The distance between Shencheng and Liancheng is not far, and it only takes about three hours by highway. Even so, it was almost two o'clock in the morning by the time everyone rushed back to the shooting location. During this period, Cen Yi caught up on his sleep, Jiang Shuming and Qin Jue After talking about the script, I couldn't help but squint for a while. The last stretch of the journey was very quiet. Apart from the driver, only Qin Jue was still awake, sitting in the back seat and turning the script very lightly.

The drama "The Cage" started filming not long ago, and like most of the crew, it was divided into Group A and Group B to shoot in parallel. The film spans a wide geographical area, and the crew's filming locations were also scattered. Team B has been staying at the Canhua Film and Television Base in Suzhou Province, where they rented modern sets for the relaxed daily life of the early stages of filming the film. Team A was led by Jiang Shuming himself and mainly shot the criminal organization part, with some outdoor scenes in Shencheng and Lingcheng. When I was filming the red part, I rented a famous boxing ring in Shencheng, but I was stuck for four or five days, forcing Jiang Shuming to seek medical attention urgently due to illness. However, the final result was good, even exceeding expectations, so my persistence was not in vain.

Everyone got off the car at the entrance of the hotel at the Shencheng Film and Television Base. Cen Yi, who had been running all day to make announcements, was shaking when he walked. Fortunately, his assistant was waiting for him and rushed to the room when someone arrived. Qi Qingyuan seemed to be in good spirits. Wherever he stood, he could perfectly blend into Jiang Shuming's bodyguard.

Jiang Shuming yawned. He had been stuck on a scene for too long, which affected all aspects. He had no time to rest at this time, so he took the assistant director, Wu Zhi and other staff to a meeting to coordinate. Assistant Xiao Wang followed him, and the other Xiao Chen stayed to help Qin Jue check in. The hotel had been booked in the car, so it didn't take much trouble.

"Hard work." Qin Jue nodded and watched Xiao Chen leave, who still looked unhappy. When she turned around, Qi Qingyuan was standing next to her. He was 1.9 meters tall and felt a bit oppressive standing there, but he did not express any malicious intent.

"Brother Qi?" Qin Jue looked as usual, "Would you like to go back to your room and rest?"

Qi Qingyuan nodded.

The two took the elevator to the fifth floor of the hotel. The rooms were not far apart. They were all standard double rooms with all the facilities.

"Please give me some advice during filming." Qin Jue did not mention that the two of them had no roles to play together, and used this sentence as a greeting before going to bed.

"It's up to you to give me more advice." Qi Qingyuan said, "I can't beat you."

It's honest.

Qin Jue smiled and said, "I'm not as good at acting as you." They were just teaching each other.

Qi Qingyuan nodded and added: "Remember to find a temporary assistant, otherwise you will get hurt."


Qin Jue had other plans, but there was no need to bother explaining, so he accepted the offer.

After watching Qi Qingyuan disappear behind the door, Qin Jue entered and locked the door. The smell of blood and sweat had never been washed away from her body. She had become accustomed to it in the last days. Afterwards, she realized that it was not very polite in modern society. It was a shame that Jiang Shuming didn't show any concern and told her. Such a long play.

After closing the curtains and checking the cameras and hidden corners, Qin Jue took a shower carefully. Genetic optimization is not something that can be completely transformed within fifteen minutes, it is just similar to "early activation". She has been injected with hormones all year round, and her physical characteristics cannot be adjusted in a short time. She has also seen this flat body for a long time, and in her heart Nothing unusual. However, the bruises caused by Qin Jingsheng's injuries overlapped with the marks left in the boxing ring a few hours ago, which was quite eye-catching.

Generally, when actors enter the set, a life assistant will bring a flight case with energy drinks, snacks and a change of clothes in it. Qin Jue had nothing on his body except his mobile phone keys. He was wrapped in a bathrobe and about to make a call to customer service when someone knocked on the door. It was Cen Yi's assistant who came to deliver something. He was fully clothed from head to toe, inside and out.

"Brother Yi asked me to come here. These are his own clothes. The size may not be suitable. You should wear them first. If you feel uncomfortable, I will ask someone to change them."

Qin Jue raised his eyebrows. "Thank you for your hard work. Please also thank Brother Cen for me."

"It's easy with a little effort." The assistant smiled and said, "Just go ahead and do the filming."

After saying that, he closed the door from the outside neatly, keeping his gaze straight the whole time without moving down, and standing outside the door with precise steps without crossing the line.

Very professional assistant. Qin Jue expressed his affirmation, changed into a set of vests and trousers, sat at the table, picked up the script, and used the hotel pen to draw a circle on the key words mentioned by Jiang Shuming.

The young China has very few scenes, no lines, and the script is also very brief. According to Jiang Shuming, the difficulty lies in expressing emotions. Although China is a cold and cruel killer, this coldness and ferocity are not shown to others at once, but are hidden in daily life, showing the effect that this person is usually like this.

When Jiang Shuming narrated the play to Qin Jue, he used his own copy of the script, which was very complete, but Qin Jue only marked the part about young Chi Na. She was promoted temporarily and acted in her true colors. She could not separate herself from the role. It was useless to know too much about the plot, so she did not pay attention to the truth of Chi Na's life experience, the journey of young Chi Na and the suspenseful response of the whole movie. Turn it to avoid showing flaws when shooting.

Qin Jue only has four scenes to shoot, two of which are fighting scenes.

The first scene was a group battle, shot from a low angle, and the final frame was the back of the person behind the murder. Jiang Shuming said that if possible, it would be best to take one shot; the second scene was a one-sided killing, and Chi Na accepted the order as if he had eaten a meal. He easily killed several people tied to the ground, and when he noticed the sight of young Ji Sheng, he turned around sharply.

In the last two scenes, one is a background panel, just follow the villain boss, and the other scene is Chi Na sitting in his "room" after killing people, watching the young Ji Sheng walk by, and there is a period of eyes following him close-up. Jiang Shuming has not yet talked about this scene.

The oil-based pen twirled flowers in Qin Jue's hand. Her amount of information was consistent with that of the young Chi Na. At this time, she was trying to deduce Chi Na's emotions at that time from the known information.

First of all, "China" is not a name, just a code name.

The organization divides people into four categories: sheep, dogs, hounds, and wolves.

Sheep are captives, most of them are captured policemen or family members of organization personnel. Once they no longer have the value of coercion, they are sent to the laboratory to be used as materials, or given to the upper three levels for pleasure training;

Dogs are low-level thugs who have certain abilities but are not loyal and cannon fodder who can give up at any time;

The hound is a high-level thug who takes orders from his superiors and controls the dogs at the bottom, supervising them and killing traitors at any time;

The wolf is a killer and has no interest connections with other levels. He only serves the boss and will kill someone if he takes action.

The wolf king among wolves uses the code name "Chi Na". Chi Na means "wolf" in Mongolian. In the organization, it is the code name that only the best among the wolves deserves.

Chi Na has been killing non-stop since he can remember, from rabbits to pheasants, from Tibetan mastiffs to tigers, from bears to humans. His fighting style is full of ferocity, and every move he makes is a dead hand that cuts out the heart and neck. His vigilance is also Like wild animals, dodge relies not on brains, but on intuition.

Apart from basic general courses, China has never studied anything else. After he became literate and learned common sense about life, his life was so monotonous that he only injected drugs and killed people every day. He appears wherever he is needed, and when not needed, he stays in the "room" on standby. The room is square in shape with no bed. In the four corners is a squat toilet, a shower, a sleeping area, and one for delivering meals and entering and exiting the door.

It was in such a room that Chi Na saw the boy Ji Sheng through the prison-like vertical door.

Qin Jue put down the script and walked to the corner of the hotel room.

She turned her back to the corner and slid down slowly against the wall, looking for possible positions that Chi Na could use.

This posture should be convenient for getting up and attacking. Attack is the meaning of his existence, and it is also the best defense. However, the aggressiveness should not be too obvious. A smart beast knows how to dormant his own danger. In the end, he must leave a few A detail that is enough to reveal boredom - teenagers can be silent and introverted, and they can be inactive, but they will never fail to feel boredom.

Qin Jue tried a few postures and then fell into a daze.

While in a daze, she subconsciously bit her nails. This is the habit of this body, which has been changed in the last days. When the white edge of the nail is bitten off, the layer where the nail cap and the nail flesh are connected will be exposed, and the layer of flesh that is raised up will be bitten. Tearing it off was something Qin Jue liked to do back then. Human beings always deceive themselves and think that pain can offset pain. At that time, Qin Jue looked at the bumpy nails and felt that the injuries on his body were not so painful.

However, this is her habit, unlike China's.

Qin Jue stopped her habitual behavior of biting her nails. Nails grow the fastest and rarely return to normal after genetic optimization. She didn't want to be disturbed by uneven nails when twisting people's necks or punching.

After remembering this, she took on Chi Na's mood and continued to stare blankly ahead.

There is a support on her knees, perpendicular to the ground, and the hand in the same direction wraps around her thighs and calves. At first glance, it seems to be a very common sitting posture. In fact, she can push her feet down in an instant, and use the strength to stand up and move forward. , launch an attack.

While in a daze this time, Qin Jue began to draw lines with his nails slightly above his ankles.

One way, two ways.

Every other breath, take a stroke.

Qin Jue's nails were not long and could only make faint white marks. China's nails in the setting are sharp, like real wolf claws. They are useful for scratching and prodding, and they should draw blood.

Qin Jue kept this action and began to imagine that someone was passing by in front of him.

It wasn't until Moriran called that she stood up, patted her clothes and quickly fell onto the bed. From six o'clock to ten o'clock, Qin Jue opened his eyes as soon as Cen Yi's footsteps reached the door. His eyes were clear and clear, and he was no longer sleepy.

"Brother Cen, thank you for your clothes."

Qin Jue's first words when he opened the door were to say thank you.

Her social rule has always been to come and go. When you are helped, thank you and help back. If you are hurt, you will be compensated in equal measure.

"What a big deal." Cen Yi waved his hand nonchalantly and looked at her with admiration: "You have a good figure and the clothes look good."

Qin Jue smiled and said nothing.

He, Cen Yi and Cen Yi's assistant took the elevator downstairs, got into the nanny car arranged by the crew and rushed to the rented boxing gym.

After getting off the car without going to the filming location first, the two lounges in the boxing gym were rented out as dressing rooms. Qin Jue was led in by his assistant Xiao Chen. Chi Na had no lines, so she didn't have to review the script with others during the makeup break. Xiao Chen settled her down and went back to do other things. Jiang Shuming hired a lot of extras in the boxing ring, and the costumes were secondary, unlike costume dramas. It was cumbersome, but there were still a lot of issues such as makeup, noodles, lunches, remuneration, etc. She didn't sleep much this morning so she was there to help with the arrangements.

Qin Jue sat down in front of the makeup mirror and looked at a pile of bottles and cans and round soft brushes. He sincerely revealed the common doubts and vigilance of straight men, making the young makeup artist smile.

"Relax, your appearance is very good, little handsome guy." The makeup artist looked at Qin Jue's face and looked in the mirror from time to time.

"It's just that your skin is too good. I'll make it rougher for you next, don't mind." She added.

Qin Jue said "hmm" to indicate that he heard it. She has been rough for more than fifty years, and she is very uncomfortable with such delicate occasions, and her muscles are tense.

Cen Yi gave careful advice and was staying in the dressing room at this time. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her appearance. He was determined to divert her attention, so he coughed lightly and got down to business.

"The actor's makeup serves the plot. The makeup looks the same, and it looks the same in the camera. Director Jiang is very good at using lighting, and the shots are very textured." Cen Yi said.

Qin Jue was putting on makeup and couldn't nod, so she thought of a question that wasn't very nutritious to show that she was listening.

"Why do the male and female protagonists in some works remain unchanged?"

Cen Yi smiled.

"Every actor has at least two sets of makeup designs. The first set is carefully customized for their appearance, making use of their strengths and avoiding weaknesses. The second set is the acting makeup, which creates the character, not themselves."

"Xiao Qin, what an actor plays is always a play, even if he plays his true character, the play is still a play. No actor is exactly the same as the character in the script. You must first understand whether you are acting a 'play' or an 'acting' Own'."

Thanks to [Mrs.

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