A Queen

Chapter 1,049 The Scorpion’s Counterattack?

Chapter 1049

Layers of blood scabs adhered to her skin. As Dai Li opened his eyes, an invisible and rich breath escaped from her body. The blood scabs fell off silently, revealing her flawless skin.

Twisting his head and making a scratching noise, Daili raised his eyebrows and activated the energy in his body...

The bloodline of the giant centipede was indeed very high, and with its extraordinary strength, she was lucky enough to obtain a complete blood essence, which increased the blood energy to 4000 clouds. However, her breakthrough this time was not with the blood clan, but with the thunder. Above the Tao.

Distracted, here she is!

Pressing the palm of his hand, a round thunder ball appeared on it. Unlike the thunder ball in the past, which released a large amount of thunder energy, the thunder ball at this moment seemed much quieter.

This is the result of Lei Yuan being condensed and suppressed.

"The 8000 cloud thunder element is really difficult to control, but those who have perfect control of the thunder path may be able to contain the thunder energy without revealing it." The mystery of Daili is not the control of thunder, but the paralysis of shadow and heel. It's a bit regretful, but there's nothing she can do about it. Her cultivation time is too short, and it's impossible to cover everything.

What's more, understanding the mysteries is not that simple.

Distraction is distraction. Now that we have reached distraction, we have to figure out what the difference is between distraction and Nascent Soul.

First of all, Yuanying is no longer there, and the state of distraction is related to the soul. The stronger the soul state, the stronger the state of distraction.

This is also the reason why Daili is eager to achieve distraction.

Of course, it doesn't refer to soul attacks. But a distraction that requires soul control!

Be distracted and distracted, meaning a clone! There is another divine word, which is related to the divine consciousness and soul.

outside the body. Being able to create a clone is equivalent to having another self with a connected mind. It is controlled by the main body and can possess part of the strength of the main body... Of course, this part requires personal talent. The birth of the clone requires two conditions.

1. The talent of being born. This has something to do with your personal talent. Your main body talent is strong. The first avatar is strong.

Second, you have to work hard the day after tomorrow. The clone will not be available as soon as you advance to the distraction period, but you need to work hard during the distraction period to create distraction. Generally speaking, the time to turn out distractions is usually at the Lord level, because only those who reach the Lord level have the soul power to bear the existence of another clone, and have the ability to strip away their talents to temper the clone.

even so,

There are very few people at the monarch level who can summon clones. For example, none of them, such as Master Liu and Xue Zhiyu, have summoned clones for Dai Li to take a look. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so embarrassed in the lair.

Well, now that Dai Li has reached the point of distraction, she is very sure that with her soul talent and soul refining with Tianchen, she can summon the clone for a longer time and with greater intensity than others. This is her advantage during the distraction period!

However, those of Snow Fish who have already advanced to the Lord level must be much more prepared for clones than she is. During this period, can she be their opponent?

"4000 Yun blood energy, plus 8000 Yun thunder energy. I am not afraid of high-level distractions that can reach 100,000 Yun attack,...but if it is a Jun level, even if it is a Jun level that has not been able to summon a clone, I have to Just prepare some means.”

Dai Li had great ambitions. Her combat power suddenly increased from 40,000 to 100,000. A mere high-level distraction could no longer satisfy her appetite. Mainly she felt threatened by the Third Young Master Feng from the Feng King Clan, as well as the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion and so on...

"Jie Jie. You have just been promoted to the Sovereign level and you are thinking about destroying the King. You are the most ambitious person I have seen in thousands of years..."

When Dai Li heard the milky voice, he rolled his eyes and glanced down at the black scorpion tattoo on the mermaid bone on the right side of his waist.

"get out"

"If you don't get out, I'll crawl out."

The tattoo materialized and appeared on Dai Li's waist, still looking that exquisite and cute...

If it is magnified ten thousand times and can be extremely domineering, this is the Scorpion...

"I haven't settled the previous debt with you, but you dare to come out and try to bring trouble to me..." Dai Li thought with his fingertips, pinched the small body of the devil and flicked it out of his body, and smashed it on the ground. Tai Sui meat flap.

"Hey, isn't it all over now? Besides, if it wasn't for your original energy that forced me into a contract..."

"It was about to devour you, but you had an idea and were so helpless that you contracted to be my slave! Don't pretend to be dead or pitiful for me, get up!"

With a grunt, the Scorpion got up from the ground and crawled over, "Well, actually this is a win-win outcome. You see, you were distracted and I got away. The two of us merged..."

"Who wants to merge with you! Fusion of human and scorpion? You are so disgusting!"


"Why, why is it disgusting?" Scorpion didn't understand the meaning of Dai Li's words. He thought that Dai Li disliked him, so he waved the big mastiff pliers and stammered angrily: "Why... why is it disgusting? Okay, isn't it just to cooperate and fight, to fight? The two of us have a symbiotic scorpion contract. If you can share my talent, I will be your scorpion pet! Why is it disgusting... No, no, no, I don’t want to be your spiritual pet, no no!”

Oh my god, this little beast actually has the habit of stuttering when excited... Daili touched his chin, secretly feeling that this kid was hiding underground. Although he was older, he was as smart as a child...

By the way, could it be that I stuttered because I complained too much?

"I remember that your demon scorpion tribe was just a group of ordinary scorpions in ancient times. I know someone. She has a jade bone dragon. That's called Lafeng. Look at you... you are small and not trashy. I will send you out. When spying on military intelligence, you’re afraid that you won’t be able to see someone’s face and you’ll be trampled to death accidentally…”

Miss Dai has always had a poisonous mouth. When she said this, the little scorpion turned red with anger! If it’s red, it’s red!

Dai Li was astonished as he watched a beautiful crystal scorpion quickly turn into a fiery red scorpion as if it had been roasted, "You...you are talking nonsense! Do this again...and I'm angry! We, the scorpion family, are not trash, my The tribesmen are very powerful..." Mo Scorpion was so angry that he wanted to rush over and pinch Daili's flesh with pliers...

Seeing that the little doll was angry, Daili couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, okay, it's okay if I'm wrong... don't be angry..." She pressed its head with a finger: "I was just kidding "

The Scorpion was no longer angry and sat down on the ground. (The Scorpion has a butt? Forget it, let’s just watch it and treat it like an anime picture.)

"I know you are right. We devil scorpions were indeed not very powerful in ancient times. We were very low-level creatures, and our group has always been sparse. There were less than a hundred in total. We had never cultivated, and were pitifully weak. As a result, we were exterminated. It’s our turn, so let’s forget about the genocide and...”

Someone has started complaining mode again..

It does sound pathetic.

"Oh...what? Less than a hundred?" Dai Li nodded and suddenly woke up, "Not even a hundred?"


"Then how come your soul crystals are so strong! Is it because all ethnic groups are so strong?"

"No, it's because we, the scorpion clan, have always had the ability to devour souls and swallow energy. After accumulating soul power, each one of us is very strong. It's just that we have no soul power and no other way to attack, so we can only We are hunted by other creatures as soul tonics, and we have to survive tribulations without any strength, so we devil scorpions will be struck to death by tribulation lightning at every stage... By my generation, there are less than thirty of them. , but thirty of them were exterminated..."

Thirty of them, Dai Li was stunned. This world is really cheating. It gave the devil scorpion such a perverted talent, but it made him look like an ant...

But if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant~~

Could it be that she gave birth to a useless little scorpion? Origin Qi, you won’t cheat me like this~~

"That's not right, then why did you break out when you were resisting the thunder calamity before..." Dai Li looked at the demon scorpion suspiciously.

"Um..." Scorpion tilted his head and thought about it carefully: "It seems like this..."

"..." It sounds like you don't understand.

Dai Li looked at the demon scorpion that had returned to its crystal form, and thought thoughtfully: "You demon scorpions all look like you?"

"No, they are all black, but I have no color...The elder said it was because I ate too little since I was a child...there is nothing in my stomach."

Damn, what a cheating elder.

"Where are your parents?"

"I have no parents. The elder said that I jumped out of the stone." The elder must have passed through it in Journey to the West.


Compared to the seemingly shrewd but occasionally dull Scorpion, Daili thought more about it. He always felt that this little Scorpion was a bit unusual, otherwise why would a group of people seal it up?

But it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s special anyway.

"What is the Scorpion's talent you are talking about?"

Daili had felt the imprint of his Scorpion soul before.

"Whatever I can use, you can also use. For example... I can swallow many, many substances, digest them, dilute and condense them to capture their essence, and I can also swallow souls..."

Upon hearing this, Daili felt powerful.

"No wonder I absorbed the spiritual fire so much faster... I also absorbed the soul crystals in a short time... So you are the first scorpion to survive the thunderstorm?"

"Yes, yes, without you, I will die, because my body cannot use any attack ability, but it seems that after symbiosis with you, I will be able to"

As soon as the Scorpion said this, he was suddenly stunned. Come on, it seemed like he had said something extraordinary?

Looking at Mo Scorpion who was still stunned, Dai Li smiled.

Invincible in talent but powerless in attack? Not necessarily...

Is the Jade Bone Dragon very powerful? Of course it is very powerful. The magic attack, physical attack and body defense are both heaven-defying. It is the first spiritual pet that Dai Li has ever seen. The Scorpion... is obviously a reserved type. This devouring talent is really awesome~ ~.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li's eyes blazed. The first demon scorpion in history to survive the thunderstorm from ancient times to the present...may be about to counterattack. (Oh, Capricorn, I plan to write it seriously, you must remind me not to forget it... I like Capricorn! Handsome!) (To be continued)



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