@Muquan Film Review V

1-4 from VBo PC side

Thank you all for the friendly discussion under the previous film review of "The Cage". A good work will never be dimmed by its shortcomings. Instead, its advantages will become more obvious through repeated tastes. This time I want to talk about the character China alone.

The creation of characters is inseparable from the actors' interpretations. In the past few days, I have also heard many anecdotes about the filming of Qi Qingyuan, the young actor who plays Chi Na. Objectively speaking, Qi Qingyuan's acting skills still need to be improved. Looking at it alone, it is not outstanding, but this does not mean that he is holding back. On the contrary, this dullness and jerkiness make the unsociable Chi Na look more and more lively.

My comment on this is that it is not outstanding, but it is suitable.

And being suitable is exactly what a good work needs most. Jiang Shuming has always been famous for his "two lights" in the industry. One is lighting during shooting, and the other is picking people's eyes. It has to be said that the film "The Cage" is very suitable for every casting. Each actor has just the right balance to produce a proper chemical reaction and jointly create a good work.

Among them, Qin Jue, the actor who plays the young Chi Na, is also included.

I have read discussions about this young actor before. If the news is correct, "The Cage" should be the first movie he starred in. How outstanding his performance in the film is in my opinion can be explained in one sentence - I think Qin Jue supported at least 30% of the box office of "The Cage".

When I say this, I know that some people will say that I have received money (laughs). Let me first explain that I use my credit report to guarantee that all the evaluations (including positive and negative) of "The Cage" do not contain any commercial transactions. , is just a spontaneous act of an individual.

Before getting into the topic, let’s talk about the rhythm of the movie. As we all know, the story begins with Ji Sheng, who is in his twenties. Whether it is the tragic death of his parents or the young boy Chi Na's escape from the fire, they are only inserted into the plot in the form of flashbacks, and there are not many scenes.

Next, let us think about an additional question: Why are the plots between Chi Na, Lin Ling, and Lin Rujuan so fascinating and deeply resonant?

The arrangement of the story and the laying out of the plot are naturally on the one hand, but the other reason is something that most people cannot refute: there are more scenes.

With more scenes, there is room to tell the story to the audience, and the audience can experience the collision and development between the characters in enough time.

So, second question, what is everyone’s impression of China?

I think this is a very simple question. Anyone who has watched the movie or has known it indirectly can extract several distinctive keywords from China, such as "Killing is instinct", "To the world Ignorant", "taciturn" and so on. In this, Chi Na's force value is said to be the strongest in the whole drama, and almost no one refutes it.

This is where it gets interesting, and this is where it gets key.

I don’t know if you viewers have noticed that during the period of young Chi Na, which is the main plot of the movie, even if Chi Na kills Ji Tao at the end of the story, the camera does not show a very detailed process. .

Even in the scene with Lin Rujuan, when Chi Na was massacring obscene people, the camera was mostly given to Lin Rujuan, allowing people to see her emotional changes, with a mixture of relief at being rescued and panic at witnessing a one-sided massacre on her face.

You might as well calm down and think about it. There are so few detailed scenes of Chi Na's murder. Why do we subconsciously think, "He is very strong" and "He will kill him if he takes action" when mentioning Chi Na?

The answer is obvious——

Because we’ve seen Shounen Akina!

I noticed an interesting statistic in a certain group of "The Cage", titled "Which scene in "The Cage" impressed you the most? 】, in this post, everyone's answers are varied, such as "Lin Rujuan and Chi Na have a relationship", such as "Ji Sheng's different changes in sitting on the sofa several times", "Pregnant Lin Ling appears on the big screen", "Ji Sheng "Wang Ziqian takes drugs", etc. This also shows that "The Cage" itself has many highlights.

But (laughs), after my little statistics, I found that among the nearly four-digit replies, nearly four hundred people mentioned the same topic - Young China.

I believe that if a poll titled "Were you frightened by the boy China's head turning at the beginning when watching "The Cage" was inserted here?", then the proportion of people choosing "yes" would be overwhelming.

Similar to "Seeing that look back, I have no doubt that Ji Sheng was frightened and lost his memory", "If Ji Sheng dreams about this scene every day, then I understand why he can't sleep well, because I also had nightmares when I went back." Comments, I see a lot of them online too.

Not only looking back, but also the scene where young China killed someone.

This clip appears later, along with Liu Jing's narration, where Chi Na fought six people alone and killed them one by one. The smooth and bloody scene left a very deep impression on people. Even viewers who can't explain why can still feel that Chi Na's killing moves and techniques are so smooth, fast and precise, without any fancy or unnecessary movements, completely It totally fits the character's setting - he was raised to kill people.

I was extremely curious about this and paid special attention to the ending credits during the premiere. In the column of martial arts instructor and action consultant, I saw the same name as in the credits: Qin Jue.

Later, in order to verify my personal guess, I took the liberty of calling Director Jiang Shuming and got the exact answer.

For all the parts of Shounen China, there is only one martial arts instructor and one action consultant.

This person is none other than the actor himself!

It's Qin Jue!

In other words, he designed all the fighting scenes of the boy Chi Na himself!

Qin Jue's wonderful performance in these clips, with the least amount of scenes, firmly established the character of Chi Na, an important role!

Because we have watched Young China, even if we don't see the detailed fighting scenes of Young China later, we can still imagine those bloody and terrifying scenes in our minds.

What a wonderful Qin Jue! Awesome Jiang Shuming!

I understand very well that Director Jiang has such confidence that he did not retain the scene of young Chi Na killing people in the post-editing. Instead, he focused on the arrangement and advancement of the plot, making Chi Na and Lin Ling, Lin Rujuan's emotional changes in the conflict are more full.

Because China’s power has been firmly established and there is no need to emphasize it any more! What makes this possible? It’s the young Chi Na played by Qin Jue!

Without this foundation, Young Chi Na would definitely need to add more fighting scenes to enrich his character. In contrast, his love with Lin Ling and his personal growth would not be as full and full as they are now. It is even less likely to move many viewers.

To borrow a recent hot word on the Internet, Qin Jue is really a treasure actor.

In him, I saw the words "accurate and efficient". There are only a few appearances, but every one is the highlight. Not to mention Chi Na's character, the look back is full of murderous intent, instantly bringing the audience into Ji Sheng's perception, not to mention the scene of running away from the fire, even if the camera switches between each other, there is no trace of it. I also asked Director Jiang if I wanted to help him out, and the reply I got was "One way!" No wonder it's so smooth and the tension is brought to an extreme!

Many people in the audience may not notice it, but it is the stacking of these small details that finally presents a masterpiece that moves people's hearts.

I can't help but say again, Qin Jue is really a treasure actor.

When he appears, he must leave an impression, but it is not an impression that belongs to him, but to the character. Looking back, killing, running away, and even the earring on the back are all just perfect memory points. He shines, but doesn't steal the show, and only serves the plot. After watching "The Cage", I understand very well why Director Jiang spent a lot of effort to choose the actor of the young China, and the result has proved his wisdom!

Haha, as I write this, my mood seems to be back to when I played "The Cage" three times, and people are getting excited.

Finally, let me make a digression. I recently heard that the actor Qin Jue who plays the young Chi Na is only nineteen years old (New Year's Day has passed, so it can be said that he is twenty). I am really amazed by his talent and talent. At least in terms of martial arts, I have been impressed by this actor, and I hope to see more performances related to literary opera in the future. For such an outstanding person, it is difficult for people not to look forward to it after seeing his performances.

I’ve become a fan, please come on!

Thanks to [All-encompassing 1103] for recommending votes x4 (bow

Thanks to [Repair My Knife] for the recommendation vote (bow

Thanks to [loyal, filial, benevolent and righteous minister, brave and invincible general] for recommending votes x3 (bow

Thanks to [·Guyue·] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks to [Stress Response] for the recommendation vote x5 (Bow (Welcome!

Thanks to [Jin Tong Ah] for the recommendation ticket x4 (bow

Thanks to [Ghost Eyes Mingxuan] for recommending votes x4 (bow

Thanks to [Pig is chanting ^~^] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks to [book friend 20171022101222771] for the recommendation vote x6 (bow

Thanks to [Xue Yiren] for the recommendation ticket x30 (bow

Thank you [Long @Daydream~] for your recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thank you for the recommendation vote x2 for [Potato Stewed Cake] (Bow (Welcome~

Thanks to [Night Breeze Fantasy] for the recommendation ticket x30 (bow

Thanks to [Emperor Kangxi] for the recommendation ticket x20 (bow

Thanks to [Su Xiaozhi] for the recommendation ticket x5 (bow

Thanks to [Small Small Square] for the recommendation ticket x6 (bow

Thanks to [Heaven's Inverse] for recommending votes x6 (bow

Thanks to [Luo Fuhao] for the recommendation vote x6 (bow

Thanks to [Large Medium] for the recommendation ticket x6 (bow

Thanks to [Luo Jianhao] for the recommendation vote x6 (Bow (Hey, what is your relationship with Luo Fuhao x

Thanks to [not entered yet] for the recommendation ticket x6 (Bow (Welcome~

Thanks to [Wushi] for recommending votes x4 (bow

Thanks to [Simple Day] for the recommendation ticket x4 (Bow (Welcome!

Thanks to [Dragon Fighter] for the recommendation vote x9 (bow

ps. I originally set a timer for this chapter, but it didn’t get posted last night...I was so stupid (I hugged my head)

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