's next move.

Unexpectedly, her face was still full of fear and cowardice. They obviously saw that she was "yelled" and took two steps back with their shoulders hunched.

"Teacher," Qin Jue finally said his first sentence, his voice breaking as he spoke, "Teacher asked you to go to the sports warehouse and move... move things."

Her voice was hoarse, she kept swallowing and stammering, and her tone was a little sweet.

"Girlish"... This is probably the reason why this boy was bullied for no reason. The audience thought so.

Qin Jue took another step back, and apparently the "person" in front of him stood up.

One of her calves suddenly trembled, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

"You lead the way for me!"

The second voice is extremely abrupt, but it is extremely natural in the plot.

Number 2 looked up in surprise. The person who made the sound was actually He Xu.

Qin Jue was not affected in any way. He shrank and looked at the "person" who gave the order. He nodded and turned away.

She walked around the open space, staggering forward from time to time, and it seemed that she was kicked by "people" along the way.

Finally, she stopped, stretched out her hand to "open the door", and turned her steps ninety degrees, like a welcome guest or a watchdog, holding the door obediently and humbly, waiting for "people" to come in.

"Damn it, it's so dark! Why are you standing there, please turn on the light!"

This time the voice actor is Tang Ting.

Qin Jue didn't respond. She turned around slowly and closed the "door".

There was silence for a second or two.

The audience could imagine the impatient scolding of the "person" in their ears.

In the open space and within the camera lens, Qin Jue slowly turned to "him".

She didn't deliberately grimace, nor was she fierce or angry. She just raised her eyelids calmly and slowly and looked over.

There was a pool of stagnant water boiling in those dark brown eyes.

She picked up "something" very gently, held it in her hand, and looked straight ahead, one step at a time, two steps at a time.

The camera directly opposite perfectly captured her figure slowly moving forward.

Three steps, four steps.

The two girls who were the guides were feeling cold all over, and they held the fabric of their clothes tightly with their hands behind their backs.

very scary.

So scary, so scary.

He's coming, he's coming--


Qin Jue swung hard at the camera!

"Ah!" Several people in the audience screamed.

What she held in her hand was obviously air, but she still waved the "Wind Sound"!

The cameraman was also shocked and couldn't control his hand, so the camera angle was skewed.

This tilt is more like a "person" being hit by a blow and his head tilted to one side.

Qin Jue "held" the weapon with one hand, and his body was completely upright.

She stood there, looking down at the camera.

The director cut all six screens to this camera position.

The camera is now from the "person's" perspective. From this perspective, Qin Bianyi stands there with a calm look in her eyes, and even a hint of curious exploration, as if she was not the one who attacked just now.

What is he going to do?

Goosebumps arose in the audience. It was obvious that this boy was the one who was bullied not long ago. Why, why is he so scary now?

Qin Jue held up the tilted camera with his free hand, just like holding up the "person's" chin.

From the first perspective, the sense of immersion was so strong that Tang Ting couldn't help but shudder.

Four suffocating seconds passed, and Qin Jue studied the expression of this "person". Her eyes were still staring at the camera, her sickly and pale face, and the corners of her mouth slowly opened to both sides.

Like a child getting a new toy, she smiled happily.

Everyone can get a message from her extremely terrifying smile——

"It turns out it's so fun to hurt others."

The expression on Qin Jue's face suddenly dropped.

The whole audience followed her change and their hearts beat wildly for a moment.

She was seen arranging her messy clothes slowly, walked to the center of the open space, and bowed in the direction of the audience and the interviewer.

"My performance is over, thank you all," she said.


Everyone at the scene suddenly woke up!

Yes, she is performing!

But what she was performing was completely inconsistent with——

The expressions on some people's faces were completely frozen.

What did Mr. He just say?

He said, "Perform Mawson."

Perform Mawson.

Qin Jue's audition was not in the script or the original work, but she did play Mo Sen!

No paragraph has ever been written before, the former Mawson!

Mawson was transformed from a victim to a perpetrator!

The whole place was in an uproar!

Thanks to [Lman] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks to [Jun Moxiao] for recommending votes x3 (bow

Thanks to [tubcsfybct] for the recommendation vote x3 (bow

Thanks to [Pig is chanting ^~^] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks for the continuous recommendation votes, follow-up updates and this chapter~

ps. The cover is under review and will be available in two days.

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