Qin Jue raised her hand dripping with blood and looked at it. This preset action brought her mind back to the time when she was joking with the makeup artist Wu An, and her murderous intention was restrained.

She did it on purpose. Who says this sadistic desire can't be used to her advantage?

Qin Jue took a breath, maintaining himself in a state where murderous intent was surging but not losing his mind. He calmed down and said to Jiang Shuming:

"Is this okay?"

The people around her who were shocked by her tyranny and strength finally came to their senses.

He was actually acting!

Cen Yi, who was watching from the side, had goosebumps again. He could see that Qin Jue was trying to take advantage, but it was still creepy to watch her in this state up close. She was completely different from the person who obediently listened to his lecture in the dressing room!

After all, Jiang Shuming had experienced big scenes, and Qin Jue's eyes were clear and clear, giving people the illusion that they were all performing and under control. Jiang Shuming calmly said: "Double the remuneration for extra performers, Xiao The salary of workers has been increased by 30%, so let’s install a blood pack this time!”

The worker was the one who stepped forward to install blood packs for people. The angry group performer just pushed him and he fell hard. Jiang Shuming also saw this and didn't want to chill people's hearts.

Money is the most effective pacifier most of the time. The extras who didn't rush forward also thought about it, and two of them knew that Qin Jue was deliberately irritating. After all, her skills were very poor, and she was only as simple-minded and irritable as the leading extra A. Will really take the bait.

Qin Jue had long since noticed that the boxes in the corner were filled with supplies, such as tissues, mineral water, etc. They were somewhat scattered after extravaganza A was thrown out.

In the past, the person who treated A's wounds was still the same boy. He was young, a bit cunning, and quite clever. He didn't mind being pushed, and he was even happier after getting a raise in salary. At this time, he had the courage to squat next to extra actor A with iodine and cotton swabs, and he was not afraid that the person would spread his anger on him after he had just been taught a lesson. .

Qin Jue thought for a moment and walked over.

As soon as she approached, extravaganza A's face, which was filled with rage, changed, and he shrank and moved back.

Qin was unmoved. He squatted down and picked up the mineral water bottles that were flying everywhere. Although he was irritated, he had restrained most of his outward aura and succeeded in making extravaganza A and the worker unaware. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, buddy, what are their names?"

Qin Jue squatted on the ground like the boy and asked them.

"Brother Qin, my name is Zhang Ming." The boy smiled ingratiatingly. He had already found out that this boy Qin was specially found by the director, and he turned out to be very strong today.

"My...my name is Li Dazhuang." Actor A said sarcastically.

Qin Jue smiled: "Yes. I remember."

Then he said: "I'm sorry just now, I am an actor, I have to help you find your state."

It was obvious that it was just nonsense, but his expression was so natural that both Li Dazhuang and Zhang Ming looked like they suddenly realized something.

"Then your acting skills are so good, you are worthy of being the person that great directors are waiting for!"

Li Dazhuang doesn't have much money, he just talks about whatever comes to his mind.

Zhang Ming also nodded.

Qin Jue smiled shyly: "That's it. It's not Director Jiang. You see, he didn't let me hang Wia. Do you know Wia? It's something that can fly around and kick people in the air." Director Jiang said that those were all three-legged cat kung fu, just showy, and of no use other than looking good, so he really started to do it."

Without saying a word, it can be said that it is very shameless to modify the knowledge points that Cen Yi heard and then export them again.

"Ouch, that's what happened." Li Dazhuang scratched his head, "Yes, the fights in the movies are all good, but if we really do it, we won't be able to kick him all the way."

Qin Jue was delighted when he heard this familiar local accent.

"Brother Li, I'm not familiar with the people in your boxing ring. You can speak to the other groups later. The shooting will start soon. Just charge up and hit as hard as you can. Even though I'm quite skinny, I can actually fight. "

Just as Zhang Ming was applying iodine, Li Dazhuang grinned: "Oh my god, I know you can fight, but you are so good at fighting."

Seeing that there were few people around him, he asked in a low voice: "Brother, have you been beaten down there?"

Qin Jue knew he was talking about black boxing and nodded with a smile.

"I have no choice. My family has no money. Why don't we just find a way to make some money? Why can't we just make money?"

"That's true." Zhang Ming nodded vigorously, feeling the same.

"I was brought here by Director Jiang later." Qin Jue continued to laugh and talk nonsense based on the facts, "Moviemaking is a serious business after all. It's not easy to tell your parents if you work in 'that place'."

These words resonated very much with the two of them, and they couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"If you can do serious things, who wouldn't want to do it?" Li Dazhuang said honestly. Those of them in the mixed boxing ring, looking at the scenery, are actually all managed by the boss above. At most, they can occasionally earn some extra money, such as being hired by students to beat people. . After one beating, it wasn't long before they discovered that the kid who was beaten was a client of their boxing gym. The boss scolded him terribly and even deducted his money.

However, no matter what, they at least had a job, unlike those who were hanging around outside and thought they were working with a really awesome boss, but ended up being taken along to steal batteries, and they got into trouble in minutes.

"Yes, isn't that what society is like?"

Qin Jue smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "That's it, Brother Li. I'm afraid you might misunderstand, so I came here to explain."

She stood up and said in a low voice: "The salary as an extra is average, but there are not many extras available. A better one will be paid 400 points for eight hours, and credit points will be given for good performance."

Qin Jue stood up, smiled, and spoke at a normal volume:

"Brother Li, your acting skills are so good. You can also catch my scenes and cooperate with me. It's quite impressive. I'll go to the director to praise you."

This is being sold on purpose.

Before Li Dazhuang could react, Zhang Ming's eyes lit up. He quickly applied the medicine to Li Dazhuang and then walked quickly to follow Qin Jue, who turned to leave.

"Brother, Brother Qin." Zhang Ming chuckled.

"I advise you to stay away from me. I'm still in the drama and can easily hurt others." Qin Jue glanced at him.

Zhang Ming choked for a moment, giggled twice, and came closer without any hurry.

The space in the studio is not very big. Even if it is spacious, it is still crowded with dozens of staff, extras and various equipment. Qin Jue's words at a normal volume can be heard by everyone. Those who are sensible know that she is appeasing the extras and giving others a step forward, and those who are smarter understand that she is selling favors.

Jiang Shuming naturally heard it and didn't mind Qin Jue's act of borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha. He immediately ordered one of the cameras to take a close-up of Li Dazhuang.

After the others heard this, they were surprised that Qin Jue could really speak in front of Jiang Shuming, and his thoughts became as lively as Zhang Ming's.

Cen Yi chuckled to himself. This boy looked polite and distant, but he didn't expect to be quite understanding of human nature.

That's fine, you won't suffer any loss this way.

Jiang Shuming changed his mind after seeing Qin Juedong's true character. Originally, "The Cage" was shot with a single camera. In other words, the scene where two actors A and B faced each other had to be filmed in at least two different shooting positions, so that the dialogue between the two could be edited. But multi-camera refers to multiple cameras in a scene, which can shoot panoramic and close-ups at the same time. It is difficult, but if it is shot well, the efficiency is also high.

Jiang Shuming has a lot of experience as a director. After he decided to change to multi-camera, he announced that the filming was suspended and re-debugged with the assistant director, lighting, and art designers. The actors and other assistants stopped being in the way and stepped aside wisely.

Li Dazhuang went to chat with several extras. Qin Jue walked to the seat left for her by Cen Yi and sat down. Wu An looked at her next to her to see if there was any makeup that needed to be touched up.

Although Qin Jue was upset and anxious, her constant hypnosis that she was Chi Na, a killer with no emotions, actually had some effect. At least when Zhang Ming and Wu An approached, she didn't lose control of kicking him down.

Qi Qingyuan was also following the team and nodded to Qin Jue: "Good fight."

"I almost beat someone to death, how can I do that?"

Qin Jue deliberately joked with him.

"If you are really good at kung fu, it would be easy to beat someone to death. But everyone doesn't do that. They know where to stop."

Cen Yi smiled and said: "It's good if you can maintain the bottom line."

Qin Jueyou noticed Cen Yi's behavior on the set. When his assistant asked him to step aside, he would say sorry to others, and sometimes he would raise his hand to help move things. This shows that he is indeed a kind and gentle person, and thus relieved of some of his problems. Wariness raised due to previous goodwill.

She then joked: "Brother Cen, you really look like a veteran cadre with the way you praise others."

Cen Yiyou was struck to his heart: "It's okay to be a cadre, but not necessary when you're old."

Qin Jue smiled and turned to ask Qi Qingyuan.

"Brother Qi, have you designed any customary movements for Chi Na?" She was worried about inconsistency and knowing how to cheat.

Qi Qingyuan shook his head and was silent for a while. Some of his answers were inappropriate: "He has experienced the explosion and learned about his life experience. He has become slower than before."

"He" refers to China.

Qin Jue didn't read the rest of the plot and said "oh".

This means that Chi Na has changed a lot before and after. No wonder Jiang Shuming didn't mention this. Her appearance is not similar to Qi Qingyuan. I thought it would be solved through makeup and hair. It seems that Chi Na may have experienced changes. There is a change in appearance, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

Hey, your appearance has changed?

Qin Jue turned his head and looked at Qi Qingyuan carefully, and found several subtle scars at the connection between his ears and face.

"I have been burned and had plastic surgery." Qi Qingyuan explained that he had no taboos because of his personal affairs.

Cen Yi added: "Qingyuan has been acting for many years. He was injured in an explosion while filming." He doesn't care about the other person's status or qualifications when making friends. He has met Qi Qingyuan who was a martial arts stuntman before, and this time he also has many friendships with him. In the rival scenes, the relationship is not bad.

Qi Qingyuan nodded: "The true character will appear."

Such a good performance... Qin Jue laughed.

"Director Jiang is very powerful," she said casually.

"Excuse me, Brother Qi, Brother Cen, Brother Wang, Brother Qin, and Sister Wu, I'll bring you water." A voice sounded appropriately. It was Zhang Ming who came over with a smile, holding a box.

Brother Wang is Wang Xuan, Cen Yi's assistant.

"It's Xiao Zhang." Cen Yi smiled, took a bottle of water and handed it to Wu An, who was sitting at the back of the seat.

A few people just passed the mineral water down. Qi Qingyuan patted Zhang Ming on the shoulder and asked him if he was heavy. Zhang Ming grinned and shook his head.

Qin Jue watched the two of them interact, and suddenly felt blessed.

"Brother Qi, is the temporary assistant you want to recommend to me Xiao Zhang?"

Qi Qingyuan didn't expect her to mention this suddenly, and was a little surprised. He glanced at Zhang Ming, who had a mixture of surprises on his face, and said honestly:

"He is good and can be considered."

"I haven't decided yet whether I want to continue being an actor or not. I don't need an assistant yet." Qin Jue didn't finish his sentence.

Zhang Ming had a quick mind and was very sensible, so he nodded and said, "Well, Brother Qin, just come to me whenever you need something."

Then he said: "I will put this box of water here first. You can use it whenever you want. It's convenient."

He squatted down and put down the box. Cen Yi helped, and a shiny gadget fell out of Zhang Ming's collar and shook it.

Qin Jue's fingers tightened slightly on the mineral water bottle.

It was a necklace. The pendant was in the shape of a hollow heart, and there was a small plastic letter Z hanging on the side of the heart.

"This necklace?" Qin Jue asked.

Zhang Ming let go of the water tank, looked down, and stuffed the necklace into his clothes, feeling a little embarrassed.

"My father gave it to my mother. My mother... died in a car accident, so my father wore it. Later, my father fell while building a wall at a construction site, so I was the one wearing this necklace."

He was a little reluctant, but he still smiled, with a frank look on his face that was a little frightening, fearing that Qin Jue and others would think that he was deliberately committing a misfortune, even though his self-report did suggest that he was taking advantage of the situation.

Both Cen Yi and Wang Xuan saw his little thoughts. When it came to gaining a position, selling out miserably was much more normal than frame-up and taking photos, so it was not so hard to accept.

And it’s not sold to them. Cen Yi glanced at Qin Jue, who seemed to be thinking about something.

Qi Qingyuan, on the other hand, rubbed Zhang Ming's head and said, "Live a good life."

"Okay! Thank you, Brother Qi." Zhang Ming was happy again.

Although he didn't know why, after working as a handyman for so long, this was the first time he met someone like Qi Qingyuan who he felt close to at first sight.

"I'm going to bring water to the extras. You guys are busy first." Zhang Mingyue said happily.

Qin Jue remained silent. She looked at Zhang Ming's back and then at Qi Qingyuan, who had become taciturn again.

She knew why Qi Qingyuan made her feel so familiar.

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